um ngé rnnvaww ï¬vhwflmm an swavvmwsv army mi mm aim xi 16 6r ronm womama ï¬th her mimmmim withtimid Arabia lfieasixre Kxfse giish Tack gt wunby Clinton Fagan Mqonston RR JACK wArsqmor Thoxnhii eén in jiil1ipwqhich héipezi M38 Wham og Lohdoni rides jwinne ot rdibzniixo win knock down and our event Hewas awarded the Paradé Horse owned by Bong Dunsmore Trophy nvm WALKER wichtiihtfprize MAEQOMSO wife or secretarymanaggroi Barrie Fair presentsOKé Iraphy to Peter Thibaudeau ROTflY CR at Foxmead with BIL WALKER13 Lee wins to roadster horse qn MES ME gt BARDENof Iinilsb gt Norm River Bill showed his calf onvcwg days the fair gt heavy harness hackneyuimrsein Itine gtsty1 capturedï¬ lrst and seco in twoglasses Photos by BRUNO FAVERO Examiner Staff Photograp er Jgrmeys herd toqk all top awards in turai Sucietyf pr ants Grand Champion thisdairy class and he also took Pre ier JUDGING SINGLE HARNESS P0NIE Bull jnward Exhibitors award on Friday brought out ABCFarms Fairon Saturqay Bramptoxi flrsf flMati cDougaliï¬Erip