news mrcmna Toe for your party so NEWSBUILDING osolchtso ï¬WAVERLEYJUNIlED CHURCH The strapless blouse is made tram two straight pieces and is worn with matching triangular stole smart twosome made 01 print and plain jersey particularly flattering to beauti ful shoul ers ILAyouuwould liketo have the directions for making this Setsimpty setter dastarnped senaddressed en velope to the NeedlecrattDepartment 01 this paper reguest ing STOLE BLQUSE Leaflet NO 5377 3er definition Halloween Tea Hallowecn tea in Stroud PresA byterian Church on Saturday Oct 27 Also sale of homemade baking Be sure and come and bring your friends Minerva Lodge Banquet The members of Minerva Lodge are holding their annual banquet ladies night in the Community Hall here on Friday Oct 26 Out of llospital Mrs Ken Bradley returned home Thursday after her recent operation in Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie Also Mrs Robert Sproule re turned ofterspending week in Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs William Milling was trans ferred from RoyalVictoria Hos pital to Toronto General last week We hope this maybe the solution to her illness and ac ciderits over the past year The community also were sorry to hear of the recent unlortunate accident at RCAF Edgar to Tim OConnell who was working on construction worktthere andpwas badly hurt Monday and is also in patient in the Royal Victoria lion pital We do hope all will con tinue to improve From Toronto Mr and Mrs Spendiss of To ronto have purchased and moved intothe house recently occupied by Mr and Mrs Robert Sproule and family We welcome thEm to the village and community Chapter Attendï¬ervice number of the members of urday evening in St liean Church divine worshipat St PaulsAng lican Church onSnnday Oct 21 Drive For Clothing Anyone in the community hav ing good used or new clothing for children or adults to dispose of are asked to take them to the en tranceto the telephone secretarys oilice in the post office building at the south side entrance where cartons have been placed to re ceiire them This drivefor good used or new clothing is for the Canadian Snvetliegchlldren iund We hope for agoodresponse in the next two weeks This is your chance to help someone else Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Irving Nelson Charles and Dick and Miss Joyce Barber of Toronto visited recently WeekendWith Sister Mrs Hand spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister and family Mr and emoticon son Lyndenarid her father Sutherland returned gt home withher jltecentli Married Congratulations to Miss Mada lina Glbbons and Elvin Scotty Kell who weremarried onSat Fauls Ang Good Record Altbough the ball teamlost this yearl they have won the cupthree and been fiveï¬mesin the Thatske 13ml lie TresentatlontoriNewlyweds Waverley Uniled Church mark ed an important milestone in its history Sunday Oct 21 when the new church school and Christian fellowship auditorium was oific lolly dedicated intruded oi slag block and rhea ng approximately 38 feet by 28 eel the new building has been erected at the southeast cor ner of the old irame church Also attached is modern kitchen about 20133 by 12 Ice Costol the building estimated at more than 58000 hos alreadyi beenrnet hall in cash donations by members Remainder of the cost is covered by pledges The $8000 does not include greatdeai oinvolunteer labor by members at the congregation Heading various were Harry Mayplanning Elmer French building William Corlett treasurer Mrs Corlett chairlrdy the WA tarnishing committee Primarily said Rev Wesley Clear minister otthe Waver leyWycvole congregations the new bullding=wos erected for the furtherance of Christian education and leilowrhip it will also how ever be used for such things as Sunday School churoh suppers and general auditorium The building inlactfihould be weicomc addition to thelile oi the entire community gt One storey in height the new building will be stucco ï¬nished on the ouuide in white color to mnlch the frame church The lat ter ediï¬ce built around 1885 has been freshly painted in recent months Interior of the auditorium is light green with white ceiling and natural finish to trim and doors Greui and rose was chosen as the color scheme for the new kitchen Dedication services Sunday slnrted at 230 pm Greetings were extended by Rev An nis former minister now living retired at Owen Sound Rev Stubbs of the Anglican Church Watkins Elmvnle the con tractor and Elmer French build ing chairman Dedication messages were given by Rev Dr Reynolds on behalf Simcoe Presbytery and Rev Auld of St Pauls Midland on behalf of iheTMinis terial Association and oronto Conference Mr Watkins Elmer French William Corlet Walter Drinkill superintendent of the Sunday Churchill and Lefroy were pres ent in Stroud Hall on Fridayeven in Opt 13 to do honor to ntdridcrsho bm nï¬noo Jack Marquis Euchrawas enjoyed for thcfirst two hours resulting in Mrs Thompson and Jack Webster receiving prizes or high scores Jack and Vclma were called to the front where they were pre seated with and eulogistic address lounge chair and walnut desk BothMr andMrs Marquis ex pressed appreciationfor thebssu tiful gills and their friends re plied bysinging For they are jolly good fellows Lunch was served arid the rest of the even ingiwas spent in dancing tothc music of Tom Pattenden and his mountaineers Ariniversary Services large number from here at tended the Thornton United Churchanniversary services on Sunday Recent srtdrs Mr and Mrs Horvey Hughes are visiting with Toronto friends MlssAgnes Givens and Mr Spearin of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and MrsWi1 liam Givens Mr and Mrs William McLean spent last week visiting atthc home of Mrs McLeans sister Mro Brown in Matchedash New York Trip Mrand Mrs Harold Lee and children enjoyed aholidaytrip last week to New York flWlnter ImStroud Mr and MrsGarf Gordon and Lewis of Pontiex Saskatchewan motored tostroud last week to spend the winterwithziriendo and relatives here They are occupy ing Mr and Mrs Walter Hills househ Helps building The beautiful weathed with lhebuilding of four new houses in our village belonging to Fred Purvls George Weather ill Rod Black and Shell Bowman the DES lnuisfll Chapterlattended Over 200 friends iromï¬troud also Wilson Wices new garage Nico FloWEirs RAM OCCASION committees School and Mn Closer tookput ia the ceremony of turning over of the keys it TheWA will get their ï¬rst Save Leaves chanceto last the new kinda when turkey dirineris can the new building today gt Flos MiovéS To EarlierVote Flos elcctors will go to the polls wilthlsmr At its October meeting in Elmo vale Fins Council approved moi tion that nomination and election days or council and school area board be advnncedtochc and Dec lanespcctively ï¬v Bylaws were approved 5th the rates tor garbage collection at Orr Lake and the Wasaga Beach area and for Phelpslon stréet lighting Tenders are to be called ilor snow removal lrom Dec 15710 March 15 4057 committee which inspcclcds snow plow oli ered for sale by the Department at Highways reported an offer is to be made The clerkwas inslructed to write the Ontnrio Municipal Board tor approval oftelcphone deben tures 31 Township engineer Weir recommended thatthe outlet to Phelpston morsh drain be im proved betore any action was taken to repair the remainder of oi the pastfew weeksls helping greatly irborqfiot co 7aboutonr tees Mr Smitty Your Life Insurance will take care of usl the drain The clerk waslnstnrtt ed tolake soiltest ctthe outlet Accounts op roved wererosds 391630 hosp talizltion 526127 shewkilled $00 ï¬re deparlmcnt $6228 reliel $5441 greats $350 miscellaneous $4688 aeronrIQNaoopruim paoaons 212ooo Boy Seton this month wihd up no new Conservation Good Turn Piéka Troops and Crews which achieved ceitain standards can apply ta Provinclol H0 or Cbnservaboa Award Streamer ior their xunit flagsz Vconservation will bo the theme of Scouting throughouttho world in185ltlie Golden Jubilee year otthc Scout Movementli Aaaforass To NhUrish Gardens Gardeners are just mo ready to pack upthcirhoes and rakes and turn their roan thumb to growing thinnjindoomf This means that the garden must he prepared for the long Twinler months Now is the time to gather up 111 thedead growth nnd but it 19 work or next yurr lower and vegetables compost pile made lrornthir debris is valuable source oi the organic matter so necessary to healthy soiL To makea compost pile simply arrpngei layer upoa loyer oi weedS lawn cuitiogl dead plants 191 °hEFWl¢ terinl from the garden Between each layer sprinkle little soil along with sprinkling of Gor deriitefcrtilizerto helpieed the nathrni bacteria of the soil The topoi the pile shouldbe kept con cave tojllow rain water to ac calculate water lustens the rot ting proccsog Any free corner of garden an nnbwiyolaaeu 11ka bullets ianJdu plm to ltnrt compost pile iliitis not built too high it can occasionally be turned mcfwith allork to hasten the rotting anthreddin out This one good why or clung rid otthe buketrof lure which carpet the down each lalL lib stud at burning them Jrcoding them alt for disposal treasure Itniay take little while to build up rumble compostrpile but beforeyau know it tillzer factoryyill report to Scout Headquarters Vlle the lat Beverley Hill Ontario Troop Scoutmaster Anti ony reported thnthls Scouts planted 3000 trees improved five acres of wood lotand ZOOfeet of Idsblng stream cleared uppin nici sitescqnducted demonstra tions on gun boating shd ï¬shlng safety and attended several lcclt gt tureson soil and rest gtFtrstto present Conservation omen lion new one Aqw SlZi CAM 0F ï¬rmmango och 11 hart yearlr will be bursting tortb in blue of glory from last years leaves and debris Now murmurs There are many aew devoidp meat on the books tor thoiarm ottomomw But we mushroo iioc thatlwe cannot jump into to norrow without having tried the proven scientiï¬c arming eth oltnday The future will then take care of llselt by natural progression dt Soak Journal