ME AND MRS DONALD RICHARD 244 Alarm Wclaling gym Les Cowper stud Writes Story Of Beeton Girlhood When Mrs was Radio Personality Katy Color Pictures Entertain WA October Meeting The October meeting oi Central United Church Junior WA was held in the church school with the president Mn ll Slessor in the chair The ineeting opened with the WA theme hymn and The Lords Prayer The devotional period was tak en by Mrs Camemns group The topic of Worship was The Goodness ot God Several items at interest were discussed The group decided to have mother rummage sale on Oct 28 During the social period Ray Bishop showed colorful pictures at the spring Oriental Tea and scenes from scgeral places in Ontario Retrcshments were served by the group in charge The meeting closed with the Mrzpah benedic tion ENGAGQEMENTS Mr and Mrs RussellDrysdalc Elmvaie wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daugh ter Marion Doris to James Mil ton McArthur only son of Mr and Mrs Russell liicArthur of Cree morc the montage to take place three oclock in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Elmvalc irish Look In Mens Fashions This Fall Winter The trend thats hooked tor top on Saturday October 27 1958 at and detached from the world Re THE BARRIE FRIDAY 121956 THE SEVEN lSLANDS Jon Godden the author at this clever little book is sister ol Rumor Godden kno for ouch books as The River Kingï¬sher Catch Fire and An Episode ol Spars nova Both sisters have spent many years in lndia and it isnot surprising that India provides the setting or this tale in the past year numerous books have been written about indiebooks dealing with the poor the welltodo the tradition al and the modern society and politics mountain and jungle peasant and di lomat Jon God dena book dea with none oi these small slice ot lndia isnne that to ioreigners would be able to tackle much less to handle with success as she most certainly does The scene oi her novel is group oi rocky islands in the mid dle DI the sacred Ganges Her narrative concerns itseli with short period in the life of sadhu or holy man who lives on one at these islands At the be lndced Miss Goddcns has almost reached the auto ot enlightenment that is theKin du ideal ot the good lite Then temptation comes to him in an un usual and subtle form Some rich men decide to build an ashram or religious colony on neighboring island The sadhu is alnid that the peace of the islands will be destroyed and that his lriends the animals and birds will have to leave their homes lie is troubled with too much protective love and Wishes to meddle in things which should be left to God He becomn in volved in schemes to drive out the invaders Each ciiort is failure and onlydnakes his enemies pros per more Finally natural iorccs stepin and he is brought to real ize that he has been wrong in his desire to alter the course oi things whose course is Gods This is lovely and engaging story as much parable as novel It is told in style that is elaborately simple artiully artlcss with the clearness and simplicity of childs story The author has remarkable sensitiv ity to the lndian atmosphere and also has most vividly and charm ingly described the river and its islands with their vegetationand wildlife égt CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING ginning oi the book he is happy PHONE PA 82414 BrideEiectfl THE ENGAGEMENT is an nounced at Miss Helen Marion Anderson daughter at Mr and Mrs Kerwond Anderson at Bramp ton to Laurence Vanwyck Matth ews son of Mr and Mrs Russell Matthews oi Barrie The mar riage will take place on Saturday October 27th 1956 at three oclock in the alternoon in St Pauls United Church at Bump ton Heury rt noon Wéds Tomorrow THE ENGAGEMENT is an nounced at Miss Josephine Ruth McDonald daughter of the late Mr and Mrs McDonald 01 Barrie to Stanley John lvak son of Mr and Mrs John lvak The marriage will take place on Sat urday October 13th 1956 in St Edwards Roman Catholic Church Toronto 4mm Sexton Ceremony 24t Palms terns and baskets of yellow Shasta and bronze poms with tall leaves made very pretty setting for an autumn wedding in Churchill United Church lost Saturday October sixth 1956 at twothirty oclock in the afternoon when Miss Emma Jean Presser eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Presser RE Letroy was married to Donald Richard Boynton youngest son of Mr and Mrs Boyn ton of Toronto Scott Kate Altken tells the story oi her girlhood in NEVER DAY SO BRIGHT published importance in mens wear this all and winter is labelled The Look of the Irish it is leatured in tweed suits topcoats sports jack ets and even tweed caps for weekends in the country Amadeo Mandato President at the Montreal Designers Cluba chapter of the International As sociation oi Clothing Designers ngs whilethey lost brand new RCA Victor Television Just low of Now at Coop specials some models left so act quickly dont miss the se Fall Bargain Specials Rev Sanders otticiated and wedding music was played by Mrs Robert Sinclair who also accompanied the soloist Locklin Jack at Toronto in the singing ot The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and Promise ltie during the signing of the register Given in marriage by her fath was grocmsman and the ushers were David Alexander of Toronto and Gordon MacDonald of Brad lord ltlrs Prosscr received guests assisted by Mrs Boynton at the reception that followed in the community hall The mother of the bride was in mink brown the America says there is good rea son iorthe popularity twceds are now enjoying As well asbeing comfortable to wear the new tweeds bring out the style features designer seeks to produce Right now its the trim look and tweeds have the properties that make it easy nun Victor rm wanna RCA Victors lowest priced 21 set features the big change for 1957 in an crepe and was wearing navyblue accessories and corsage ol yel low roses The grooms mother was in green angelskin and was wearing brown accessories and corsage oi talisman roses The bride and groom lett by air on wedding trip to Jamaica the bride travelling in charcoal WW grey suitwithcoraiand black KATE MTKEN accessories and hat of winter white mousse On their return pinyin EKggxï¬ï¬mcrgfnh Egirï¬ggyï¬oguygflhge mak early days in theSimcoe County village at Beeton provcs once The bride is graduate of the again that one of the bestknown Tomntocencul Haipml school personalities of Canadian radio or Nursmg The groom gradual is also an entertaining writer in mining engineering from the University Tommo Mrs Aitken throws open the door and invites the reader into the hellfile the ScottJamily Its an invitation that no one will regret accepting for these are people that its pleasure to know The joy of happy childhood is passed on to the reader as Mrs Aitken shares her memoriesof will be held at ltlrs Bowlcs home sliding down snowy hills in win to prepare for the bazaar ter of spring cleaning that let Mrs Baker was most suc 35$ alone 531° church basement on the afternoon fruit flowers and vegetables of Nov 24 The branch decided to style Mr Mandate says The roughsurfaced lrish class ics have taken on new elegance They are soft to the touch and light as leprechauns They are striped flocked and patterned in soft medium shades yet their roughandreadynature is still tained Tweedswithvan lrish air are used in coatings ol husky appear once that feel much lighter in the hand One example is the raglan topcoat made from soft porous black and white tweed weighing only 16 ounces yard or the bride was wearing cock taillength gown of white satin brocade Her fingertip veil was caught withpcaris and sequins and she was carrying bouquet of mauve orchids stephanotis and ivy Her attendants were Miss Cam llle hichardsf of Simcoc maid of honor and Miss Ruth Presser ot Lciroy sister oi the bride as bridesmaid They were gowned alike in deiustred brown orlon sa tin and were wearing matching headdresscs and carrying bouquets of yellow mums talisman roses and croton leaves Donald Waters 01 Port Credit attractive cabinet with special new woodgrain finish available iniwarlnut Cascade tuner transformer and other RCA Victor fea tures 19 tubes Model 2lT 191A Special while they last no carpet unbeaten noeorner unscruhbed of berrypicking and the old swimming hole of gath ering nuts in autumn and the pranks oi Halloween Never Day Sn Bright is on to galloping start with the ï¬rst printing sold out beiore pub lication day and another one be ing rushed through hmJATax maul flymiéï¬u REGULAR 24995 coor SPECIAL Institutes On Tuesday Oct 16 sewing bee In mu Barrie Institute Plans Baiaar Sewing Bee DROP INJL SEE THE NEW Barrie Womens Institute held its monthly meeting on Oct at the home of Mr Reg Adams 29 McDonald St Twentyfive mem bers answered roll call My Fav orite Apple Dessert during which many nice recipes were ex changed Mrs Pringle gave report on sewing meetings held on two suceessive Tuesday aiternoons at the home of Mrs Bowlcs 42 Park St Many aprons had been made and some knitting and em broidery work had been done pleasant social afternoon was en Ijoyed on both occasions Mrs Adams and Mrs Lyn gave reports on the area convention which seven members had attend ed Mrs Lyn gave paper on Home Economics and Mrs Adams gave reading on the history of Thanksgiving Day suggestions were asked for on how to celebrate the 60th anni versary of the Womens Institutes being held next year Mrs Bowles asked for helpln regard to the retarded childrens assoc iation tag day sewing meeting tomake can cer dressings was planned at Mrs Bowlcs home on Thursday Oct The next Institute meeting will be held at the home at Mrs Her man Baker 66 Victoria St on Tuesday Nov at pm Tea hostesses will be Mrs Coles Mrs Ley Mrs Harper and Mrs East on Roll eall will be collection for the poppy tun RCAF School Principal Is WI Speaker Roll call at the monthlymcet ing of Dalston Womens Institute was answered by each member bringing bouquet oi flowers to be judged First prize was won by Jean Juryand second by Mar garet Handy There Were nine members and two visitors present The main part of the progcam was taken up by talk on citizen ship and education by the mine ipal of the RCAF School at Edgar Mrs Handy gave reading on the motto All members were pleased to hear that Dalston had won first prize for its exhibit at Oro Fair During discussion on how to make money or the Institute 11 at pm All members who could sew were asked to attend osecAsHIIOW sIPAvLArER PLAN Plul lttip loa phone mu OliLLIA Conlolldntlon flili ad onion at no extra eolt to For Marathon Write or come in today mm on Slpmuun turnle or more since 2nd no 32 Minnm sum cut an EVENINGS IV APPOINTMENTPHONE FOI EN It mlloll II will lull fund the members decided to have tea ahd bake sale in the nv lea mm any is to have community shower in Craighurst Hall or Mr and Mrs committee Willis Thompson was appointed to arrange an ex tension course Mrs Brown gavé an interest ing talk on the first day of the area convention held in Barrie The lucky draw of the evening was won by Mrs Handy The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Baldwick at pm on Thursday on 18 Roll call will be 25cent giit for the grab bag table The motto is mind works better Anybodys when little fun greases th whee Handy The program on horn economics and health will be con vened by Mrs Baldwiok Te hostesses are Mrs llWright and drmaranr cannot AUTOMATIC sswrm MACHINES Comment will be by Mrs 3V5 low as ann 350 Weekly sworn sewers MACHINE co 28 Dunlop St PA 34365 Mrs Baidwick MARY ST 674 PARKWAY 8246 Just phone 82461 or the oil you need and let uado the rest Metered truckslde liver the Oil you need there is never chance youll be caught abort KIEEN no BARRIE coor srnomn ch victor THE GQODWIN moose 2110111 REGULAR $38995 Page Hiram consumma M05 lllEli SERVICE 299 THE WINFIELD MONTHS GUARANTEE ONpALL PARTS AND TUBES YEAR GUARANTEE 0N Horus TUBE cAvIcmR RCA VICTOR rTIE HURON MODEL l7T1160A