In Recent IAQCldIIII Gavin Allan who was in volved in an accident when his car was struck motorcycle at the inters on of Highway 11 and 4th line physically none the worse for the accident However Mr Allan has suffer éd considerably from theexpen leace and oh top at this has been informed thatthcre will be charge laid on him by police Mr Allan vus returning from Barrie where be had been in court at thefall assizes to settle case that hadubeen pending or couple ofyears when his car was involved in an accident in snowstorm whilehe was returns ing from oornluation meeting Lt Stroud oneevening last winter The action was taken against him hy passenger in the car which struck his vehicle while he was endcavoring home lie was making the turn from thehighway to theLefroy road when the cyclewithtwn men on it tnmejrom the south and struck the front at his ear Both men were thrownoff one going right ovcr the front of lhe ear and hitting another car which was go ing toturnnortb Bothmen lay oozthc road foran hour while waiting for doctor One thought at the time to be the more seriously hurt with hend in Juries has since becndischarged from hospital The other who hadcnultiple fractures of the legs was successfully treated in Barrie by Dr Robert Delaney and through his efforts even though he had to send lobToronto for tools was able to repair the damaged legs to his satisfaction Mr Allan who is 83 was as could be expected very upset and the shock has lefthimunable to return to the township office where he is in charge of plans and development work building perv mils etc Mrs Frank Beattywho was in volved in similar type of acri dent at the same corner some time ago saysthatthere is blind spot at this corner in which one coming south does not see traffic at aJccrtain spot when looking down the road Mr Al lan says that he was making the turn slowlyvaud had hishandoiit Bedid not see thesmotorciclo un til it struck his car The driver of the car which was waiting at iitinsririioï¬ST mass the corner agrees that Mr Allen was signalling for the turn as he came around There is 30 mph speed limit at this part of the road The rider on the back of the cycle had apparently been sitting on the luggage carrier aa there was 11019 or foot rests for an extra rider The lads were on their way to cottage at the lake Mr Allan states that he will not again operate motor vehicle The shock has had its elfect on this venerable gentleman who in spite of his age is in possession of good eyesight and other facul ties Building Inspector Free To Use Creek Ross Sheppard who has had considerable correspondence about piece of property he desires to deed to his sonwrote regarding creek bed that was not included in the deed thatvthe building in specter with whomhe was cor responding Allan could at any time he wished come up and use the creek to paddle his feet in and could sit under theltrees it he wished The motion to agree to the transfer of this property had been held over from last August meet ing as it was desired to clear up some points The motion was fiir ally passed at the lost council meeting Desires Build Motel Near Big Bay Point Mrs Porter who has an op tion on land in the same vicinin as the Sheppard property south of the 14th line atBig Bay Point has requested motion agreeing that she may construct unit of motels it was agreed that so long as she complied with the new bylaw covering land occupa tion she was entitled to use it for that purpose The motion to this effect was placed on record Big Boy Poi Asks Council Hearing Regarding Secession Reeve Gibbins told the council that letter had been received mm the MunicipalBoard regard ing the Big Bay Point committee request fora hearing on their re quest to secede from Innisfil TownshimjThey wished to have the hearing inNTornnto so that the hundreds of persons who aVe signed the request will not ave arouses Wool Jersey Daerons Iull assortment of shades and sizes s3i95f main to Innistil to head The waned backed the reeve Invinguplled that they desire theheating in the township and named Churchill or stroud hail as belugauitable Council alto de clded thatthey would havc their solicitor prepare brie against the accession to be prcscntedat the hearing Prepare New Map If you or your place where you live iahot on the map now is the time to Set it put there new map is being prepared by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests and they have written the townspr to aEk thot any new developments to be marked on thechart be sent sothey may be included on this new map if you wish to have any named de velopment shown this information should be sent in as soon as possible The last nap was made about 15 years ago They are made up in sheets and are of scale of eight miles to an inch Three Feet of Muck To Be Removed in the construction of the road on 25 slderoad it has been found that just north of the 10th line there is layer of three feet of black muck that will not allow the road to be made so it can carry permanent surface This is being removed and will be re placed withgravel It is estimat ed that the cost of this mayreach about $3000 The muck which is being piled up might have resale vnlue for use on lawns etc motionwas passed to have new culvert placed on the same road between the Dth and 10th concessions Work on this road is underway and when the widen ing is completed it will be coated with heavy layer of gravel Councillor Beafly Returns To Table Councillor Frank Beatty who has been absent from council Meetings for aeouple of months was back Monday evening He has been taking little exercise by walking to the mail box at the road on his farm and back He is on special diet and will have to continue to take precau tlons tor hir health He has lost quite lot of weight during his illness Mrs Beatty drove him to the meeting and waited to take him home Brucellosis Act The township has beeuadvised that change in the act covering the vaccination of calves for bru cellosls has now eliminated local township committees and inspec tors Itrwill be the onus onYianets of calves to notify the veterinary of the fact there are calves to right through to man cm ed rnowl PRICED ii nnsmj Weldrest supersilk Whrm interlined smartly styl 31295 Orion and fine imported woolsn Pulloversfand cardigans PRICED FROM menusj CONVENIENT LAYawn imi celli Seamless stretch and regular styles Also ptire silk in three good shades Hosiery spe clal rnroab mom SKIRTs Sillart reversibles tweeds fine wools etc Many fine stylesfsizesv oru AID20 couver Office MR SWAIN Mr Corbet Drewry MRI1 5A LLBGenenl Manager for Canada Norwich Union Life in sunancc Society has announced the appointment of Mr Swain as Manager of the Barrie district office effective Septem her Mr Swain has represented theSociety in Collingwood and surrounding arearfor many years More recently he has been serving as Headoftice Supervisor in the Societys Canadian Head 0f tlce Toronto He succeeds Mr MJhawCLUwho has been appointed Manager of the Van Advt be done ndfailureto do thisl may bringapenalty for violation lt is expected there rnay gbe provincial inspectors appointed to check on cattle owners to see they are reporting all calves to be vaccinated Innis Pays Hospital Deficit cheque has been sent Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie tocover the $8210 deficit incurred during 1954 This has been received and the boardhas passed on to the township their appreciation for the payment Offer To Purchase LotShore Acres The owners of Shore Acres are firm on their offer of two lots in eschange for the piece of prop erty needed for boat livery there Councillor pochrane has moved that the township offer $100 for an additional lot adjoin ing the two they are getting which fronton the township road It would give more frontage toi park purposes whenever needed was the contention Extend Time For Assessor Return bylaw was given three fearf ings and passed which wili extend by one month the time the as eessorwtil have to retiirit the last roll Thisalso extends the time $635 Sunday Gaels If Ilia Vlad Perry Craitborst and Ira Snnoldaie were Sunday guests with the Wright tQuill Returning from Fishing Polls Leon Lailer Jack Brinston Kenmore NJ called on the farmers moth 1er Potts and sister Irons Allen Thursday evening Theyve grain from fishing trip at oney Harbor Atfleddtaz lt Hr endure Joseph Strath at lchded the Greensssiilenenno wed dull at Minion imam rand Douglas Graham Suhlcheyan ialtgd with their is Iiithmlbémahll enemy 14 In award Alex iilsa be PW lllea Hopkihs speht weekend with IiiSaid re trauma therloangarrickdohool colmsasim 1gt PERSONALsIMPaovmmznoomme 51 ExnaerSI oaaaovciue in IusrA rev sum weeks lt you and your triéads will seetbeaniaxlirg dil ferencc man in MissindSE Ads ram Grasses nowlasomnrsé carter Barons SEPTEMBER so and is entitled to Warrior2 thefioan genericth for holding of the court of ap peal on assessments The largest selectionLoreen oweN sjrriarirv ln Barrie hundredsto choos from Price range from budget pric edat ery fihest to C6312 You are invrt and try them on with no obligation save money liop soo at mum HARDWAREARE APPLIANdEs FANG YOU swim prop 0mm BOTTllM rnicrs nun nir nrsr srnvrcr werlljneauy Try HardTo Makelou Happy