In observing National Newspaper Week Canadas weekly news papers seek to remind themselves as well as their readers of the great traditions of service to the community to the nation and to the cause ofhuman freedom which is their heritage History has recorded the achievements of many famous nest papermcn who fought and won the battle for Freedom of the Press on both sides of the Atlantic One of the best known on this con tinent was Benjamin Franklin who is equally famous for his news paper work as for his inventive genius and hisachievemcnts as an American statesman Canadian history was profoundly affected by such men as George Brown of tho old Toronto Globc and Williamlyon Mackenzie to mention only two whose names are familiar to every history student Freedom of the Presswas as important as life itself to these men and to many others who gained prominence in national affairs be cause of their high principles in the newspaper profession There have been thousands of other relatively ohscurc éditors and publishers who have added their influence on local or com munity levelto maintain those noble traditions Our pioneer forefathers were shrewd and hardy group of people who opened up this country in search of freedom andopportunity Every town of any sizesoon had its own littleweekly paperand few new businesses were quite as welcome to the early settlers The potential usefulness of newspaper in organizing and directing public opinion along progressive lines was quickly recognized by the pioneer citizen in most frontier townspthe appearance of local newspaper soon resulted in agrowlng community knowledge of community affairs objectivesby holding up to the pressing problems of the day spirit basedon more widespread It helped to deï¬ne and clarify light of public opinion the most NationalNewspaper Week honors these pioneerweekly editors as well as the nationally and internationally famous writers and edi tors The pioneer days are gone but the newspaper and its influence for progress and development remains The opportunity for leader ship andencouragement ot worthy enterprise is still challenge And the response is as great todaya Canadas weekly newspapers are itever was roud of their catalystic effect on community life Théir high ideals have notchanged They stand ready torpromotc and support everyworthwhile community endeavor and to bringJogether the forces necessary to achieve progress CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION President Draaycr Wesltaskiwin Alberta Time T6 Prevent Detects ls States Health The time to prevent or alleviate any possible physical defectsin is before he entersschool Scott director of the Simcoe County Health Unittoldv meinbers of the Codrington Home and School Association at their September meeting last Thursday evening Since the child represents home somewhere in the commun ity we must not torgetthat home and attempt to correct defect in the childs makeup without con sidering the source or cause he commented in his address on school health fWe cannot lose sight of the main influencing factor inthat chiids lifenamely the parents There has beena tendencyof workers both educational and health to forget that the home is where mostgood for the better ment of the childs well beingvcan be accomplished There is tendency today on the part of fsome to view any situation that the state owes them living with out realizing that the people are the state Citlzens Toinprrow The purpose of theunits health teachingprogram in the schools lls to show the way not gonly to the child but more important to the parents whose responsibility isrin the end declaredthe dir tor ofthccounty agency To accomplish this allvresources of health department must be made available to the parents of all hiidren exhorting them to take their responsibilities in order at their children will truly be he citizens of tomorrtlilw both Before Child Enters school Umi Director ty in recent years in 1948 there were 249 schools in the county witha total of teachersand 14509 pupils There were 15 nurses on the health unit staff Today there are 260 schools and 620 teachers an increase of 59 percent total 21200 children represent 46 per cent increase The number of nursesemployed by the unit is now 18 20 per cent increase Sehool children and youth to day enjoy remarkably good state of health due to the emphasis on immunintioh in infancy Rein forcing doses are obtained in school Of infants under six months ofage that are not im munized whooping cough takes two out of every three cases Polio vaccination for preschool children is hoped to be obtained this fall he told the parents The mortality rate forgirlsfive townyears ofage is only three per 10000 The rate for boys of the same age five per 10000 Accidehts are the major hazard Cancerand allied conditions rank far ahead of all other disesses Tuberculosis usedto be the chief cause of death Now there is 95 reduction with similar rapid decline in other communice stile diseases Sicknessin school children is duemostly to common golds upper respiratory dis eases Childr are generally admitted to hospital fortonsila then ablt dominal nrthopedic and lastly eyes ears nd mental illnesses The schoolï¬nursesuaed to aee child every year but found that although defects that were found commumon aMorning Prayer Sermon Church Nurse of Churchill United thepieunn fofbeiog the guestI membera responded to roll ulHry nfa former member hi Room Cilihu otherhome in Barrie for their September meeting The preitdent Mr Robert clair was lnthe chair Nineteen uslh Lindrest found in the scflptureumrewem numeral visitors The prayer for the missionary Mild Edithrclark Wu taken the president and the cotreopen given by Mn Gary Salvation Army League of Mercy Opens Season The League of Mercy oi the Salvation Army commenced its tail and winter season with meeting at thehome of Major and Mrs white the corps officers This branch of the Salvation Army holds regular weekly meet ings at the jail and various in stitutions Members also visit hospitals and ahutins striving to bring cheer to individuals and distributing the War Cry the whitewinged gospel messenger ot the Salvation Army Plans were made for busy sea son under the capable leadership of the league secretary Mrs Baxter Several new members will be enrolled at future meeting Lunchwas served by the hos fess Mrs BWhlte and followed up there was very little done to correct these de tects on the part of thehomes Nowadays kindergarten chil dren are leftalone until after Easter The teacherohserves and reports any defects Theyhave had their preadmission physical and dental examinations InGradeuiLvlmal acuitytaats are given Sometimes they are also given in grade Grade VllI counselling services are needed mostlyby boys Records are difficult to obtain and keep for children moving about from school to school and those without medical records Fall and school fairs teachers meetings holidays ctc are the main cause for disruptingthc special projects of the health de partment Through cooperative efforts the major goals in child health today emphasize the positive fac tors bylwhich children may olr Ihonllnhptuna physical and mental ea ingzseaetaryldrs Russell Stew art read four letter ofapprecia on Anumber of the members of the society were guests at tea Wilson of Thornton to meet er guest Mist Edith Clark Th ladies had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with the societys special minimi ary for pnyerllniperson Flnal plans were made for the glow of them the blaze at meted es 11 Tina edfrolt thegrocefut sheaves The sound the bruaqtho bin ottha alter am areso rum The no on onelscheek polhthrpugh the wood newckotme fire when life seems goat Tbe chirp azhtni the soap or tree The on is sostlent there God seems to tie Thankflod to the sun for the fruit offlthe tree Thank God for his love andiny dear family monk God for our heritage our country our seas Think God for the treedomto live as we pleaseu 41mm plantain cietyto attend Its Thanksgian noon tea The Mission hand will meeting accepted Mrs also have table McMillan Will be ker uTha two societiesvjoined for bazaar is to held Satur friendly hour at theconcluslon of day afternoon Oct l3 at three the meetings Refreshments were oclbck There will be sale of served by Mrs King and th Sep COME THANKSGMN evout families flock to church icross the country And Denpy Vaughan is noexeeption here he dhis charming wife Helene attend Torontos beautiful TimothyEaton Memorial Chore baking nd aprons an an after tember hostesses Preabyterial luncheon There were 31 sick and friendship calls and slx hospital calls made and books read The vicepresident Mrer Todd who attended the Presbyy terlai executive meeting in Bar riep to Mrs Cyril Spence and her group werein charge ifthe wo ship service Mn Spence than ed Mrs King for giving her home for the meeting and read short poem Gods GifL Mrs Allan led in prayer and the scripturelesson was read by Mrs Pratt Mrs George Lucas introduced the ncw study book East from Burma and review ed the openingehaptera The president called on Mrs Campbell who read an addflss for two members Mrs Harry Todd and Mrs Norman King who will soon be making their homes in Barrie Mrs Russell Stewart made the presentation of lovely silver compacts to Mrs King and Mrs Todd The prestdent accept edMls Todds gift In her ab sence The Womans Association also met at the home of Mrs King with the president Mrs Ronald Allan presiding The lesson thought The Lords My Shep herd was read by Mrs Allan Todd who led in prayer An lhvitation from nradford ao gavean interesting account Kell also8am short TheSalvatlon Ann Citadel co Collier Street Major and Mrs Robert White SUNDAY OCTOBER loss PRBLOPEN All Dedlcation of Infant Child 230 MILCOMPANY MEETING 6159EN All gt gt palSalvation Meeting Harvest Festival Altar Service Bright Happy Singing Good Gospel Messages All are welcome to make the Army their Church home SAINY GEORGE ghturehAllandalo tor Rev Newmnsmna ea organise Snow ATCM ST GILES MISSION Anglican 95 Cook St 930 munMORNING PRAYER NATIONAL THANKSGIVING Sermon REV REA 930 munJunior Sunday school 1045 lamS Sunday School Choirleader Mrs Suiethurat innow COMMUNION ll HamHOLY COMMUNION PREACHERCanon Chaperlin of gt Cookstown SUNDAYSCHO0L 1pmEVENNG PRAYER EVERYONE WELCOME nutritional lllliSS mars pronoun1 amino Emmi 01an Tues Oct 639 pmj Burma an uiinrn cuuncn 3959 SPEAKER Mr Kenneth may of Happy Hollow Farmstrond Mr George McQueen of Eaton couToionto will sing Come and bring gt of all denominations friend Allrnen Welcome including Ministers Corlhthlans hunters Verse AN total OLUTSTANDING 11 ion nonmnss merino PAUSE TOGlVE THANKS notonly for our bountiful Thanksgiving feosts but for all the advantgges we as Canadians have The security opportunities and freedom that are oulsvalone in Canada should make every day day of joy every day day Thanksgiving Let us EMMANUEL BAPTIST Emowsnm or monument BAPTISTS REV ERNEST rasron snarlmm School 291 LAST SUNDAY am LGIilMS LETT WHY THE Pl HoME 7119 evaNGELIsTIc SERVICE MUsrc MRS NAOMIKNTGHT gunman cannon gt nevusamrsrenousos nnvisrnn cum Mus nacrrc1 oncamsr AND cnommasrsn SUNDAYJCToasaz Tflliliiistiwlllfl SEltVlEES 11 lamiouivrvoun oLESSINos WDEANTORONTOgt na kaglving music by theChoir at Bath Services come To CHURCH ESSAIlmuifl autumn Cflllliï¬ï¬‚ mansionnnv Adanlumps onomsr MR maNK omens aanxsaiviau novices Ll SUNDAY Tosca correctness gt Cc pause fora few minutes on this holiday and Count our blessings ClitlllilWiElJJlWSiliilllillllflll of TheChris and MissionaryAuianco CORNER BEBQZY DHNIzOP STREET EAST Illev methionine Pastor REGULAR service pm VPlea$eNote Change or Time masons Vimta YONE wmcoym coarrnaroiv AT iwonsmzv swims REV won an on marsran Miss raisincLouonan cnomufaocn consuls to lltthlBSI ThanksgivmoSerTIceSi SUNDAY0CTOBER1 950 armSUNDAYscuooaluuagés nnannrun usher comm quNsnnvrco 1190am 1oo pmuvmo winnominees naoaocasa organ SPECIAL DECORATIONS CONVENTION or omhnio AND oucnco llllliEltmlliltill JREV rod men an on DANIEsz ORGANIST HQLLY xihunlrsgivmg SUPPER round PEQILETS MEETING