The planner hr this meat ll Dr Paludilnd whole project was planned Ind conceived by Ernest nidnnt and Amclates Limited When iroquola Acrea project in enmle it will provide homes for some 5000 people gt dnda family unit and gan den type eats Thc ers of this new mm munityélre Consolidlted Building Corporation who have been re sponsible for building thousandsof homes in Metropolitan Toronto including the men homes now being completed at Beverley RllQll initiative Agent 1200 flames Iroquois Acres lntottnontAt Alliston mam nu mm Limited John Thomos Cossin Agriculture Specialist On Saturday Aug 25 1956 af ter long preparation dealh came quietly to Thomas Casin ll his home 44 Brentwood Road South Toronto The deceased born at Thornton July 28 1873 moved to Allision in 1910 where he devoted himself to spccialln tion in thegrowing of certified seed potatoes and to interesting the young farmers of Ontario in the pursuit of scientific agricul lure where he was employed in the Marketa branch ot the Depart ment of Agriculture from which he was retired 10 years previous to his death Deceased is survived by his widow Nora Byrnes Cassin three children from his former marri age to Patricia iieydon of Elm grove Ontario whose death oc curred in 1914 Rose at home Joseph at Kcnnilworth Ontario and Mother St Philomena Loo ctto Abbey Toronto and by five grandchildren While Mr Cassins life was characterized by deep and abid ing love for his Catholic faith there was manifest throughout his entire life profound respect for those of his neighbors in two com munities whose faith differed from hls own and through his close association with them there dcveiopcd strong enduring friend ships In his mature years as farmer Mr Cassin realized the worth of the service made available to furmersby the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture through its district representatives and field men To their help and guidance he attributed large share of his success in the growing of seed potatoes More to him than in creased rcmuncrative returns from his crops was the heighten ed interest in better methods of culture which this guidance gave him His one desire was that all farmers might avail themselves of this source of help so willingly given Solcmn requiem mass was cel cbrntcd at Our Ladyof Sorrows Church by Right Reverend Ronan cousin assisted by Rev crend Peter Rossettis of Our Lady of Victory Parish Fort Erie and by Reverend Delaney of St Kevms Parish Welland Rever end Gerald Elcorn was Master of ceremonies His Excellency Bishop Allen gave the absolution Interment was in St Pauls Cemetery Alliston where Rever end Jamcs Keclcr parish priest officiated at the grave The pallbearers in Toronto were Brian Cassln Joseph Hey dqn Pat Heydon Richard Goodin Thomas Byrnes and Henry Bis sctteand at Alliston Nicol Wil son Thompson Banting Edward McCarroll Clarence Leach Wil liam Roman and Ambrose Haydon STATUE or FREEDOM The bronze Statue of Freedom on the Capitol Building in Wash ington DC weighs 14985 pounds in 1931 he came to Toronto cameotr senas Earlv cultomers bad choice otiata lummer vegetable and homemade baking at the larmen market last week Ripe ITS FALL FAIR TIME and small babies and huge pumpkins are to be seen at fairs across the country Fivemonthold Erma lpcwen isnt really drooling over all the pumpkin pics in the raw in that oversizcd vegetable She isnt oldenough or that The pumpkin won first prize for grower Ruth Schmidt at Abbottsford BCfail fair STEELIES CORNERS Motoring On Sunday Miss Ailccn Gardener Russell and Howard and Miss Emily Gar donor of Bradford took motor trip on Sunday and visltcd cousins in Eady and Elmvaie From Toronto Mr and Mrs Douglas Fryer and Mr and Mrs John Frame of To ronto were Saturday guests with Mr and Mrs Linwood Sturgeon Dinner Guests Sunday dinner guests with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs Dales Mrs Dales John andRonnic Harvest Home Service number from here enjoyed the harvest home services in St Pauls Anglican Church Sunday at Coulsons Hill when two excel lent services were preached by Rev Canon Chapcrlin of Cooks town charge and Rev John ston the rector of Bradford par ish Weekend With Parents Miss Jean Sturgeon ot East General School of Nursing spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs William Sturgeon Mrs Sturgeon and Jean visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs Ken Blanchard Alliston Anniversary Service Ebenezer anniversary services will be held Sept 23 at 11 um and 730 pm Rev Brena of Barrie Central United Church will be the speaker and special music will he provided so Deposit Vaultrowdrumminrmom Mrs Paddlson NEW LOWELL Short Visit Mrs1tiaurice Stacy of Sarnin Mrs Bell and Harold of Barrie spent few days with Mrs Edith Carter Mrs Carter returned to Barrio with them for the week end Sympathy of Community Sympathy goes to Mrs Marry Presser in the passing of her mo ther Mrs Norris Mrs Wes Mumherson spent few days with her daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Wilson Markham Now at Oshawa Arthur Mumherson of the To rontoDominion Bank has been sent to Oshawa We wish Ar thur every success in his new field Visiting Mother Mr and Mrs George Paddlson and Harry of Mission City ac are visiting the farmers mothgr and other friends They are here on short visit Illustrated Talk Miss Croft of ontario Depart ment of Agriculture held some slides on frozen meats and food on Wednesday evening in the basement of the church when about 30 women attended All who were there enjoyed it very much Recently Married Congratulations to Ray Coo and Miss Day of Penetang who were married on Saturday Mr nndMrs Cliff Plaxton and were 75 cents quart Beetz and green tomatoes for pickling could basket Corn ranged tomatoes which sold for 85 cent basket were all sold out by midmornlng and there were only few cobs of corn and two or three squash left over from the rush of business Pickling Supplies Slicing cucumbers were two for 15 cents and dill was five cents hunch Other cucumbers were priced from 50 cents basket to $2 basket Dillqu were mainly 15 cents basket Thyme was 10 cents bunch and ailvorskin pickling onions be bought for 40 cents basket vegetable Morket Cabbage was mainly 10 cents head with savoy bringing 15 cents Green beans were 15 cents quart and 50 cents basket and potatoes were 40 and 45 cents in price Sharyn of Angus Mr and Mrs George Paddlson and Barry of Mission City BC and Mr and Mrs Paddison and family of Brentwood spent Sunday with Mrs Paddlson and Mrs Allen by Anniversary Service Quite number from here at tcndcd anniversary service at Brentwood on Sunday Yourmo ma llMill Doiworvnhip the nod you walk on Theta why big cc Iced from 30 to 45 cents dozen and small seed onions were 15 cents quart Pepper acorn and button nut okra 10 cents each and hub barda sold for 25 cents Carrots were 40 cents basket Fresh parsley was available five cents hunch Egg Prices Egg prices were 68 cents for extra large 65 cents for large 50 cents for medium and 35 cents for pallets Flowers Giadioll were so cents dozen while attractive bouquets of dam lias sold for 20 cents Persian carpet zinnias and snapdragons mixed with other late garden flow ers were 25 cents bouquet Pot ted African violet plants were 75 cents and dollar Homemade Baking 0n the home baking counters there were bran muffins at35 cents dozen assorted cookies priced from 25 to 40 cents dozen and raisin date apple and Ill rilliJ have been appointed exclusive agent for the 1200 homes which will be erected in new Scar borough Tomvhip community of roughly 350 cores the Iroquois Acres Development The home are for those of moderate income ch Ipies oli selling for 50 ceritsï¬y Date loaf and fruit cake were also popular among market customers Miscellaneous Maple cream Iudgc was 10 cents package and Clapps fav orite pears were 60 cents has kct Comb honey was 60 cents tan Acres Richmond Hill They oh so ore the principals for the Wellealey Alexander redevelop ment scheme which the Ridout Organisation presented to the city Iroquois Acres are placed be tween McGowans Road and Markham Road immediately muth of Highway 401 The homeelwlil be priced in the 514415000 ra There will be minimum feet oi frontage for each of the homes which will be fully ur viced with water storm and sani tary sewers street lighting and aved roads There will be var ety of design for the homes which will be of the spliHevel and bungalow type containing no less than three bedrooms with few founbedroomed homes nxcnnszgg klilfllfl MIAIIAI COIIAIY st cant nothan itcan NURISI BOO mmm or Are mwmotsnonouruum cred It the Dartmouth tourilt bureau in August an increase of 1330 over the same month last ye RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Full informationme Agents EFFECTIVE SUNDAY SEPT 30 1956 wsitcisAVING our BOOK onivouiil As our celebration drawsto it close we would like to remind you of the freobook we havewniting for you at The TorontoDominion gt Bank This book is special gittmarking our 100 years of banking service We know you will it interesting fluid will wanna have perscl 50 drop in to The Toronto Cap Imagine man hmv or the wife of oopyjaa permanent souvenir DominionBanknearut you audpickupyourfreecopysoom Webb tiempls to swim the Niagoro Whirlpool ling Niagara Whirlpool rune Minute ding through diet heamttha weatche of tram are but two ofthe tutores lien is the time Plymouthsllthe Your best buyyis unquestionably the sleek glamorous 56 Plymouth You can tell that from its beautiful yearsahead FlightSweep styling from its flashing performance from its many If there ever was 5flight tinie to get mostforyour money deal its noww ever tradein value Your Plymouth dealer will ghdlybring car to your door fheip you to make your choice of model 531111 colour The tirnea right The cars right Whynot call your dealer today anarchist oonronnrron os cannon uurrno 1péoerybddylikgsIooksilovésikgolI PLYMOUTH cHRvsLER FARGO DEALER exclusive safety features La 55 humorist bile your present car is at its highest for fomorrowl buySerlice and drive it inlayi Lowesr priced car of on with these exclusive features PLYMOUTH Pushbutton PewaiEiilo automatic transmission Touchwith your sfep on the gas and oifyon gel Mechanically Safe Irouhlefree FlightSweep Styling with its slim teperedLuprear fins gives you the aieekest goingcst look on the highway boday And eteyinstyle anemones Famous Orlflow Shock Absorbers make even the roughest bumps seem almost nonexistent Compare the ride they give you No other car of the lowprice three can ehunl itl SofatyRIniWlIeols the 56 Plymouth givoyou more blowoutyprofection than enyother our of the lowprice threeA ribbon of hei psholdtires towheelinoaseothiowout