picentre Elinvaie boystcain iroiit row from Matt Toni CopelandKeith MCElwainLGlenn Doan Ralph ngieton rLMvrLrbismcr men Sodom won imams MeatordEimvoleThornbury ermth for the best school in the annual track and iiel mcet last week Ishiriey McKonyary Corbett Miss LecliIeucoach rid romgieft to Sliggh Carol Ann Bel Mary Hu Karen Thompson hols Ri stea liarold Atkinson ottomcentr imvale girls squad Atthe extreme left are Elixivales cheerleaders Front row from léitf Lois Rowntree Myrna Ingletzm Stephanie Shaw Back row Bonnie Flotron Betty Marcellus BARRIE Eiraannan rain ocronen 191956 Town council nairrs All members of cotihcil were present for Monday evenings rEg ulnr meeting which almost set record with its early closing hour ioa pm 1951 Budget Item Aid Williams moved that council consider including the cost of repair of the Queens Park culvert in its 1957 budget it was reported that the banks of the park creek were falling in and that brokensideWalk in the bot tom of the gulley would bedan gerous if child happened to fall in the creek Add onal snow fence and extra signs are being arranged for by the town eeyewillard nze ping oi feSthat the gullgggitsJelf was Ido ing any harm Ontlie contrary it could be depression years project a1uture beauty spot Street Widening Bylaw bylaw was passed authorizing the purchase of land from Her bert Smith Leslie Dob son and Mary Dobson for the purpose of widening Berczy St Dock work The harbor committee is to be asked for future recommenda tions with regard to work at Mul caster Street dock on motion of ReeveKnz Court of Revision The reeve also moved that the court of revision for 1958 be com posed of Brennan Griffin Empke Pad dison and MayorR Greer The first sitting for the hearing or assessment appeals will be on Fri day Oct SevenUp Move Ald Gordon Mch inquired about the moving of the SevenUp business from its presentlocahon at the corner ofCiappertoh and McDonald streets work Ion the iirm new building wasalmost complet hefeltthat stepsrshouldbe ta to see that the move he models soon as possible to eliminatethe danger ous corner Paving Tenders Following suggestion that tenders for the paving of High and Simcoe streets be asked for before wintercomes eeve Kin ie reported that council was wait ing for approval from the depart ment of highways Railway Feiice The Canadian NationalRailway is to be asked to consider erecting wire fence on the south side of the =CNR Meaiord line track from Alfred to Marcus streets as pro tective measure snow Plowih lenders About third more tenders than last year have been received foi the snow plowing of sidewalks in Wards and They have been referred to the board of works fo recommend Scout Apple Day request from liarrie District Boy Scouts Association to hold its anneal apple day ohSatuiday Oct 20 we approved Special Gas Committee The special gas committee of counc chaired by Aid Prattreported on its meeting in the ofllces of the Cohsumers Gas Company in Toronto early in the month to obtain iniormation on all phases of the operation ofja natural giis system Committee members inspected construction operations and the laying oi ibc linesand checked the condit of thestreets after pipe laying They also met various departmeht heads and obtained rnuch valu able information whichjt wasfeltl WiiildbéWfEFEarhelp to the committee in decidingon recom mendation to council The committeols nal report and recommendation will be made to council in the very near iuture PrinCIpaI iNoies BDCI SUcéeSses Continued from pdge one cent visit from program director of the BBC at our school He had heard ufthe workof our Band and wished to make recording for the British Broadcasting Coin pany We were honored to coin ply Our Band hasreceived an invitation to give concert for the Canadian Concert Series at Parry Sound gt Fire Drill Two practice fire drills have been held and during firelpreyeii tio week Chief irwin called an ofti ial drill Hegtimed 122 He was well pleased the timeand the orderlinev the drill erswili present an evening Shakespeare in our Auditorium This companycoines highly rec ofninended by those whohaves seenthem and by theDepartment of Education This project isiun der the direction of the English Department Resenedseais ar available for adults School Parties Throughout theyear beside the main school parties classes have been permitted to hold class parties in théschcol on Friday evenings As the school has inV creasEd Lh umber oi KIDHEYJACIDS Rob ovurRest AMimsi an gm ruf Thpy an ringHit mu Ill Hun new Eith Ride In the blood it Huey Wmy the amenRib ml ottul allows If you dont if mMmliï¬e addendum Don Burns Torry Stevens Bob Greenlaw Back row sky Flotron JohnDigiiginson David Coope man BiilfloggVPeter Stacéy Louis Belcourt Mr Fridays is insufficient for as number of classes This has re sulted in many class parties being held in neighboring halls parks etc Supervision of these outside parties is more difficult and our teachers feel that they cannot take the responsibility for them To get around these difficulties we set up committee to study the possibility of combined class parties Their recommendation has been accepted unanimously by the staff This year in lieu ofindividual class parties each class will at tend one combined party in the following groups Grade ix groupsirade groups Grade xL group Grade Xl Grade X111 group This is an experimental or rangement forthis year Teach ers will not assume responsibility for parties held outside of the group chum Night School Night School classes got under way on Oct and for registra tion and on Oct or regular classes The classeswe have em menced correspond with those of last year with the exeeption of Woodworking We were unable to secure ail instructor and the number enrolied was too small The latter iszno doubt due to lack of storage space either or mater ials or partially finished projects When they have to bring their own materials and carry home Pnluiptieni an tho molt Innpan it at tillKNEE DRUGS LIMITED FREETRICK oauvunv withi mile radius Barrie 11 inn pm Daily cgcept Sunday Essa no rooms th on PLANT HEDGE my unai Sunny But 1Cool Changing IWirids Thepast seven days lie been wonderde weather stun ny and pleasantly nameun til yesterday cooler lndalso this morning and the fore cast is or snnhy 1nd cool wth Vecrlll winds Temperatures were High Low 38 Oct 13 Oct 14 gent 15 oct 16 Oct 11 Qet 18 on 19 early 61 16 68 ll 71 58 complete projects each night students are not satisfied and teach willJi tzteach nder this arrangement newclass in con versationai French has been ar ranged by group of Camp Bor den officers and their wives This is selfvsupporting class and should prove interesting AERIAL THREAT MATTAWA CPA large bird said by me to an eagle has been vi ting this area around noon each day he bird hovers around arms and on one occn ionswoopeddovnon child use out BlllliiliT Pliili ran HqME IMPROVEMENTS sltlll to $3500 gt payments ar ranged to it yourrbudge VN0D0WN PAYMENT As Low AS so Antonin fulldetails on ma name Improvement Loa EAYE LUEJ ORDER NOW vanET are aaaaseav mm nu eh nu as thtln nun Inlay ll 15 51 one am emu some so raconteursroves cow KAI DIBI as Glllï¬ EROOKDALEKINGSWAY NURSERIES nowanvnu airliftedth av originating 339 mm rs wf in Hunt rt one or has is OK $313035 silencers qss commentingLyons ï¬onsswzin right Marilyn it Patricia alicrariDonna Miadll Patsy Summons to lhnell Back row E1aiiiehtiiitisn Reberta mm MantegnaG iy Ujiie mg Chequesi rIn magistratcs court here on Wednesday Oct yoiingmah Donald pleaded guilty to utle cheques on bet in value $5409 lie elected trial magistrate and was slimy Eilidenee of Cpl feuds Judy Baker olBiirrie police was thiit heiwas very cod eratiiiefvith police and had fitte in missing details He is truck driver had ceived money through his at tcnipt and is held in custodygoiie week for sentcn ESTKVéN isaskn CF Alex Hamiltoh has gmwn stir oi halfbreed potato in his garre Onehalf is white andthr pihk with altraighf line ol de marcalloh between thetwo lWniting snare ill1 Americans0N D1 Exaggeratedvinmhe double exposure right lett DorisShaw intermediate Junior champio Judy Baker sh ley iiu msiji nsTSunnidale Pub iec Speaking At the public speaking iinals held in Suflfllflllï¬ Corners hall on Oct 18 Misssniriey Bonn Grade pilpil in SchonlNo ll teacher Miss Bernice mules won silver cupv gandthehonor representingSuniiidale Town venues rimv champio senior champion ship atthe publicspea ing to he held in Barrlcon Now 16 George Rogers hair Sunnldale School and Mrs Mae Sllllp pi or Sunnidnle teachers The judges were hips Duniop and Mrs Ethel Raw of Stayneraml School lnspcc ll ltiacklein of Barri