li pf one man BARRIEDCISENIOR football team walk the tune of iquarterback Ron Butler is shown being tackled after ed over Orltlis Wednesday to 3810 In this picture Barrie BARRIE SENIQR iodine lEAM MUCH TOO STRONG FOR ORILLIA The Barrie ROI senior football squadshowed tremendous strength in every position Wednesday afternoon as they clo beredVOriilia District Collegiate and Vocation Institute 38 at Queens Park Exceptior moments late in the game when they scored their two majors the Oriliiahs never threatened The visitors suffered troma had case or fumblitls in the first ha which made the Barrie cause th much easier Their front wall was practically trodden on by the Barrie linemen led byJohn Christie and Ken Pratt ut the Barrie offense toe left no ing to he desired With two capahle quarterbacks there was always fresh and more inform ed pivot man in the games Coach Bill Lemmon switched generals frequently Accordingly Orillla couldnt set defence against any heforethe first quarter was eve Barrie had taken lead of unconverted touchdowns The first two were results of Orillia Vlapse The other was long Barrie arch highlighted rssnsrmnts Due to the poor quality of Ontario grain this year fortify your Hog Grower Feed with Sllliliiililii not restaurants Ito build it up to rightpro tein strength for economical gain Custom Grinding Mixing Rolling Molasses Mixing by IBobMillars sweep from the pmwrfiing intpgceptcdén gins or en Muittg wiggle ac ï¬gment halfback recovered fumble and raced over with the second TD The Barrie attack was even more sharp inthe second half This period they scoredethree mas jors and added the conversions giving them 30 count at half time Speedy Bob Mlliar scored his second fivepointer from pitch out at the 30 yard line Mulligan converted Then Mulligan now at quarterback fired to Browning for another touchdown Theplay covered 40 yard Mulligan threw to Browningsgain for the con vert Pete Webb scored the final Barrie major ln the first half afterpicking up loose ball Mulliganconverted vlirstistring quarter Ron Butler sneaked over for Barries final major in the second half Orill ua erback Bob 16 fllllliiY llilll0il sheen pronouns long gain by son and half back Court Braiiey the losers only effective ball car rier plunged over for the winles Orillia clubstwo majors part of almost Quinlan the Oriilisns hard time BARRlEQuarterback Mulligan Miliar Penma Wallin Pratt Deardon Browning Cowan son halves Burke Gilchrist BIFWWx centre Clausc Connorf Brailcy les Benner Nichols Preece Speerin Beckett Curliss Smlth Wrigley Méger Tells Kids Thai Good Sports Are Top Citizens Alih MEGER hockey way rlllia halfbackKen Mid dleton few plays later Butler went over for Barries rinpl touchdownot the day Favoro While Christie and Pratt were levery Bangle tsc uniorJos yn Guest= Jm Garth Smallwood Arne mphessml Wallln and Allan Jacksoh gave Sprawfl Fans °I Butler aves ewson one romar Maori izers 1Spraycrs Regulators Webb centre Smallvvood guards Automatics Guest Deck Brown tackles Christie Jackson Quinlan Welsman endsRobbins gle 01 214 Burt Popphag the ORILLIAQuerterhacir Ander Brown Johnstone Mc unmhmmm toriu Order rot Nurserrev ports neednl1lltz campin lathe vrcddeotlall Donaflena have been up to their usual standard and slightly better In some die trletl atatee IIIWM man stubby Borrie Seccer Bsrrie Soccerchib and Hollap dla will replay Barrie District league game Saturday afternoon at threeociock at Queens Park win for Barrie would move them into first place tie with Collingwood which has 24 and all 18 scheduled gain played Barrie has played 16 games The schedule had originallyealled for Mgame schedule but when CampBorden dropped out early in the second half ofthe seasom theirgamea had to be washed out and the schedule revised Barrie took the first round of cup play when they defeated Owen Sound 34 They now await the winner ofthe other round either Midland or Collingwood Barrie will be minus goaltend er and halfback for tomorrows game Although Hollandia has only won two games they always seem to give Barrie lot of trouble STEVE amassed ntroducing The Barrie Examln new sports editor Steve Jon who joined the stall early nth He comesto Barrie Tlmmins where for the two and shelf years he had on the editorial staff of The Rev AhhueCuaig of Hamilton tailed on Wednesday with in auntllin label Headphon IUpStWesLyr StaffScrgeant endure Cunningham andfamily of Win plchhave returned home after Ipendingtwo and half months in Barrie visiting Hrs Cunninghams parents Mr and Mrs Smith 206 lhnlxiil St Sergeant Cun ningham has iust completed coum at Camp Borden lea Littlclohns of inncrkip and Idr andhlnehchormick and theiroaughter Marjory of Wood atod were guests ovrr the week end with Mrs Dorothy McBride 53 BulRoad Other guests with hits McBride on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Hampton Pralch and air and Mrs Joseph McBride and childrenrMichacl and Kathy sir and Mrs Ridicy oi have been visiting ad daughterslnlaw Ridicyand their home on In Torontolhis they Barrio for other stayfol two weeks Mrs Ridlcy is entertain DeVlihlsa wig Automatics 12 Atemizers i0 Regulators Deck Booths gt Wednesdays Scorcs Booths lCoinpressors Atom Fans 3Top the Woodaerehad the high sin high triple of 137 LadlcsTown League Clarke and Clarke 27 ms 24 tVlau Motors 24 Quaencttea 123 guards Oughs 2i Sevenup 20 Stubby DohertyHopkins Pugsley taek ettes 20 Parks Motors 12 Police Office Lake vends Baye side Cabins Jacksons Grill Findlays 20 Jackson Tuesdays Scores CC Nackson Motors Queen ettes 5Viau Findlaya 7Lakelt side llA SSevenup Oughs 5stubbyettes Police Officers iacksons Grill Loretta Hunter bird the high single of 29 Shirley Shaw had the high single of 860 KEMWIEW LADIES LEAGUE gt Coop 28 Webbs 21 Dave Rich ards 21 American Hotel 17 Smiths Farm 18 D5 11 CGEl0 Banburys Public Utilities Cottys Tuesdays Scores Smiths Farm Webbs Got tys Public Utitlities Dave Richards Banhurys Coop CGE American Hotel DS Dorothy Harrison had the high single score of 279 Shirley Shaw had the high triplescore of HO st éounfy Employees Honor Registrar On Retirement Oliver Cameron was honore by members of the court House staff on his retirement WednesJ day from the office of registrar editor and was offered lob on There is only one way to play for the County of Slmcoe Mem hfli iSihe C193 in hers ofthecourt house associa tlon gathere in the board room These words of wisdom to late in the afternoon to present Dilly Press specializing in sports at which hehas acquired wealth of knowledge in his whole Wynn of age Steve is single as yet Almost native of Timmina he waaborn Assinlboia Saskatchewan and to the Northern Ontario hoe key town at very early age He attended public and highschool there and was on the Timmlns High and Vocational School jun iorlfootball team rabid hockey fan he played the game in his younger years Healso played tde league basketball In fact hes an allround aportaman The sport Steve likes best as participant however is baseball Hs coachcd the Tlmmins Grads injthe Porcupine Junior Baseball League this year and hopes to play bit of ball in Barrie next summer one of his main impressions about the aouthj has been the hrahd of hockey they play here better than theypiay unnorth and more professional looking Steve went into the newspaper business right after he got out of hixhachool Hed been an official scorer for thcDaily Press sports the sports staff Hegwaa in charge of thepapers Kapuskasing bureau for short time and was made district editor last Christmas The new sports editors inter ests are not confined to the ath letlc field He is also fond of am ateur dramatics and was member of the Porcupine Little Theatre Grou He aloeadmits to liking for asaicai music onvici ree For Shooting Song Birds The prabtice of shooting song birds and small insectivorous birds for god unfortunately appears to on the increase Conserva tion officers are concentrating more of theirenforcement time in checking the situation and three offenders were recently appre hended and paid substantial fines following conviction Last winter several cases in volving songbirds were also re ported and in recent weeks num ber of individualshave been ap prehended in possession of robins meadow larks Vesper sparrows Ithiushes and Warblers The birds were definitely shot with shotguns and probably with intentLdue to the factthey were tuckedltaway in knapsaeks andpockeis While many of the offences can be due tolgnorance or disregard of the Game and Fisheries Act and the Migratory Bird Convention Act the fact that rds takcnare sced eaterswhosc flesh may be pal atable makes ltlikely part of the terest is for to fAs result of two world wars West Germany has surplus of 3000000 womenhver men featuring curling to Carl gtOnt tea at Niagara District Curlers Announce Dance Bonspiel Stiealharines and Niagara Falls CurlingClubs Will playhost to all mixed curlerswith seasons op ening gettogether Nov 23 The beautiful Garden Centre H0 tel atzvineland hasheen reserved for thismomentous occasion Tharchlll he dinner dance smorgasbord at oclock in the Starlight ballroom Théciirling will lie twogame benspiel onegame in each club There will begood prizes for each competition As entries will bol The studio on lrnitcd pref erence will be given to curlers at tendingthe dinner dance but the dancdwill not necessarily hc lim ited to those participating in the Limitis 18 rinks entries neenalneuat man of MurielA Svebn drums at MrsEdith McLean and the Jth Jobnï¬dolphua dull to Robert Charles Kcith not or Ilr and Ira Wench Alvin Bowen The marriage wflltakc place early November Servich in the Baptist Church for Oct 21 follows Sunday School at 10 arn church service at it am evening service at no pm luv Armstrong of To ronto will be the speaker for the evening service He will show slides atlthls service also the girls quartet of Oriilia will sing Tuesday afternoon her motherinlaw Mr and Mrs Galbraith tended the funeral of Mrs GI hraiths sister Mrs George Hark cr of Sydenham who died very suddenly in Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston In honor of CHEVRO pm and division 23 am ponder ruone PA LET Requests the honor of youscompony ot the announcement of itsftWenty gt new models to be held FRI OCT 19 and SAT romeo inthe showrooms of 85 COLLIER 5T Olsen1 Niagara JFalil assassnmaurs ems OPEN IILL 10 siiiivrca DANCERFIELD Moms blends withony room setting Peerless performance with suchconvenience features os the new spotilluminated tuner diol 3pointTVvond phone tone control in decorcitive woodgroin finish es ofwolnuthor limed ook2l tubes Brand new iFi crates Model 21 TCl 7i passed on to crowd of young him with mantoigradioas nKE UKK LlGrl CR sters in Alliston this week by group gift Paul Meger exNational League The present on lwas made by hockeystar The boys were main Sherlff Drury Assessor betsof the Lions Minor Hockey ErieSimpson sssociat Organization Allistonn ent reviewed somehighlights of Mega who first hit the internationa sports pages as member ofitheBarrie Flyers told the boys that theyshou1d be voryi bouquai Ses by 15 thankful tothe Lions Club for pro ie on behalf vlding therewith an ipdoorrlnk to play on In years gone by the chlldr hd to brave thec dv outdoor ce surfaces they wei on intheirt ns he id Me erur ed the iolkttoaigm Atghecoming gogdworkers ave he achingflgurlne sports as well asgood hock 8i Afiillil Ch Kne ha wh hos assumedthe celnade th VALUE Free deliveryon mixedfeeds Buy whcreyonr dollar goes further Vhllllllllllliiï¬ rash LQW PRICE Barrie VivnnnSapply roams cuows lor Livestock Poultry Surge Dairy Equipment 11 Muiuster st Phone PA 82982 me St Barric subunit sraeil Phone rs aazotJ SCAFFOLQING VAmconirnssson commons Beltor Chain szo anaemia BACK nos Bucket mail at entl 19¢ss cslunnymxans awareness NT INSURANCE For Semi Professional Amature Mirlor tongue You will enioy freedom from your moralandjlnnnclalohliga Ill event of injury Your tegm premium hrcalra down to only few dollarsperm Choice of 1va Plans $5007 for each injury lloYeuThinli Youliuvellaiierylrenhle Drive in and let Alf Potter cheekyourhattery you nowanenarlmaxa suns sonar Wevrepa makes of batteries Alsmeirpert set an