Wm tion to attempts toth Also the board said desire was shown by to keep the juice of Canadian tobacco none competitive in Irorld marhe wares The water supply in harrie comes from pure spnngs some flowing some pumpedJrorn our the rock 24m Barton wxoxssosr our loss maxat minorI Vletorh incomes4t the Mal Victoria gtBHi£ Oct nu ll WY Ind 0d 251 gflmlnchn rang Isntnu one on lflfl loved hum Ill thnrfl rumM he no ll Victoria is Earle Gre Players Here Saturday Night In Eddédï¬on gt Continued from page cine also the danger of organised Eduution busi ess and itwu high menisci elghtnndJ halitimes as much money is spent on crime detec tion as on education Education was not overspr TSubleth hail chanxed Ihe three its arestill helo tioa ofour culture thinkthe three Rs lected Dixon gave ital hisopi on that one at the important dc velopmeou in gt education inthe next iew years would be the use oi television lie alsooucstloned the real value of 10 and ability tests Improved Supervision Supervision had improved mittedthe speaker but he Ielt that it might be good thing if every five years inspectors were to go out andvteoeh There was ONE OF THE LEADING PLAYERS with theanrle Grey Shakespeare Festival Company is the wife of the launder seen here in the role or Portia in The Merchant of Venice Excerpts tram MacbethvHamlet and Twelith Night will also be performed during the two and halt hour pro gram being presented in the rColleglate Institute Saturday night uditoridm of the Barrie District The periormance be gins at eight oclock Reserved seats are available Rummage sale central Unlted Church hall Friday Oct 26 730 pm Auspices Jr WA 119421 Rummage sale Oct 27 at LTB Hall on High Street at am Auspices Loyal True Blues 119121 Dance Avening Community Centre Friday Oct 26 1956 Blue Mountain Boys Orchestra Dancing 9301 Admission 50c Lunch counter 121 Dance to the music at the Country Ramblers at Guthrie Community Hall on Saturday Oct 27 Dancing Q12 Lunch coun ter Admission 75c 121122 TecWeGwill Senior Institute sponsoring dance Friday Oct 26 Newton Robinson Orange Hall Special dances and lunch Every one welcome Admission 75c and 50c iieizi Rummage Ssle Womens Hos pital vAméiliaryg Royal Victoria HdSpltal Trinity Parish Hall Fri day Oct 26 39 pm Oct 27 912 hoop For pickup call PA 68442 or PA 85700 Nous11am Halloween masquerade dance Ivy orange Hall Saturday Oct 27 old timeand modern danc ing 912to Beattyfs Orchestra Prizes for costumes and lucky spot Lunchcount Admission 50c Anniversary services cooks town Presbyterian Church Sun day Get 28 11am and pm The minister Mr John Posno will conduct both services Spe cial music by the choir Everyone welcome Barrie and District Association for Retarded Children rummage sale Trinity Parish lHall Friday Nov at2 pm Leave rummage at hall any one Nov roi Barrie Horticultural an Town Improvement Society annual tur key dinner Trlnity ParishHail WednesdaynNov Speak Funnel Showia olored moviesw Other ente alnment set122 121422 MIdland SaIlor Drowns in Superior Midland Free Press Herald The second Midland sailor to meet death by drowning this month was Arthur cagnetta of the csLagsuriIngmsaWfe His sister Mrs Albert Contois Midland receivcdword Wednes day morning that thefsailor in his late twenties had drowned in Lake Superior and that his body had not yet been recovered born at Moon River and moved to Midland at an early age He has sister and two brothers liv ing in Barrie and another sister whose address could not be oh tained at prosstime The MrCascagnette married was always tendencytor inspectors to become ldealls problem ht teachersseerne wi it was estimat hat 1000 see ondary school teachers wouldbe required by 1985 the amber avsllaole was likely 4000 short of that The department had made it easier andcheaper to become teachersand Vthls was good moveior it was for ter to have an inadequately train ed teacher than no teacher at all Nevertheless rteacher cauld lot of rm Thelarents DII Mr Dixon emphasized he portance oi the parents duty to educate the child was not something lllill could if shrugged off on to the teachers In this connection he touched on the question of free expression by the child The child should be taught irecexpression in way acceptable to society if he doesnt ceptable way then suggest that the teacher hould be allowed frec expression Parentalindulgence was seldom good for the child and he remind ed parents that stiff pat on the back was still good so long as it was given long way down The speakeri touchedon the burden of education on real estate and the question why teachers gaseous BUBBETPHIN roa HOME IM ROVEMENTS 5I ll io35llll son now smearin ranged to suit your dget No own ton up styles Pastels bright costume colors smart entrails Willi ground to co becoiniag over schools was expensive at ih pres that the government should make dolt in the ac elm Barrie on use to an sown in mu YM 50$ nowon tor only liairdrgslng Av Prion am 8650 21 Maple g2 lens son 410 Vklorll Barrieun0ct In om bonrllnds us relr mannau mum 3ng flmlo£lrinu ma In Received as my masbcmn Norms In the magma wire wmimh Harmdnxogm milmeshes tor Debra NldnoNAt th Iui some ou and were scarce He intedoutioo that obtaining saucy for how 2111956 ent timosndfronie councili had been selling debeptures on the American market but this in his opinion wss gsmblingwlth the taxpayers money He suggested on Fred mï¬yu oct 32 availablechcapcr money for this operation 131m puzvshon Lake shimwe level is new we ahal onlyï¬nd uonsgthrough teamworkfl sea level than Georgian Bay and our lather of In and hula his an year at and In er on 51mm is nani Vldala nu am on knee to II Re 333 w3 nut 23 21 It so norm II flflfll not Oct 33 lnm do lievital mwoi no Cid 61 Vmflfllï¬nl In Paul Sneddon ls Chester llmgli erase price at as centsper pound torthe 1966 fluecured tobacco crop was set by the Ontario Fine 1955 Cured Tobacco Marketing Board The market will open or all Oct Sirnuns no Vlttorll Tiamend Guy Herb the average 137 feet higher above 05213 nona Alena Jaw beloved vile at In MP Ahab en 15 mimosisnl in via It Lanelle am lieu awryem and of Morley gtB¢dlordi nu Vedneoday no meat at Toronto Tobacco Board Sets 45 Ceï¬nisAs MinimuinPrice sincoa cma minimum av members OcL 30 The price is threcqnarters at The board said growers ielt the ln nn crease still was insufï¬cient to production which centmore than last year cover costs of soared this year the leaner Moral HomeBurtn canary OWNAl Talus no Km Idlln lov The growers finally agreed on WhrmllouiSeiszsx sruxovx FOR BOYS éx énv FOR GIRLS AT LEFT Worm 3pc Setoi durable wool and rayon fleece with Mouton processed sheared lamb collar cosy cotton Kashn lininguLeggings with sideshow elas tic at instep Matching helmet Your ch ice of blue grey llerWHEWW 03 ac C3stset diwhnn wool code with whiteMoutonxprocessed lamb tr lng Fully lined Double breasted jacket leggings with tom BOYS you tale to oasisops elastic bockw st hiatching bonnet iur mutt Choice of blue ALI wooL 69 SIZES T0 toiit children tom years Mitts sure to lease with decorative alpha letters Snugfitting ribbed DtlfSCthLe oi redhnavy grey brawn style Copsdpyour choice oi style shown and others Snug and1 tty powder blue yello red navybrown whit with contrasting trim gmy lt leather in Ha style with can fleece lining Foamya at 198 98 anon ARIETYoéwpular blackcatviiSpecjjlly treated on lame vinyl or cambric in sizeslivor ts children and youthai nth boys clownsjrwitches eta Grandifor childrenspartieap hildnemyouths to it years Chaose ow at this Zeller cc mamraw KING Accessories ThrillPriced SK SUIT ani Viscosedc nylon smoothly blended lor twsrmth and long WearMouV ton procemcd lamb collar Fully lined zipper closing storm tabs woolen storm cutie Highbib leggins with adyu able straps side zippers elastic instep straps double knees Matching helmet Choice of ray WINTER vnauys+IQR TOT$10 TEENS nomination SIzsszro SO PRACTICAL Wind resist ant Water repellent Quick dryingl Snueg fashioned 100Brucks nylon with cosy quilted lining Full length dressing Matching peak hat Choose red royal brown green twin zippers for quick easy FNEPJEANS ills 298 yles Istan 39s nors sizes mm fShniorized De im la nel ening with Sahiorized plzid cotton ning Double knees zipper op bartacked at points itrain Choice of regulation style with elt loops or roomy halfboxerwaist Blue QrAierr the treat or triclcTcrowd seams oraogeaaoimon every one narrowelsn ohms iry love them enich delicious candy Tvours in cellobag parties iun Haliaad full mask styles in latex gauzesatcen oaths adults Choose at or lldllowecn on ahead fill191E351 when cnuncuf SUNDAYoCT287zao shamanism monsoon iNA Principol Couslorid fHymns in Christian Worship SlMCOE PRESBYTERY RALLY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE SPCIAL SIZESZ To ï¬x cosy cot ton tlonnclette Shi so com fortable to wear easy to wash Red blue1 SPECIALIy BOXES DONGS in sturdy cotton Corduroy Elastic at waist Two handy pistolpoc kets Red royal green brown sizes to PLASTIC PANTIES Choice of clear pink blue ms white Elasticized Openings Superiory quality SML Speciallypriced at only 223 moms BRAND smooth soft flannelette Diapers highly absorbent nonirritating 28 by 36 ins Cello wrapped for freshness Special SalePrice 297 doz SLEEPERS zPi 12 style of cosy fleecelined cotton Footed with plastic sole elasticized rib hing Sizes to 159 IIIIIiuwcésn cosrumgs nears mulowaiv KISSES fps and wholesome salon for Special 25c Bag sliqesaureto mm big hit with peliclous chewy candythe young 296 lb coated gain 25 pkgs assorted lav esc rm resVAL nor PRAISE PARTIES ANDSHELL9UT nhluding skeletons pirates Choice o1plastlc 29 lb 11Ele BEANS in traditional Halloween colours Be sure and have plenty on hand to Shell Outj