Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1956, p. 1

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Im Itou columna aluminu magic ONTARIO CANADA mm OCTOBER 1956 rimins wmrrsb through this six rooin frame housegnear Mlneslng oncon Vespro early Wednesday evening and in the matter or an hour allleft ering ruin was smould werq wearin Fire in The house was occupied by Mr and Mrs Reid Richardson and their four children who saved only what they aroma Vtsbragiamily Left Homeless Fire VpRaZéS 0ld Frame Hausa loiienhamjiieis No lounship run family of six were left home less when fire razed to the ground their 100 ycarold home our the 9th Concession offliespra just off Highway 26 early on Wed ncsday evening in the matter of an hour all that was left was the smouldering ruins of what had been sixroom frame house Except fora washing machine and halfMicron shirts thoifam iiy lostail their household be longings in the fire Homeless are Reid Richardson his wife Lillian Barbara 13 Wal ter Larry and Allan Barbara and Walter were at neighbors watching television when the fire occurred Sees Reflection Mr Richardson had just in ishedsuppor and had gone to the front room to read he days mail when he saw the eflcction of lireout of thewindow Rush ing to the back of lhehouse he found the woodsbed adjacent to the house ablaze The cause of the fire is not knoWn but faulty ipgis suspected The fiédsfledflls no only water supply cistern which it was impossibleto use Mr Richardson got his family out and then dragged out the washl ing machine the onlyvhousehold article saved No Pumper dvhuable didnt call thefire departv merit said Mr Richardson Column YEAR1956 By Ii warns In this year 1956 the am becoming increasingly predomin ant Apiiachelorshave been captur ed right and left one ot the best local prospects fell by theway side month ago Now we chronicle the departure from the field of an event doughtier long time resistant of matrimony But the accounting types seem to be holding their own as yet We nominate Frank Taylor as candidate for Federal Torytleadi er WhyTr Kjjw Well Colum ist Stan Helleur in the Toronto ely the other day wrote this Do the ConservatiVes want tip Get yourselves knowledgeable articulate biling ual boy This is from an we Montreaier who knows the per than Barrie What would have been the use Barrio would not come out and the townshipdocs not have one Barrio ls approximately 10 miles from the scene of the fire and the Barrie Fire Department does not attend calls outside the town boundaries except with the express permission of the Mayor or as part of the mutual aidsy tem of the county At irrepres ent time Vespra Township does not belong to the mutual aid sys tem but it did acquire fire truck chassis few months back Lorne Wilson nnelghh0l who came to give hand was also of in bad need of pumper Mr had been at hand at least thc IJDRNE WILSON front of the house couldlhave been saved Heruled outlthe possi bility ofcalllng Stayner because he reckoned it was further away He had no tele phone of his own and to make call he would have had to run to neighbor some 200300 yards away Allwe have get now is what we haveion ourbacks saidMr Richardson andtheu broke down Beside him were MSWHE and children and few neighbors watching the last flames ofathe burning heuse He estimated his loss at over $3000which is part ly insured hid poiFamily Lorne Wilson is heading drive tosecure old furniture and offeredgihem house belonging to him on Concessionfl per Blame the opinion that the township was Richardson felt that if pumpcr clothesfor the family and has No Edition on Monday Oct Mondiiy Oct is Thanks giving Day proclaimeda stat utory holiday in Canada No cdltion of The Barrie Enni iner will republished dud office and plant will be closed all day Tbeyrwill reopen Tuesday morning and regular trliweckly publication willbc resuqu with tho Wednes day Oct 10 issue No special sports are listed for Barrie blitvthcre are har ness races at Wasaga Beach and the New Woodbine down on Highway 27 is not far away TV and radio will let aplay with theWorld Series and Big Four football ontbd card Week jProclaImod RI Worshiphfayor lldbl Greer bu proclaimed ace1 Fire Preventionleelt in the panoramic Fire Chief lrwto urgegcvery citizen to take steps toclim hats fire hazards Crowded cellarr and attiushouldjbe cleared and rubbish disposed of Wiringa rconen range of firegsbonld be checked for overloading and deterior ation These are but few of the may the people of VBarrlo can prevent the ravages of fire lnitbeirto re department is always rel to serve adequate tire coverage can only be given with the full cooperlllon of tbecitlzeuhl ReallyfPmjeci Homes Industry it was réyeaicd this weekat the conference of Canadian realtors in Halifax that the village offiotv tenham in the south end ofSim coe County is due for ing de velopment project involving hous ing and industry Brian RuMagec vicepresi dent and general managerof LePagc and Clifford Rogers president of Toronto Real Estate Board areiprincipals in the pur chase of 100 acres large part of the municipality of Tottenham and the adjoiningsouih end in Te cumsetb Township Mr Magee said that as far as he knew village near Tomato with its own sewerage andwatcr systems and said it is proposed to develop it as arsatcllite town industrialsites ecause of the location and the installed ser viceswill bonavailable for $2000 Retirejcl Speaker at the meeting of the Womens Canadian Club on Wed nesday evening 0ct10 will be LieuLGenerai Guy Simonds CB CBE DSO retired chieffiof gen rail staff His topic will be me Reflections on Canadian Defence Problems oneof the most prominent speak ers obtained by the club for its 195657 series of lectures being given inthe Oddfellows flail com meuc at 830 oclock each even ingJ The meeting will be open to members and menguests General Simonds had brilliant career in the latewar being pre Inoted to lieutenantgeneral in 1944 ed cornmand the Secondcan adian qorps in North West Eur ope nd First Canadian Army during attle ofvthe Sahel He is regarded generally as one of the most brilliant soldiers Can ada has produced In 1947 be was appointed chief instructor of the imperial Defence Collegoin the United Kingdom followingwhich in 1959hevwas brought back to Canada to be commandant ofw National Dc fence College atKingston He was appointed chief of gen eral staff in 1951 and rebired in 1955 mommy Address CcinacliqnCIiib The distinguished soldier is Glenerd Siciifl Tottenham is theonly commuting to th enma Fair BibleVilma autumn sin 0i Examiner News Editor Those who swelled the crowd at Beetori on Wednesday saw the fairof the year inSImcoe County While the weather liadbeen so doubtfulon the day previous that there was talk of cancelling the racing brilliantfall weather was the fitting setting for this special affair Thousands of people 3filled the show ground and spilled overto the community Memorial Arena for the indoor exhibits and the midway thousands enjoyed fenniai Fair ltivas masterly touch of show anshlp to hcrald the official opening with cavaicode of floats 31d historic cars led byvtho Little italnBand in their scarlet uni forms and followed by 1000 school children from 30 schools in the townships of West Gwiliim buryAdjala Tecumseth and the villages of Bond Head SchomA berg and Beetoni AlnEagle tract spruce as the not doyit was bought led the procession of floats and cars The Boston Rotv dry Club float was TheBeeton Express and behind was the ranch of the Canadian oppy hay float The Beetonchmens Institute filled their float with members dressed in theclothes of their pioneer forebears singing as they moved looking as bug the processional route from county depot to the show 3d very to of which was thh spectators acre or rmed he or in no of Canadian RacineKai way Toronto to Van eouver and branch lip of Can adian National Railways Hamil ton toMcaford viaAilondid go fiiiiw Mr Rogers exp Vssed aitbin the future of satellitetowns around Greate Metropolitan To lcss Mr Magee aft ronto area beeausothey will offer industrialistsand house owners lower initial investmentth and freedom from the high price of fly the warmth and color of fission Cen The Best Float in theopinlon of the judges this latteriloatwasthc best and awarded Becton WI first prize Next in order of merit came the Canadmn Legion Beeton and the Beeton Rotary Club History oi Transportv The cars takingpartin the sec ond section of the parade mirror ed the progrcss of transport through the hundred years The cars dated from vintage 1910 to the present time all of them mov ingundcr theiriown power The majority of the occupaan of the vehicleshad taken the trouble to dress fro period much to the amusement of the spectators And bringing up the rear of this procession was HThp Old Grey More its driver and passion ger stepping out of the pages of history On the back of the hoods ed trap was the placardModern Transportation 1856 School Parade small drummer solemnly taplt ping out the step on his side drum Job which he took most seri usly led the marchof the 1009 school children The 2largest contingent was harm the home Schwinn Minty ch WWSehomgnwl Each sc ool party was headed by banner bearers carrying aloft banners oftheir own design and workmanship Many of the con tingentslhad their own handmade costumes Crasss School brought With them float depicting 100 Yearssof Fairs Becton School contributed flbat showing home life back in the entury omplete dis lh on with spinning wheel and rbcking cradle Qhe high standard iset by all the schools set the judges diffi cult task in arranging in order of merit Their final decisions were Best banner Wilcox Tecum Turn to page five please Police Chief Urges Interest Teenage Drivers Chlcf of Barrie Police Edward Tscbirhart addressing Barrie Ro tarians yesterday at their lunch meetingurged that service clubs should take an active interest in teenage drivertraining progmm He felt that the present instruc tion available In the town was inadequate The program briefly outlined would necessitate the employment of fully qualified and approved instructor and the provision of suitable car The chief did not consider that high schools were suitable places to tea driving there should be confinedto sub jects which could not be taught elsewhere and further burden should not be added to hes ready overcrowded curriculum By all means we should teach gradeshut not driving Chier Tschirhart The speaker also recommended for serious consideration tbe in troduction ofstudent safety pa trols to replace thepresent cross ing guards He mitted the guards were doing aiwoadcrful bu held that the safetypa the it had been working in Kitchener where he hndbeen as apolice officer prior to taking1 up his post in Barrie successtu lyv for many years Also guest ofrtbe Rotary Club on this occasion was Constable Roy Lacey of the Barrie force who lectures to schools ori road iInternationalPinning Match PromisesallecordEvervthing52 his IycarS international Plowing Match st Brooklin OntarioLCountyoifffiighway No will godownin history as one of the bestonreddrd from the standpoint of entries Geiieral Simonds attended sh bury College and the ritoyal Mll tary College= At the latterhe was awarded the sword of honor pd the governorgenerals silve me dal He proceeded totbe staff college and imperial Defence Coll ege in liondon England Hébasdieen the recipient of manyimportant honors and awards including those of the USA FraucéBeigium and the Netherlands centage value of parlezvous Be ing conversant wont be enough Diggingthe patois makes the dif ference he cawfl those counts Bostongrigh only known Shéaklflii same class held next We Pleaseget the the right places at Brooklin nd the yyin alt rence last weaken There was aLio on th remonstratcd an the courtesy toli ciubhers thusly soy thatGerry onlyh re throu the they ten me who Best part of attendance exhibitors endleaterers bold prediction in view if the fact weather on flhisinay sound like that there is always gamble Despite rain howéver the show must go invariablysome unfavorableweather must be faced each year but on thewhole it does not seem to affect the general program Tented City 0ver200rfirms interested in displaying and demonstrating var ious kinds of farm equipment and 20 food caterers have purchased close to two miles of frontage Most oftbemwill occupy tents and one atieast hence term Tented City nowlused to identify the display area it will have three streets for spectators andfour roads for vehicular traffic The latter will be used only bytbose who have purchased space Tented municipali such as hydro water garbage disposal jwash rooms telephones teletype newspaper radio TV fire andpolice protec tion and thefbest of eatingplaccs Besideshscv alufirms are provid ing comfortable place torest will as iisual be achfthe iclpating in the Canadian Class scheduled for 0ct711 These in cliide British Colum ia Manitoba Ontario Quebec PrinceEdward Brunswick We expect entries from illinois New Xork and Mich igan states as wasthe case last year The two winners in this class will represent Canada in the World Plotving Match at PEEbleS Ohio in 1957 The Ontario Championship Class scheduled for Oct lorwill draw the top plowmen in the pro vince including previbus will be picked two of thebest to enter the Canadian Class on Oct also on thellth will terest at least 25 schools Tw pupils make upa team and their entry is made by the school principal ntenCounty Class will also he keenly contested twoyhoys each are chosanwliy on the grounds that Instructionv and teach safety in schools at all drum or PRIME MINISTER gt orrAWAias National Newspaper Week provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the importance of our press to our national life and to each one of us as individuals free vigorous press is esson tial to theworking of our Can adieu democracy it is not mere coincidence that the development of res onsiblegovernmmt in Cans ads as closer paralleled the growth of daily and weekly pressin Which the issues of the day have been debated and re corded am convincedthat the free domof the press together with the practice of responsible Jour nalism are among the best forms of insurance against international hatredsandali their evil conse quences send my best wishes to the press of Canada and particularly to the weeklies who work so faithfuiiyto keep the residents of the smaller centres and ofthe collatry de informed of matters of public nterest pipeliifefollowing the recent steel strike Canadian National Rail waysis again moving pipe to the west Iv The first llcars since the strike were ound for Archydal but before the strike CNR moved 212 carloadsito Seakatchewa island Nova Scotia and New native of Simcoc County Mr Brockweil was born andraised in Baxter He attended iBeeton Continuation School 5nd Alliston High School His father Robert PM vincial champions From this ity wi bayoralmost we equivalent sewlces Df El11 TheVSecondary SchoolClass shame

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