Since the end on World War Two there hasneed egreat in flux otimmigranls Bnto Ontario mm many partsoï¬ the world This increase in po ulation has resulted in propo tionate in crease in our birthsat in 1954 Iorxeump tofel ot131502bnbies werb born in Ontario The following year this number had increased up 140503 One hospitil aloneover 12 recorded more than month period 5000 births Your gro moendw nerenns on wnsh you no pv Toms Arnold Butlthlm SUN moor omens lilo Plans and Annuities CLAHERTON ST BARBIE Since about Ba ol all babies born inloninr now come into the world in arhospitai approx imately 137000or more births iiowoccurln hospitalsln this proslnccwvcry lzlmonths Many inewborn babies look great deal alike sq that care and caution must beexercised in the routine and procedure of identity lnzi Antl The incidonc oi actunl mixups 02 babies iii he nitals is extreme 1y low but otpital authorities are weilaware that the confusion which can resuitfrom sueha hair penlng can befoi great concern and anxiety tniheiamiiics con cerned Varioushe beds are used by hospitaisinr tario to make pos itive identiil Ition of newborn babies at paiursc each of these methods 113510 be snicfsanitary and convenient Probably the most commemmelhod oi identiti eation is the use of name beads in necklnccs wristleu or anklets Another dcvice is the adhesive back tag but no matter What method is sale the identiï¬ca tion is applied most immediately Ifollowing birth cnsure that no smiling comm Ball held June Geranium or Blue em Bull Soap$l15 Sachel Pillow hold the long lasting lament Blue Grqn fragrance some am Gum new Cubu Io bnihvllnia luxury 5125 mm mm withJive cm Fined on mobile telleio ma toqu anhQ $125 Jun geranium lath Mn flied withueomy soap for in balii or shown 00 lath Solis amid ens BothSéepiin 5715 béautiiul eurtty Ior the patient and freedom horn worry bytallceneernedï¬ Silliiilli concsnr Ar nicme The teachers and senior pupils or Hillcrcst School alwaysprovide theeuterlalninent at the Christ mas program otthe Home and School Astociatinn and the event is usuallylhehighlight at the year for the parents LastThurs dny evenings concert wasino ex cention Secular rand sacred vmusi condensed version of Charles ck ens Christmas Caroland tour through the classrooms which were opeh so that parents could inspect the displays oi Christmas art work by the child ren made up full evening The school auditorium was over flowing with more than capacity audience at easily 400 people or rived to see the students periorni Ross Chldwel opens edthe progr With secular see sonal muslclncluding an arrange ment of The Happy Wanderer icnturing nrock roll solo by Joyce lllcks other numberswcre Frosty the Snowman Punkin head Toyiand Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer Whos Coming on Christmas Eve and Here Comes Santa Claus Another member of thetench ing stnti Ken Gatherswhose class won the attendance award or the eveningpresented ashort about 15 minutes long but ex tremely well done adaptation oi the famous Dickens story The tour scenes portrayed the count mg house the appearance of Mar ieys ghast the Cratchltt home and Scrooges reform Playing the part of Ebenezer Scrooge was Laurie Barron Alex and leaf design withan interest Measuring about 15 43 in hes theinsQitictlo lovely runner nlsp has chii Gurney Murray Elliott of Knox College anontotook the service in Guth rie Presbytérian Church on Sim day Dec 18 Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Norman Graham of Stoney Creek spent the wcckv end at the farmers homehere Christmas Supper Guthrie Presbyterian Church will hold their Christmas supper androncert on Saturday Dec 22 Supper at 630 ansley was Bob Cratcbitt and Ann Patterson was Mrs Cratcliitt Tiny Tim was Terry Garrow and the Christmas gt Spirit was Ulle Lentslus other members of the cast were Bonnie McKee as Mar the Jim Mclttartin as Pet Pat Berry as Belinda Peter as Sammy Diane Trueninn as sue and Michael Barnett as the mess engor boy Closing the program was collection of sacred Christmas choral music sung by large ciui BelLa Mrs TurleTLamb ofrfthe teach ing staff had collaborated on the presentation As carols repres enting Christmas music dotvn throuthhe ages ware sung 311 history of eachwas nanotéd and as the closing negro spiritual Go Tell It On the Mountain be gain the curtains at the back of the stage were drawn to reveal EXAMINERY lPletnres nviro er stall photographer tbnt pear in this new ones are avalllhle In glossy printi mom senvice He 5ro s1 10 eta Pfindpalqivwz Athe meetingand thanks or the Miss anaDeEattAndP£ mos tective stained glass cath ral window ckdrop painted by students gels We Have Heard on High was the iirstcarol on the program and was also heard as ï¬nale tothe group other non bersw re Little Town 01 Beth lehem It Came Upon Mid night Clea The Huron Carol Deck the Halls The Holly and the Ivy Th irst Noel and Silent Night ideiit Hermon Tomlin so welcpmed the members to Eve Installation supervised Vhy anrteohnloian gutiiil°niitli nemtqnna nos The BarrieExaminer riioue is $1414 monsoon see BARBIE Lv Barrie 700 an 830 1132 v3 pm 600 lIm 730 1111 900 pan 1030 pm to Iollbw Biakeiys noon De and two vi tors present The meeting opened with hymn and the Lords Prayer by Esther Downer Rev Mr Barnard presided tor the election or oiticerr as toi lows president Mrs Hazel Broi ley vicepresident Florie White side secretary Kathleen Mooney treasurer rs Woeds orgenist Mrs Newto The scripture lesson was read by Kathleen Mooney lesson thoughts by Mrs Robert Mooney Minutes otthe last meeting were read by Florie Whiteside Roll call was answered by verse from the Bible with the word Mary Mrs Newton gave paper on No man in the end Esther Downer read paper on The Hope of Christmas and The 1an school eonee held Mood nieht Dec 17vith noapacity crowd attendme The children put on excellent pmsnm At the clone the Program Trixie the home and Ichnof dies nailed the Kitchen liutiest put on aine musical number Their coetunles pd instruments sure caused langh Santa Claus arrived in line give onL the gills and candy rs Paterson and children to be congratulated on theit Ii concert and Theweekly card party as Tuesday night with six tables pluinlirizes went to Gordie Eaton EunitFMcFaddenTom Campbell ndvl3ill McFlddeu Next card party on Jan Re to scefyou all back lillllli ms The stilesr TOY gunmen MONEY paper 073 adys Moone rea paperBo Christmas ted rs ito rt Mooney tesh losed riwith benedlciion Mrs Labiotzinfyl ailidllcne Blakely serve any one The nest meeting wiil be at AMMEEED Mrs Kenneth Brolicys Euchre Clnh WoodrEuéhre Club held their weekly euchre on Wednesday evr ening with tour tables Ladles high Esther Downer mens high Charles Randall lene hands Watson Downer low Doris Mathews and James Gauley There will be no reuchre Christ stern FAMILY ALUMINUM Boil Bon and Tid Bit Trays 0099 LazyBusans etc BL MQUTATM ROTTBRY yeryJarge assortment 101com WATER summons sets or sizes swspisu masswsnt Specially selected bins CLAPPEETONS CUT CRYSTAL lfolk Windsor Eattertis PERSON LIZED and Boxed end iiee due oith finest displays or altos tth we hev ever hod FDIGK18TEELEl7 on English gin on gift him coherenng dSlSPhllii8Z395 yéflltISTMAS CARD Collin mas weigh Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs rt Burns oi Maple spent day ecently with Mr and Mrs Garvin Burns ChristinasWiahes We wishing Barria Enmin and staff Merry Christmas and Happy New Year