HOLLY Recent Visitors Mr and Mn Moulton and boys ot Hamilton were visitors recently with Mr and Mrs Graham Birthday Party Ralph Johnson entertained three playmates to his birthday party on Friday atternoon Recently Mellied Congratulations to Mr and llfrs Rose Davis nee Doria Collrm who were married on Saturday atternnon at Burton Avenue Uni ted Church manic The recep tion was held to Holly church basement at which the WA cat cred Weekend Visit Kay Burns oi Egbert spenLthc weekend with Dorothy Rodgers Home and School Association Holly Home and School Associ ation met In Holly School on Oct FOR LUXURY LINGERIE LOVELY LINGERIE OPAQUE NYLON TRICOT WITH PERMA PLEATING SLIP 398 HALF sue 298 Exquisitely detailed slip and hail slip of opaque nylon lricot extrava gantly trimmed with perma plcating and lace Slip has adjust able straps halt slip has smooth fitting ulastic walstbund White pink blue or black Slip sizes 32 lo 40 398 llait slip small medium large 13 Dunlap ST 1111111 on members presenblhe meeting vvas opened by the presi dent Mrs Ortt The banner was once again discussed Hrs Dowel lng introduced hits Ransom from the insurance agency of the Ben rie Coop who gave very inter esting talk on Saiety and showed two very interestingï¬ima Safe ty Driving and Day in Court Hrs Ransom was thanked by Mrs Ortt The lunch committee serve ed lunch which brought the meeting to close Feeling Better We are pleased to learn that Linda Schell is ieellng better after her recent illness Mr and Mrs Bull of Cooks ville were Sunday visitors with ilrs Nelson Moved To New Home bin and Mrs James and Freddie haye moved to their new home at Candles Home and School Bauer Holly Home and School Associa tion will hold in honor and tea in Oddfellows Hall on Friday Oct 26 between and pm There will be table or fancy work aprons home baking plants hand kerehiefs etc so very good selection is ottered and everyone is urged to support this worthy cause Itsad In Schiadt and telnin spent Sunday with the Bentley and attended anniver sary service at the church here Mr and Mrs Downing and anally visited with Mr and Mrs Poole at Newton Robinson on Sunday In cummerson at Lawn Park and her sister lira Norman oi Dindale visited with Mrs Nel son recently Sunday visit Mr and Mrs Siessor and Betty visited in the district Sun day and were present at the church anniversary Supply Teaching Mrs Downing ls supply teaching at 13A lnnislll for week ANCIENT SECI Jainism an influential sect ot Hinduism is believed to have ori ginated in the sixth century BC TRIBAL HONORS PRINCE RUPERT ChiFull tribal honors were accorded John son Russ 10 at his funeral lie was the rlnce of the Nishga Nev lions ln lane lndisns of royal hirth attended the unusual cer mony and 27pleco bond esco ed the funeral cortege 1957 MODELS TWOTONED 1950 MODELS UP COMPLETE REPAINT sracrar PRICE non roam ownaas Sand blasting wheels etc Details PAINT Specials TWOWEEKS ONLY 35oo 6000 PA 56350 courrsr WIN UBTO The earliefyou get in Ell fOllSDlAIIOII PRIZESt WIENIER Nowiillllll bet 22NOV 23 emote you wins so Famous ace vrCroa NlppErVï¬obleaadtos Youve heard the experts predict the outcome of the EastWest Football Classic for years Now you can become an expert and have CASH MIDHURSI Church News 0n Sundey OcL 28 the United Church service will be held at am pan tor the winter months Sunday School at 215 There will he student speaking at this service Everyone is cordially in vited to attend Legion Euchre The Legion weekly euchrg on Thursday evening was well at tended with eleven tables The prizes werezuens William Me Fodden Maurice Couth mowi ation lichen Wallwln adlen high Mrs Scott Hrs Bin le consolation Mn Moclad Comb along next Thursday nd have social evening Beginnin In November the yearly score will be kept so dont miss an evening Dont miss the 1113 euchre In the Reforestry Hall at 830 Tulle day evening Oct 73 Good prizes for euchre and door prizes llorticulturpl Society The Vespra Horticultural Soey ety had teleating meeting last Tues ay Richard Brown gave demonstration on plant cuttings Leo Brockoven spoke on landsenping the small garden which was enjoyed Mrs Lilli crap and Mn Don Schelp won the door prizes Everyone enioyed the swap all taking home some plants Home From Rospltgl loan Sutton is home from hos pital and progressing ll limits litre Maurice Coutte Is patient in Western Hospital Toronto Her many trienda wish her speedy recovery There are three tractors tor every fouroccupled terms in con uda it youia is winningiprediction made duringtheiï¬rstweek ot the Halvvlg Motors Appointment Is Announced merino notary ay msn gonnarow Wed like to introduce one of the two new voices youve heard over CKBB namely Terry Mc Connell Terri is man at dis tinctioo teh etinction being that he was the liratvnlse to be heard on CJET Smiths Falls where he was employed as chlet announcer fornine months The Eyearold announcer start ed his career in his home town Sherhrooke Quebec Here after graduating tron St Patricks Academy he joined CKTS But Sherbrooke is by no means his only home Hea gained radio Eilcimhitimdcxfl cW In EDWIN IL WAWHEB Guelph erar Smiths Falls laim Lloyd liaiwig president nal CF91 M° Motor Company announca the appointment of Edwin Wauthler as salesrnanager ot the local Pontiac Buick and GMC dealers From Kitchener where he on sales manager with Forbes Motors Mr Wauthler is member at the General Motors Blaster Snipsmens Clubas premium senior master salesman Very in mm tereeted in sports he is an en nllenl Ivlnm thuslastic yachtsman and mem ueo so herbal the RoyalHamiIton Yacht Marricd he Is the father of three children two girls 2156 nine and six and hay age two and half Hisolder daughter is an accomplished figure skater and pianist She was gold cup w1n 4rlerï¬at tine Kitchener Granite Clllub el rst year skating and as passed her Grade piano exoln 53 HDM um Junction no HUME wnlern taum 4p CKVRTV nanny nor Illv ue lent1 etaa AM We ol Lin us octet Item no Howey Itoo1 no Jungle nosmint rvln no ctrcoo luv Loo Ii out IfIrv Mo Im ravllonlle also one um at Yony in Iron runoav our us toyluv tuna 400 Lev of mo 41 new Item 130 Howdy no Junta moo wmm me New ul Width 45 lnorte rem us we mo mm Imitation cm or lo while alltn hr we In Iner wsnnuonv nor MI sum slum °° fï¬lhzllon ran 1nealrv no no emu 131$ HF3mniii Now with CKBB Terry is busy with Radio Freezeout and the noon edition Town and Coun lry Time as well as the 530 pm and 080 news Terry who is planning to mlrry In June hopes to make Barrie his permanent home We suggest you listen to the Red Foley Show Monday through Friday at 715 pm This wonder ful show is avaiihhle tor the tint time to daily radio audience The lied Foley Show lsplcked with the songs the showmanship and the personallty that has ire this great western artist at very top of his field year attet year Thats Monday through Friday at 7J5 pim enamel use no new at no to lure runway oov us umm or ll of Secret term NW4 D00 munam lane an In tun ranm Ir Ind om lam leek us emu no son no eilmu can an Loo one no In ellw valn shew Maren lur Adven noodv rhotn no Biennium In um 10 Mum lan we um Charlie can on Imeon lodge of Perfection Convenes Tuesday Masonic Temple Autumn Assembly of Barrie Lodge of Perfection will he held In the Masonic Temple com mencing Tuesday Oct 23 at 745 pm and continuing on Wednes day Presiding will be the TPGM Money Degree work will be examplltled by teams from Bari rle Oriliia Newmarket Stayner Collingwood Sheiburne and Honeywood mono ml is 00 um nuaunu in Town um calum nm 10 Boortl Diett me Porn ram norm use New mo um Headline 101 Bulletin Bolrdl 30 second BPllfll L33 Aunt arm VlelÂ¥ to 400 am Peeling Parade umiucounm out Edwina Camp Borden Sports NEII 1000 New roJo Trndtnl two Nun 22s on non Nav Kiwanis Program to Club and awards willhe present1 Guanthuuuu Ugown Ind country in News Headline Fntm Market moon Enorta Neil Dulletln Board New Heldilnea elmcu anon Calender Red Paley Vn CIVIICIGB ot am In no Artist PW On Agriculture Has Ivy Speaker Rev Bevan Monks rector of Christ Church lvy will be the speaker tor todays dinner meet ing of the Kiwanis Club The mu meeting is under sponsorship at 505 Ithlim the committee forhlagricuituroP and uï¬xï¬iy The Aron conserva ion wit ewart at as chairman Slides will be shnvEn Escrowm illustrating the highlights of Bar rie Fair Guests will lnclude members of the Minesing 41 38 30 News one Bulletin 55882 83 alq rm 430 Matlnn 525 camp Pana use courts anon seam News and Wattler Tunnav me am an no Blleogth For The Dar ass News also Mullcnl cm on 700 Plrm It Report 71a Newa ed to winners ofexhiblts at the Junior fair BORN BMWNAt the Royal Victorln Hos pltai Barrie on Oct 19 1955 to Cpl and Mn Norman Brown Letroy son illlchlld Benson EDWARDSTAI the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 20 1955 to Mr and Mn Beverley Edwards 56 Ecclel st loll Russell Brien HOEBENAt the noyn Vztetnrlasli aa Ctvemlrht spam Scores 40 Rellnnal Weather aso canea 345 Ontario all iv um xmn onu on Nun soon ornlnl Vlrle not name Precuout lulo womantun clinic as Household nint run an cum on 1130 Illlllo Country am rm runloav not rem Town no country ruo apt Diret use nun lurkt new moo Rural nouns Up 00 News Headlines Second oarins that Inn 05 Hull ncolmtn fltyle eoo mu rteduo one run and county Time am Neil Headlines am ram turret Report spam Calendar tun Pol CKBB PROGRAMS olAluso Loo Nels at one Eco and walnu mouunnv AJI sun on sueinn 1m in my en Manicr Clock anov rum Mprkrt Report night Snort mllanl Weather Bvortl nouns Ila News pom learn now Time Revlp Newecllt grgdinl Pol noun In Show as flldMoIninl Newlcnet Redlo Praeuaut Homemaker Cilnlil rmm Poet Nllcul am Nan Bclfl at Crénby any uen ountri rm Poet eflrlnanca eases choline h2g3 num to ma Parade omen eaarta weenanal mm News nneueu um Town and country Time laxo spam Digest lane Pnrm tum Resort use Hawcur 100 Headliner aa Bulletin Board so Etoond earlnr 45 All Ill 00 Illlll Variety to we No1 Plllitll Parade Mltlnla on News iremm 15 CIMD Borden Hum 20 run at Work on Town and Count emu Time chance to gotpoidfor it toolHeros how worka dying the prop in toony RCAllictorl Grey Cup Contest posters ohd Knswel these toggl guostions win thé Grey Slip Classlch gt gt What will total points of both teamsbo ot end of polite What willtolnl pointsof both teengas at holt time Who Will n1 plck Up an $596 at try blank Guess the total points of both learnsin eneh quarter nutes Entry blanks are available at your RCA VictorDealore tn your community Each contestant will answer those four queetlone Who will win the Grey CupClolaic What will the total points of both teams be at end of game What will total points of both teams be at Halftime cl Guess the total pointaof both teams in oach quarter The earliest dated entry with oil fourciumtiono arrowerpd correctly or moot correctly will be declareditho winner lï¬n$I000000 One thing to remember entriesdatéd during the ï¬rst week are eligible tor the top prizes$500000 or $10000001As reachweek passes the basic prize of $5000 is reduced by $50000 and double prizes This contest contest you win $500000in cash If you purchased an RCA Victor TV set during the period of the contest your is doubledand you reduced accordingly After the ï¬rst week the basic prize for entries made that week is $450000 after the second week its Worth $400000 and io on until the last week when entries made that week are eligible tor300000 All entries will he examined forage not open to employees of Company Limitedhite subsidiaries its dealers year rig agency or their familioaor anyone dir fly or indirectly connected with the handling of the corates Contest opene October 22nd 19569iadlc one midnight November 23rd 1956 GRAND PRIZE Winni entry mailed dur week St to IV inclusive the prize will be $533500 23 pltni Barrie on Oct 1t 1856 to Sat and Mrs Llnchet GBurton Ave Inn David Charles ROBERTSAt the no at Victoria Hoe ltll Barrie on CLI9 I955 to and Mn John Robert 233 Well ington st son Jerry Elliott SMALLAt the Royal Victoria Hos lnl Barrie on Oct 20 1950 to and Mrs Robert Small Creemnreo daughter IN MEMORIAM CllllPBln loving memory at deal Today recalls the memories who died Oct 20 1953 ten 01 deer one lane to rest And the one who thinks of him toda la the one who loved him heat 48mm mined by wife and tent mun nd and father Harvey on pa who passed away Oct 12 BAWNln luvln memory of dear con and brothgr John Allen XIVn Dear Allen you are not forgotten Though on our you are no more Still in memory you Ire with Ila you nlwnyn were hetore ltememhered by mother Ind llJI deg Borrow with Conï¬dence fromch Over half million Canadian families every yea borrow with conï¬dence from llFC because isCsnadasonchonsumelflnaooeconlprInybackod by 78 years experience Household Finance apocializes in providing loans from 550 to $1000 in one day and in privacy This prompt able money servioeis available you today ousruolo Elaine 25 Dunlap St West second floor phone PA 15529 email our unu IIANOII ll lulled last use plan FA WI HlmuiMrIo street second floor phone 90 COLLINGWDOD ONT wimn Hand your completed entry to your dealer BE SURE ITS DATED who in turn will forward them for ï¬nal judging if receipt of purchase of an RCA Victor TV set is attached to the entrytho cash prize will be doubled should such entry be judged winner The panel of judgoewill include Mr McBrion Secretary Canadian Rugby Union and The Canadian Bureau of Contest Judging who will examine and judge all entries and award prizes on the basis you here All outriep become the property RCAingtor Judgoa decision ï¬nal mill go correspon nce enters into 29 winners wi notiï¬ed by mail Prizes are those described herein No person CONSOLATON may win more than one prize in case of tie tiebreaker Tho50 cgnteetianucldeojt thi winning gt If winning entry mailed during gel of October 29 Novomhorainlve VIVod db $500 for totalof $251013 ha Pp ml As each week of the cont panes the prize will be co by $50000 so that It the Winnim bat1 it not mailed lino the week preceding the Gprpe its value will be $309909 All the shell rizog will be dabbledif ceipt fortli pu chgee of Ira Victor not iaottfechgd toltlie on ry gt queetion 9rqueetionamoy be naked each receive CAVictorNipcll Table soaa eaatr WITH YOUR ENTRY rue sullen YOU ctr latgm Molt touwlNri gt Juiwmm ntrx onksroro available atoll RC5 VICTOR doolprpllsted below gt aursron 11 Wilson Appliances mung rayon1 sales slmcoe Disaster CD PERATIVE SERVICES 259lnnlafll Street LEFROY Monomer GARTSHORES mansions STORE 40 Dunlop St West lrEENaNSIMusrosroms Dhnlop Street West