ram coronan use Retaliation Rejal Defen ponan tron pa one animus lfCanadai going to all enhance nuriprcs ent Hilliard of living we cannot maintain militag forces any iarg or we have ut lhepresent tune This is also true in the UnitedVSiates titer NATO countries Xat our total mi ilary strength is only sutiicient to provide very thin shield an advance guard lt is only strong enough to gain time andholdotl the po tential aggressor National Survey the nations at NATO should be ready to spring to arms quick iy Are we fin Canada able it is obvious hat we arenot We are not because poiiticalllcadcrs willlnot lace up this matter of or ganiution of our manpower Tho organization at national manpowerdoel not mean cori scriptlon oi youth but aaurvey to determine the skills and capabil itiesol ourpeople may toen sure that the individual would be empioyedin the places he was mornneeded an event of nation Annernlo Amman it also lneana the training adequate reserves to lull atand ard operaling elliciency nid General Simonds tFor years the press and many pmpagandlata have to hold up discipline as when it ia virtue They have maintained that wecannot have discipline and freedom ll wedont have discipline in the highest sense wo will soon not have any lrecdom it would not he necessary to pay the trainee the same as the rcgularproleuionai he stated in answer to arguments that right en the taxpayer with regard to conscription And as or thoar gumcnt that points to the un hapgy policy oi conscription in One ec stating that it would split litecountry he felt that the rayaa tern could he applied in way that would femur the French Canadian thathe would lose none ot the traditions so dear to him Artists ms one velopmentain canadg inthe pro lesaional held painting and will illustrate various trends in present day painting with coil ectlon othis OWII slides His Worship the ardennl Simcoe County John Small will oiliciaiiyopep the event lntcresllngliirnr on art scuip lure and allied subjectsywill be shown on Saturday and Sunday altemoona Background music is being arranged throughthe cour tesy 01 Joe McNeillieot Barrie William Kennedy Orillia is chairman at large art exhibit committeerdrawn tram ail ovcr the county lira Dunn ol Alliston is secretary and nirauw Moon is treasurcr lllsa Lou Culley ot thecounly recreation service has helped to coordinate plans Doors open at 730 oclock this cveninit The exhibit will open at2 pm aturday and Sunday Closing ti each oven ing is 10 oclock TheOnly English BioadclotiiShiil That Needs Absolutely No llolllng the late Dr iurnhullll JUST ams ll iN mun sunsm laundered ion than mimic In got the quality and comfort or quality itcontinmmmm ond were Mrs Turnhull martin Victor Knight both at whomalt still very ac Mrs Knight and her husband were made lite mem bers last year on the occasionm their golden wedding annl um The late Dr Littie tirsthlanch president were also prominent in the early days the you in Barrie During the past year members oi the executive made donation to the Dr Tum bullmernorial room at tho Royal Victoria Hospital The Victorian the very beginning hcon thor oughly supported all through cane Ida its presidents and hoard oi governqrs haveai ya been men who were leaders in industry Taylor is theprescnt head of the order in this country The tario is Col John Oaier Mrs Laurie tor malty yearn sec retaryot the local hunch is provincial dircc Barrie First Step Civil Defence Continued ram page one ed out that while town water supplies were adequate or twice the present population larger water storage tnciiities might have to he considered for apopu iation four times the present num her Mr Pearce said that was an importantpoint which wouldhave to he discussed with the higher authorities However emergency filter equipment would be avail Order has 1mm president of the VON On ugh Sendoncnl Queen Vllnlo Jmlty apentlhe holiday ieek land id at his homew Napier Street 5m and Mrs HnoEy and fatallyot orono visited with Ira Green Cuinberland sum or the Thanksgiving holiday Scotcwupu Street re almithgrflohlvlkiraii turned Sunda lroln Chicago 11 let ompletln twoweeh post graduate train ng in television radio electronics at DeVry Tec nstltute and Mrs Stewart Gleno Fullerton Caliiorniap Mr and we Zimmerman ot Ni axara Falls Mr andjin Car don Zimmerman at Toronto and ted the neighboring townships lnnistii bro and Vcapra to tï¬h meeting because he teit that Barrie might have to seek their assistance particularly iii the man tcr of accommodation Cottage Po ulation lteevo Gi bins lnniatil oaldho had been thinking along the some lines The winter popu iation ot Inniatll Township waa in the neighborhood at 67000 in summer he estimated that the Population rose to 25000 which indicatedthat there was lot cottage property which might be used in an emergency The appointed committee under the leadership of Deputy Reeve Murray Mills is to meet next ch neaday to consider the establish ing of the permanent civil de fence committee George Andeuan Street tor Thanksgiving Ir iudxura J£urfle Powell returned Thankaglving weekend Krona holiday trip to New Eng They motored through the Adirondacks York tor allowed the scenic mountain acute th BOIII Lake Placid New dayaand then Vermont New ireaod Massachusetts to Their return routa was in Wordsl nnd manna SliOiiTï¬MEFl aw in you became laser ately owned MN entitle Innherniation and Ilahdurlnltheopenv aeaao Limrannuuannor on which IBERS Applyloal resorts FOR isuoiv gimme SIDEWAEKS seiled tenders clearly mariicd as to contents will heireceived by theuuderaigned up until pm Monday October 15th mow plowing aldewalkaimWards and eitective 1t 1956 or ember lot 1956 or 15 consccutivcweeka Loqu or any tendur not necessarily accepted BSIRAUGI1AN Town Clerk dazriv ram Dec SCAFFOLDI NG mm 11 noon no is lactic with front on loader cranium doors Wheellrarrowa Water Pumps Extension Ladders cairnuen Salamander liunie Equipment illenlul Service to BLAKE sr nannm Plilllliiilll 83210 REDENCE PA Ml TjjTiIIS wmrERT cotton pluathoï¬oralrae Inlonlt of able fromtho iirmy synthel Eldon His Worship Mayor Greer said that theCouncii had i158 oust DONT figuration HANG it to DRIP nay71m allpl on hanger hunonup rentH month out collarcullr and shirt front with your lmdarFond your lab is mug FE HOME illRONS IISELFAS IT DRIESThc obvious Noiron linishla built righi in by pnlonlad aeeret process ond lls exclusive with Foraylhl lll il ill WEAK IT WITH CONFIDENCEYou eon En lure your Noviron min by Forayth shows you at your boil lomtwice no long or on ordinary broadcloth phlnl Motor cl Cavindns mm sum gunï¬re MUST BE ALIVE THROW Your Buttery iiwuy because at broken use past or cover liava it re paired by All Potter Barrie Battery Expert lormerly with Brennans Auto Eleo lrle now with minimum gt vWMmars 15 navrrnnosrnunr ruonn 4165 Foil iiiiY iNFliiiMliiiflli CONCERNING prospective NEW Your Oil USED liliil BilYEll mime will not be divulged and upon completion of Sale we will mail our cheque for $2500 to you THERE is ill CllTlJll Tl llliS flFlEli Cull collect or drop post card to Harold Micks Bullock Motors Market Square Barrie then just sit back and Flill wail lor the postman ll Mllllliiilill DEALERS Under liompieieiy new ownership liliiliilif Flilliii Pit 845526 lMPROVENiENTS 9510010 53500 Start now payments an ranged to suit your budget N0 nown PAYMENT as LOW as MONTH Full details on NHA Home improvement Loans fulï¬l lzii nasnronoar room in em FEED SEiiViEE Duo in the poor quallty oi Ontarlo grain this year lortity your Hog Grower Feed with Silliilliiiiil uni EnllliEiiTiiiiiii to build it up to rightlpro teln strength tor economical gain jcuunm Grinding Mixing ltolllng Molasses Mixing VFree deliveryon mixed teed any where yourdnllae goes lurther gnuMums FEED Mini Anne St Barrio Phone PA 342 53 Billill Dewitt ooadn Radio and heater Reflects unusual care by its care to ooae IVVHIGHWAY BIWA our original equipment tirst line tubeleartire wi Highway Biwuyi KAN Its10 mm rural with class trade in mir slimy up My ysppRmsfm=l with class trade in The tire with the twenty miile teamupuil lealurearugedconstruction deep auction ggilp trend or heavy luggingin mud or snowyet quieicrrunniug on en hare pave LEXTRAPLYTUBELESS Features an extra ply ol rayon cord tocuahlon at reasonable pr 20 month xunrdnte truly yearround tire Twenty month rand hazard insurancg eed shock hotter than new exceiie lung lilo gloomy