2i mathematics 3siinday hool teacherflier 53 years holds trowel th which he laid corner stone or new Colii acre historic av ht ne Box behind sto wingato church School at Collier stieét ited Church yesterday morning un Premier non loOpenOrillia Vocationaliiing Premier Leslie Frost Will farm ally open the yocatlonal wing of Orlliia District Collegiate and Vo cationallnstitutc on Wednesday atticnoon Coupled with the op ening the new wing will he the ceremony oi unveiling oi the bronze bust portrait oi Premier Frdst lion Leslie MProst QCLLD MPP was born in Oriilia andnt tended the collegiate no but is the work oi Eliubeth Wyn Wood the noted Canadian sculp trees who was also born in Or illla dattended me collegiate but will bevunvciiod by Haroldllalc LLD and pre coated to the Collegiate institute by Dr Seymour chairman oi the Host Portrait Fund The portrait was produced through Art Show ManyNew va mWwFWp runway 53 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY OCTOBER15l956 Weatherlodiyv stone Chngregalional Event Sunny Pleasant The part variable and ml with trod oa Thuv day limit milderiridly with light rain and since tbeu it has been runny purine and and willgeontlnue to dayaathetallendoinuno her EDT Indian summer yet Temperatures were Del 15 Early the cooperation oi oil the Collegiate in the School Board an citizens oi Orillia on go trirutc to distinguished nae oi the collegiate Attracts xhibitors The Indian summerweather over the weekend made the drive to Alliston pleasantth for simcoe coiintyart lovers who visited the snow in the auditorium of Banting Memorial High School More pleasure awaited them on their arrival The sixth annual art exhibit sponsored by the county arts and praits association provedto be aselective group of paintings that included the work oi several very talented amateurs An interesting feature of the 1958 event was the number 9i new facesartists whose names were not too iamiliar to vleweri ited Quiz John Kennedy left with bangs Morren Queen Scout and Patrol Leader at past years Three extremely interesting canvasses had been en tercd by Nirs Annette Preston oi Leiroy who had chosen such var ied subjects asthe school lair at Stroud and still liie ot winc bottles Not quite so striking was her third entrypa small landscape entitled Aprli that was confus wlullhflnluaoiiupflghllffl canvass that would look extremely well in public building revealed an individual eye that saw poetry in anunpoetic aiialra parade oiuchildren massed in awkward grace ona greyautumn day Delicate Water Colors The countys favorite water coir orist Mrs Ada Bruce Torrance was represented in thevshow by iour sketches that were the Oril lia artist at herbest Particular 1y strik was Upper HewittSon Fails vivid spontaneous study of bright jumbled rocks and splashing water Her Boats In Harbour while not quitaas iii spired was pleasant composition using her favorite soit greensand blues Another Torrance work was black and white study at subject that she has painted be iore in brilliant color the Bowed Heads oi heavy sunflowers Official Opening The art exhibit was oiiicially opened Friday evening by His School Allows Boy Fatal racior school had given boyvpermissionto drive atrac or on the highway was described snocklng situa on by Crown Attorne Thomp son attheingues at reactang into the deathoi id Nerpin Mir Wyevale Schoo pin had the full authority the Worship WurdenJohn Small The speakerwa Carl Senator heard ot thedcpartment oi draw lng and painting at the Ontario Coiloge oi Art who traced devel opmehts in the proiexsional ï¬eld in Caynada andillustrated varied trehds in modern painting with collection oi his own slides Abstract Entries Huntsville artists had contribuq ted evcralentrles this can valetum mu La HildaIGough was charming study in irosty greys and grey browns painted in thick brush strokes Heavy trunks oi sliver birches caught and reflected light in the foreground while the deep brown oi pool caught their sili vcr reflection Another Huntsville artist Shir leyHutchesonwas the painter oi one of the shows several ab stracts more oiwbich wereseen this ye than in previous eihibi tions townswoman Beryl Eel had not done sirwell inthe ï¬eld but both entries were the subject of quite bi o1 comment among visitors MrsKen Treadviell oi Barrie had also invaded the abstract ï¬eld with Indian Pipes outstanng irom thecomposltlon ï¬eld like all the artists works Outstanding Entries Mrs Harvis oiBarrie was among the artistic notables with entries in the exhibit at Allistoni Her Negro CbristCbild one oi her most appealing Portraits was among the best in show andsbe hadturnedto floral study for her other workra vividpainting ni regallilies against deepback ground Miss Mary McKay wood an artist whose LVW ay cornerstone church School GOIIier Illnitedr The laying of the cornerstone or the new wing of the church school at Collier Street United Church yesterday morning was historic event or the congregation or Barriea largeotichurch The new building being constructed by Em ery Engineering on the site orthe lormer Wildman property east oi the church is rapidly taking shape with Clarence Gra Collier United was iilled to ca acity tor the morning service which was concluded outside in beautiful sunny weather so sharp ly in contrast to what has pro vailed through much at the past spring and summer SS Superintendent Assists For the eciaiservice oiwor ship the ulster Rev Ernest was assisted by the gen eral superintendent ot the church school Ronald Pile in the un avoidable absence oi the deacon eas Miss Margaret Smith who is responsible or most ot the rciig ious education undertaken by Collier Street Church Mr Pile ledin the responsive reading and gave the Scripture irom St hiat thcw men Following the sermon in which the minister gave reference tothc background and progress oi the building campaign and project Norris vicegenenl chairman olithe campaign committee and Sandy Couttscbairman oi the building committee presided for presentation of documents and gllts representing the work oi the church to be placed in the box to be sealed in the wall behind the corner stone The box was made oi heavy gauge copper and was chrome ated by Canadian General Elec tric Barrie pldnts through thc thoughtfulness oi Barney La oi their stall member oi Co or congregation Following werethc articles rc lved from re ntative spoon Choircaiend ham as superintendent on the Job for the grnery Co oi members oi newly formed group Womens Missionary So cietymcmbership card oi Alter noon Auxiliary Mission Bind Purposc Unity wars Auxil iarymembership card Mary Toilen Smith WhlS Auxiliary membership card Board at Stew ards1956coin and church year book SessionUnited Church Observer and statement oi iaith oiilclal Boardpages oi signatur es of church groups and congre gation To these the minister added copy oi the order of service lor the day and copy of his address and speclnlpraycr The box was tiiéntcalcd by Mr Coutts Proceed Outside The minister and choir follow ed by the congregation proceed ed outsidc where the ceremonial oi laying the corner stonewas Pay increase ForjvPoiice fln collinQWmd Following report submitted by board of arbitration Col lingwood council has granted lo cal police oiticers an increase $400 per annum across the board Colllngwood Police Association had previously asked lor $500 raisebut council declined and the olicc went to arbitration light carol service ChurchSciiooi namcs of children each ers ExplorersPurposg adian Girls in Tra ing ship ribbon and Peoples Uniquecrest lock up lift up PhiiathcaH ub decor ation for hospital tray Business and Proiessionl Wome steady advances every year showed twoparticularly charming worksMy Garden lovely jum ble oi nativedlowers thatbecame through her eyes miniature jun gle and Early Spring gt One oi her artistic experiments Space and Color lacked Miss Mways characte stic iemininity butwaa daringand strongly in diyidualistic Ernie Barkeroi Stayner was the interot dellghtlul water lu the Hand of the Milli er that badllthe delicate brush stroke andslightly ee quality oi an Oriental work His Blue was also iuli wisely turnedrto pastels for her landscape Birches in the Glen one oi th ï¬nest worksin this inediumon exhlbiL The Stump by another local artist Alberta Turn topage two please Of Maintaining Nursing Senice blitz campaign isvbeing held in Barrie today by the lanes am clwanna Wiiigi performed by Malcom son SundaySchool teacher los 53 years most or the time in Coi ller Street church Ali youth groups were present and their representatives to assist in laying the stone were Shirley Dawson president oiCGlT and Douglas Morrcn Queen Scout and Patrol Leader Following the placing box and stone Mr Pile gavc tha prayer oi dedication and the ser vice ended with doxology and benediction MiciIoi Mdn Committed On Murder Charge Peter Ladoucenr 63 lormerly oi Midland on Friday was com mitted at Lambton Mills by Mag islrale Fred Thomson or trial by higher court ona charge of murdering his wife Mary in their basement apartment in Alder wood Sept 12 They moved there several months ago The couples daughter Barbara 18 testiï¬ed she came home about 120 mm Her father called to her irom hebedroomand she went in to ï¬nd her mother ing on the floor beside onc oi the twin beds My lather was on the olhcr bcd holding kniie in his hand the girl told the court asked him what he did to her and he liltcd uthhc hand with the kniic in it and said lkiiled herits all right dont worry The girl stated under cross cxarninatinnby Patrick Hart de iencccounsei thatvher father did em to realize what he had Constabl iin Nelson oi Eloh icokc police said whenhc arrived local branch oithe Victorian Order oi Nurses to raise funds to maintain the service that has existed for 33 yearsin this community private organization iorpub lic benefit the VON is not sublt sidized or in any way controlled by the government The order here is entirely selisupporting drrwing its support irom an an nual campaign and tag day and nursing feesthe same service is given tothose who cannot pay oi whocan only partially pay for services Serving the entire community the VictorianrOrder considers ma ternity care one oi themostim portant phases oiits work It cares for the mother from the prenatal period until her return home from hospital and gives nursing care to the new member Duringiheweeiend InQSimcoe Thieves attempted to break in to iourysaiesln theCounty dur iug the weekend Oneasuspect at present in hospital under pov lice surveillance following car crash in which he was inlure after apparently attempting his morning police disturbed thieves mg tractor on Fmel tierpln father and we attempting entered Eimval Inning Mill sate Poli drov awin went out of control about miles southeast of Simvple on chased concession road Comfy 167 of the iamil The branch nurse looks alter people who hav suf ieredrlor years fro chroni nesscs or incurable diseases gives care to convalescent surg caiand medical cases Gve Gcnemusly Your contribiition in ihe blitz campaign will help maintain this visiting nursing service The iunds received in the annual appeal ar necessary to makeup the diiie ence between payments for the nursing service and the actual cost oi maintaining the branch Last year withonly on timenursc on staff the branch oivthe VON made 11s nuthe town WWW