Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1956, p. 9

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ua Happy Christmas Since this will be the last editorial page untiiaftcr Christmas may we take this opportunity of wishing one and all Happy Christmas There may be those who have felt wounded by opinions voiced in this column in fact we know of one Whose eel lngs have been hurt but let us state that there has been no malice or personality in volved in any of our editorials with the exception of course of such as Nasser and theRussian dictators There are limits to good will when peace is involved Negt€i GOvernOrGeneral prominent Canadian magazinecatcrlng to fsociety proposes the Duke of Windsor as Canadas next GovernorGeneral This was supposed to be from crosssection poll but we are sure it does not indicate general sentiment Our opinion is vthe same as Smlths Falls RecordNews Iffliere is not qualified Canadian available then let Great Britain appoint the GovernorGen eral 3Letthc Duke stick to his cafe society set besides the Duchess has not yet been received nor recognized privately by the Royal family Old Age Security Thc Nizam of Hyderabad has retired at 75 Said to be worthover billion dollars it ivvouid seem that he has acquiredenough for his oidoge This Is Ontario Somewhat amazing is the report that the town of Little Current will not sponsor any Hungarian refugees Comments credited to three councillors We dont have to bother about that sort of thing They dont screen those Hungarians enough lhey cant get along in their own country so they will VAJust make trouble here Can you imagine This is in Canada infect its in Ontario The refugees would be well ad vised to stay away from there So Would otheeranadians Fewer Deputy Reeves Grey County wi avail January 1957 session Six municipalities which now have deputy reeves will not have them next year Editor George Cadogan of Durhamuncovercd the fact that some places did not have enough population to warrant an extra councillor and so there will be saving to the taxpayer Compulsory Car insurance It is estimated that 300000 cars now on Ontario roads and highways are uninsured The state of Neonrk has inaugurated compulsory automobile insurance which is long overdue in thisprovlnce 0n tarlos Unsatisfied Judgment fund permits uninsured drivers to have one accident be fore being compelled to take out insurance This is not lair to insured drivers who have to pay into the fund t6 protect the unin sured Besides that persons makingciaims those who have heenhltby the uninsured usually run into long legal delays before collecting iMPP Correct Designation Tousefithedesignatmn MLA orMPl in referring to main of provincial parlia ment has been the subjectot someeditorial controversy over the years Roderick Lewis Clerk oi Ontario Legislative Assembly states Member of Provincial Pariianient MP wasused both before and after Con federation and has alwaysbeen thesarreét designation somewhere about 1895 when it was first suggestedby federal member from York East Over the years Member oFLegislative Assembly MLA wiis used inore frequcntly but in 1938 motion was passed by theVOn tario House reaffirming the correct designa tion Member of rovincial Parliament or ACI fevler cannon lors when it meets OwenSound for the planr MLA was unheard of until Louisville Fred Grant sends in clipping train the Victoria rimeswhich concerns traffic on the main street of Iaulsvllie Kentucky the suggestion beingthat all traffic except by foot should be abolished However thats beside the point Fred writes until few years ago at least when used tocorr espond with them two former Barrieltes had gents furnishing stores two blocks apart on this street Hastings whose father had Jewelry store on Dunlop Street Barrie and Granville Burton brother of the well known lumber men here in 1870 Two other former Barrieltes HudsonBurns one or the la crosslsts and Jack Gill whosefathcr hede cartage business here also lived in Louis ville Kentucky and had the pleasure of meeting all of them through rom Hastings during my travels as printcrl Opinions OfOihers The Town Manager Oshawa TimesGazelle The lown of Barrie is the latest Ontario muni cipalily lo engage lawn manager to take charge of its civic administration The town council of this communily of 17000 pcopichcs decided it can greatly improve ils civic administration by inking this sicp it has named Waller Gig for several years municipal treasurer lo the posl and hasarrangcd lhalhe complete certain courses laid down by iho international CityManagcrs Association Barrio has always beena progressch munici pallly and it will be intorcsllng in note how this plan works out in yearslo come The new flown manager will be lhe general overseer of all depart mcnls having posllion comparablclo that of general manager in private corporation The town council and its commlltecs will be respoh siblc for general policy and will act as board of directors rides in private company The great advantage of lhe system as we see it is that it rclievcs the mayor and the members ofcouncil of great many delailcd jobs which ihcy now have to underlakc The mayor and aldermen of cily of lhe size and importance of Oshawa for innanccfl have to devote far more time to civic business than lhe general public over realizes And this islime over and above that which has to be spent at council and commit icc meetings Much of we work they now have to do would be takcnxoff their shoulders by lhe type of civic=gWernmentmhlcbthcsr now been adopicdby the town olv Barrie although each municipality would haveio adopt aplan tailored tomceling its own special requirements Canadian 5cenev Reviewed Gwen Sound SunTimes llow can Canadian talk to England or Canada when he knows lhstlhe average Englishman even if he isconnecled with politics understands lillle orholhing about Canada and sees no particular reason why he should learn So wrilcs Hugh chnnan under the heading Who and What are Canadians in supple ment containing more than 80 arlicles issued re ccnlly with The Times of London This supplement reviews the Canadian scene inking as its main theme Canadas industrial and economic expansionand the fulurc of AngloCan adian relations It is replete with special articles written by prominent people in govemmentbusi ness and the arts Among the contributors was HonLionel Chevrierfprcsident of the St ence Seaway Authorilyywbo gave an pptodale report on Seaway progress and briefly background ed the 27fool waterway which will enable ocean going ships to sail into the heartland of North America in less than lbree years Mr Chevriers comprehensive article is one of many covering practically all phases of Canadasmaiionai life in publishing ihesupplement TheTimes whose status is practically that of lhe semiofficial spokes man for lhe Commonweallh in London has dqne Canada great service in presenting it to Old Connlry readers and others all over the world the same time it is serving the peoplcrof the United Kingdom in informing them of the devel opmenls invthis great he nation whose history began as acolony As anexample lhe formallo disseminated in the supplement Gilbert Jackson wrilingon Canadas Economy predicts that the rate of growth of Canadas national product will be greater ln the nextgcneralion than even the 42 per cent growth over the last 10 years He gives five main reason for the present increase in her prosperity her mineral resources the growing need for those mineral in He world ing and usingthemi lion and bigbrate of also poinlsrto two sources of cessiv ominalio Canadian subsidiaries llon ewspnpe Published Mondoy wednesdo xi Building Post one Squere Barrie ohmic Canada gran BARRIE ExAMDlERr Luuxreo mu verag Paid ABCCilcuintion Six Months End sap so 1956 as filed with at Camden These were Tom lacrosse player and quite small mas poemf There are so many beaulifuloncs from which lo chooaol One lovely pocm by an unknown aulhor quoted in The Grade Teacher isihis one Wilhln ia Lowly Manger Within lowly manger lhc heavenly baby lay glory shone around Hi shophcrd5camc lo ray Above star beamed go den and wise men from afar Brought gills to lay beforellim franklnccnso gold and myrrh lillle child so gentle to honor Thee we slng Wllh happy hearts and joyful Baby was born ina stable in Bethlehem to young Jewish maiden named Mary The birth of acbildis always special oc currence Ask any motheror fathcrrif they did nolvexpericncc feeling of awe and wonderas well as thankfulness when they or daughter gazedaltheface at nowson lTheGrcatcsl Event But Jcsusbirih was lhc grcal cs1 event our world has ever known He was Gods son and in his life and death as well as his all mankind Christmas is Christs Birthday We miss the true significance of this greatest of all days if we failrtorplacc therempbasis on the spiritual meaning of lhclwenly fifth of December Not just holidayebut aholy day Thc children in our homes should never feel Claus crowds out the Christ Child or lhat the excitement gelling gills is greaterlhan the guict happiness of giving pres ents lo show our love to our dearbnes if Christmas ismere ly an occasio for feasting and mcrriment IS but pagan fes livily Of course Christmas is la ily day In the Psalms the lovely verse God scllcih he solitary in families The Heav enly Father in His and time sent His roll into family The ory of Christh coming of the Shepherds and the Wise Men is the most beautiful inall lhe child on while lhey are lhisaccounl of the First Chr mas Day Let us not leavehlhis just to the Church or lo the Sunday School teachers childs religious insiructlon ishls responsibility and priv day when we should remember They were manyand life worthwhile+peace and and lover we read our daily newspapers we mm but feel that our wprldls sadly lackingrln rlhere ioy iny among angry seemsto be conspicuous by ickering hetwe FOLPG onto nlz tuniSrMisImr wnTai isyjyoiur favorite Christ songsa gift of love we bring Almost two lhonsand years ago blrlh He revealed Gods love for that Santa an the hlch Jesusyhroughtto varied They waroi the hldden things oflhe spirit which make is el between labor and man cementl By Nancy Cl av for harmonious sclilc eht of in lcrnaiional and ind lrialdls lagrecmenls should noille forgot lien Al Christmas we all should gain newfailh that ilimen and womcn scck Gods guidance and commit themselves 10 His way the Saviours coming will not have been in vain in our own familyclrclcs lcl fccicbraie Christmas origin Lei caéli of uskccp Chrislmas In our hcarls Whatever else be loslamong the years Let us keep Chrislmas stilla shining thing Whatever doubts assailus or what fears Let us boldciose one day remembering vlls poignant mcani for the hearls olmc Gracc Nu Let us resolve anew lo creole an atmosphere of peace and joy and love siblc in our homes not just at Yuletide bui throughout the year Then our Christmaswill indeed be Me and thedays ahead will form truly Happy New Yeaii it right THE eIcLE room By nnv 615 mason nixlrict Surgery slipper Canadajiblc Society Laddy MaEKiIIop Villyear old boy has recovercd prized possessionbecauseof hunch it had been fearcdzlbaLLad dys Bible had been consumed in the flames thatvdcstroyedwhis parents home in South Lancasler Mass The Bible we tor Days after the developed pgconviclion that the Bible had escaped deshjuctioh Largelyl in humor his son the boys father drove him to their former homc IAmongithe chec red timbers andoiner debris in the boys burnedout room they found the Bible beneath collt lapsed chair its conlenis and warnings passengers to poi as far as His 1205 food and coffee or another non efebly CPREPARIQNG so By nevl manor Wé are unwary busy Just now preparing for Christmas The we assume ll ibis season is taking more and more of our time And lhcre will be little casing up in the task until the awaited day is here Perhaps we are too busy in lhe rush of our own preparations to recall lhcl God also prepared for in advance for the first Cbrlsl mas Yel this we must do or the real Christmas may pass us by lilo gelber despite all our other ef forLr in be Jcady From lhe very dawh nl crea lion God had been preparing for His great Gift to the wdrid in deed it is no cxaggcralionilo 51y ibal crenllon was not cornplcie unlll Christ had come The Old Teslarpent is full of ihls conviction The propheilc books especially echo and reocho lhc faith lhai God must comellcr sonnilylo save ills people lomake ills perfect willsknown to men The various wihors aniicipalc lhe divlnc selfrevelatioan varied language and wilh varying de grees of detail But the hope for coming Messinh is unlforrnly expressed Undoubtedly the great prophet lsalah mosl clearly foresaw what the coming of lhe Messiah would menu We know lhal for in the yearlymund of Extra dullcs um 712 CHRISTMAS years oi an enriny life um die lighted in applying lo Himscil tho language Isaiahs prophecies Thus he began to preach with theseiwords of lasinb on His lips The splrilof the Lord is upon me becauseililo hath Inolnled me lo preach the gospel to the poor He hath sent me lo heal the brok cnhearlcd to preach deliverance la lhe capliv and recovering of sight to lhe nd tout al liber ly lhem lhol are bruised to preachihc cccplable year of the mm And alongside ibis we must set lhal olher passage from the slim prophcl which is the most beauil fnl of all lheforccasls of Christs coming For unto us child is born unlo us son is given and lhe government shall be upon his shoulderand his name shall he called Wonderful Counsellor The mlghiy God The everlasting Path en The Prince of Peace of the lncressc of government and peace lhercwbaii be no end upon the throne of David and upon hi kingdom to order it onto estiii llsh il wilhvjudgment andwiih justicefrom henceforth even lr cvep The seal of the Lord of hosts will performlhis Yes God was longwhle pro pnringjthc first Christmas And if we fail to give lhoughl to Gods prcparatlonsour own will have little abiding worth scaxeroae Luke 4lsaiah monitor Séléjbrivmu From Insilrance Christmas and New Years weekends traditionally occasions for fcslivily and fellowship may end in tragic deathf somcsi Canadians and lnju to hun dreds of olhcrs if last years traf fic record is any indication warns the All Canada lnsurancc Federr Olilcisis is which rcprcsenls more than can fire automobile and asualty in surance companies said most lraffic accidents were due lo care lessness and named drinkiug while drilling lhcgrcalest hazard during holiday seasons Safety xperls recommended lhe following precautions for the forthcoming holida Al lhe regular mccling of 010 lovvnship Council onDcc all members were present with Reeve Scott presiding As usual considerable correspondence was on hand forconsideration Further tenders for snow pin log were received from Lc may and Son for FWD and from Gordon Moore for heavy duly which were accepted subject lo departmental approva Coors Admw drhis sol jcitor regarding approval of council for the establishment of new type cemetery on part of lot con cession Council will have no obieciion providing that the soil lsnsuilable for burial purposes Roy Fraser put inje complaint ol logs in the ditch on road The request of Barrie Colleg iate hislilule Board for six room extension to Barrie Colleg lalc was approved by the copnci Received from the Barreil Company Limiied was the notice of inspection of the roof on lhe new office building and with 20 year guarantee bondfor same Acheque was ordered to be forwarded to Raikes county weed inspector to coverlplrizc money for essays from pupils of 0rd schools The treasurer pre sented the balance debenlurcs ol Guthlic Community Hall which had been paid off Received from Public School inspector as referee in connection with the former SS Oro and Vespra to School Area This was ac copied and also the lreasurers list of receipts cars with isimpaired Avoid driving al night wllh glaring head his when overtired 4While diivin ialk wilb passengers without laking eyes off the road if alone turn on red when alcoholic slimulcni when serving liquor keep in mind that guests will have to drive ome 9nlongrdrlves stop for col fee or similar beverage as fre quently aspos bl Never ve wrih headligbls or windshield Turn down nv lations dc with people ho bavebeen inking try in persuade ttbem intake ataxi Drive slowly onicy roads your slapping distance is consid reased logged Slewa formation on lhe campaign for petition lohave0ro come under the provisions of the new Bruce losis Act 1956 ReceiVed from the Department of Planning ahd Development were copies of the proposed plans of part oltlot 21 concession and part lots one andrtwo con cession l4 which were approved subject to the approval of Simcoe rename raoaLIIM Diseases of theheartznow cause more Vlhanv twice asmany deaths in Canada as cancer next greatest cause gt cover werc unharmedbyl either fire or water says hewants lo belie dy day an lhe dont makc muchinoncybulvlhey do an awful lot Suggested weak flood ThursdayLuke FridayLuk ld for the Lapp his repoit party in Bari Page forwarded in CroiNominaiions December 31 Snow PlowingTenderAccepied Company Proposes jj Cemetery County Health Unit and minor adiuslmcnls Thcclai Lackictlor one sbeo killed by dogs wasnr dercd on at lhensual valuation bylaw passed sci the date of nominallo meeting more Town Hall Monday Inc 31 at Thonsuul or matters were wound up and adjournment made until De 15 10 Local ne spccial television nncd for Christmas wil be of particular ocal residents is Chrislmns Caval Programs l7 Day which interest CKVRTVs Cfldc This bea diminule film presentation depicting tbc prelt Christmas ebrahons held by many of lhe lawns and organiza lions throughout thisarea Among lhe highlights wnll be actuai ll msfol Zthe SanlafClaus Barrie Coilingwood Grcemor Sutlonn Gravenburst and Braeebridge the crippled fhildrensmarly at Sanias Vil age burst Braccbridge Santa Claus ar the childrens partyin can loriurn atfirav enhursl CGE Chrlslmas CKVRTVS cade will he an from i015 am following be Queens Chr tmas message an am of freight in 1955 30000000 ions in sponsored by ther Rotary

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