in the case of the Toronto Mnrlboros WednEsday nlg least Wally Boyer was the whole show 511 mm Without the hroadahouldered little centre maths Mar No scoring Th ennui mm in cud Penaltizu Edwards ssanés nor Guarani if anyone around the Onta HockcpAsaocialfoa Senior circuitwas feeling 1orrder the Owen Sound Mercurys then stop And look outl The warning is issued accor ing with the clubs going or thumping Ray Garicpy Until thls gycekï¬thc grease as his formerII junior mates rcferrcdlo hlm has been sitting on the sidelines await IllIEI his release from two profes sional hockey clubs The first was Hershcy Bears of the American Hockey League When that club finally realized that RayImcant it when he said he wasnt going to play pro anymore he was put on waivers and plcked up by Uncle die shore Shore soon got the rift too and Gnriepys relcs Iwas sold to thc 0wen Sound crc The 28ycaroldreargiiard has lilid quite succcsfui hockey car ecr Born in Toronto Rn low onnlErYI was raiscdand firstJaccd on the skates in even though he scored only Wally winked rlghtffh on top waneole attendance at uni gnmejvas disglistinsii smallItlie game was fairly welltplnyed great ing of thrsc two clubs in the Gardens Neither clubrcould dent the twine in the opening 20 minutes of straight time although both sides had enough chances to print numbers on the centre lee clock Barrie had great edge in the play late In the initial period but couldnt see fit to shoot atIthe net They seemed to pass the puck too much inside the blarlics blucline As result hteir shots on goal were fewer and accordingly no goals 1ch Goal lies would have never llckedthe Barrie in comparison to previous meet Flyers 53 And rim otthe five he made the othersIposslble hymerely wearingIgdo It of Brooks ers with leg than two minutes remaining in the crowded session resulted ina goalthat stirer the crowd for the first time Jack Kane who had just step pcd ou the rice carried to the aid of the Marlin oalIandI implied pass back 16 iyJiorhth blueline vllorhnn sent rl wide relay over to John Ch zcwski who lit lthlamp with hard low drive Danny Patric one otI theFly ers cw bright spots picked up tlle count at two apiece when he tallied at 1221 in the lastépcrlod Duke defendervinslde the home towners zone Carried in aIfcwI strides and scoredwhile being lie checked the puck away from tonight in Tarontt St Mikes Halon dady againstflamil alrkearll didnt make the to Toronto with the Flynn3 Ashlie handled the puck yes day afternoon ethnic and seem ed Quite anxious to play cl both coach Hap Emms trainer BuddyLcllIoux feel he will ore lier to the club after Imus and few extra days of gnlnst the Goal ardélér defence Davlsoii on Patrick Josephson Marlboro oalCaro vin Rieley Murchic EIdI dcfeucu Ercwe Cascy Anderson Nealez folwards 30y Girard Ne Wk 1704 HaughlonriidAolyliealc Incandrrrlpd HalleyKennedy Auden aon MurchicI 1044 MarlicIiIKennedy NeviIu Brew c1136 FlyrrcsCbucae sklI For ban Kguc 1505 Penalties Cherry 314 Chaac zewskl 515 Anderson 1501 Casey 0618 Thlrdlerlod FlynnPatrick MoniesBoyer Hnugh ton Marl Nevin Brewer MarilesRlseloy ea Kennedy Penalties Patrick and Boyer fighting majors 325 Nevins 346 Chamewski 1541 Shots by Barrie 23 illiif placethat sawthe gr ual con guRllN615Nrw7 look The gloom that ahroudedthéto the roaring twenties hated thrinighrmuy of the dismal year known aa the fdirfy thirtlubut slowly transition began to take version of maliy curling cmpor lums to bright gailydceoralcd centrcapf winter activity Slrange to relate the birth of the Brien commercially hack ed sponsorship to declare single rink Canadian curling champions muit takcrmuchof the blame for the faceliftlug tbllt transfused tho curling sceneiulo spectacle pleasing to the eye The Brier was timidly launch cd in 1927 but not until the mid thirties was spectator interest sufficiently Iaroused even in the curlingconscious West for the rinks to be crowded with spec tutor for the urovinclal finals ml make their own quartem mouldy curling rinks of lppealiug to the eyes of membcric Today the modern rink is bright gay and can fortable the order rwlth handles to dl colored stinullih thenl no rink is brllfllntly lit an the llght bounces off the danllng whlteIpaiuted ice andI chasesll the shadow The stand out clearly Ill galld colors allboncttlng the yhllo the gt lonnginl fog rce fcrg them CluerannIview of all that goeson before them Many rinks of ancient vintage still remain as townsite eye urlln Matched roch Ire when Ithe scoring didIfinIily knocked to the ice gctslarted it came on afluke Then Boyer cxplodcd withtwu Defenccman ian Anderson let quick goals that made the little drive go from the blueline that Marlic look good and our defence would have missed the cageThc had lohn Riseley had tharlifth puck hit high up on Bill Ken Marlie goal thIa minutannd nedysIstick and deflected through haltjrcmianin the Barrie netmlndcrslcgs Then Boy rand attfck less than minute later Kennedy tioned earlier played pretty scored again to put the visiting stsaflyin considerably by Myers fromthe Flyers two in the hole thir good power play by the Fly Ire assess Owen Souudhtercuryarof itho 45 OHA senlor league were in hospitablei hosts to prillla lIIIon acs ncs cvcnln gelddfgvssmgvé trippcd IthePollts 94 The Mentord additions msdc BARRIE CURLERS GET READY in as other players on both sides were tired ductoI playing the previous FOR SEVERALANNUAL EVENTS gnIgggpgygggIn Diannaï¬ 1d Hg SatesFarï¬ Arthur wuc the fresh players This Saturday evening there there would be thrcewaydic finger If used by MenardI the old football holler goes If Gariepy cant do it nobody can will be mixed games one draw which would have in he played Brass and an Boy 0IIIIII sons Wm mm by eight oclockI at Barrie Curling off to declare two rinks Ilor the gm5k led the male bowlers Ken Show Tammy Brown ClubII group playoffs in Orllllancxt with single of GI MrI Mannl Danny MacDonald and Al Skew Boxmg Day Wednesday there month ASplerswin would oust had mph at 59L MI Fenep Ith will be mens bonspielfor club Dnngerficld leaving Wingrove topped me women mlhg singles members two draws and 11 II Rest Benet clal To Dan erileld molten 75335333i135e53b 9eiï¬initiiiiï¬fsrs CNR Spendns If Tough Aggregallon in in min re changed $150 Milllcri KElnrvm lxEllï¬zV to rmxed to fill the ice Dnflgerï¬cld MotorsII Ic dogp hand Ne week an Pearsons 47 Warntca 46 Card Year EqUIpment 315 he name DS DV Gender assistantvicc tIIIIIlIal gait Burgen lOIshawIa and spring 44 Wonder Cookies 44 orn ury even ac un erway Iï¬mnghiaï¬aï¬lslf IIIIï¬OICIIItEIJIIeLsécflIIEéHdEI group playdownsI which will be nIrIid theIlIe are locaIl EnLllESbeOr gginhï¬hï¬gsvaitgéiaéff £5533 preSident of operation Canadian lilo Istartedxthc second portion held llLBafllE January are em especla amp ru ers 29I Mummy ZBII gatipmlcfï¬uvï¬ wagging mil bang Wednesday night thnatgrgmlulia enrifienglflgsfrllgle now settled Wednesday night den where about dozen Barrie when they Sluuged me Gamma the BMW Vlcmry me Vern Adams defeated George rinks are set to go on Thursday nlhyvsIséom General Electric boys 84 In the Human Srahd cakes IS $159 inI ew equlpln Combines were allowed only one Kennedy in bane gm down goal that coming in the first cr New Years Eve IlliIlIherqbnif of the doubleheader at ml wek so me gilt cirewauous we coming Ifilpéwgarsglusueils sangglelllcng Barri rend Elmvalckn ck at or the sauna Ne is Eve dance at Barrie Trflord Spring 253 1er iod after Elmvzile had worked up muss ad mummy cd off UrnCombines 41i Club and it looks like the hang he m75 wnli excellent Ilighting solid 3500fans Stayed 11 11m decidedlo rm North Bay 20 margi gt Ha Elmvale rounded out the scor swap WI 1ny 330M gI RObIIIIIsoI IIIIII IIIe men III II III II II coggdezanglfilllclï¬m ofm cvasllt Will have 90mph 5911 High51ngle A7 I3SteveWiEI 22 Iaotgnlgcllllnzlogitgnla$31232 59 hamllilnsmP WEI up to NOV 30 ins had the to ipie of 787 ments that increase efficiency aidsm 53 For the assets Iowners Peta Shirley Dawsnii the ladics Antlrhithealrs were copied Palansio and Gems 95°F The GovernorGenerals Cup emPV ow 101 single at 236 Het triple through the West will take stock forthelrown ill District Jigs run into snag tcrests The totalerice for the George Dangerfield heing ill d5 Turkeys I608 was alfahlglIIIIfor the day II ceinIZlIins lbdtzhgn vCVlatIiIlaIlIlIlIlIII wgre TIaIIIIQIISI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIgI me IIIIISI was was not able to curl Hilton Spiers IIMENIS MAIIIOR LEAGUE at $20000 il playdowns were held in hockey Value lSallnngngmdefegggnegï¬iis HS liesults of Turkey Roll Dec Mendyfrom Vancouver to Hall total of $2500 was subscrib 1011 her this curlin edvfor atthe Sunday meetingthy the last night Shannon 1191931 gitnlcagziapieired with its vivi thoselpresent provismnal oom Careme wge AS sum color as perfect background for mittee of 10 members was farm SllaInnon and Wingrove had 21 in dayandTuesday nights High triple Bruce Reynolds ï¬le annual parade of provincial ed to accept shares in the Twp theIwinloss column of the round 809 turkey2nd high triple Jack cmmblousI ghé ending aï¬ciona which will be sold to 019 11 Dmiemie Mdy Beavmmf Wk high Single dos llled homerafter the Brier public at 51° shat amp 1011 HASIHESr Splershe also Will be 21 and Turkey winners CIMason high A1 Dickey 328 turkey 2ndhit alternate MM stmdd trirle at La times high smsla single ROSS Peacock297 turkey lilsélfin°nikgw Hmk IlmDumnv high iPIEhan hidden triple and xnaiai 812 gmvms 053330 IIIII Mrs LlVlngslon asap Bunner Girnuhigh single chicken hidden mpg in Wilk inson 496 flat 50Ihiddcnsingle gt handicaprClair Robinson hidden rcnce AdamsIScott forw rds ll Adams Barrett meaning IsIkIPS Wlnnlng nk Cl vlgngels FT03IY Steve Osachuck 145 flat 50 Ritchie McCullough Spiker 19 Jackson only The Barrie Ladles Curling Club Single flat Stewart mole han lngs ï¬nished off 15 preChristmas dicam St Miami Single hanv irst Eeriod Elm ackson 410 schedule yesterday with one of dicaPI 30 lviurphy won ahl Elmvalé48Adams the most exciting tilts of the den prize III 15 00 young season Tuesday mg Usselman 335mrk 2nd lIJIlIgh man single it But I310 tur es Adams 510 $8 vjfmï¬ pgfIIfjï¬lllIfI Winners ï¬r Hagdenglhidden lriple ï¬tflgeon 674 Penalties 30 mm and against the ï¬nkn mus Mike QMWv chicken hidden lumenl Black vBI La hi stock488flat an hidden single SecondIPeriod ny Livingston The In CowmI jinn fI I1MIfldgï¬o heats have heldsince 1949 £$Ygle°sp€e II tiedjï¬G fternineI 1am Steve WigginSI an The Scots who took ho the members the one Chicken stunner51 trophy on their lastvisit in 1949 ï¬ghting mayors 330 were Mrs knight Mrs Newton triple flat VllIs Fendléy 0n Mrs LivingI Carter high single flat John Timbermen caï¬the porcupine sfons rink were lvlrs Currie stonI highI triple handicap the forestlgangsterfor wherever JohnstonIand Mrs Homer if BenderhighsiugleJ handicapAnI this vegetariantravels orbits not Regular curling will resume other hiddenpriz enttoVChar turnallhunts for food deadjor lgain inJanEaryl les Billctt dying treetops ark its th sore in various parts of the coun try Here the membership isas rundown as thelslructure and there will be little hope of re vival ofenthusiasm until fresh shoulderslof thuIse In from only building fulIid campaign isstart an occasional glimpse was offer Ed In he trumpEdi Wynn 011 0le blDuJlOEEEd Win itieswherea spanking new club dow that was smeared clear oc bathe bléctedthg very ï¬rth coslonaliy by IeWI SWBIW SWiP chargcdwllhexcited intercstIIaIndI es by SOMEBOdYS hindkflhe the long winters are now eager if 1112le was It meend°i ly antlcipated by the thousands the sheatrlhe bestJulolmstlon whohayc bgenIaIgIgnIcmq 19 obtainablewns relserId backIfroni churned CuflingsNew LQ the octogenlirianjn pe NEXT ARTICLE who was doing his darndesl as wank me beng Glr plategless skip to call the shots Needless to say these Bay HockGYII rang Rally savesr secondhand views were true trailng if Uncle Joe happen Trapper Finances North flay Nugget cd to be playing But one night in Winnipeg when Ithc curling bigwigs failed to get North Bay Trappcrs financial crisis hns been nvcrtcd and the NOHA southern group league pastlthe lam at the lront doors of thematic nlnc sheet Granite Club on the night Brier semifinal was being played the officials ecu me leaders have been given suffiw mm Fee1 my clcnt encouragement to continue bad comefor so next year openian Hockeyminded citizens rallied behind the Trappch at meet ing designed to keep the teamin business through ncwsystcmof enrolling shareholders despite an 1936 4thcy1ieascd the now demolished athlctlc ahbatoir audited deficit of $8318 upto the end of November known as the Amphithalre Approximately 50 people tu which asa hoclrey arena could scatIsdlml ed up for the important meeting at the Empire Hotel when it was Toronto 37 Tilnmins outa lie in ved to Barrie in 1045 and still reigns as one of the most colo ul players ever to don Flyer livery lie was never on Memorial Cup winngrglbut in the 194748 season he helped the club reach the cup finals against Port Arthur lie split the 194349 season with the Buffalo Bisons of the AHL and Houston of the USED The following season heIstnrted at Louisville of the USHL and elevated to thc Bison once againzllay went to the Illcrshey Bears in the offscason and in 195354 season earned himseli In shotgt thehig time with the Boston Bruinslibe Toronto Maple Leafs thIcn purchased the rights to Garlepy and he spentathe postIpnir of winters giving the Pittsburgh Hornets rockvsalid defence The pressure of business forced Bay to drop from the pro ranks lie is established inhusinoss here in Barrie where he lives with his Bonspiel Season wife and féur children Even then with scores lam mcd behind single pane of glass standing tiptoe on chairs tables audxwith elbows on the liécru Help Meaford Knights iBeai OriiIIia 9r4 Meeford Knights strengthened While Garlepy is known all over the hockey fronts as bashcr and other similar nom de plumes he is anything but rugged off the ice He was one of the sclfstylcd committee that started the Sid McNahncy Benefit Fund Gariepy is expected to he in the lllcrcs lineup this evening against the Chathamrhlaroonsl it is also said in Owen Sound that this is the night the Mercurys make like their names up the DHA ladder Like Bnnspiel Season Meanwhile the bonspiei se la and Grey had singletons The Maloney brothers had two goals for C613 The others came from the sticks of Demheriine and McCann Tankard Group Barrie entries in theTankard colored rings on thewhitc glis tening hockcy surface and large visible scoreboards the move was instantaneous success Some witness aflavendIthrillerI that de Trapper 9y CluIb 311ch End Provmhmhieiï¬fï¬em pornté it as ncompany lth latives for IBrierplay This tom 13pm ogI$4nIuoq This labilsbed curling 353 Special counteract the large 1035 men ed ing with single marker in each of the second and third periods v23 Aléixm skï¬ynny son Spiker led the Elmvale attack with brace BAd ms and Jackson had the other Robinson scored lone Oro goal at the 15minute mark of the first stanza Friday night CGEI and Oro meet inrllie opening game at the Barrie Arena and Thornton tries Elmvalefnr size in the nightcap DEC 3031 Adams defence Hickling Burlack forwards team before the league had couple of weeks layoff Wednes day the guns boomed wiIth regu rity The CGEIgang held the boys from Dangerf III on eventerms through the firstcouple of per iods but fell behind invtile third Each club scored one goal in the opener and tho in the second In the third sessionI Dangerfield llled tb ce before CGE potted fouIrIth of the game Kirk and Kelly each had pair for the wi ner Bowman District Cu Despite increasing and varied competition he added the CM faces the future with confidence For high speed over long distances without intermediate stops pass enger trains cannot be expected to rival airplanes But for effic ieuIt and economical movement of goodsand personnel in large vol umeI Canadas lifeline of rail Iways is unexcciledI Kernpview Bowling League awafded turkeys chickcns and other prizes for high scores in the regular league games last illlnnz Group nigh triple ITedI Kelly 778 turkey 2nd high triple Chant ler 768 turkey highI single nullinlch tnifcxslirnwr Iyoucon see for yourselfthc latestin these handyElect Tools TORONTO on Cg ingAss1lclatlon aï¬nounc details of fourweek tour by coltisli cur rs next month illbe bidding to inIhack the straqicona Cup the otTlie Boll Plonlng Mill CoI Slio rooms 425 Blzliiili DUTY SEW For The nfcssloual Craftsmnn Iand tllc Idoitryourself builde This durableheavyI duty Electric Saw has plenty of smooth ahund ant powertoLakc therough spots in lumber without trouble Cuts II any normal building material M1959 47 anWTJWGSTER retained it in lie 1950 sericsin Scotland tosquarI the competi Third Period lion for the 48 carold cup at ElmvaleISpike four victories The winners Ceilings are to htrdccided on the aggre Penalties 1620 tc scores 20 ame Iseries Hickling and Adams fight coast The ng majors 1635 McCullough as on will be re 1755 Ritchie 1939 20613 Goal McChcsncy de Eence ForbesDemherline for wards McCann Sargeant Ma iouey alternates Dunn Tuckey limmons 13 Maloney Fjorman rerguson McKeevcr Jermcy IDANGERFIEL Goal Grant defence Barry Grant Bur ger forwards Klr Larmond Grey alternate Rawri Bowman Kelly First Perio Vm Hasadjnstabl ripfencejdnd CGElMaloiley home6 919mg drag includes combination rip DaIngeiflcl SIryI ithIliench stand 4DI5Ig andc asclithlade wigs and IottIier 1426 Tim gltl0flll on rowan saw ITACIIIMIENT Pro dcs er sawing at min mumcost cutting range depth IIfrom to 1316 road andralIl covering every province ut Prince Edward island add ewfoundlan Cup matches at rregularly sinceI Lord Dangcrf Burg CGEB Maloney Courtenc re visitorgyhaveI CGDD Also hegame Mame