to Canada returned to standard time pPresents COnCeiis Santa Clluavisitcd bath junior and ascnior Sunday School stud ents at St Andrews Pmbyteriln Church during the past week On Saturday afternoon Cbrtatmaa partywas held for the nursery beginners andrkindcrgarien de partments In the lecture room and on Wednesday evening the senior students entertained iheir parenta and friends with full program of plays and music 1he party for the smaller chil dren got underway at thrcco clock with the colorful tigures of flannclgraph board bringing the ageold Christmas story to life As It unfolded the children wat ched each scene come to lifethe shepherds on the hillside stand ing in awe as the angels appeared in the skyuntil at last the Wise Men were seen taking leave of the Holy tomilyto return to their own country another way The children sang their Christmas songs at the appropriate places in the story After short intermission and rest oil the classes sang songs that were on the lighter side Asuch as Good Morning Merry sunrhine This is The Way the Snowflakes Full fdelHigh in the Steeple Did You Ever Sec sALasslc and Come Sing Song of Winter Among the brave soloists were Brenda Gundry who sang Jolly Old St Nicholas gNnncy Rooke with Silent Night Ian Rookc with his ukulele sing ing Squirrels Like Nuts and So Do ondeargaret McClure with Ve Three Kings Assist ing thcsuperintendcnt Mrs MacLaren in the preparations for the concert were Mrs Mcllhaggo lllrs Mae Dobson lilarllyn Apple ton Kaye Livingston Jane lilac Laren and Jean Cunningham The Evening Circle of the WA attended to the tea party for both the children and their mothers The most eagerlyanticipated event was the arrival of Santa Claus who had gills for everyone The church minister Rev James Ferguson was chairman for the senior Sunday School con cert which was supervised by the senior suprintcndent Harold Darch Pianist accompanying the children in their various numbers was the church organist Clarke highlight oi the evening pro gram was an original play The Good Samaritanwritten by one RAILWAY TIME TABLES Canadian National Mannys On Sunday Sept 30 Eastern Travellers on CNR and CPR should consult agents before mak ing trip as time tables have changed LOn Canadian National Railways the allowing times standard went in effect Sept 30 Northbound No 41 leave Toronto 920 am ive Allandale 1130 leave Bar rie 1148 for North Bay daily ex cépt Sunday No 45 leave Toronto 550 pm Arrive Allandale 802 leave Barrie 78417 for Orillia daily except VSunday No 53 the Continental eave Toronto 11 pm Arrive Allan ale 1248 Tim Leave Barrie 100 am tor Vancouver daily 3N0 47 leave Toronto 1130 pm Arrive Allandalelzo aim Leave Barrie 134 3111 for Cochrane daily vao 661 leave Hamilton 730 am Arrive Allandale 1115 pm Leave Allandale 1145 for Men iord daily exceptSunday Southbound No 46 from North Bay Leave Barrie 456 am Leave Aliandale £18 ain Arrive Toronto 710 am daily No 42 leave Barrie 700 cm Leave Allaudale 707 Arrive 1o route 855 daily except Sunday and Monday gt No 44 from North Bay Leave Barrie 420 pm Leave Allan dale 440 Arrive Toronto 710 No 148 leave Barrie 800 pm day only No682 from Meaford Leave Allandale4L35 Arrive Ham ilton 755 13111 dailyexcept sun 3tbeDrnintonToronoo1o couver arri Midhurst 1230 aily Sto for passengers to Sc bury and beyond from Toronto hdrst 1106 am daily except day to Medonte from FortWilliarn dhurst 506 am daily unday only Leave Allandale 808 pm Arrive Toronto 945pm Mi burst 1259 pm dailycxcept day Arrive Toronto830 Trai No 1i the Canadian route to Vancouver does not stop at Mldhurst LeavesToronto 10 school board when Miss Kings peranee Union 01 the new teachers Alvin Ruth erford Also praised for her spe ell elicits wumm Madge Chub chi whose clna portrayed ciiiuinu in diflerent countries us ing an unusual stage setting The Christmas dramas in gen eral were very superior this year The concert opened with carols accompanied by Mr Clarke fol lowed by film The Santa onus Suit After piano solo by Lin do Schlaht there was recitation Childs Story of Christmas by Jeannette Jermoy Deborah Ferguson was mistrch of ceremonies iortwo quartet numbers by her class AWay ha Manger and ilent Night were sung by girls quartet com posed of young Miss Ferguson Jeannette Jenney Sharon Turn bull and Brenda Gordon and Beverley Gordon John Woods Gary Schlaht and Gregoryilotr insonjoined voices or Come All Ye minim presented by Mrs La ver Sissons class was entitled Making Grandma Happy Pat ricia Appleton and Judy Rowe en tertained with dance number and William Blacks class present cd play The Message of the Bells poem recited by Heather Drake was followed by carol it Come Upon Midnight Clca sung by Barbara Hoskin and San draEccles and Mrs Sissons class presented second pie The Cobb ind th Dwarf piano solo by Eleanor Lorie the carol The First Noel sung by Anne Casey and Betty Miller poem by liliss Dorothy McFad dens class and dance by Linda Ann Gates were other numbers on the program At the end of the eveniiig Santa Claus arrived with his bag of toys candies and fruit to re celve warm welcome from the children Emma King Dies In 99th Year Oldest Teacher One of the ï¬rst teachers at the old Central later gVictoria school which was demolished live years ago Miss Emma King died at her home 13 Poyntz Street here Tuesday Dec 1956 at the age of Barr oldest living teacher she had retired 40 years ago after career that encompassed tour de cades Funeral service was held yes terday at the Lloyd and Stecklcy FuneralHome at 230 pm In terment was in Barrie Union Cemetery The nonagensrlan was mem ber of prominent Barrie fam ily ofithe late eentury when herparentsthe late Rober and Sarah King settled in this trict on their arrival from Eng land almost century ago she was three years old Mr King famed for two years in Oro Township before opening bak ery and confectionery business on Dunlop Street nearthe pres ent Canadian Bank of Commerce building Later he was part pro prietor of The Northern Ad vance Miss King celebrated her 98th birthday on June 29 this year She started teaching atthe age of17 as supply for sick teacher and became regular teacher that same year when the teacher became ill again Her father was secretary of the she was ap pointed to her first position She taught hundreds of Barrie szand girls whoare now mid dleaged men and women She was senior third teacher atrCen tral School for ZSyearsbefore transferring to West Ward School now Prince of Wales to spend thehappiest years of her life as primaryteneber Her first salary was $250 yearbut by the time of her re signation shewas receiving $700 When she was 20 years of age in 1878 she took months leave of absence fromher teaching job andwwent to England with her father for the summer and visit ed Paris After herretirement she and liter Fanny took trip toNe ealand to visit brother who had gone there to liveiyears before Another of brothers the late Robert King was chief of police in Barrie woman of convictiorisshe started the Muttcigarette league in the early tw Barrie and travelled from classroom to classroom lecturing outbe evils of smoking She was member of the Womens Christian Tem One of the greatest interests outsid teaching was music For ongtlme shc was con tralto in the Cult Street Meth odist Church choir and sang in quartet Her sister Fanny brganlst tier Street society Miss Ki ngas the tirst woman to be member pth Barrie She was nthtivev and tr CHRISTMAS airr mama cnri be lots of fungespeetally in making toys for the children This big toy catismade with ptnk1elt and stuffed The and eyebrows are embroidered in black Add nicehbig boyfand Pussy cat willbe mouth nose partment of COLLEGIATE HIGHLIGHIS In his monthly reportto the Collegiate Board Bowman principal of BDCI commentedon the scholastic successes of the 1955 students the achievements in sport and the problem of dividing the district for the eventual two collegiates The text of the report is given below on Nov 30 we heldour an nual Commencement Exercisesin the collegiate auditorium and were pleased to have your chair man present to bring greetings Awards presented comparcdfav orably with other yearsfand we have no doubt that the success at our Grade XIII students has been directly inlluencedlby the local scholarships and prizes that have been donated by local or ganizations and gcitizens The collegiate board lea the way in this regardinprow the val uable OAC scholarships agricul the costs of significant com mencement ceremony Our ex tensive prize list has developed largely since thisbecame adis trict school in the pastlo years We were pleasedtohavertbe larg est honor graduation class 55 students in the history of the school We were also surprised and pleased to receive two out of in three Carter scholarships for Simcoe County These are open to such strong schools as Orillia Midland Collingwood and Bradford Sport Succees As reported last nth ii 11 presented er witha gold wrist watch at athering of elementary sehool collegiate teachers in Central School She was praised for her magnificent work as primary eache erservices fuoc ory were ways with The titled Touch whic niinistry presented itself longafter the sch prihad passed tromhe room addressfl itten Her Wise thehomes and drenwho cam left on the minds true conception possibilities of childhood for vigorous woman who was fond of reading and was greatly Allision senior girlsvolleyball team won the Georgian Bay volleyball championship Since that time they competed for and wonthe COSSA championship This is the champ nship for Centrall One tario district that extends tram Parry Sound to Niagara Penin sula to Pelerborough At the tournament in Bellevilie our girls defeated Peterborougli 3616 and Trenton 8228 This is the third COSSA championship our girls have won in three years and Mieracdpnald and Miss Simp son deservemu credit for the achievement Since thl tournament rather th riled sport we do seejour girls Hence wear nged an exhibition game ith ur teachers and we njoyed the best game of yballthathas been seen in the school Each team wonagame and tie on and Eiraminat ns commence on Dec 13 and will conti ue toD 21 Papers willwbe gr ded the examinations The band has able executive this yearunder President wn Campbell and they are no in tensive to make this Fisher gives fine and cos before is Troop the standard heknewat university We looking for ward to th dressup dance when aduates stood Lnterested =in everyday happen in the town and throughout the districtp Miss King ttributed her long and health fact that she had done great deatof walking She could read and write letters until ayear ago She had not been able to glove from er to the gtggeslSlevve cannotcontlnue tofltllk abou th old and tttetnew school it might be the time to appoint Old an in commute to note th hool addressed envelope to the Needlecraft De this gt paper CAT Leaflet No 85556 reduesttng TOY PRINGflALSikLEPoRTGIVES Williamlittle leaves Position NationalHead 0TTAWA or William Rowe ofNewton Rob son na tional director of the Progressive Conservative Party for the past two years said yesterday hehas submitted his resignntionand will leave his post at the convenience of the new party leader John Diefenbaker gt lle saidno action has beep tak en on bis resignation but he wanted to return to the operation of his tarln in SimcoeuCounty and iarnily firm atToronto which makes plaster they were played ery er usly ture prizes and in nderwriting mensponsibllityof the leader to ébbose tlie officers at national headquarters There hadbeert not rig but the friendliestof re lations with Mr Diefenbaker or the children ï¬sh and preschool brother and IIS tern Jilted St Josephs Auditor lurnyuterday stternoOn for the annual Christinu mmréd yr Annota lgjLa Chance router cl Pro talk onrfthe ensignor Clot albovshowedsom ï¬lm cartoons Grali cimlleis under the direction of their teacher Mrs BerttuMcKeown range number of carols accompanied at the Time by two at their classmates in turn Sheila Clyne and Danny Corilgal Then Santa Claus rrived to hand outhigs candy chlldlteb At the sc ool yesterday after rttes rid concerts for the uppergrades Many at thepupils presented rlstrnas Iplays and there were ingsongs of carols in he rooms The Grade lie chil dren also receivedbags of candy or specie treat Ten Paintings By Local Pupils Goron Exhibii three senior chool have Christmas art project this ye Thisweelr member of the teaching stall at St Josephs High School act ing as judge selectedthe 10 most outstanding paintings among the entriessnd they have been sent to Toront for iinal exhibi tions the ctropolitanarea Th school is one of 50 public and separate schools tbroughout the province1a total of more than 150 pleasespa icipating in the project It is being sponsor ed by Canadiaucandy ï¬rm with view to encouraging Cpnadlan school children to develop the truemeaning of Christmas The youngartlsts whose paint ings were éhosen to eghibited were Douglas Donovan Tents Me 20 entries in allpand qiiite orbit oi interest in art wascrcalfll anion til and avseventb for the Artists Workshop in Toronto After the exhibitions the Christmas paint tags are to hedonated to settle inent houses orphanages and hot pitals COST IFPROGRESS MOUNT PEARL GLENDALE CPThe 2500 residents of this fastgrowing suburb of St Johns arelooking tor the day theywill have modern water and sew age system Engineers plans for the waterworks willbeready in January and then council starts ï¬guriiig costs cows ANDV sanr Experiments indicate that bees ï¬rst by 9010 nd secondly by seen arriin istinasparty lastr Sat bristh Wish pen wishes to thest or The Barrie Examiner for jolly Christmas anda prosperous New sympathy of Community Sympoihy is extended to the family of the late Mrsr Jessie Reid of Toionto whose interment took place at oldKuox Cemetery last Tuesday afternoon two Albeit performer re individual class recognize boneyyleldingflowers green in flour minutes Pour ki ne sauce over Skill in ducts is not hard to come by The rules are simple and it reunion only to trysmtng mmm bl rpm gbetti and noodleavithall the food combinations élirJunlly likes Chicken Timpani boiling fowl Eritrea bacon ch ped large sweet onion chopped 40 can plmiento chopped Lgreen pepper chopped 1lb processed cheese or can mushrooms CutIowl in picc addnalt Ifld pepper and eover with WI until mea la loose from about three hours Re move meat lrom bonusnd chop Cook spaghetti uncovered in rip idly boiling broth until tender and drain 1n large concepts brown the bacon and onion Add pimiento green vpeppery cheese and mushrooms Now oddchieb an and spaghetti and heat min about one cup of chicken brat to moisten Serves 12 Noodle Chowder oz mediuin noodles tsblespoons butter green pepper chopp tablespoon flour 15 tablespoon mustard teaspoon salt tun can tomat ghetti cup tomato juice 15m can corrinl 1pltg frozen peas cup grated sharp cheese Vi cup buttered breadcrumbs egg well beaten sauce for spa Cook noodlesuncovérod in rap idly boiling salted water until tender and dï¬in Melt butter and cook greenvpeppcrl Add flour mustard salt and pepper and mix well Slowlystirin tr mato juice and coo untilthick Add eorhrpeaa and chansono stir until cheese is melted bias with noodles and butth casserol with crumbs and alt Bake in Ia no 400 for tantalile ewes 84 Baked Mléaronli on macaroni tablespoons butte cup tomato juice Grated cheese spread out beef and Willhmoliospdltlm glutamate Conk the macaroni uncovered in rapidly boilingsalted wa er unti1teoderv and drain Melt utter and route mushroomsrgreenj pepper and not iorL Add meat and lryforfivs minutes Add 4tomato France and nice and mi all this well with he macaroni Pou into buttered casserole dot wi hutter and sprinkle with cheese Bnke for 10 mlnutesin hot ov Serves Kldney Sa ti ozs spaghetti lb bacon veal kidneys tablespoons floor largeonioas1choppcd peppy chores cupstomatojuice don can tomatosauc for spa rghetti Salt and pepper bay leaf gCook spaghetti covered in rapidly boiling salted water till tender anddrai Skin hnd chop kidneys acopjnd add kidneys which hav heel dusted pepper browned platter hot spaghe wan anther directions or eachpattern parthowing just couldntbe easierlMakc date drear or dumperuand blouse its lovely lines are ideal for winter cottqn corduroy rich vetveteen Printed Pattern 4500 Misses Sizes 101214 to is she 16 jumper requires yarda39lt lnchiabii blouse lï¬y rds Directions printedon each tis tue pattern part Easytouse ac curate assures perfectAlt Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in or stamps cannot lie accepted ttern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRF STYLENUMBER 1Send10rderjto NNE ADAM carcot The Barrie Examiner Pat tern opt 60 Fronts WestTolt stoic editor and publisher week ly Berwick go 78 Native egister the meta Nov Sent 51 Hrhcmiirnftor ipal count gt The contury pla bloof its litetirn in hundred STILBESTIIL 500per to discon now until Jan15r1957 from will nlso take orders on rm nei Barrie iiinajnpply runrNacnow For leestocbq Poultry Surge DairyEquipmerit 17 vinegar