tRetiresFromCarDena Alter Forty Years CNR Someo VWhen Charter Henry Kell at the CHI Car Department tapped the last wheel and checked the last air valve on CNR passenger No 44 on Thursday Sept he had completed 40 years of service in that department The actual date would be Oct 31 but he has three weeks vacation in addition He started here with the same department in July min when Robert Stanley was toreman Since then he worked under three oth em John Cicmmens James Bay and Alex McNeil In iota un fortunately he had his leit toot crushed when derrick being used at wreck upset and heavy block tell on the toot Iihls meant to months oil duty but he was back again and as member at the auxiliary crew has worked at many wrecks on the system but as he ys their duties were so trying and long they had little time to look over the scene thor oughly in earlier days the rolls ingstock was much lighter with more small trains and more chance 01 trouble Charlie was born in Allandaie 85 years xago son of the late Mr and Mrs William Keil but at tended school at Ferndaie On April 14 1915 he was married to the former Miss Ida Pearl Tyndale of Holly and they lived for some lst Allandaie Troop Saleethome baking to be held in St Georges Hall on Friday VOct at pm The Mothers Aux ary tolst Allandale Scouts Association held their September meeting atvfThe Cedars summer cottage of Mrs Lee and decided to hold the bake sale in aid at the Frank lrwtn Memorial Fund Proceeds are to further scout ng social hour was enjoyed by all in the form at Wiener roast SKIRTS SWEATEES aaLouses VOtiTlITSL Maddtor eaoh other and made or School Days these are the separates youll love at flrstsight and wear again and again SKIRTS CaVshmVerines flannels wonls suedines worsted tweeds +V ailpanolVlines for fTempo toisof fit Straight ahoath to fully gored range Sizes 90 serraas All famous name brands Grandmere Lady Palkhllrdt hatelaine Exact dyed to match colors avocado blue mint azure petal pink aLousss OVur jersey delights tor Ppertectloni necks mandari cannons my not time on Charles Street but six years ago moved to their own modern attractive home at 10 William Street No large gather ing had been planned but many friends called in that evening Back in June when atcilow worker John lilacliincr oi Barrie retired joint presentation was madeto him and to Mr Kcll by the Order of Railway Carmen of which both are membersln is gathering hcld intheir honor at Baystalrs Lodge and each receiv ed substantial cheque Mr and Mrs Keii attend Bun ton Avenue United Church They have three children all at dis tance two sons and one daughter The eldest Major Glen Kell oi the RCAC Signals has 20 years service in the Canadian Army From 1936he had four years act ive service ï¬rstin Englandthen Africa italy and Holland Since thcnhe has been in London and Ottawa before coming to Borden His wife is the former Miss Edna Booth at Barrie andthey have three children daughter Elsie Mrs Harold Garrett lives in Simcoc and the youngest son Lar ry is with the Ontario Provincial Police at Laiicaster near Ottawa MEDiCiNE HAT CHLon est name in the newcdition oi the telephone directory here is Leha Schwartzenherger quiet market vendors reportedgood Win ter waa torahadowed by the Utter tor sale at knitted each at per pair other household articles were pillow cases at 15 and smartjoaklni apron or $1 Apples Eating Cr Cooking Apples W3 in good IllDilly and there quite choice Crab apples were altered at 75 cents per basket Macintosh at B5 centsand Wealthy at 15 cents per basket Appla pie delicious and temp iagto look at was selling 50 cents Basic Vegetables in this class good round heads of cabbage were fetching lo cents Potatoes found ready market at 35 cents basket large and 25 cents small as the ven dor said Some like them small Carrots were priced at l0 cents gtAouamousl SHOWER SET move Paasrio maize rose green with attraetive fFishj design Shower Curtain Window Curl taln 20 by 51 in with ruffled tiebacks GrandValuel some cuarams 298 CRISP ORGANDY as red green with ice Tulip pthtern trimmed with ruffles white sash and bowtiehack ItsINS WEE Popular brand cotton Barkcioth with Tropi Leah pattern Back grounds white sand grey CURTAINING vquisette lt45 wide Choiee of white and dainty pastel colors Yard on Ophie Leigh and P0 ranging in price them 055 cents per ih cw yeaeoldhena were altered atSJ cents penile Ipricea maintained their level60 Cakes and gookl heavy demand wasmet theater and coolqu depirtnient and most vendors otthclo goodi weresold out Cookies were as 40 cents per dmen Maple candy costltlcentaV there was vari eb 01 piesraisin pumpkin nap berry and apple all at 50 cents eaeh Fruit ietched o0 cents date squaressix tor 25 cents shortbread10 could bran mu iinslz tor 35 cents The Unusual Firsttimo noted at the marlret was basket of home grown welcome to of Rugby Mr Weekend in Barrie Mr and Mrs Dan HeArthur spent the head in Barrie visit ing their anally Blhle Society The Bible Society will show slideax in SLAidana vAnglican Church on Thursday evening Oct 411 Lamina Everyone willbe tend thiaworthy causeE VWIM retina her tirst tail meetingVot the Womens Institute was at Mrs James Leighs 20 ladies being present The president Krafitoy GrayV openedutha meeting byre peating the CoilecLAiter the roll call and minutes were read and lengthy program dealt wi Mrs grapes at 90 cents iiorse radish sauce was offeredin jars rings ing in price irom 25 to 49 cents Bunches ot tiowars the last coi ors ot autumn etched 80 centaa bunch and potted African violets sold at 50 cents Mitchell Square and The next meeting willbeat Mn Irwin McMahonaonoet 17 Mini and Hrs Claude Mason In MaeNeil Glfleiple are visitor with Mr Edgar Johnston loathat Home Mr and Jim Ken Noble ot Kirkland Lake are lpendlnl month at their home here Mr andMra Billiard Prophet of Ferris spent few days with Mr and Mrs Royï¬rnyand family sun in anon1 Mr andMrslAslie Jermey vie lted Mrs Bruce Jerme who is still in Toronto horp taL st Aidans WA Tbe WA Aidan Church will meet at the home of Mrs win McMahon Wednesday evening Oct 10 Mrs John Edwards spent tew days in Barrie and attended the Institute convention Guild Visit Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnston and Loreen visited Mr and Mrs Viltred Moonat Forest Home on Sunday ers Dymond of Victoria BC and criy Rachel County attielala bun ofron dam3 yuan alteri Ipendlu $35 in ismh PHONE PA 52414 mandamus It the am the humbling sway of one at Batman in turned the walla Vat uncotn County eon Fl Some of the stone at the top of the north wall has fallen away tar an autumn wanr an and metiihave appeared in th wail ottleiaia said Thanksgivingf Dinners Puliï¬nnrseplmkevllihners wantsimugm more lizard to 731 greet lament agencies roV ruRIFTYVcANAoIAus Saver Qiialityfshéets An Pillowsiups 76 pair line quality 72 by 100 ms and 81 by 100 wy wlute VEltceptio Value at per nose cunSrriLLow surs 442nm size 21497 enanomnaeorruow ems Sojne with organdie inserts as well as His and Hora and Mr and Mrs1 embroidered designs others are handembroidered in cut work pattern and have scalloped edges Nov eltydesigns also featured Giltboxed Your choice Vpair Les493 gt snows san Canary anarm warm durable lightweight blend at Viscosveith nylon trimmed with satin nish Vbinding Gypsy red gold nrod azure bluewillow green rose dust hunter green timely fastian entrance 3A1 nooMï¬srer combos bath mat munded mat fitaroundvtoiiet howl match mg seat cover2pc Sets alsoteatur Deeo tor co ours ed Washable Popular dark and bright olours good looking on usefuIvIor tacticallyany ro itheh se Zelle Croonwnnr of Stainless Stol with operate as efficient cram Bedspreads 99987 so 102 iNSChoose from multlcoiour floral patterns on white in Baby Chenille tuttiugtor hack grounds at rose blue gold peacock chhrtreuse Fringed Attractive and richlooking Grand Val uel chromeplated plastic tinger ly insmailror shallow howls as in lab ger ones V18Vin sodrain sizes utentfot soft lig ng Ens ilyV cleaned with adamp clot Backgrounds of white opu deco tor es fiendWith Flavour PHONE PA 85 33 ECU Pf TEVAlfOT 89° DRIPLESS OtV sturdy earthenware with attractive decor and high glazed finish Graeetully shaped Wellbai anccd for easy pouring 298 52 BY52 is With mitred cornersi Rayon trimmed with metallic lace White and col ours COTTON TABLECLOIH 52 ins square Rose design on pink bide gold or ahartrcuse At only 31 Bath Towel and two matching Wash Cloths in at tract Giftdiox Choose from mbinat na