mrnour panama Those were real good but lets againJThose and them are words word over the weekend But in this case however but when the Barrie Flyers plpyed St Michaels Major in Toronto last week they should ltl old news now By STEVE JONESCU hope we dont have to try them we wereiorced in cat we didnt mind one iota have won the game ey didnt tare so well was because oi inadequate goaltend ing on the part of Messrs Baird and McKechnie And from that one gamewe surmised that Hap Brim had better put liarold Cotton to work scouting up junior goaltender it he didnt we mused game which eventual sions are dot always dly 3nd Saturday tram scoredthetr opposition 84 The reasonlor the Flyen ning anythinghnt aéarhe losers would have whale of time will prizeAli that was because of one proved for the time being that first impres ones that count the Fryers tank Dall at exhibition wins Peterborongh club In those games the Barrie team out the Pctes lack of goals is in the names Bill Baird and Bruce McKechnie Their weekend pcrt rm ancesishowcd nosimllarlty to the StM cs game whatsoever ot the toningoals havo gonepast McKech untrained undented despite the not that while Bairds armour has ltlnwfweiusthope that the boyswont turn about the other way the song says tnrn about is lair play But well seewhich wayto holler Wednesday when St Mikes are isitors 1m Barrie ice ROUGE lNlllAflON Saturdays trip to Cobonrg was our first long one with the Bar rie Flyers it also proved hetare the to be our initiation night At 130 am inst outside at we dont know where returnjourncy was completed we werearoused from the land at the sngar plum iairies by what is commonly known as hottoot 0hthls scribe sighed should have known better than to fall asleep on bus carrying winning team But that was that so we slipped back to slumberland again When again we awoke and at tempted to stretch our legs we were confronted by the sad truth that the laces of either shoe had been tied in umptcen pretty knots For 40 miles yours truly tugged and pulled and it was not until the but arriVed at the home base that the last knot was untied Now what else could possibly happen Now that Ii sliiyhucstlon hockeyists were still happy especially considering that cocoa over winning hockey game our next mistake was not thinking of this question last night No sooner had this tired writer started to ask tie boy who Gus the tire boy and who was the when we were whisked away on ahuman stretcher and heav ed into theahowers The water was running We did learn addresses like so sports writer one thing on the trip however The dont want to work or living will be invited on onenights jaunt with the liyers next fellow who want to he vJUST NOTESE Wcll forthe second straight year the Toronto Ar gonauts at the Big Four Football Union proved that it takes more than Itat wallet to Winhall games Unionnnateiy or Wish to look at it the Scullers had too much money or course the fact that the club lacked harmony hichevcr wayyon it too little talenL such as the Flyers didnt hurt the Al or the Roughriders or the TigerCats Frank Psutkae junior tootball tesm tram Barrie DCl is one oi the strongest clubs inthat class that we have ever seenThe club has terrific balance with big three games so far this term the contest One of the juniors strong kids at every spot They have played and have yetito look like they might lose Joslyn Guest is so potent that he was used in the senior game last week as well Dalt Neshltt athletic dirlt actor of the why theltlh ol and an excoach noted that there seems little reason shouldnt win more than just their am sectional title Tonights the night young George Chuvalo the lilyearold pug ilist from Toronto takes the biggest step in his short career He tights clever Howard King at the Maple Leaf Gardens Actually Chuvolo has nothing to lose the publicity men he on on and everything to gain lihe dropsthe duke to King will brush it oil as an cvermatch But it Chuvaio his way to bigger paydays whichisnt bad idea orget to take in the BarrieDistrict Hockey League double heade his evening at the Barrie Arena Bulimia Hmmhun EYE TITLE AFTER THIRD VICTORY Showing marked impiovemen évery timeout Frank Psut kas Junior football sound tram Barrie DCi looked like sure bet to retain their sectional titleiri the Georgian Bay District Juniorhootball Association The block and red clad Barrie grinders made it three Friday at Queens Park land299 Whileth were rotor sharp on their own attack the winners were qnick to take advantage of any Midlandlapse Such was the stage three of the Barrie Maj ors MidWay fer Midi sive 1h hands of Ba site the second bail tiedgo flVB and Bob Hen rson went over tackle on the first try Hendersons second tdthis one the third quarter also Cameo few plays lite Yo Midland tumble put them in hole th and lint major tted byMurray Hill who terc pted pass in his end and raced 65 yards to pay in st touchdoem the ame can late in th second quar bin took an it ohoMoDowall cki thegoal lin wins in row two over Midland when theyran roughshod over Mid the third frame This time the play was 15 yards Another long passthis time to Don Kirkpatrick setup the oth er touchdown McDoweli sneaked over giving him one major and two converts for the day Midland didntihave too much to offer lathe wayof opposition as the bigger older local kids roamed at will They were game crew of losers howevei and should come into their own next year They will lose only three or our players MIDLAND quarterbacks 0i iord Dubea halves Baillie Mai her Hanes dwardsMacDonald French Moreau McGibhon Setter ington centre McDonald guards Cleary BallMcCuaig ta kl tridge Stnitham Mack ends tchell Lemur Popple McDow Henderson Kirkpatrick blnaon centres guards Spence Fraser Johnato tackles Park ml MrBnckland Mild the MEI TH BARRIE FLYERS HERE ARE TWO MORE BOYS whose only ambition these days is to hringthe Memor ial Cup emblematic at JuniorA hockey supremacy in Canada back when Kane and Gard Love day Both are veterans ot theBarrie Flyers and both are ekpectedto play big role this season Kane is in nislaatyeor otjunior eddy is only 18 Til13b9 these lelt to right are Jack company Loy DURING THE SOCIAL HOUR at the Ont aria Arenas Association annual meetin these municipal leaders top row shared are from letti to right Eddie Sargent mayor or Owen Sound Reeve Ed joke lIhey Met innBarrie 7they are ram ice surface ward Krightman otNewmarket otBarrie Eldon Greer In are three members 01 he Barrie Arena Commission From it to right BobGoids Wes Allsopp and rank Hersey two have been on thevsameJorward line both leithnnd shots andol thungh they havent exactly burned up the they will undoubtedly pot their share or goalsthis term Loveday is wearing contact lenses this term and Hop Emma claims that they have resulted in anim provements incords play already lavero Id Mayor the bottom row Favero mm was lillVlS TilSiEEllliiltili At its onnua meeting weekend the Ontario Arenas of Orillla president He succeeds chener at theBanie Curlingciub has Association elected James Webb laob Crosby at Kit Other officers elected were pastpresident Bob Crosby first vicepresident WJ Daimler president Walter smiliie sarnia zonei Tom Dickson Learn Strattordjaone Frank West Dahmer Stamtord directors ington zone George Mavlty 3in Stead Most of the businessmeeting was usedrtodiscussmays of speed ing up hockey games Lejading the debate were VFrank Buckiangland Bill Hartley residentand secre tary respectively Hockey Association meeting that arenas ahould tthe inter slons hetwec Dundas zone 11 Larry OBrien gt Trenton zone Barney Barnett Oratorio public relations oiiicet Welland second vice secretarytreasurer Clare Oakvlle aone Ted anlt Ste Marie no Excuse for not being mi the ice alter 10 minutes The Question was brought to the OKA president regarding the starting time of the games Bar ney Barnett of Sault Ste Marie said that the games up north havent lost attendance by start ing at pan This way he said shift workers ElfiiillViES Another reason for getting the games started at eight was to heat the fgood TV shows which membersclairned didnt start til after eight ThovNiagara district games had increased attendance by the early start it was noted Barney Bar nett then suggested that all of the gamesacross the country startat the me time WesAllsopp oi Barrie as that the players should apprecia the fans Theyre paying whole also went onto sty thattarnre in the rural districts couldnt possibly get all at their chorea done in time to take ii an eight oclockgaine They serve this consideration he con cluded llheDwen Sound repre senta echoed Mr Allsopps opinion Another rnemlier said that on eightmciock starting time would ward to click Peterbcrough tTorontoPaterboroush lranaportg Pelee received rude welcome into the DEA Junior exhibition series last weekend when they werejeaten twice by the Barrie Fliers and Both games the tirst in Rome on Eriday evening and the mood tnccbourg Saturday tea tured some very good twckei at every position but were mine in the anal seealone uninhibited brawn man 33 tentancea were issued in the tirst game and 20in the sec lsiake Ball and Nick Murray rick hurt his started Friday nights donny ski complained at sore elbow brook and being it was even atomy Davlaon mattered tram practically every man on the ice headache the whole return jour took swing at somebody or nay therewith bumping heads other When it was all over Hall with asPcteroroug player Hurray Dnnv Patrick Barrie Dick Cherryyla the Flye top and Jim Dunne 0t Peterborongh man over Ithe twogames It were assessed five minute majors might evenprove that hell bej tor lighting and were banished more potentscprer in his blue trom the game line vptisition fLittlonhn Chr mews List even more Inserou BFVI to the opposition since havhaa de Saturday nights pier tiller yin and cm me puck We Wm 99 mh MW Billy Forhan was the pick btlhe ma mm mm mm lorwarda Therearo rumors that ceived cut on the head irom hémsgue on me hhde one at his mates stick and suck to hm on to the puck Chuck Hamilton and Barty Bat pnmk wu dmxemu cock drawing maiors or their and Jflk 0ng15 mm P°°e around Jack Kane and Card In the hockey end of Duns Frl Loveday are digging and their diva the Firmveil hats outbreak is not too far away which saw them take 20 lead mm mm mm in lheearly minutes oi the lint of he BPS 8mm um FL Kiwaniimrigginiiiihï¬iZiï¬l WW F59 Ear period to win The Flyers were itanew evetliil the much smoother machine than the 19 Ne Flyers be club thltlost to St Mikes earlier 10 reverse the decision with St in the week but stlil didnt satis Mlkes Miors ly their potential Coming In Billy Form and Jacknogflfl Peterboronghr Goal Adamaon the FIYBTS our 1le BNIS Valiee MacLatere deience Park orhahs setqu goal in the third er Spgncgn pump Mun 19 Peri Pl lhé Barrie Club on wards Mahoney Ertel Mikpi 99 99 With PemmeWh Babwck Montagueï¬iark Mussel and Rogers second with less than man Thnrlby Hamilton Me WEE minutes remaining Wrapped Creary Mason Connolly Casey it up Marshall Loggia Arrnatrong Len Marshall George Montague Kurschinski Black andTom Clark were the Peter barrio goal Baird McKech borough snipers The diilerence ale defence Chasczewski Daviv in Saturdays game was in the San Cherry Ashbee Bali Erick deience The Peterborough blue son forwards Loveday Beckinan line brigade didnt go to sleep by Fcrhan Black Relic RoweNor any means it was just that John rem Josephson Patrick Kane Chascrewaki Dick Cherry Murray Cdte Rogers Prest gt Davison and Barry Ashbee came up with better pertormances in tact Barrie deiencemen account ed for three of the clubs tour Danny Patrick was the only tor irnec and Chaaaew Saturdays Summary First Ported PeteaMahoney Murray 21112th Cherry Patrielr Penalties Davlson 1021 Ashhee 1542 Second Period 3FlyersAshbee Penalties Black Conneliy 835 Ertel 803 Ashbee and Marshall 1138 Rowe 1316 Ashhee and Slack loss Third Period Flyera Cherry Portion 332 FlyersPatrick Forhan 1248 Penalties Babcock Hamilton Black majors lloito minor and major 200 Parker and Cherry 700 Ball 1230 Fridays Summary First riod2 No acorin Penalti Mahoney 42 Spencer 71a Chascew kl 8391 Erie 1233 Musseltti 1845 Besides putting the puck in the not and clearing it out of their own end or passing it up to an attacker the Barrie deiencc gave its ï¬rst exhibition of bodycheck lng They missed many more but it was sign of the good things to come Peterborough beat Bruce Mc Kechnie in the Barrie net at l122 oi the opening stanza Mahoney doing the honors But from that point on McKechnie and his half way replacement hiil Baird piny ed shutout hockey They came up with several lino saves that ind icated that it was the jitters last week in Toronto Inhla last 60 minutes of goaltendingBaird has notallowed single puck to get past him John Chasczewski the new cap tain accepted passes irom Dick Cherry and Danny Patrick then blasted the puck into the Petes cogent 1817 BarrieAshbee blinked the light in the second period putting the Flyers out in front to stay Billy Forhan set up Dick Cherry for the clinching marker 437 Patrick 1913 Second Period FlyeraFForhan FlyersRogers Black Chascewaki Pete 817 33 Knrschinakl plan er Thurlhy 65 M140 Spencer minm mini 2w Park 342 audamd 558 Black Potts 92a Patrick and Conneily divers FlyeroRogers PenaltinBall ck Murraytmalors andgame conducts 123 Rogers 434 855 Chemr 1114 Davison 1158 Parker 11509 vDaviaon and CQanly 747 Kane 1934 Bulfiegsoccer Club Wins Loop On MostGouls Barrie SocccrCluh finished up the standings in the Barrie Dis trict Soccer League by virtue its 20 win over Hollandiasatur day Actually the Barrie tea was tied in points with Coll wood but got the nod on the is goals for and against Most oi the cdntest was played in iairlyheavy downpour which made the field at Queens Park very slippery Although they were easily outclsyed Hollandiil held Barrie oil the score aheet ti lustvlo minutes before the cn the game At that point Brian Baker in side leit hooted the eventual wire ner home with time running oilt Bill Street inside right clinched the game for Barrie Barrie still has one sched led nine to play That is aga nst ewslaowell and may he played there next Saturday jnls Dalston WA bazaar and to he held in church basement Sat urday Oct 27 25 pm 120 Rummage Sale Central United church hall Friday Oct 26 730 prnv Anspices Jr WA 119121 Rummage sale Saturday Nov Ile Hall High Street Ans pipes Court Trillium Lady Foxes ters Doors open 930 116120 24125 Alternoon tea homemade bak kin and bazaar Wednesday Oct 24 230 pm Edenvale Unite Church basement Ausplces Eden vale WI 120 TecAWeGwiil Senior Institute sponsoring dance Friday oct 28 Newton Robinson Orange Hp iai dances and lunch Eve Itie itdmission 75c and tic121 womens Ros ary Vitoyal Victoria Hospital Trinity Parish liaillii day 0ct2d 39 pm Oct 27 812 noon For pickup call PA 584112 or PA 85700 NCllallDl Marshall Casey 1296 inthe third eriod Thenlater in the period orhan pucthe uck on Danny Patricks stickmtn the buinper mada no mistake Ice Clilps The Flyers wcre without Jim Josephson both games He was injured in Torop to when he threw heavy check into Major Ott Erickson who played the gains in Barriewas out before Saturdays game Besides Lhecut to Rolfe Satnh day Tom Black picked up few small humps Arthur Rowe sot an egg onhis forehead Danny Pat Youth also give the patrons an Dppor it 81 unity to spend social after the game He said that the games Turn to Page three please uRRYSc ileum outan WWIill trials to 13 $425 Boys to $695 Mens tollZ $850 813995 $1195 $1950 $1685 oya and Mens with Tendon Guards SKATE STOCK IN BABlllE and up to 35160 ficr macaw sxan announces at escapes no 5515