Children rol Pruvencc Frinae many recite theioliuwing Ever haturetha Christmas crib Jill vial lye mid June oi the Crib Gvanu thenvirtuea at those ho lurround you philoaophicai as elm the drummer Marrylnr exploring theworld the troubadour Mar work an the water as the ox which heaps herd tor rtth wide at theairman the kinder the weaver Thermal thommar Give In the kaaniocdac ot the iffhetheortuinela the pigeon Theimpuiaiveam oi cock Incoheretlonolthesm Wthamechnug thq zoodnes the wild The floodhumarï¬at did wine aidotolthe claim In the Ukraine an elabonte tmu Eve luer hreaks last durinl which no meat calm Nivetounea 51 manna naoxatfnm Star of Bethlehem Age Phenomenon The sm ot Bethkhaxn has been the subject at extensive re search and discussion Mailern astronomer hate con sidered aeveral natural phenom nithoht attaching 1M emuch weight to any such hypothesis Skeptics regard the whhle thin as mere jutcation colored with hurl maybe diaputed neverthe ess nostalgia prompts specula tion regarding world at human ity endowed with the virtues so earnestly and innocently enumer ed by the little ones thuntsrnuis Kane loreach ol the Aponlea buckwheat and nut pancakes in Ilaxr mush bread and nut aro uded in the menu gamed sixpointed oriental imagery designed to honor Chilit and laith accept the star as the supernaturalphea omanon vwhich proclaimed the birth of Jesus IA The first chapter of the gospel according to St Matthew be he book of the generation of Jesus Chflstthe son of David the non of Abraham Aud confirming Bethlehem as the city of David the angel of the Lbrddeciared or unto you is born this day inthe city of Davida SAVIOUR which is CHRIST the Lord Sh Luke 211 Considering tradition which acceptsxthat King Davids shield star the tar of Bethlehem appmpriateiu tood over where yo St Matth The deeimal systemrot china warlormally adopted in Canada CPJwhen ï¬rs men answered acnli to house on qusay Street 1055 was esti mated as wrench and two of itsaockela The articles were dropped iromjhe trucken ran to the blaze Sttijeffela Claude Mason unllgaqumuummm aracaa yams noon mosur moman name Apache is said to he The heaviiyyind trialized Sm Zuni or enemy It was given region betweeanrance and Gen those Indians by Onate Spanish many imports 90 per cent of its colonizer in the 16th century food supplies fJAcKész qRIL Mï¬wmmmï¬mg OUr oily need wiahoa go eat to all our nw Hands and neighbors font is reason of goodwill and cheer fliliLDWELI nnm Anna LLAAANOWLAN GARRY CALDWELL WINNIEREDEROVgNtNG Wlllm Plan GEORGE camwnul mun GIaneu in éyour 15a it yonpl Homovhnclrré btl eheei thank mm mm customers mamDaze emmlmnmmmmlmm the pat ear and take this opportunityzto wish all yoryi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year sumMes GARAQE unlaeiever you to kCANADlANfCSAENNRAL ELECTRIC Per your valued patronage mmyï¬hï¬akai And may you BARRIEwbRKsA reap rich harvest of happineubrtho holiday May the light of the Holiday Season shine bright and tangupon you and yours and nay its cheédut 91m remaln with you forever unï¬t Bantams LIMITED nmuaaiémriï¬ra sTEwAnTs RESTAURANT aA SERVICE STATION CUNDLES ONT aoo ABAYFIELD 51 BARRIE mom PA 34339