will Cflmul ajympathy nitthe com munity goea outta idsSandi Wzlleid inthanossotrh ho thcr John McCraw in New you don Connecticut who passed away suddenly on Nlcdnesdlyi Oct 40 as reaultof aheart eels ure in his 89th year Mr McCray will be greatly missed here as be spent luly and Ami here and was very active for his many years lbviied To Service The members of lnnisï¬l chap ter OBS 182 arelnvited to attend divine worship and bhurch parade at SL Paula Anglican Church on Sunday Oct 21 at 11 mm llalloween Tea KeepSaturdey Oct 27 open for thc Halloween tea and bake salc inthe Presbyterian church Night Class Membora number from here are at tending night classes at the Bar rie Collegiate FallaVOn Broken Bottle very unfortunate accident happened one day last week when the children were playing in the school yard Paul Murphy accid entally fell on broken bottle and cut his right wrist badly nec essitating his going to the hospttal and lengthy operation We do hope Pauls hand will be as good as ever after time Wehope those persons who throw empty bottlesonthe school yard will stop and think in future While it is too late to help Paul it may mean that no one else will have similar accident Guest of Honor Mlss Madeline Gibbons was honored last week at miscellan eous shower held by number of her former collegiate class mates by Miss Sandra Furzeeott She was also guest of honor at show er at the home of her grandmo ther Mrs JDales Gilford when 50 relatives gathered to how or Madeline witha miscellaneous shower At each she recelved many lovely and useful gifts Apple Day Boy Scouts of lnnlsfll Troops No and Nor are holding Apple Day on Saturday00t20 Please supportgthese lads in their effort to nust mone to carry on Sunday Visitors Miss Eoud spent over Sunday with friends in Woodhridge and attended the fair on Monday ANOTHER SENSATIQN Néluatilo lflllVGlI and aims alumIvan ans Bertie unbound new Montreal last weekend and visit with her aunt Doboo Home and school Meeting The October meeting oflthe Home and School Association will be bold in the Stroud School on Wednesday Oct at 830 pm when Mr Mackiem public school inspector will be the speaker Everyone is urged to attend these meetings especially parents Dies Suddenly Clifford Bowman died sudden ly in Saskatoon on Tuesday Oct in his 10th year He was born and spent the younger part of his life in thiscommunity He is survived by one sister Miss olive Bowman of Pittsburgh Masonic service washeld in the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie on Sunday night under auspices of Minerva Lodge The funeral service was held on Monday with interment in Sixth Linc Cemetery lnnlsfll Bach To Bracebridge Mr and Mrs Ed Doley Sr re iurfied to their home in Brace bridge alter weeks visithere at the home of their granddaugb for Mrs Bod Black St Pauls WA Miss Frances Hubbert an An glican Deaconess of Toronto will be the speaker at meeting of St PaulsWA to beheld in the church at pm on Oct 24 Mr and Mrs Norman Palmer visited with hosemont friends on Sunday The Late Ben Meredith After lingering illness Ben Meredith of Barrie passed away on Tuesday Oct in his 88th year Mr and Mrs Meredith and family were former residents of Stroud Masonic servicegwas held on Wednesday evening under auspices of Minerva Lodge and the funeral service washeld in the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie on Thursday afternoon with in terment in Stroud Cemetery Mrs James Brown of Atherley Dougald Brown and two sons of Peterborough visited at blocks on Sunday DedicatesChurch Gifts At the United church service on Sunday evening Rev Mr Wan less dedicated beautiful pulpit Bible two silver communion plates and two dozen large print hymnaries in loving memory of the late Misa Orchard Next Sunday the evening church service THIS BEAUTIFUL tension as 100 42 each panel in rich harmonising colours The Evening WA met atMrs bl for the tint Keith Conata es meeting of the fall season on 153m 26with an attendance of The president Mm Vic Small opened the meeting after which Mrs Gordon Wanleu conducted the devotional period Mn Elmer Pratt sang Ilifea Lovely Things which was enjoyed byuall Mrs Keith Constable then led in prayer Another chapter from Anna and the indiana was by Mrs Vic Small The me era decided to read 317 which as left from theï¬ible Vacation School funds to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto it was moved that the inembers would mahebiocksior the afghan at the next meeting An afternoon teaaad bake sale was plannedvsfor Saturday Nov fronrs to pm The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction after which tasty lunch was enjoyed The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Parker Peacoch on Wed neaday Oct 31 Baseball Team Banquet On Saturday evening Del 13 Stroud Redmen dosed their base ball season with banquctand gettogether at Cotswell Lodge with wives and sweethearts they enjoyed sumptuous meal and the evening was spent in danclng and reminiscing Stroud Redmen were formed in 1948 and have always had boys of their own small composing the team Four of the original members are still players Austin and John Bowman Rod Black and Fraser Campbell This Year the team finished the season in last playoffspot and only lost out in the finals to the Barrie team Tho ranlu of the team have strengthened through the years as the junior team mem bers reached years and advanc cd to senior statual Looking into the future they plan years of activity and interest stimulated by the greatly apprecia ted support of their Home com munity who turn out in strong numbers to encourage them We congratulate the boys on their achievement The team this year was composed of John and AustinBowman Rod Black Fra ser Duncan and Donald Campbell Murray Anios Willie Ransom Bill Weatherill Gary Beamish Scott Kell Wilson Black and Bruce Pinkney OLD RULER The first king of the Aztecs of old Mexico about 1403 RP Choice of colour Green Yell Pink hlu 31 mucha $1000 the soon PER MONTH cmm ad community GORDON WOOD Viqepruident ol nlea Wanda Alr Lin vrith headquarters in Montreal woo elected pleaidcot ol the Canadian Tourist at Ill Jnnual threedsfr in Char Dittwwn PEI sum FROM PARIS vs at 150ch may Woon esigncd by Madeleine LENsu dc Ranch of Pariswhichre bles heayy knitwearris popular Paer for ml wear unfitted wa th collar reebutton off the tailored ig Aeampichtli rdicd AL OFF is COMPLETE FOR ONLY 544°t Regular Value of convention held recently ton JAY maiorv granl atmoretha aixairpo ortbern Alberta usthe nmi gt welt Territories way extended to 6000 test an bard surfaced and an adm building and homea for airport ea staff are under constructions The northsoulhrimvvayat Yel lowhnife largest town in film ter ritdries and 610 miles north of Edmonton also is being encoded to eooo feet with adofoot addi tion at one end and 70Moot cut 5000 feet is already paved as is Yellowkniies other runway Change Lighting Both Yellowknife and Grande Prairie Alta airports arcbeing equipped with medium intensity runway andapproaeh lighting to replace the present standard lighting The Grande Prairie field which now has about dozen residences will shortly have three morefor transport department staff contract was recently award ch to extend the single runway at eaverlodge Alta 540 miles northwest of Edmonton toe00i feet any addition at the other Thepres SCHOOL CHILDREN at Camp Borden vlslted the Army fire hall during Fire Prevention Weekdemonstration of fire flere ZFlre Fighter Lieutenant Tom MoLennan explainsop eration of the control panel of the camp pumper Junior firemen on the scene are fighting equipment of Edmonton communication power andweathcr observing fa cllltl are being expanded by the transport departman New staff quartcra are under construction buildinga land air strip Wheel ed alrcraft oowland onvthe beich while float planes use nearby whicr site iona major land airport Al Coppermllmrfllï¬ miles north om butao plans have been made for at New Aklavik £200 miles north Billflhodes and Rod Gtrnett Anita Hurtubise and Susan Huh The children paraded through camp with Fire Preventionbanners and posters and 1ater watched an hourlong demonstration ofiireJlghting procedures right vCanadlan am Photo west of Edmonton ini the Mai kenzle river delta ha been fur veyed and several mlle of road from the settlement to theait built Materials are being stock piled for start on the airpo next year =farrq¢ile famgilivtwdshi lgtgin we 011s Wan rest flash was tscvnylhi concentrated washing owe ofnew blue qu removesstubbor stains powde Um on uvmsx an Ulla guru mount of pnwd INSTANT DRY neranE