Exam annivnnnson onlrna Jon During Nationalvliewspaper Week The ExaminerJin Si Newsboiiiieai Oldlohnfludson his Paperii Year Canada Ollie lt fitting to honor man we believe taupe Canadas oldest newsty John Hudson newspaper Qalong the main street or Barrie fbi 45 year John was on Marchzh this year but helstiil follows his dnu lilo policy of many years He gets the paper there on iime and he gets it tlicr od conditiony 101 Recreation Woobl eawhat lmdoing delivering aper at my age says Iiahn who briefly considered giving up his carrier job on his Well whatll doit ld be like lion inn gt Delivering Examiners Is sood seller ht man sison in arid get tbébest outof youll hens at tbe lghPiice or Eggs custom Grinding Mixing Free deliveryon Buy where yoilr dollar goes furthe boysiis to take in who has been delivering this Spry man who can olten move quicker than main hall his ago John Hudson has always walked his paper route limbihgatairs to liveupstnirs oft esiall along the front street gtHc walks about mle on his recreation job ver MlssedA Days One of the veteran carriers main boasts is that hehas never missed day delivering papers in rainand shine and every kind of weahter One coldand wet night the late Walls then bus iness manager of The Examin told him to go home End forget about hisroute But Juhndeli ered his load Ju There are two kinds of days when he doesnt like his job he admits Thats an reallyhot summer day or on wet day when his papers get snake Before The twiceweekly 11 paper boy John ahout half was delivering about 135 week andtry to do it Well proud of theghigh opinion all his customers have nf him because of his punctuality and carefu handling otxpapers know nllthe people on the front street says John who sets off on hisroute between two and 230 oclock each Monday Wed nesday and Friday And most of the peoplenn the front air watch for the familiar figure in the peaked cap with the handle 01 Examiners slung over his GRENFEI mfhï¬ï¬i Hm Grcnfcl United Church on Sunv day Oct Sunday Scbooijat 10 lock gt Social Hal Adarge number of friends and nelshboragathued at the Com munitnyenuc Friday evening to spend social hour with Mr and MB Ernest HIP Linda and Joycebeiors they leave tor their new bornek 38 Queen Street liar rid They were presented with tokensat esteem by their many mead They will be muse greatly thgy were alwa ready to extend eiping ha and to helpfin any May they could in community activities Wilbur wants read an add Victor HowardFragrant bariie Cole and Norman cGirr presented Mr lad ms nanu 111111 chrome kitcten sci Cheryl Cole present ed inda with dresser lamp Bobby Walton presented Joyce with bracelet on behalf of the community Mr Harris replied in appreciation for the lovely giits Very enjoyable evening was spent in dancing All good wishes for continued health and happiness go with Mr and Mrs Harrisand family to their new home in Barrie Cominnnity Sympathy deep gloom was cast over this community on Tuesday when the std news came that MrsAlbert Bishop had passed away at her home in Barrie alter several weeks illness Mrs Bishop lived in this community for great number of years and was still honorary president at the Grcnfcl WA She was loved and respect ed by all who knew her She was one of Gods chosen few Her snle aim in lite was to do His will Deepest sympathy is extcnded from this community to the be reavad iamlly and to all the be reaved WA Meeting The WA met at the home of hits Everard Harris on Wednes day Oct at oclock with 15 resent Ihe president Mrs libur Walton presided Mrs deVotlonai periodMrs Crump gave two chaptera oi the study boolt There wetemany and var led discussions Meeting closed withtile benediction Lunch was servedby the hostess November meeting at Mrs Dobaons In Hospital Victor Bowers is patient in the military hospital at Camp Bor den with pneumonia Our best wishes fora speedy recovery red cheeks and merry blue eyes and hello He now does part of Sayfield and Collier and down Mulcaster Street as well asiboth sides of the front street statmutt 11 John HudsonWas 17 when be business starting at the old Bar rie Gazette as general boy in side distributor and compositor Was printersdevii At ill be joined The Advance staff run by two men oneot whom was the late MvD Mac Morrison In 1911 he came to The Examiner then operated by the late MacLaren and his partner Mr Walls He has been delivering the paper stead ily ever since He has also deliv ered The Star weekly for many his papers Ihe job seriously years starting in 1914 when the regular hay went nverseasdur ingr theliirst World War Not First Job His newspaper job Wasnt Johns first nor has it been his last Heatarted working at the age at 13 as messenger boy at the telegraph office When he left the He went to work at the Bar Foundry at the pres ent location of McKenzies Service Station at the corner of Bayfield and Ross Streets He spent four years moulding When he was 19 years old after he had startedatyThe Gazette John took up beekeeping ahus iness hemaintainad anti 1949 lie had 50 colonies and about 300 custo ers around town to whom he sol hon He has always may occupations 11 man of Fiat seven years he was agent heretor an American company selling fruit trees and fiowaring shrubsf He also collected dog taxes job he gave up three years ago dan halls and he has long been pr rig bu ssputtgtg cards 11 Dobson was lh charge of the he is known for his cheerful smile actually ehteled the newspaper Mrs Mill ohh used tortake tickets at interested in another angle of the Rainbow1 for manor nun nation School eomnuncment to be at Churchill Hail 114 Rummage sale Eriday Oct auspices Sunaeti Group Contra United WA 70 pm 114115 The reminding Girl natal and Browniestu bake aale but an to be held TrinityPariahllalb Count151com Dec 111 Ontario Farmers Union Conven tionSinlcoc County to be held at Duntroon on Wednesday Oct 10 114 Chilli Willi Junior Farmers wlll hold their Qeiobcrnlecting in Churchill Hall on Tuesday the 9th 114 Rummage ulcnto be held it True Blue littlingb Street Oct at am Auspices Saivatlon Army 113114 Turkey Dinner Burton Avenue United Church Wednesday Nov Three sittings ti and p111 $150 plate 114 Dance Utopia Community Hall Saturday night Oct Beattys Orchestra Lunch counter Ad mission 50c 114 Special Thanksgiving dance Sunday midnight balloons lucky spots Also dancing every Friday andSaturday at Pine Crest to the Music Makers 1131 Thanksgiving dance Guthrie Communityliallh Saturday Oct ti Dancing NZ Music by George 01 iver and his orchestra Door prize turkey draws Lunch counter Ad mission 50c llllil The semiannual county meeting of Simcoe South LOL will be held in the Orange Hall Aliiston on Tuesday Oct at pm Russell Ritchie County Secretary 114 Chilli Willi Junior Famers are sponsoring danceFriday Oct 12 at Churchill Hail dances with prizes Lunch York Qounty Boys Old tinie and mud ern dancing Admission 75c and 59a 111115 Thc GreyBruce Hereford Bree ders are hnldlng their annual autumn sale 6114 bulls and 20 females at the Morlrtlale Skating Arenamn Friday gt p111 an bulls are eligibielor 25 premium upio s75 114116 Moose Mountain Livestock As soclation Arcola Sask Feeder and Stdcker Sale Oct 231956 afternoon tea and 3bazaar Trinity CopelandCountyMaslei Special Oct 19 at chriatmil tea nabnbar Wea nerdaygqu 21 Ampieu Senior WA CentrnlUnlted 114 Kempeateidtcm Guides and Brownies are having worldly Oct 12 to 11 p111 nous 11ch Sale Trinity Parish Hall Oct 19 pm Aud picis Trinity Junio Tinicy supper Utopia Coin nlunityliali Oct 17 Supper 530 830 Good variety program Adult $1 Children 81 114117 Dont forget the Bond Head United Church annual turkey sup per on day Nov4 in the Communi Hail Bond Head 114 Ladies itemember to keeplthis date open Wednesday Nov 14 Parish Hall at 230 pm to pm Auspices Percalers 114 The Grey Bruce Huron Abcrv dcen Annual Breeders Association are holding their Annual Autumn Shieof 9vBulis andm Females at Waikerion Sales Arena on Thurs day0ct 18 at pm All sires pifered nré eligible lor 15 pre mium up to 114116 fllY AN EXAMINER WANT AD asnnis 15 Ba tun no rummage PHONE PA 52414 ccétthe10ANyoui 1NJUST1TRIP frag 11mm Mon gives mm mp loans or any good purpm Ian you pay later inconvcnicnt monthly amount with his great ConnNah Pay Iam out Ger many extra beneï¬t at no extra cost Phtme ï¬rst or 1trip loan LWritA 6r mmrin today Mnnt 550 Inï¬lloomr more on Sigmlfllp Fun Auto nuptial atone 28 as beeuoool since nxcoap mm Teicphone in Barrie are expected to place 3700 calls to outoftown centres today new record forrlong distance calling on the Friday preceding Tbankagiv ing Day The total estimated by the Bell Telephone Company is greater than 111211817111 placed here lastyear on the Friday before Thanksgiving ENGAGEMENTS Mr andMrs Maurice Patten denof Cundles wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Grace Ann to Ronald Young of Shanty hay the marriage to take place on Saturday October 20 114 13 need mu 1A1 FINANCE it convenlbniafllnsMathhh to nearest yotv rum mlflbo omttlal sitsg Itract rm zrmi Mr arzuEVENINcs ti APPOINTMENI NONE roi rvENiNG out mum at It rammingm M1 01 full insanewhip Chevron Awarded To Barrieslipns hummer bro tAuza Night for the tiansuclilib oiBar sic and hr the occasion on were present pius guests Following wager Presidenttimid Forster prcal ed The highlight War presentation by him to international Director William Garner from the Inter nationbl immediate Past Pred dent Humberto Venuuela South America at medal sent by him as an expression of regard and inappreelatlon of the part glued in International Lionism Barriea Bill Garner The international dlrcctor then ï¬ne and Peg Ea presented lat run to Lion Charles Read Stephenson and Harold Webb Past Deputy District Gavelme Art Pugh prucntad the louse monarchchevrona to 10 Join eligible sumqa Aikcns Allan Bren William Dymcnt Harold Forster Jack Gable at the Auiey Jack Oates Jack Richard non Noel Stephenson andArt Webster new member William liar ry Nesbltt was received by tho international director and Jim put de uty district governor and was we comed to the club CALL THE EXAMINER P03 PRINTING La Lick 1i tickle The best way to for yourself he breaks is to make them trust to luck to kccp old worn tires holdingiogéthei GET NEW TIRES and the best break you can give yourself and your parish brand new set of =PUNLOP TIRES give you QUAlr lflYilieveryP rc BANGEauda mean pasmN to meetau driving nditions 1500 head of ihe best cattle in the fest willbe sold by auction Gradedcar loads of Herefords and Shorthor Save 200 Kraiebtï¬h by buying 1h corner of Saskatch 11 First class hotel accommodation vJay Blackmore Auctioneer For information write Secretary Moose Mountain Livestock Association Arcola Saskv 114115 out for various organisations in store windows etc Lifelongjmie Resident John still lives in his oldtam ily home on Dalton Street the house where he was born and lived all his life bachelor he makes his home with his twosis ters Mrs Ethel May Forbes and Their father the late Harris udson was HogCantract PrecisionMixed Starter and Grower Luca Manufactured Finisher No Carrying Charges and you pay only List Price the dayvof purchase whether it be bag or 100 bags Dorrie innnSupply for livestock and poultry Surge Dairy Equipment 17 Mu aster at With no Emilee WHEN 111511111111011111 1111c ran coan ruai 1oss= 111m cnsm 35111106211160 am msunuoa has in of any tan Vilavei ThoKlinesi Storm TWindows fond lama yaeoo 26 CEILING AN ONO causation Av Nl allegorical