12 rnn BARRIE EXAMINBR salon 00703va 1958 BOND HEAD New York Holiday Miss midied Reynolds flew to NewYork to spend the holiday weekend From Ottawa Harley Cummings of Ottawa spent the weekend with his mother At Tomato Wedding Mrs Gilmore attended the wedding of her cousin in Toronto on Friday nighL North Bay Hockey Mr and Mrs Herb Landcrkin attended the hockey game in North Bay when their nephew Robert Pullord was playing Visiting Farnlly Mrs Wall of Toronto is visit ing her son William and family At The Plow Match Mrs llradiey and Gordon are visiting friends in Bowmanviile and attending the plowing match at Drooklin Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith and family visited Mrs Smiths brlr ther at Weston on Saturday Emergency Operation Cliff Whitcsidc was rushed to Newmarket hospital for an emerg ency operation on Thursday We You canlqni iiiuni The day Inna people work under measure worry mre aleep Ieu This chain on body and brain nukes physical fitness ruler ta loseharder to regain Today cnar living lowered resistance amt nayiii of these may lflcct manna kidney action When kidney get out of order exrur acid and we remain in the iyalun Then backache duhrind rut that tiredcut heavy lyeaded leeling ollen follow Thata the timer Dag Kidney liliri Doddl eysln Igti Tth ynuiee bellirllechkrIdl 4min hit or Dodda diam Pill at anytimg main are plepscd to report he in proved and able to be home Moved to Schonaberg Mr and Mrs Clilf Weather and family moved to Schomberg this week Syn thy of Conuimnity Sympa is extended to Mrs Gummerson in the death of her grandson Kenneth Barber of To rontowho passed away on Satur day Successipl Dance large crowd attended the dance onsored by the Anglican Young eoplc in the hall on Sat urday night Berton Fair Attractloll number from here attended Breton Fair last week The United Church ladies served tur key dinners and lunches The institute ladigs exhibited pl oneer bedroom intbe institute display The school children won number of prizes for their work Bowlipg Results Early League Sept 25 High lady single Ruth Usher up High lady triple lluth Usher 335 High man singleEdgar Knee shaw 248 High man triple Doug Stewart 543 Oct High lady single Jackie Harvey 164 High lady triple Elva Suther land 42 High man single Don Whiteside and Doug Stewart 206 tied High man triple Doug Stewart 567 Late league Sept 25 High lady single and triple Elsic Reynolds 17a and 84 High man single and triple Herb Landerkin 338 and 772 Oct High lady single and triple Vera Kneeshaw 204 and 466 High man single Keith KneeA shaw 206 High roan triple John Grimsby 530 Team standing Rollers 13 Fly crs ll Slippers 10 Gliders MANY MOOSE GRAND BANK OF Some areas of Newloirndlqnd are oven populated wtth moose despite the annual kill says Harry Walv tors director of wild life llrive With uiiiwui mum comm LIMITED 145 BRADFORD Sl PHONE PA 82449 WILL INSTALL GENUINE BONDED BRAKE SHOES INSPECT wnEEL CYLINDER AND BEARINGS BRAKE LINES AND noses FREE ADJUST PARK BRAKES AND FILL MASTER CYLINDER Eon 9SWITH THIS ADVERTISEMENT AS COUPON ONLY ON ANY POST WAR CHEV 0R PONTIAC Poor Brakes Ell0P CALLS EORA Willlllllllli PlitilillliM to break the 28 day cycle of the intestinalworms found in 99 of poultry If someone asked you for 10 of your profit from poultry you wouldnt consider it yebwonns can take 10 of your profit and dont even have to ask you for it At cost ofa 12 ti cent per bird and by worming your flock twice at two Week intervals you can save feed costs and have higher production Coop has Poultry Wormer crumbles available in 501pound bags or in liquid form to add to drinking water either method to hefedfor24hour if you have any pou vprobiemsphone or contact Simcoe Ioop andhaveoneofour fi dsevichpgn visit you assimilate sir racer Pit 66531 JOHN it KBUllN of Barrle four year studentot Ontario Agricultural lege and President of the Union Students chosen to represent the Guelph colleges on an extendedtour of Council was British Columbia with the studentsof the University otBritish lol The BC agricultural students make thousandmile tour each year to study the diversified agricultural condl umbia on agricultural Canada Packers Ltd Vancouver Cockburn blueberries growing at 15 feet below sea ievei and wheat nnd hopsgrowing 4000 feet above sea level The trip was ï¬nanced through the generosity of Canada Packers malted shown at the faculty club at UBU are from left ChariesGaiiagher rep resenting Macdon id College St Annedc Beilovue QuebecD Stewart Manogelr Jo or General council held recently Harry were asked to appear at in Windsor and which was attend the front of the school when an LIFE EXPECTANCY From 1931 to 1351 lita expeetg ed by Mr and Mrs John Farts address in verse was readby Mrs ancyin Canada increased from An interesting report was given Phyllis nutty and three young 60 to 68 years for males iron by Mn Paris liefrcahments were hour at the close of the meeting Showers Mrs Harry Salter in Cockstown United Church has been the guest of honor at several social gatherings Upon leaving her position with the Ontario Hy dro at Oraagcvillc her business associates at the office after wishl dig her future happiness present Lois with copper fruit bowiJ clock and blanket Miscellaneous Shower Mrs Cartright cousin of tho groo held miscellaneous show er is her Lakeview home in honor of Lois Mrs Harry Salter when some 25 lricpds and relatives at tended The home was tastefully decantedin pink and whitcand autumnllowers Dresden Lady doll effectively covered novelty wedding cake and was the centre of attraction on the table Many beautiful and useful miscellaneous gifts were presented in gaily de corated clothes basket lowed Hlflhdl Party evening at her home mates anice lunch served the usual birthday cake CRIMINAL ACIS ardous trafficviolation driving Miss Shamn Davis small dau hr tcr of Mr and Mrs George Davis celebrath birthday onFriday when she entertained number of her play Games were anieygd and including Criminal acts on the highways are killing many more people than criminal acts off the highway but we will never have enough police officers to detect and apprehend every driver who commits has lt is up to motorists themselves to prom ote this voluntaryohservance of traffic laws and the rulesiof safe Lachute Watchnian ladies presented the couple with 82 to 70 years for females Acrvcd by chrome kitchen chair three TV the hostess during the social half chairs and canister set on be half of the community Both the bride and groom spoke few words of appreciation and thanks 35 L0 delicious lunch was served by Cook who recently named the ladies and social hnlli fol TRY Purina lIog Contract PrecisionMixed sorter and Grower Local Manufactured Finisher No Carrying Charge and you pay only List Price theida of purchascwhether be bag or 100 bags ilnmeiunn Supply Purina Chews for livestock and poultry Sarge Dairyiqulpmcnt ll Mulcastcr St PA ems Mrs Austln Wiggins of Brad ford was the hostess at shower held in her home on Wednesday Sept 19 On the brides arrival she was presented with pink corsage then led to chair of honor Little Misses Susan and Jacqueline Metcalf drew decor ated wagon loaded with gifts to Lois chair Later delicious lunch was served by Mrs Wiggins assisted by Mrs Leigh and Mrs Wilson Friends of bride rip the rural hydro and forcstri qdepart tlons in their province News aircomic Weekend Guests Mrs Wessel Toronto spent few days with her sister Mrs George Maycs and Mr Mayes the past week Mrs Newton St John daugh ters Elizabeth and Judy Toronto were Sunday visitors in town FP newing acquaintance with many of their old friends Miss Audrey Dermott nursein training at St Josephs Hospital Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Der mott oeriii universt John Dermott who has beep working it La Teens Gerber during the summer months has returned to University of Toronto for his final year in engineering Sold Cold Storage Harry Reid has disposed of his cold storagepiant to James Wat man Toronto Mr Watman took possession on Oct Joan Dcrmott left on Monday for Toronto where she has taken position Births Congratulations to Dr and Mrs McFarland an the birth of daughter born Sept 18 1956 in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs Stanley Halbert spent Thursday in Toronto Toronto Visitors Mr and Mrs Keith Cause and Michael spent the Thanksgiving weekend with their parents in town Mrand Mrs David McMastcr Jr Toronto were weekend vis itors with the farmers grand mother Mrs Edward Burling Mrs Olive McMaster is spendA ing lbw days with her mother Mrs Burling Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs John Cause To ronto were Sunday guests with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Cause and grandmother Mrs Henry Cousc Miss Allie Comisky Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Charles vaons Bowling Results Bud McKee Squares 11 Lloyd Hughes Sugar Jets 18 Harold McKiliican Slow Pokcs Lean Nicholson Busy 85 15 Doris McKillican Shiners 10 Jean Hughes Strikers High singles Bud McKee 27B Betty Coburn 270 High triples Bud McKee 662 More McKee 574 High averages Jack Patterson tilt Doris McKillican 172 Teamscores high singles the Squares 1188 high triples the SquarES 342L Weekend Quests Cpl and Mrs Clifford Schram and children Barrie were Weir end guests withthe latters par ents Mr and Mrs William Riley Ross Group Meeting On Wednesday Sept 26 the Ross Social Group met at Mrs William Milligaus with mom sw ring the roll call th csident open Ph cr stair phoiiim an as cartnthls Cockburn sow ones costume is da cin xiii burnt iudsins Institute in November gave detailed the meeting ip the usualway fol area convention in Barrie lowed minutes and business Sick ca were sent out one to Mrs Lgwis Mrs Norman Camp hï¬lls mother who has been quite Duria was completed for Mrs Alerr Ai en Lunch was served by the hos tess atsisted by Mrs Camp bell and committee Thursday evening Sï¬pt27 the group met again at ra Fil rene McMaster events Mrs Mrs Riley sang duet cancer dressings from 930 to 1130 for the older gnvnes This will he in the ladies are cateringto the veterans banquet Mrs John Faris account of the Mrs Donald Monkrnan and her committee of Mrs Riley Mrs Coutts Mrs Parker Mrs Nixon and Miss lrene McMaster had charge of the program on the afternoon one quilt Porno economicsand health Miss gave current Monkman and Mrs Monkman gave talk on and following the ladies made one drossingeach During the season the ladies will merit from Barrie gathered at her home prior to her marriage and resented the couple with smok ing stand and wrought iron com bination reading lamp magazine stand and sandwich mm The grooms fellow employees in Lorne Park made presentation to Lols Harry of mahogany coffee mile Is more er Bullpen Shim was the scene of commun party and shower in honor of Mr and Mrs Harry Salter when 15 neighbors and friends attended The evening was spent in tee rounds at cards Mrs Elmer Hayes directed musical concert performed by the children Later Lois and OBINSON ELEVATOR and FE SERVICE Milli sraouo Phone Strand 52 Collect or Barrie PA sass1 PA S2211 deys aridcompieted aiqliilt for needy family in town Miss Sarah Slight kindly donated the top At the pics of the afternoon the stess assisted by Mrs Jack Mrs Walker and Slight served lovely Re ted Hp Mrs Carrlil Batesw has rented her residence in town and has gone toBarrie where she will spend the ngxt few months Institute Meeting The Womens lnstitu is met at the town hall on Thursday even ing Oct for their meeting on health and home economics with fairly good crowd present illoll call was answered by grim recipe written out for exch gc Business reports were dispose of The annual Halloween party for the children this year will be costume judging as usual and in stead of the usual concert there will be games and party for the little tots one to four and after lAYlNCi MASH CONSIDER THIS IMPORTANT FACT can layian egg she must first look after her body Before hen mainten use requirements After go int egg production meet at different homes to make these dressings Anyone having clean white material suitable for dressings please leave at the home ovars Donald Monkman At the close of the meeting the committee served delicious lunch WMS Meeting The September meeting of the WMS ot the United Church was held on luesday night atthe home of the president Mrs John Farts Mrs Faris presided with Mrs Couse secretary and Mrs Harry Leadlay pianist Business discussed concerned preparations for the annual ha zaar to be held Nov 17 Fifty dollars as third instalment of allocationwas voted The devotional period was con ducted by Mrs McFadden who read the scripture lesson and told story to illustate Ye are the Light of the World Mrs Halbert led in praybr The main feature of the pro gram was report of the session umms mun MASH this the feed she consumes will Quélfg anal $nuicé 0lladi Whatsethe enigma make$413 What would you say as ï¬nancial wizard to the family Flint happens then if he is fed lowenergy high fibre eed with inadequate levels of proteins minerals and vrtamms Simply this She will have to consume so thch of this type of feed to look after body maintenance that capacity left for feed to produce eggs Th swar then to to egg productioh lies in feeding of shrill efficiency ration ch contains highhhnergy level and adequate levels of prote minerals rid vitamins Such feed is SHURGAIN Super Laying Mash Join the paultrymén whoareswipglag to Super Laying Mash and mayday ggs from less feed lts always fresh at our mill ï¬gure ratio commune You know that making money is not the easiest thirigiri the will have little world no matterth the amount Yet thereis one simple way to make $4 without fuss or risk Just buy one of the new $190 Canada Savings Bonds If you hold it to maturity yoir get every dollar back plus $473 ihtcrcst And thatsnotail Canada Savings Bonds are good forfuii face value plus earned nterest at any bank in Céndo 1115 tiny time You eclizbuy Canada Savings Bondsin handy sizcsof $50 $100 $500 $1000 and $0tl0 And your moneyisssfe while it earns because rConadoSpvingsBondsarebacked byailtheresources oiCsnada reputgition as alfinsriciallcgrper wonltvsu bi lav cash or by instalment through your ticill tanninii deal or or the layrcll Savings Planwliua you work or loan company