Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1956, p. 10

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oi Archie Irena menstrualeel alpecial meet ing oiutbe Coldwater public schoolboard and reachedthe de cision he had authority to con tinue ooitheteard cher himsel queried Chairman Mrs mice William son abouthls poll on The latter said as Mr1llcker had missed three consecutive imeetings ac cording to the public school aci vi051M be automatically disquali Some oithe members said they had heard Mr Tucker say he would be unable to attend one oi the regular meetinss and on his bean excused for absence in this instance was allowed tocootinue to serve The special session was called to deal with drainage problem When the new school was built the school drain was connected with the John Street drain As the John Street drain is owned by ratepayers on the street Cold water council advised the school board the connection from the school would have to he removed and other arrangements made as the drain was already overloaded and recently has caused flooding on several properties The board passed motion re commending enlargement ltoi the drain and stated they would pay their pro rata share of the cost of increased capacity provided Tender for domestic iuel all for the school went to Shell Oil at ill2c per gallon other bids were Regent Oil 18c perrgallon BA oil 1835 per 100 gallons lmpen ial Oil 1910 gar lot gallons Canada Oil the claw list price Rain No Bar Rainy weather failed to prevent great many worshippers attend ing 58th anniversary services at SLAndrcws Presbyterian Church Coidwater last Sunday The church was filled to capacity at the morning service when the junior choir saninundcr direction at Mrs Argyle Epletl Rev Cooper of Eimvaie was the speak er Organist and choir leaderwas Mrs Lloyd Letherby Miss Dorothy Cunningham oi Orillla sang solos at the evening service and also joined in duet with her sister Mrs Bert Law rence also of Orillia Lhiembcrs oi the Ladies Aid served lunch to visitors at the close of the evening service Lloyd Letherhy thanked those who contributed toward the suc cessiul anniversary Rev Mr Cooper responded Quick Work Slightly over 10 minutes aitcr receiving summons to fire at Warminater about 780 amon Sept 28 Coldwater iiromcu were pouring water on homing trac or The tractor owned by Naughton caught fire while being tilled withgas at Kitchens store by Mrs Kitchen The tractor was removed from the pumps but not beiorevoverhead hydro wires had oinsulation burned off and gas pump was scorched No one was 15 INNER VOICE THAT WARNS us someone IS LomltINe lt LU Fl map JlPHEJ Sate Competent licensed Instructors EXAMINER WE EY PA hurt but the Coldnter Ham and Schbol Asw was consider sociation at their regular meeting in the court house arranged to serve relresbments tendins the nlng oi gold waters new pubic school on10ct at 130 pm The school board has agreed to purchase the sup plies and committee headed by Mrs James Emslie will and serve the lunch gt An address on the difficulties encountered by students proceetb ing from public to high school was given by Mrs Ruth Wood to those at areare worth oi Goldwater who teaches English at Orlliia Collegiate Nearly an hours discussi lol lowed the talk during whlc Mrs Woodworth answeredmany queslt lions She was introduced by President Min Heroic willlam son and thanked by hi Norris Walker The speaker brought mes sage irom Orillia Collegiate prin cipal Winch who said it Euplls would do their assigned ome work iaithlully and attend classes regularly it would contriA bute greatly to their chances of success Goldwater Principal Robert Le gate was appointed convener of committee to arrange party likely to he held in November tor students who graduated this year irom Coldwater public school Next regular meeting will be in the new school on Oct 11 Sold Nursing Home Herb has sold the niirslng home on Reinbird Street operated by himself and Mrs Herb to Toronto women The new owner who takes over in months time will carry on convalescent home with the ad dition oi physiotherapy depart ment Mr and Mrs Herb came to Coidwatcr from Toronto Mr Herb has been active in local affairs including service as the first president oi Coidwater Board of Trade which has been inactive In recent years The Herbs have made no longrange plans for the future They intend to travel and will spend some time this winter in the southern states Lions Aukiliary Rummage Sale To Be Held Oct 19 The Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Lions Club held its mon thly meeting at Community House on Monday Oct 1Twen tyelght members were present Mrs Bruce Johnston social hostetsgreciously Iconserited to assist Mrs Ernest Bilkey treas urer in looking after the name tags for each member at regular all meetings Friday Got 19 was announced as the date of the auxiliary rum mage sale which is to be held at Collier Street United Church Sunday School from one to five oclock in the atternoom All members were asked to help it possible Tickets will be on sale soon for the $50 bill rniile The draw is to benefit about the middle of December The program convener Mrs ljrank Craig reported that the anniversary dinner is to be an in formal pot luck supper at Shanty Bay Community Hall on Monday Nov fine programis being arranged gt The Lions Ciuh is sponsoring Monster Buffet on Tuesday Nov 20 at Club 79 The ladies auxiliary will be asisting with the catering Mrs Earl Cox introduced the speakeroi the evening Mrs Ag nes de Lem who took the mom hers on an interesting tour of the British Isles and theeontinentvla many eitcellenr colored pictures of France ltaly Switzerland and Holland Mrs thanked Mrs de Lom on behalf of the club The usual social half hour was enjoyed with reiresbmcnts PERMANENT nianSs WATERLOO cmcity coun cil is considering isuing perman ent licenses tor bicycles amel has not arrivedthen can 2433 Leishman hr the Barrie Districtcolieilate Institute gymnasium0rganized by the Simeon County Beacation Service and jtlilitted with the nightlachool program the cou egiatethe classés beginiuesday wetting Oct and will continue for 10 consecutive Tuesdays Reg istrationwili be 1mm 730 pmon Tuesday Ms Louise Coliey counlyree reation director will be4the in struttnr or the course The pianist will be Mrs SIi Page Cl as will bestoat 130pm Titeearly part oi the evening will consist of instruction in the polka schottisqhe waltz etc anddancea at many lands using these steps The latter part of the evening will besquare dancing with few mlxers and breathers in betVeen Students are tree to participate in both square and iolk dgncing or lotho class which interests them mosLThere is lot at tun ioreveryone whether experienced dancers or beginners WEAR THISCORDUROY CHARMER one day as bibtop jumper the next as lull ski The trick lies in the smooth zipper concealedundertbefrontwaistband Thls simple to make skirtjuniperflpoks wonderful made up in sprinted corduroy Directions are given or 24 waist size but all you have to do to make iarg or size is to out the waistband longer ltVyoiiwould liketo havethe directions for making this charmer just send stamped selfaddressed envelope to the Needlecraft Department or this paper requesting DIRNDL SKIRTWITH ZIP0N TOP Leaflet No ST50 new rimrm Midhurst Visit Mrs William Hunter spent last week with relatives in Midhurst Kirkland Lake Visit Mr and Mrs Peacock spent pleasant weekend with iriends in Kirkland Lake recently AMrs Brown oi Parry Sound was the guest of Mr and Mrs Peacock vlast week Mrs Knapp has returned home after attending her sisters tunv erai in Barrie Miss lsahell Carr and Miss Mun lel Colweli Cookstown spent nhe weekend with Mr and Mrs Can Communion Service Worldwide communion service willhe observed in Trinity Unit ed Church next Sunday morning at 11 oclock WMSV Meeting Trinity WMS wlll meet atthe home of Mrs Rodgers in Barrie on Friday Oct 12 at 230 Sunday School Rally Sunday School rally washeld in connection with the momiugseri vice in Trinity Church do Sunday morning The pastor waseassiated by Raymond Crane and the pro gram sent out by the department was followed One oi the teachers told the story of blind man in Korea who waiked 200 miles to learn to read hishible At the close of the service therewas promotion service Those who werebeing promoted went through white gate gaiiy decorated with flowers Mr and Mrs LowrieWoi Niagara Falls NY spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs McQuay rualcoArs or extantsmarts earthwormIll Milburn Son voun Local saunter or Imlll Min Vlt llliSiilviiflf10llsii0lt new runes sow jiancersare urged to cooper ate with thephysical education and maintenance departments of the collegiate by wearing snit soied shoeskept exclusively or dancing use GIRL GUIDE sunraisn mm rSecond Barrio Girl Guides held the regular meeting atTrinity Parish Hall last Wednesday with their mothers as guests The riieetingtoukthe form of sur prise pérty tor Mrs Parr Who was Captain but is now witthll andaie Guides She was present ed wtih silver candy dish by Mary Beagle gt Alter singsong delicious lunch prepared by the mothers wasenioyed was 0N nors CHICOUTIMI Que CP7Foll owing complaints of damage hy stray dogs gtcitycouncil= of Chican timi Nord has ordered thatall strays he impounded and kllled men who went out hunting at the and pie cominghqme no file lane airy Dear theJnerry erlu and dear All theglad and happy play Deanthethanking too as give For ail this flhsahgtvtngpay held in Caaada around the middle ot andln Unlted to in November in an American ieativahdatv lofback to Governor Brad ford and the Pllsrim Fath era erpressionoi gratitude tor their harvest oi 1521 reaction to the excel in the observance oi Christh in Bound at thatvtlme had caused the Puritans to put ban on the Ckeeplng at Christs birthday In seine Thanksgiving was their rule stitotc for this other celebra tion At the first hartést lestival there was feasting and fellowship with their Indian visitors target practice andother recreation Edward Winslowr writing to lriend inEnglaod described the preparation or this Thanksgiving He mentioned particularly the order oithe governor ior am So that we might altersmore specialmenner rejoice together iter we had gathered the fruit fit our labors For three days we entertained and ieastedi Thus ivlld fowl was the fore runner oi the Thanksgiving tur keyiot today Venison vegetable fruits and pumpkin pie werealso part at thisLIlrst honest feast Early in the eighteenth century one year Thanksgiving bad to be postponed week because the necessary supply of molasses had not arrived to make the pumpkin pies This story of the origin at Thanksgiving is of interest to boys and girls Wise are the par ents who rnakcJa lot of these specia days inthe calendar oi the yea They give their children hflppy memories they willcbcrish all thelrllives= Foodprovldes not onlynour isbment but pleasure ior young Days Mothers should share the atiori oivthe good things ior Thanksgiving dinner with tho especially on Festival iike motherapies in the opinion atmoetjamilives Butiltbere is teen Izedaughtér in the hem whyynot lather tn her bandtat baking 191 this oeeasiooih 11 the hu hadrons experience lethilt have the satisfaction at making the pumpklnpie all bane and he lavish with your praise at her production Sometimes parenta con plai at thankfulnefll like sympathyle not easy to teach Ilachildren There in some truth in this because young stern ottentake their bless nu lor granted and they findIt dilllcult to put them selves in another place but soldInlay adults RV Lucas tells of an interest lng experiment in an English school aimed at training scholars in these two virtues ln the course oi term each child has blind day lame day dent day and one whenhecaonot speak The night beforethe blind day his eyes are bandaged He awak ens blind He needs help and other children lead him about By this method child imagines vividlywhat it is like to be really without vision andhls chuhisIre ceiva practicein thinking oi the need guidance of another Alter an experience like this surely avchild would not use his gift oi sight without leellng ot thankfulness Sometimes child éxclaims when he sees diitereut collars or combinations of colors Just watch young artist at work with paints or crayoosl Let us encourage our children to bc gratciul or all iive senscsi Copyright fun andtheworkoitheprepar girls and boys too in the LINeverimindnifjil few day gt Oakley Park Home gt Association held its regular mee infl Finis lieG hon thenew president Members of the executive for 195357 who were tntrodueed1n dude Harold Walker and Douglas Macintosh vicepresidentszi Mrs A113 Adamsonrecordlug secrel tary Mrs Earlsh correspond ing secretary Mrs Colevill treasurer antes it MacLean school prin cipal introduced the teaching 1h JH Gable was present to ex plain the board at educations position and plans regarding ne cdmmodatlon for Oakley Park pupils After the adjournment of the business meeting social half hour wasenloyed Coiiee was served by Mic Colpltts and her committee UNREASONABLE DEMAND BRITAle tCPA local resid entriound hecould Lnot get his car outoihi garage because the gtwolk5depa lentwas tearing up the road directly in front oi his driveway Hc promptly got on the phone and arguedthat the town should pay for him to take cab to and from work He lost nonvnitu soon PROBLEMS to ennui LomnxoinIv Fnrrier who make and tun unholy LARGE sensation no moose afoot WllililllSfilIIBS nanom roaoNro gooey arr 75moaaiu Cold some to EBASONABLS reruns emergenos GUM TEE OLD WEATHE cas page on corn Aisxauom CANADA gESMflNlt ES Slfliliifi LIMITED UNBiATABLE ow WEATHER SAVINGS

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