Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1956, p. 14

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WWWUHWMWWWW mines NeWSPfipen theNovIll ticeDayI Ihowever it has beenIrestIored as separate celebration insmiafirgfif 01 0mm is known IAli Canadians join the observance of Not nal News this day but to many tyI dwellers the na dt stime ture or the harvest gestlvgl theorisImtleai II Nailing 33° though thousands iron the cities will travel II ldfilmerviee glib dinner made rather the mun minke the 13°33 bIe make IIIch III IIIII pointedcimmeatmahezeoarse pililsvlntro by cnrlet oi themaples II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II Itwes inre that newspapers This day though Ialways Iwm how more III am In II IIIIIIIIE IIIII seeni print dnlyt ordldandsenso signiiicance or country 011 They we Wm EICSI In IIVIIQIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIII tionolithingsioi lire hiswas done the look up to the turning leaves andgain 111 II II huffing WIIIII II III IIIIIIW speaker management doubt to build circ spirntum tram chembut more they will tic church meeting risen imam He poncludedI by remarking how look down to the earth that provides their lens mined lbs held in so ll hut moot oflhem held doviIn Llo reiIreshing it Iwas to IoIiIiIseIrve some ot the Iliving new oi PWFem vice club working to amen an med end the odd luv ear II Speaking to he IIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIcoquII an Igggfifli III II Ia IIII Wu reren gt While the numerI at 1119le newspapers they INN there Adiminishes by reason or amalgamation 100le eniuved the show WM 7m runes In nun 330 Wimpls is failure on the actin win 11 no Inn Alton so rising posts on an WM well produced and cI nu vuryIIwu Zilyilsilllié Whalers airwavesin 93 ills his acrossI and girl nioceot Increasing missediiziiimieizillsspiiii 13 mingle only in 3333 CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 newscover ew chisalmostiexcius mm by humtwo 3me Iive Ibut theirIahIlliton oilervadventisers €m£fih°ég1mwm Eng Ii tilmwm in their irenzled seareIhI to IshDSIiIlIIwg IIIIIIIIII local mung aI 6m ultimate level mg 93 seenA lgfi Ruth liens rig in 33 mm Bier fishy issue medium to do is coun The small weekl endowu no tin the news Palm V68 neighbor on Monthly neeu mm no sin MSW mic 935 in fine linesswhich is denied to the metropolitan vlncalsz ohmic rsnnéfs Un iilliisrmrm ill in 13 gemuni Most critics never see inyf issue dailies Here even routine news is Wth l°nrh¢ld3ihefoclobér meeting on Mm1 mm an liv mnrsm things Which newsmpus at the While and even GOOD news deserves ¥°dvemnglm he vl figmrgfgg the cembmuoni the gnzgmc evenis hgfldllne If John Smith is robin3d he Sets ugh pigmgfmggmm infglini In nuth IThreq JWImMn ihfl CoIlnI 5i weddingS scllOlaai new it special mention not only on his ownac 5110 53 €fi¥€$i ma unmet mo 11 mod collie aemeu moo Nun mil iairsn1useum items 3mm count but because his neighbor may stand Mterlhe usual business 3533 415 mun on Just so intollgh Ws °° 155 °t this to lose to the same oliender and In warning Wilson president vacated iii 1333 3135 we chairlndI invited Harry Adams of 30 £25sffsm listing newspaper ior exam 1e and 53 is in line If nulIJonestslks to the Rotary in shingles ms is as were he lilifiéi in all gs ing The local meetings namescazry news The evalumn pt weapnns Wm mom new awn chmgedI stand much the same us last year MfumeVle IIiounav or Barrie and Simcoe County IixditilsolSEfig have vmvoved Ito mrmer fields and names Me 5W5 Di only the med greater and greater powcrs of The single alqinlc Ibonib the Mm delighu hmchv file 23a WW 933 fiflg I49 of endeavor thisxolflltly III IIII II News ers do not make news paper till th idle have alduzvto would it for the citizens they It III9y Basicallyp the danger threateI yond repair As esIult And sins news dnust be reported he Mine Weklles were case by wnIr is the some aIsIever some 99090 of the citys 1g serve th fievwspabér Isms pm ruiiy you will rind an editorial 2on which slructnon death and imury But population died The le have inheritI series of EMF it E°°d which supports all the causes which tieflxemselves says Worthington federal bomh tested in ed eryimng mes throughout lhe easem scum erl fulfilling the Iiuncno civil defence coordinator wthin threeiiiie It 11 10179 in the in with better living in Iconirnunltles large raged caulwa Is ye yé hall on Tuesday evening Qct the was intended 19 dont who While iheoverall effects oh sordid trimester lite Only by bringing Qfm £1 iTjtémmsgjfi fhmgemoigé $5133 mass saturation raid such as took IlelIes and lightly as $3 If amuseitemi WA ngmrugfiii properly and objectively 50 imbue at en Dr place in the summer of 1943 on is 10 3501 P0 nI inm°ml is there any chance or having them 00 °w me me Hamil W35 immendm the ml3 We ii°° they national in scope and all are local in lnuned atomic honib is qapgblgofIcIrIeat It became appar And MEII II IIIIIIIIIII IIIII III iI mg fimfi lelnl no th flea and Wm always the late application ngesejven hundred week in thesime Idegme oiIdestruo ML nggond MM mum um Im VIII 05 ohlcnl World will not be repeated 1y news arm on pers curry these and IoiIe rIeI Percy Ford may and mo in cram She Newspapers °°m¥fifiymfi°fvg their own community audits iminedIlIatBee mg 11 Emmi flay Marie mourn were sryyis mornu muss That commmé 35 meinbérg 6f yi ns sometimes their editorials are Is Vew muihggreaféiu 39 evachaoh With2 K5195 something T119 15 63mm what may Ico ed in the daily papers but even without SD Meme today is dim IlhatIs where the sinaliei team II reading 1mm Want III use 5mm hm this their collective voice reaches across the any anyways mm mammal nimii The WIS Quite aunumhei 1min his co 153 Helm are enufled t9 can 51 Lower and Width and breadth ceneda 8nd 15 Worthy was used during the Second WorIlId pupal flu asssance mum fluenmlhe Bmie Fa mm New Jud snort posslbleto climb into an V911 ogmmibn infims WWW we War it has had teenage ssi Sinckenmues The wealherwaa iI a1 33 m3 Murat sewn in Town the older folk nt Him Nelllrfirlullnll idnm whcit light the to ignore everything me ex mute II ya motozwoehet Im la exhibit H3 Efifiriflomr our gm awnglu late locality but to the Jillile end In flung devastation has made civude IelLon Hiroshima in Analrum Wm milked Mr and Mrs uo um ucl vam subscribers who will read the home town dance as vitalI to the smallycom destroyed 000 of 30000 thild hWhnne the 30 Di lhelr 3354 II 333 ImI munlty as it is totholarge CI¥I logs and damaged 6090 he OING EII finned II lg gigI BIm 3m 1me3 Am Group tour of the community mm mm mi acorn iii nffmrn one bbifiber and one one could We Onltllu Bil the the youninry made most of ii in ass in Waller liéifllhsi gémdww were desires ruce WiCeWereIue en h5 mos AUiUmlJ thanksglVng MIVIIIfiingF UP to be amohgdhe prize gunegslgin go 00 figgfififfifr thespIonIy sectio music country style in children MrsWes liiumher This is the 56850 the Year hat rI and Dunn muse II Iii New SP1 Gamma Euss 99mm to Vflhm 53PM Sour Mrs FrIIeIilI Mumberson and nqhgce Wiee Hg 53$$$fmm Iiirowers zoécmm WIRE Tglst illInII as year MIuslIrokIfIIwIasI looking IIIOF Joseph Rawn Imolored fiiNev I333 II $3521 welm II me W3 suntan ell 81151011 recall Ion mark etSotur ay to help Mr an II mm mo Ne aniline The settle themwée59 Sm since cxvn opened at same the picture clarity is egress Driller and family mm HemlineV 1mm and Cone 33 52 like cryof bugles 30mg resolved IiIn most parts of this iilisILrlet has been IcIelghrawgheir 25th wedding an Ih 3323 313 WW innseart mm 35 3T1m season of Scarlets and SONS 9115015 quite satisfactory One particular exception is niversaryI 1h rrst mam 51161115 and other autumn hues With the Humme ma Where mailman been 31 AhtenMlllaAnnlversary ioo New ire °i Tsunami Emissary 14 The Fair Cater in area nuiiiher firom here attended limhmm Wham Qulle onumber from here 1001 more mil 40 95 aimwéflan services at Amen 741 gegrgIIIealydr It 00 client which nature paints hIer woods anything but happy whimrenames hull and in Him mkerr clinic liest In short the story is along this line Unable to To many 935° Daub611s the love receive the Barrie station under normal conditions we Bare F9 wgek Millson sundav month ofI 118 3995 Days 33 Sharp and Nan Suniijly church services 3233 153 gig ficsfigfwwI Spatial equipmém was sat up at we lumen and Sufi Vi will be withdrawn at Edenvale °5Hh lizo aiar Urns All mo antqu 35 rrmiar Port final as clear The mists of 0901 nights dlmeidew did the job otibringing id cxvn lozthe community in run of the dawn alvfiib the gm on the strengthfoi this perfolmanceyseveral sets ML and Wigs fipfilfllgfifififig me tanned by Marx account oi the anniversary at 3x girlie The Ame crisp cleaniihess to the countryside it Iwere sold in the area ad Mm mayIdee 01 became severexy11 Mmeswg 33g gig LIanlIhArdo Show bum matched Iflm8 II the The Depaflnient if Transport flanged in and II Bu his threptisIIar romAhopIx Mr If I332 git rguie md ifng The icolor he Bulimia eaves ruled the special equipment illegal is must he hendloacti lty of fiallIout Schogmug ioios rarer 352335 gfigumm Si 311 Trip to Maritimes freshness of the Earth and sky are continued This naturally created IWide indigna has gglhranfliahfl III III I3 I33 gum Inan ForItnis is time tion butallowiesis were in Vain Msswsfi 33105 laws imam mo News sum loom $033 $3 nifvlgtfihe reward oilaiso jot After being without rsw 55 32 ads flee3 lfilfilfiulfilrls the spring ahd summer 55 Owners in IHlIntsvilleI motor ruuvyn Hg magigym Crops are garnered from the Alields afnd $355593IIII $933033 14 AI IA gggIgIgIIfiIPIIIIIIIIIIII III IBI eiI storedaway tor winters use BecauSE qr like II ohm Im ldvelmmlltm is 79 flail1mg the page ei clock anew 00 us IV 31 fielyfthridllnes DOW when the 51 W111 1056 company Ais sett uii Iequipxnell to i5 Non am mm Bud$116 Wmds Wm the programs into hufldi 3° 35317 sharpen edge initial fee plus Ia niIoaIthIly IéIharIge IiIor II It is fitting that Canadians should have iflleISysteln In missing eof mega Few dam chosen this tall season to give thanks to nunisvrlie appeg to been mined lease and as held ears to vIe esmallInut9fthel fly is extended 65 the mural God for their many blessings who can blame the In men nffl gorIbeIiiig Iway community that civilrdejence elaie Mrs Albert fishedwho It was in the autumn of mi alter their outraged with the way hings Manning asibeen tended toiu aWIay in amiezlasr ijuee first harvestthat the Eilgrims oi Plymouth EEYIngIe éheI resIIt oftIliIeIIII¢IitizIeiIis III III EfiuMghpfiéi¥hngliérfofllfif 1119 In nance Ie ovunine operae observed North ArInerIlcas first day of CBCII In damn helpinggmke grain IEI ll he head andixirlhood days has no thanksgwmg linked any to thesmll CBC continues 10 function so that entertainment al III Such opsesvanee so ail through other can be iva in Canada th parts of the America loniesybut luCan giggly adas early history the ksgivlng days were usually proclaimed only for victories in war tion has made eippilc though Ice in 1860 today set aside iinllrfllle 0ssib ly of reaching Huntsville eare gt er ern to give thanks for Icessation I01 pidéniic rthiher mime SPEC system 113 evafiueesuixiilidueso Not until 1379 did Thankseivmepay in Mime the been 139 750 New Canada become an an an expression or were Shmb° hesuii IIgIIIItIIIude for II IabIIIIdIInb III granting any concessionwhich Will help give our Tl 85 an neighbors to he north commodity of is Dont forgetfflnlvmflry 591 otheoAbiessing the luvs eve in em Viceron Sund ct ernorgeneraloI uay Elem one welcome8 ry IIIlome in hisInn proclamation mandala when thefFirst World War ended un 1931 Thanksgiving Day was Séonle omoI FYI nilind PublishedMo lh wilsoIn rvumur II Identifier club fryasa Ms 95 AIon Net lIild my

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