ulnarSamar CONTINUOUS SHows SATURDAY 230pm Plus Cartoon gt And FoxlltlNewsl HAVE YOU FORGOT TEN ANYONE THIS IS OUR LAST SUG GESTION GIVE THE IDEAL GIFT OF THEATRE TICK Now on sale at Poth Theatres nun wcn CONTINUOUS snows CHRISTMAS DAY AT 506 pm SPECIAL MATINEE BOXING DAY 230 PLUS CARTOON ALSOA TWO REEL MUSICAL TREAT EDDIE HOWARO HIS ORCHESTRA ENJOY CHRISTMAS AT THE ROXY THURSDAY Ilia71 Ii an JIM miusrmmwsm TIE Illllli III FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENING SHOWS AT 650 AND pim neithef ludien ambushA Nng CONTINUOUS qould SATURDAY aotsz 11 FROM 230 pm It Tllllil arm sa iohard WI mark pache hellnor the Canyon at Death The Lastwagoa coining meIWua CINmAsmPE some youuu PLUS COLOR CARTOON FOX MOVIETONE NEWS AND WINTER IAMaoREE ENTERTAINMENT continuous SATURDAY 230 BurlYr THE KID Great Action HIt ITH ROBERT TAYLOR BRIAN DONLEyY Tillian Fillilfliii IIInnIss rnuncnnounsl Imight be that the school would as by their ionand daughtersiolaw Kr and Mrs Walt Eduy Wednesdayoi last week Saturday evening Mn and Mn Dales lit and 1th Dales bona hey glvenby thIr daughter and sonlnrllwtfl and mullet Ii Messiah woehead Visit Miss Margaret Sturgeon of Wei lealey School of Nursing spent the weekend with her parents Mt and Mrs William Sturgeon Sunday Visltors Sundayvisltors at Ernest Dalcs were Mr and Mrs Hirold Dales John and Ronnie Wonderlol Evening gt Those from here attending the Gllford School concert Saturday evening report wonderful even ing olenlertalnment and mus Attila Honors Sunday at St Pauls Anglican ChurchCoIilsons ilill ltevvw Johnson presented Betty Ann and Bible study book on attain ing second class honors on her Inc antes CaliiIirnia eondors with about the largest wingsprcad at any Northcrn American Waterfowl live for 35 years or more May Close Knock SChoOl If Teacher Unavailable At the last meeting of the north area at the sehoolhoard two teachers were engaged to tilt vacancies Mrs Herbert BIaCk will take over Craigvale arid Mrs Jean Ross will take room in Stroud This still leaves pass ihlc vacancy at Knock where the present teacher has ask to re Trustee Lloyd Beotb who or some arrangements made or the present one toeontinuey it not reopen alter the Christmas holidays This mectingof thehoard was the last one at which Trustees Roy Gobdlellow and Wllllana Campbell would he in oitice They have been5 succeeded by Fraser Sutherland and Robert Green Mr Goodiellow has been chair man for some years and retired INSURANCI AGENEY as burLu own 2i Daleswlth certiï¬cate oflincrlt years work in theSunday School ARMOUR when chéc oinciauy cnsmgea was also presehted CEREMONIESWER HELD Ar and owns SOUND and Simone Foresters Regiment manding piticers The reglmcnï¬ 11 016W tb ifrophy an annual award made tothe armoured re ment which hasvaehiev ed the highestratingin Canada Shown with the trophy FIL NIITES éyRfes7 Shh Ingraaglzglcgrthanks on behalf of the boardvby Secretary Managethert Loughced Clo Cottage settle qaused Drainage létter received by the town ship clerk from sol tor repre the 8th hcrzproportyandnhis the building to settle three in ches done The letter was received some time ago and Councilvlat that iie asked whatwould be over thesituation which they ap no report on their ï¬ndings it any were made Clerk Irelon insist ed thatxtbey give him decision the solicitor After some comments among the members as to what they could do aboutthe water or mak ing it run uphill they ï¬nally de cided site If ssing the CSPECIAL CHRISTMA DANCES PINEORESTI time agreed that they wouldlook in order that he could ieplyL to age with the road upérvlsor to law it for theyclerh to think up an answer suggestion that the lovinshlp engineer make port was montloncdhutno mo ion was adopted to that eiieet The sollcltér claimed that not only the diverting of water but thefllling upoi drainage courses bylhe ownersof land along the waterfront caused thehacking up of the water 11 his clients pro pcrty gt Shore Acres Park Lands Appraisal Before the exchange of lands at Shore Acres subdivision can be approved by theDepartmcnt of Planning and Development an appraisal is required of botli pieces of land nsurethe plan as park land ow desired by the parently did However they made min FALI is bad or al and especially so YOUare not FULLY COVERED with the right kind INSUR entlays you out then it is too laletoiget Insurance And to get competent study of all of your Insurance needs yoii will he wiée l0 consult an INSURANCE SPE CIALIST gt owners to enlar ANCE Dont wait untilan accid as from IenL oithe regimen Brigadier 8rIilthCBECD in specting oiiice irom Centr command Oakvtile who presented the trophy LtCoLHM GnndierED 01 Me ness They are offering instead choice oilands in other parts of the subdivision The pppraisal is to be made by Councillor Beally and Assessor Rob Sproule Montgomery Onve To Be Approved road leadingacross the oi Roy Warnica on subdivi on next to the Painswick eorncr and connecting Highway 111 and the 13th concession banheen Oitcred to the township lor acceptance The road supervisor has been alructed to 11 their boat busied iOId retiring commanding wheat and Co Henderson CD group cginmander of 17th Militia all Shine the Depart meutro Highways andii agreed as acceptable it will be taken Will Cover FIremeh To Sum of $5000 The Wotkin svCompensatlon Boardv have dvised that they 9p aInaxirnumcov erage of up to $5000 on voluntary ï¬remen Iwhii they arecmployed by the township agreed that they would Imit or township tittcen please Deor Santa Claus 1an really notqulto oidenoug letter but there is somet ng street and like all newcomers there islra ot ncedMynceds you will no douh for baby and as tables chairs pongtablcsfhnoks lamps haps 01 set an olectric dishes pots andpansin items that would make in in helping keep the youngwpeopl of and happy in a1 wholesome at Perhapsonyour annual rounds might iind numerous used articl know you and your reindeer when you arrive this farsouth but any help just telephonePA 84664 IsIMIIs SHOW PAS4427 LBIGMUSICAL4THE1ARISTOLLIES OF 1956 TCOntinu STARTS THURSDAY sOwERYBOYs IN FlGHTING zND HIT THE TOUGHEST MAN ALIVE ROXYGRANADA rAMous WIVTHVFORREST TUCKER GITHE WHITING SISTERS 2ND FEATURE THE SCREAMING EAGLES ShothhristmasDav Amunds phi TROUBLE ELAYERSTIH ATRESJ us land IfEast Africa was probably known to can navigatnrs as arly ihe 10th century CBC gFOIfces Station To Carry 12 Hours ConIIentiOn OTTAWA CHOnly one tole vision station in Canada balked at having to carry CBCTV covcrv age of the Progressive Conserva national Convention CEO said eel ed to privatelyowned Ontario station but saidthe CBC used showers under the gBroadcasting Act to OIqt he station tocarry the hours of scheduled Vonv tion coverage =r Canadan outpu crude pet roleum theflrst hauoi use Ac nt higher thau he iden iy he Ax 0515 FIpE hnn££imis Mm Nolsema ers Dancing Every Fri Sui Novelties allocations Tennis cotton 51 now an