Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1956, p. 4

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cmmmlim HELEMANIED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER TalmMeormuaeeabaaba hr heal am new box BARRIEEXAMINER fiat upturn flownme Gnocsmr CLERKS EF¥£fif WW aw mum ac mbutnmwuaiv Aprilnnhinould 11 to own hand mun lull an cannon neural In to EuxY Barrie Examiner lom flaunt to en Ind other rfCLERK TYPiST MODERN OFFICE sacrthaad an met wry week REQUIRED APPLY Box 7N Barrie Examine Ltd illam MALE or appliance aervica and ruler hoblnaon Hardware 11111 xxlElIBNCKD shipper and am ma ppiy Beaver Lumber Car allhem lAluMAN Exciluive Icrrltory¢over EE Blrrie Ind Orlllll Phonel CONSTIIICTION lenr VIIIlied Brad ord and Vicioril Sis Phone PA M187 IIIBllfi Wail 2xi°il refn Ha almlnerl yp llllll PAIIT TIME experienced lyplrt or 12 15 hall weekly in protemtonel otliee box 7a Barrie Examiner IIIMIA cAPAIILE experienced mill man or dairy llrm In Saltonthe area illIon encu $1500 per lnnufllr Ap Iy Alden Winter scholnberz Phone on 1I1MZD DEPENDABLE woman to Ibolt amr children whilernotherworlts It am rm Ap Iicant must be and chidren caprbie ol Issuminl ro aponsibiiity Phone PA 8527B lIIII YOUNG MA or woman required lax AuIflInI Innwms ahop him he WIllIrll Ind nlerlr Advancement lllr rlxhl Denna Silte experience etc by lattervto Box so Barrla Emails 110 1111111111311 COUPLE lnr steady workl ontabaccoiarm wm to do house work and man to work In Chmimu trees Preier one who coa drlva truck No cbIIdtem Live In Phone PA 2515 111dlls POSITIONS WANTED WEDNESDAY it 1956 DUMP TRUCK 03 ml 8nd and Gnu It Bah PHONE PA 11443111 I=ILL TOP SOIL GRAVEL EXCAVATING GRADING DENNIS MORAN PhonelPArkwoy $292 QRUBBER LSTAMPS MADEToOEDIIR WEAYMOUTHSAW BOOK STORE GilSon AutOmaiic OIL FURNACES GILSON COAL W001 WRNACPS BALFE C1 SON 12 Hayfield 51 Phone 308 PLACI To BUY GOOD USED CLOTH ING Menl 1dlal Childrenl Wear THE WARDROBE 5111 To ELL YOUR USED giiimmg run You 2nd FloorM 1an SI WM Blirlrlco between c1111 Brown Ltd and Sparham lcwcllery an In All elnlh In in Delm lb clean lflflw Rood repair We will try It all It or ¥au DUOTHERM OIL HOME HEATERS built or iadlyl alllumule IIVIIII SIZE ATTRACTIVE FINE 17000 to 101 BTU Other mndell 1117 to 73000 TAP SAVE UP To 15 ON FUEL COSTS BARRIE AGENT BALFEG SON 12 BAYFIELD ST PA 71134 r011 GOOD TOP SOIL phone 71 Eilnvaie 7III Space Heater 111 inch nearlyl UAKE flaw Phone PA 17 FURNACE Pena Gravit complete with plpuPiland PA 07 711 REMINOTON ortebie typewriter in Plt RIVOUT EEALPsIATELMTED In CLAPPnrron mm Phone luri IA um malnukopenlmmlIILIOI Hand to Saturday to 531111 mac service la 000 DOWN Alolflfl mmw mum withm bathroom 2115 anon lgt homa decorlad halti rad oat In is ndhlnj to but In outside town in la area can to and rtore to Barrio two Mun Pboae are at anytime lump canon Lia CODRINGTON ST AREA hmrflonai room brick huntlow Opefill tenures include bit cr than an bedroom lane an era bit chen medI in planar aluminum Brln lull combination IEan and storm window Ilhrhrd Piiu sém mi In blumeali Prlee rim Appoint urent call ullver eonen PA W11 31 MARYS SCHOOL AREA mm one Ilarrl taut two are briea lidlea alarm large room will adequate cupboard We to Iatauy aired llvlnr mm and up read III kitchen and anal combined will plenty c1 CIDMMII n1 Ideal hon also has In bucmval and aa automatla HIICG lawed all Will lllLd cuped Ioi ulth earea excep uoaal pmpe can be purcbned lo bond at PA 64411 CALLING CUPID man larrc bedrooms modern allehcn Ill or cupboard and extra elm ea act hardwood noon on heainr Iaund tuba lliie lot and well ia decape balance 17100 on monthly paymentl Contact William Nectarine PA Mill Consult Ridout oNALL REALIISTAT MDOUT Whether Buving or ten than do lnr emulat meata contact 1an well 21212 SLESSCDR 19 COLLIER 5mm 8mm PHONE PA Mm MEMEEE BARRIE 11m ETATE EoAltn PRICEDFOR QUICK SALE $10900 on BEST 01 Viitérélirfirot Vsl ditiim Hut air oil hutln tam c11 Del Pope PA PCEAL EsPAIE 93 aaaheld at PhPPA 353 mm AntI RBAD TBBONE TEENMAXIAP INTMENT IOBEE rbtaiaonaol oIa turnout tortilla In mm 01 cup bed blldfllim and and am flule in Mr mu of IaLe dart ml DII eliilil IAIIII In the lbova double areal with dry tubs ad on have Oxnflcn heat at lbeio Ania price or thla autrtaadlna home only mm and can be your with powr pay meat call AI none for ap palntment was BJLLCREBT SCHOOL AREA nUcED 1N PllICI Jwd norey bnelr ria meal ham wlth attached an luminance bed room nuand alninl room plu bitch with ceramic tile mater and ap board eee bath Mun and tour plm bath downailln ou beatial rec an morn laundry room lully landa ped lot plua acon drivequ Down paypeat bout and cilia flier Drum 01 our app pl laerli ml NEW KHA Pivc mm brick bbaulow 1am liw III Mm Wllh brick open fireplace ex 111 aileth with erupt eulr were JIM lea three bedroom er It bath um dlvltl be reread hailae im no 31 Down mom AI an PA HOMES Low ms Our niecan WIN New butter with he never been unmedIatc eoupiua In halter lh every detail Ah aolle aha intluda Down norm window and acreem aylnenia an then start an low 55 mm call A1 ride PA NEAR mmsm PAPI CEDAR HARBOUR 500 lull roam Ind r1 lam lrflnted ath Ilene lireplacellart Iy iurniahed new eeiric Itov and retr entor Low ii ed IotuCail Papa PA CENTRAL LOCATION Ijiarey brick home moron arid hath not water lielbw it PA HM 111 mm Drhv 3113 cut Legr351 Shanty Bay Road Dis ict 511m lull price tam dcqupay lélinr IR9 Call Lcc rope PA um Pull ri t34500 cc cup 1t Lualln Pope 3033579 JUST SOUTH BAR CLOSE To No 11 in WA 100 mu ectermr ran and only yellI old acautllu ean mow iiéldur art Call lUY CLIFFB BROWN REALTOR 8231633Anll PHONEfPARIfWAY 82678 or 842306 srlicl 1N0 1N Enuu IN Disnucl See BTOWn Before You Buy or Sell IT WILL PAY YOU NHA HOMES 10 c1100 molt frfifillgiilfifi HOMES l5 YEARS OLD TO CHOOSE m0 PLUS INOOME HOMES APARTMENT dummies 131mm PROPERTIES PHONE ANYTIMEJASK ran CLIFFEROWN HMO mm gt CHAR ilhEB BROWN REARTOR BER BARBIE ISIATE BOARD IoIII GORDON STOUTT REAL ESTATE BROKERS The following are some of the listings we have to of fer We believe that these properties are exception al and rememberyou are under no obligation so in Spect these real values at PROPERTYth SALE futility FOR RENT mi III MEI RI31LEOR PuoN PA km ISIII lbwm Ifned and Ir 1m loea PA Ill T311511 no cnt heated it amt 3232 PA uloa llgillill tumultDApartmat Tirol tree tor g3 may Lulu111 ammoa mini suit or Phone PA yam Illlb It Wynn HIDEKMOOILB mallet7E nanL Phone PA bun iti NICILV mulled housekee In mom Apply Iiapla Ave pflillblll no 1055 Centh cilia1 Ploaa PA nan 1511144 093 mad at IDPly H0 Room milIlla for bluiiufl Phtml PA lull 151511 LAIGE from bedroom main floor Ell Furnished Apply Owen 5t IrIIHI amurnibmm 15411111 Him Misha bedroom lnqulfl Pflvala We Pharia PA 513 ISlllIW fluioofi contained apartment per month Apply Anna St IbIlbllu uamratahed alter 111 151191 ration mud flu John 15113 look Apartman halted Phone PA Room ectta inmilhéd hydm Ap ly Davidaom aicra mile south oi Ille lbIIDIIR Rooms on mum near artiy illrll llhedfl duked Eu end Phone PA 7655 IslIsIID ROOM lrurieni marIa dullInca tell WI halted Phone PA 151134 ROOM ammti Share bllhraom uniop st hat Phone PA IsIIlIIE room mm to Immediately Phone FA H55 lsIIHIV FURNISHED halted bedroom and kl ehen lining roam Pbcna PA um iiter 11 5113 APARTMENT heated with drc aaa aler harmsth or un Ilrnlshedt hone PA Mina 15111mm an ammo limb iui equipped ult prolenional ar bur am 1rd Phone PA 039 151151 ROOM Cottan Renon bla Perle anen ivan preference Box 118420 Blrra Examiner ROD aali ronlllnad apartment on rlt floor Central Apply 43 Warsley oneea Buy by the burhel and rave Enhancement WE hulifi KIN Impaladished 1111 otlbcuap erafbaalame PAeaalL pier 111111th ELPP1¥ APARWI alum clean Adults Phonl PA m1 winded Po hillineucw Ie neared krill l1 luv IX ll 11 nabA lined about indent ldm All new Pheac PA 1arllir Iii partly fiuImvaubed 1am omelet agalbnt and cord Inter Pinme bath in and ran Fla Celillll Ion an Illle Ablililierl Phone PA 54 Eli rid hllhroom in private Suitable lor middleled quiet cot an available lvglyi Thhad mil wl er All tenlrl Dwell PA 11 mama HIM PRUITcrvtatTAa the 111m 9th con Ve dale Reid Prank Slat $9356 hormone or wlnler rrotl been anions arml Itel iurai cte 1le Co Pol am cart 21 111 Phone Llamla mu Blrfld ROOM BOARD aralo entrance Phone PA c7131 ROOM AND BOAR available nun II pli Goodthlld Iran Ap llIl ROOM AND BOARD Gentleman will lag in umru Iarpe brl arate beds Altandaie PA 134905 lllriet 12 by Nov dunner gulred omcer or Nav hand PK 3717 10011 unfurnished houaa wanted to rent gun with null children lPlrtrntnt 1511 31001 Contained IPlflmenL film ohm muhd floor apaflmatpfi vale Intrlma Heat electricity mier or at ItIlelu iLLe 11sz clout 113M noel mm 6145 1111191 liralatted oor clI heated will 11 15011511 11m artment huteti rum habprd or pa illrllhhlid Ample eieaet and it 151 rummllxn Room with Intentv or one arson Abatelnera only and Phony PA IsIIMIP IlAvx available unlurnilbed mnnd noor aparuaenu also moaned 3ii°l°v°t ERPA ISIleua LES noon auALrIv enlnl Panda at on surmi Phona PA tit111415 rtorau Wa deliver 1011 119 anM AND DDAItDior lirl lep IzIIDIII or 13 ht room Hep one Accommodation Wanted BEDROOM Haun wILh hlth wanted Applyebox 85 Blhfie EEDItoolII Aplnnient or noun Ilfiioiii at 01 business Phone PA 1111141 SSEAEIDIVAND FEED 91 3131 hale ha chicks causal batche 111 plan ehIeIu aim or Itudlllxy butter pradactlaa over lead cost We with on ylal writa let Poultry Paral POULTRY LIETPaaJIEfl 893353 III 4111 mum and or aaie Lulu Donna W0 If Muscatuuews COLLECTIONS No MOI Nu Cull 311nm Bin Plum PA uni in irasonA WELL mullahs COMPANY all drilled and not ueenud driller INqullllu 10 box mam mama ROOFING snwc IIUPPLIls Asphalt Shlnlln Iietai Roaml ALI lOOPS UARANIm Free Ll mate it Marrow mo IiacDonald Phone PA on or SP2 DIM HIMIll ANGUS RADIO TELEVISION ilAblo TV ITEPAms Phdaa writDay or met PHONE PA 8201 DAY 0R NICK INNISFIL ELECTRONICS TV AND mm mm Bull Bouncy Goa IL hm mm DASHS Electric Motors 10 Ross 81 Barrie PHONE PA 85807 ELECTRICKMOTOR SERVICE to New am New 54 BEFORE YOlJ TRY NO OBLIGATL PHONE PA 852 mom acoumménu no 5111111113 PROPERTIES Rawindlnl and Pep1n BC HAROLDB HART barrio Electric Iiotom DWellSt Ph PA833206 Iull ALTERATIONS STORE FRONTS AND EXTENSIONS cua that home he turned tuba READ THIS Due in tnlislcl owner is lacrlllcllla 1111a extremely nice atprey mm hamu In one or the dicel loclilunl the Elnadend olmtdwn irlctlgily aw earl emw mlnlx nvarsheti urapa lovely garden with unit trera unobstructed view or the lake water aoitener lyltem builtIn reIrIxeralor breed air all heating and aIr cnndltianinui AII thla or Inn $10900 or but olier Mint be acid Term arrriled Corltlct Dan Carmella eventual call PA Irma ED 168 CHOICE 01 TWO MILE NORTH OF BARRIE Large II room family or income home on good 10 125x350 on 11 hwlY Buev menl 2130 01 heating bathrooms Tlxel on $90 This on hu every lhInK Ill udini rallied brtrnent It the rear lIIII price 10000 with term HERE IS ANOTHER close by having kitchen dinind rooms livin rooms and runroom on GOING SOUTH Industrial executive and llmlly Ilrflelltly requlre hilly ul nuheti home or winter Reply ox 7anan1a Examiner 1141141 2d 01 mm unfilmlshfld hwasefivhnt or so PM om hour 05 barman Cum Bar dell phono 580 daytime alter pm 711 1111e116 110011 turnbhed aflment wanted by roldier and wile ulet couple non drinkerl erlc Pic Dennln Hm Pleld Ambulance CAMC Ctrn burden 1111111 LOST AND POUND VYEARS EXPERIENCI LOST scoTT SON gt BLACKQI boDKKEBPER wlth ex ericnce would like part time work one PA 1152531 2115118 WOMAN wlll look ancr children In owIIJlomm Alluntlnle district Phone 3A 64159 311L120 WOMAN will look liner Dreschool children In own home Allandala irIct PA b1541 2116113 GRADE male student desires litunl Job in Aiiandule Available 11 eveningigthone PA Him zIITIia PENsloNEIt would care ior invalid or dune children do light huuaeworlt va In Mondly tlil Friday Reliable state wade Apply Box 82 Barrie Ihr arnlner 2lla BOATS MOTORS BOAT car top it canvass covered Jones Dru station phone 43118119 st or Phone PA Main IbIIMIII ROOM lurnlEled ariment Avlli able NOV AdIIIII none PA 54355 or IPPLV 57 ES Old lfiIlaIID lifilflllit AWAWI Sleeplnl 11 an Mn Ave Blrrlo Pp IsIIDIID Mgnlllfl Ila mm room apartment mm on he Wailr helied VAIIIbla Phone PA mu 15117119 ROOMS heated hot and cold water mentflcliy aid Unlnmlshed Avaii 71 ml WESTINGHOUSE Electric Blanket new double 1121 size APPLY Owen SI 113110 efi 1112111511 ENPIELnLJna rillow aimet new with ahellsm Phone PA134137 alter pm IIIa no SCOTCH PINE trues Mort cm 51 to it high Plume Elmvala BrSl alter 11111 COOK STOVE small size coal and wood ncariy new Phone PA 141 otter p111 1115119 ovallcoAr warm blueprey cite as boys or mnl skater ilteel tael1 lira 6Renonab1e Phlme PA 1250 PAIR LADYS black hyionovenhoca size 111 worn twice Too small owner 10th 1011 Strand Plum strou 71111 vLry flood coll Itlnn Phone PA 843511 any time phone call will render oIIr services OLDER STYLE HOUSE Wm Nn room vbrlck In good note repair bedroom new lurI omit Illle Int ALIIIng $9500 Low own Daymallt Make An Ollei NEW BUNGALOW EAST END Modem in every detail Mort attract ivdiy canned and decorated Choice location Aluminum Iiulml aereena and doom Ranch 1e lenea Beau PW BUM and home inaide an out Priced at Tim 311th unturnlshefiiflhetedhlfilnrrt III IEIOIS Mm V6 11 On beautltol 1am lot overlookin mm mm fLupm mile pi¥turuqua country Ind ya in town hl new modern Minilow foams Mullhed is completely decanted In all and II one mile rcuth apartmeam HS ROOHT Wham nu APARTMENT heated on Hllllway 54 WANTEDV HIGHEST PRICES PAID lotl 10 SCRAP METALS BATTERIES PhoncipA 66331 or PA 66437 Lwo auo rel cl be ebanneia an Premtorlclllg INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Illnlop st Wen Fund1a Phone PA 66331 or PA 87204 arile Metal Salvage BOEAP IRON METALS Putt gnms EAGs alumna Pumas LIVEPOULTRY trucks will EB mlhflfl pric lid Specllll prices paid deliver one Barrie PA Lam gliAx PUSHKOIFF rm and Oiticc 204 Tlifln st Sllfli Sh er IlIllIisi PIIIIIIIIIII initialis STORM mnowa stc 24 decora vd alludes 35868 APPROXIMATELY 4000 Iti lumber dressed and lined 2xii an It Ii in length Sell rcasnnab Phone 357d alter 630 71I8lt119 ELECTRIC nova burner with oven clock 24 new GE Helltum good condition ne PA W24 1115 used two out 1111 our thicl 24x36 Axis our 30x56 twa 131L561 Afply 21 NEW ton st orphone PA 370 II1119 nun Mimic up to pend on beautiiul Jim la run in gain old carpe wooua clot Ii 11mg er p1nlt gt atoms rultnble for or room oure One iron itremau atoker one Iper ataxer In good workin order all be Keen in operltlon In over to 011 Phone PA 8208 slNCLE plan that told in to lunar erll bland wood cabinet aultabie In uvinx room 3175 1m walnutven eer dining room rule Ylfl Apt FRIGIDAIIIE RefrIernlan 95 llzl excellent cunditlom rel ab Wmimthoma heavy duty ran with dual automatic oven excelien candi llnp Reasonable Mty I25 seen II BI Samara Str 7IIMZD LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED15211 head cattle or wlnter teeding Phone 68 Mlneslnguiv uc Mill tBusiness Dpportunitlai RESTAURANT aeate 42 with roamed apartment 11ch town Priced or 11ch aule pwort rteI mat well Sdund 121110 stroud Brut i9llSIllil landfills 61 Copy 11111 week day preceding labile nADLEIs MAY 31 TELEPEDNED ro OFFICE it Word minimum 80¢ Pam PA but following consecutive insertioml 3113 word minimum iiilo CASH RATE Be word In mum soc following consecutive Insertions word minimum 400 comma EVENTS Locus 51in consecuti IIIlisr 111 PAID Wm mm BOXNUMEEITS lurehiigaillrecteiiltd this oitlce 25¢ cam Allan SALEJROTICES ibsertlopa up or inhibnum 159 Word minilnam $100 to hith 1100 hone rm Barrio PA1 main floor prtain In bedroom and allnroom and piece blih rga baaement and oil heltlnl Woud be suitable for lalllIIlea $11 Bilarid terms For Iurther artieu an mm Coutta evening 3473 FULL PRICE $2900 11 mile east oi barrla 1mm home with barn aaraze Extra int eludin This one Ia rialt ontllc 11ml way Living room dining room kit Chen bedroom on main door more bedroom atalrr real burnin you cant use Call Dim Coolie evening PA 81702 elmmg SOUTH OF BAR on good niphwuy1 minutes to town room ltorey home Just cut xalrl old Kitchenllvillz room and bedroom and piece bathroom on ground floor Uvflniu unlinkth hill concrete poured balemeht Grind iurnuce Pro an an and range In eluded In tie only 3530 Terms Call Dan mule eveninll PA E1701 SHANTYBAY ROAD IN TOWN Very beautilui brick bllnlllow aver laaklnp the lake 11 lovely room and central lire lane bedroom iuII huemeat IiurI ry tubs etc Just yelrl and modem throuahout rdom 01 NOTHIth room III smear Dnh¢ dam you look at lhla one first 11 price $13800 and low downpayment Aalt ior Percy Ford evenlpra PAsPss7 CALL us ABOUT Bulldiul 1m umrner cottazaa coma prodch home duplexes lder home inbqtb tm Ind tone 17er and acreage ONHA homer with lowdown Payment Phone PA usflfiuiimb IR IISLESSOR Real Estate McGOEY TOUGH REAL LilATE Poem30319 ocompéteat Ileei Eatitc service hood oEeruaIve and conildeatiai liltlnnl Privata and NHA Immin piaaa vhiiiiltimii of lugiiectlon oarmu ap ielfitiudmilvffcff Ftrsniaivr iéflfigrflhw McGOEY TOUGH mommrtvaiiz Wm REAL ESTATE QFEIOE STERLING TRUSTS Bldg FIVE POINTS BUYING OR SELLINés We oner quick 1de mid canfld entlal ankle in Real Ellta In Innla lebldlrict WG have sale at all when INHA ebedr om bungalow estlelectlon or larger hem pertmenta and lacomaPrap Commerclnl Iotaand blowfly abuudlna Iota ta Barrinv Lotd outside or Town arm Call us or courteoulupamn an attcutlon 1a Problem my IT PA cesemANwleéI DAv on EVENING Charles ARogefs REALTOR DUNLOF EAST DA 15131 Counsg RealEstate Broke Owen Street nani CONltULT USON law Down Pa merit lionins Plan larchlira oi Proprut Natlooll admin Lem lacanfl Plummet oxeatah obuatntu Oppartuam IProperty Mmlqemeni PorIicatau call PA amounting ND SALAIIY REQUIREMENTS nanon Scicomma bedroom lalaw Ample c1oeladcep use alumnaeIt oil dr c4 elicdiie calta panels other Ilaa bolder my Mr Marbail lllal NH 011 35 rm arty JImmedInto pcrmrlcnl limb slull convaniently located to schools and new abappinz centre $12900 with sauna dnwni SP EVE BUILTIN GARAGE Attractive gall plan split level com girter Ian raped and leaced lot edccma piece bath ltep raving Ititv en Lover iaaIliy hama OUTSTANDING MODERN BUNGAIOW overlouttnr Kampenielt Ely attached brick garage extra large room bathroom many extras quick aaie NICE CORNER LOT oracmm bIielib hath lhlpa tivlne 353 553 marl aiee kitchen with ampc cup baa Pull bllelndnt wlla nabbed recreltion roam And bu STTT REAL ESTATE PROKERE 102 DUNLOP ST WEST omcc Eourrv to Pm PHONE RA 85901 10113 IMCGOEYISI TOUGH Real Estate kndBullness Broker COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WELI LOCATED 1N EAPPIE up MAIN mmm InclMAY Lot a1 3003340 with cine etc block huudlnl ix contlulu Irza lmp lahed cc with die Ind rileer Wlmoomh oil fired lay rdom Orwell Ih Jilluflw Property II Idcurely mu railway Ildlnl HalonDU Por PunPanhluen and Inspection Gain 11 Parker Pauli McGQEYficTOUGH PHONE PA 33442 do Em and gymnormal 9m SMALL 110 Eu hmrla Ra Puonc PA adieu 151131sz cl COIIVBII 1431113 oom limit menus All 251 Wkworth Pattie pigll BRICK UNIX ant and bedroom Ilo beacon Plum Iod Priced ar 110 hll adlnlnlnz Th1 Ls very 6111 commerciai altcvand 47131 151I3v110 ROOM andhlll be led hot and cold water Available no 35 cnplpbell Ava Pbone PA H914 alter 1511mm APARTMENT Iarpa rooml eeil c0114 lained rivate entrance Suit buainaaa eoupie hum PA H513atter pm 151134 at Barrie Phone stroll ROOM Eudora apartment well but ed Reasonable 2b10ekl irom Lob Iawa Apply wellington Wort alter IsIluzo uNruElellED rdorn apartment with bath 011 beater rupplle Private entrance Far particularr phona PA b51111 151111 minim turniahed nauraiteeping room all kitchen iacllltlea Cloaa to down towaPhonc PA Hm alter p111 151111111 SROOMB In ram horne Untreated un Iumllhedt candidly welcome 10 mm utea by car irom town Phone ml Ivy 1511341 ROOM House mlier east at Waaapa Eelnh Children welcomar Cara solar to Camp Porden daily Pbaac suru Elmgllet 151111 BOOMHOME in the country lbflut mile north or BurrieHYdro mu IonWANT Vacant now Phone PA 1w 1511mm 30119337 rooms oil heat available DWI Aha number 01 hide art menh heated available ow PA 53475 ISIIBlll Room Apartment heated unfurn Iabeti hot and cold water share bathroom 0n Hllhwuy 93 Phone 115m altar 640 IsiiMIa mini gunman Sultabla lilo for he mmemlai estabillh mm Near rive Pclnta Apply Dun lap St Well 15 17113 PROPERTY FOR SAL KELLOUGH REALTOR Priomnrs PAluis pusmusrs ElamAI Etchh or Properties Pto€ Management tinnsalizitud 41 ST BAREIE PArIcwoy 84869 16118 mucus shoot no and clapboard be camistillz oi odd IIlGdIIllZ room with Thermoplrll pictunxwlndow dining room ll1 porbn lneilcti den powder room modernk intelth nook Téitemomlelg overnaace brain wrou ital ralllnfdeidlup to our be rvnm our piece bathroom DWIInt if alerted 11118 recreation roam with cabinet 011 beam PA rlbjIflllfl lnii an Can Intlimb REWARD Phone Cooksiqwn 27 33 LOSTBrawn rimmed zold ear piecca Phone 115501 aaaea Finn AUTOMOBILES Buying orSelling truth Very xenonbin rates with complete erlncit STEVENSON ALL TYPE17 OF INSURANCI PHONE PA 8520l 55 DUNLOP ST EAST condition one PA 857M condition $100 tor 84 PA Palm Ibo gator Pha PA rim and pm quick aaI between ceiient condition owner must III ally 1953 METEOR 2door sodan miles tone Hilde cited Ailna windshield hurl melt state Pheipaton 17va Ronald E11114 Angus Pred Crawiord oaa qm is 11 FEEDBII CATTLE Durham unner 1mm 11 ply Brown Bit Darrla ut PA 52154 ARVIBW Irelt 3511 baun LeIelater Illrli old Ilm Limbl WATERS Hollie COWS dll 1th 11m walk or November ual rehch Dhonb sum eocntowa 111153 old 13 tested and va trech hell tnlt at no ll Illa $331155 8106 OIl IN REJEE lush and ainut llred or with white apot oneaert limp leit hind pilw Lou near summons 177115 SR 1111 Wetlmaee 11a modcicara and 19 GMC tDn PAIILI 1ka In Bead 1511 1952 HILLMAN convertible txcellall Phone 13115119 Good rubber an 1311mm 1952 PONTIAC door sedan In or WI Sell chap 74 srhflmt tTNIItn in PIEllGIIB zi boo on After Clergy ma car Private $1045 Phone 114159 IsiIbIzo LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 III WEEKS MD iy Em 11811 Plus roxlln 1011 lbs ea 11 nbl 213 Fin PIGSVV WEB 11 OLD Arrly 3111 rear 11 Luigi rviceabie BRUC caddea stroud phoallmi 11411115 iv an ceredtted and vecnlaated sear =1 FLOOR COVERING Arimtronu Floor cdvarial Ofinlflier fllxrujin Planieiwdl 1114 lied Ianlied lbtem upppumxlu WA WOLFENDEN as Torontosc Pbaae AUTHORIZED gt SERWCEANDSAIES ELECTROLUX cANAIJAii Peru and Supplier Alau unconditioned Iiaciuu neuronabiy priced mANCII omen maul sr PH BARBIE PAS3391 W119 HANDYMAN WALLS WASHED IPAINTIIIG CAEDENINC cAIIPluvrnv gt Buemehtr cleaned and wmtewamcd storm window putupz onwnATilIAVEyouI PHONE PA 84386 snenr mammal TRIM WORK 111013133111her BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELDINGJ papa small nilizDIATE mvlc in CAMERON am Phone PA 66382 Lfl door mde me an fiBIQ We In late our work mllzi at 111 salad mbwclignaarm IIAII Ararat hmovl yfi rom or gefilgafcllar cror gm collect Em H31 doll Younl Limttcd

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