Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1956, p. 12

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Iiigt111 nonmgtmmunn wnnnnsbai 001128 use Bridal Eniefiaidmgnisf SédJ ny raise nmns oumn Womens Editor Mrs Kenneth Comerion 97 Toronto Street was at home gt last Friday attemoon in honor or her only daughoer Miss Nancy Cameron whose marriage to Alexander Cami oi Sewell Chile and Willowd takes place in St Andrews Presbyterian Church tilts Sn Presiding at the tea table were Mrs James Ferguson and three aunts oi the hridetobe Miss Helen Cuiross and Mrs Culross and Mrs Cameron oi Coilingwood and Mrs Cam cron Among the outoivtnwn guests were Mrs George Utiman oi Toronto and Mis Beverley Hurv tnn oi Brantiord who were house guests oi liirs Cameron Mrs Blackwell and Miss Gwynneth Blackwell ot Peterhorough Mrs Ross Myers oi Winnipeg and Mrs Francis Canzi Mrs Cox and Mrs Curran at Toronto Several showers have been held ion the bridcelcct kitchen shower was held at the home oi Mrs Empke on Toronto Street with Mrs Gordon Spencer and Mrs Cameron as co hostesses Mrs it Leishman Mrs iloss Undcrhill and Mrs irv ing Robertson entertained at bathroom shower at the Leishman residence on Blake Street and Mrs Harris and Miss Ann Harris who will be Miss Cam erons maid of honor entertained at miscellaneous shower at the Harris residence on Toronto St Mrs James Agnew entertained at an aitcrnoon tea and cup and saucer shower Her mother Mrs Arthur Morrow poured tea On Friday evening Miss Helen Culross and Miss lsabella Culross greataunt oi the bride will enter tain the bride and her attendants at dinner and Mrs Arthur Mon rday row will entertain the groom and his arty trr the wedding rehearsal the bridal party will return to the home oi Magistrate and Mrs Cameron or collee Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs John Dodd oi Fairiield Aurora entertained at surprise party ior their son iniaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Herman Tomlinson Thompson Street who celebrated their twentyiiith wedding anniversary last month Guests included Mrs Alex Moore at Aurora who was her sisters bridesmaid Mr and Mrs Ralph Adair oi Malian Mrs Tom iinsons brothorindaw and sister and their iamily and the couples daughter Miss Joanne Tornhnsovn and her fiance John Cockburn of Toronto Traditional Presentation At the meeting at the inner Wheel of the Rotary Club at the home of Mrs John Stevenson Shanty Bay lload the hostess who served in the oiiice oi presi dent last year was presented by the club memberswith painting by the late Mrs Bowman Mrs Bowman who was past president at the service club aux iliary had made practice oi presenting one oi her paintings to retiring heads at the executive She lett this last gift to be pre SHOPS ans ouid you into lovel jnatural ith on log action PRICE entra Knox Presbyterian Church at Allistoa decorated with pink and white giadioli was the setting ior sented to Mrs Stevenson at the end at her term at oiilco Western Travel lers Mrs Alfred Webb oi Toronto iormerBarrie resident and her sister Mrs ll Lucasoi Churc hill lcit last Tuesday manning by bus or Portland Oregon to visit relatives They were stoppingjor iew days in Sat Lake City and were planning to travelon to Spokane Washington and down to San Franciico returning by way oi Vancouver and Nelson British Columbia where they will be visitingZMrs Webbs son They aretraveiling home vi The Can tafiningsdtiLm ior her home in Vancouver aiter spending her vacation with Mr and Mrs Ciiiiord Graham Park side Drive WNS President ls Hostess For SeptgmbérMéeiing Mrs McKinnon 48 Drury Lane was hostess to the Womens Missionary Society of St An drewsChureh at the September meeting last Wednesday As president Mrs McKinnon chair edthe gathering which was at tended by large number oi members and visitors The president was assisted in the devotions byMrs Edmund Hardy who took the Bible read ing and Mrs Biggar who oi iered prayer Following lengthy discussion on several mattersrelating to the general work oi the Womens Mis aionary Society the study book They Reach for Life was taken by Mrs JamesFerguson At the close oi the meeting social haii hour was enjoyed ile ME AND MRS JOHN oREensmE flffiotort CAurcAglliIié gary YIeclcling fight Miss Marjorie Arthur has leit sltlr bouiian ireshments were senled by the hostess foruiovelierliooiepickyoor neivwallpopersllereendlrnw in the church parlor thelmoth Buildings Improved fMaple Valley lnSiiiuteiiDiscoiers 1884785 SohoolBookBelfer Ono Womens institute branch in Simcoe CountyMaple Valley in West Shocoghadtha novei idea of comparing old school books lwith their nitodarn cgiintler as year pox pu ised contained selections lint surpassedthpsa in the lat est readers in the membcra eyes Going iurthcr into the subject the women concluded that al though the old schools were larg er and bad to accommodate more pupils children were better be haved in those days The only things improved by age were the buildings quoted Mrs Charles Newton Barrie area convoner oi historical re search and current events in her annual report to delegates attend ing the recent conventionhere other instituteshad recalled early memories including mem bers first institute meetings and first childhood memories in roll calls and historical interest had been created with such mottoes as iteasure with pride the memories oi our pioneer parents Never iomke the old until you find the new ls better Sheriii Drury had spoken to many branches on the history oi the county and some institutes Lel Cowper udio Simcoe County other talks were given on liuronia NATO muse ums and the United Nations Grandmother meetings were the montage oi Miss Barbara Ann numerous icaturing comparisons Leslie daughter oi Mr and Mrs Leslie RR Angus to John Greenslde oi Crossiand on SaturdaySept is 1958 at two thirty oclock in theaiternoon ilev James Burgess oiiiclated at the ceremony Wedding music was played by Miss Miriam McMann oi Alliston who also accompanied the soloist Robert McCord uncle oi the bride in the singing of PericetLove and Because Gowned In Traditional White Given in marriage by her iathhr the bride was wearing gownoi white nylon nobilhver taiieia made with longaiceved bolcto oi the bride received in pale green crepe with lace insertions Her accessorie Were black and she was wearing corsage oi ycl low roses The grooms mother Mrs Joseph Stratb who assisted was in bronze crystalette and was wearing anavy blue duster coat andblack accessories with cor sage oi yelloW roses Leaving on wedding trip north thebride was wearing green and brown tweed suit with matchingbrown accessories and coraage of red roses On their return Mr and Mrs Greenside will be making their home near ngua Outoitown guests at the wed ding were irom Toronto Barrie Chure ll Grassland Mansfield shammmrchmm had distributed his History oi Than itsModern Counterpart oi bcrway oi lite and that at the present homemaker Cieverlea branch had featured briei hlstoricllvslretches or the AssociatedCounLry Women oi the World wlth particular reiercnce to the part played by Judge Em lly Marple its Alfred wm andMrs Frank Todd oi Simeoe County ted its 25th anniversary and Body branch celebrated its 40th anni versary Museumllepart During the past summer mem bers at various branches took turns spending two hours each Sunday at thecounty Wi illus eumin Barrie reported the area museum convener Mrs George Johnston oi Minesing who noted an increasing interest in the past on the part oi the in atitutes She felt that too much praise could not be given to the new curator Mrs George Ottaway whose interest in her work had caused her to make many im provements in the way otmaking the museum more attractive There were over 250 visitors dur ing the past year The weekend oi Oct 19 20 and 21 has been set aside as work shop weekend Begun in 1928 the museum has been located in the old county registry oiilce on Mulcaster Street since 1932 This year the mus eum is belngkept open during the cold weather as an oil heater was procured last fall and the building is now quite comfortable Bréntwood WA Holding Pot Luck Su pper Brentwood United Church W0 mans Association met at home of Mrs William Scheil in month with six members present The scripture lesson Psalm 23 was read by Mrs Homer and min utes oi the last meeting were read by Mrs Boyle The devotional period was taken by Mrs Scheil Mrs reed an interesting mm unawarenofin zA pot luck supper is tobe heltl Meldut branch celebrav PTA lniorined Classrooms Very Crowded Taxes ind school grants were discussed by speakers at the open ing meeting at the tall lcuon oi St Marys Parentiuchcr Aa soclation int week The speakers were Dr Crossland separ ate school he rd chairman and William Memck association vice president Mrs James Kelly the new president introduced members of her executive at the start oi the meeting Oillceta include the school principal Sister Beatrice honorary president Mn Sheppard secretary Mrs Mun dock treasurer Monsignor James Clair spiritual director Mn William Murdock program con vener MrsJamestlyne public Mra Wilired Ridiey member Mrs Hurtubiac attend Mrs Saso social bostess Mrs Tindcil kitchen OBrecht and Jerry Coughlln par ent councillors and Mrs Me Keown and Miss Rose Mary For get teacher councillors Members at the teaching stati were introduced by Sister Beat rice who gave iew words oi ad vice to the parents on the matter oi helping children with their home work Dr Crossland explained how the tax dollar is divided up to cover the cost oi public services education etc He advised every one to check tax assessment to be sure that tax support went where they wished it to go Mr Merrick explained in detail where the portion of taxes do signatcd or school support comes irom and how it is used He made several suggestions telling parents to indicate their school support to the presiding teacher at registration timc and remind ing them to advise the assessment oliice oi any change oi address Education has to go along with modern progress which means on Thursday Oct at Brent wood United Church Aiter prayer by Mrs Clark the lie empbumed finance oi education to children Later hie when they have to compete with thou irom other schools and other cities or jobs Thou with the best education usually get the jobs At present there are upill attending St Maryl School an average oi to room la considered very crowded oondiy tions This is due to lack oi teachers as well lock room it is hoped that the new school being built in Aliandaie woul aileviate this condition norm modatiag children iron that sec tion oi town who are going to other schools gt Mrs Murdock thanked the speaker for their iniormatlvc Id dresses Sister St Josephs Grade lclus won the attendance shield Refreshments were served in tho basement or St Josephs Aud itoriurn where the meetingJIS held Mrs ii Tindell and her committee were hostases The date oi PTA meeting has been changed to the iourth Mon day ei every month due to prev inua commitment at the audi torium CALL THE EXAMINER ml YOUR PRINTING NEEDS USE OUR punter rum FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS stun to 53500 gt Start now payments ranged to suit your budget NO DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS 59 MONTH Full details on NHA no improvement Loans EAVER mum 129 BRADan sr hostess Mrs McBride and Mrs Schell served lunch PHONE PA 859d3 LR BOBlER announces the moving at hisoiilcea irom l5 CLAPPERTON ST CANCILLALMLOCK To DUNLOP sr wear apoonswrzsmwfle or we °daau held hermehapei vell She carr coronct embroidered with scquiga cascadcfci red roses Four Attendants The maid oi honor Miss Joan Leslie 32 Angus sister oi the bride andthe bridesmaids Miss Robin Hutton oi Angus and Miss Donna McCord oi Barrie cousin oi the bride were wearing iden tical gowns oi pink nylon and net over taiieta made with long torso bodices and full skirts They wore matching headdresscs and gloves and carried bouquetsoi pink poms and blue dorntiowcrs Miss Linda Irwin oi Angus cousin oi the bride was flower girl wearing track oi pink ny lon over tatieta style witha pearistudded bodice and iiill skirt She wore matchinghead dress and giovesxand carricdia bouquet of pink poms andblde cornflowers GrahamStrath oi Crossland was groomsmsn and theuahers were Donald Leslie RR Angus bro ther oi the bride Bert Taylor oi Churchill Reception ln Church Porlor gt At the reception that iollowid nir slutoN Itucr II menuiv waan there builtin radm adds huilHn nan bonus canoe and cumnewer may mint Spartan mm styled unit do my was furniture live you common more com mom or dhom Ml iii 33 twounmtddnlpueea oi euknea Tired orlvmlaflnainm ant and on comol Radios Voice MTV 0r gmcapaonopupilnummmmumm puma television iva you 20 more H911 mama lineman mwelmeihnngw dud Bootar ianmonlnbad plvvll otharTViniHngo sum dsaia mu splwi vi ll lmmimamm plow Andi we vuxu nue and hand 50 better In on you henr bunch radia hilll bolg

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