PROPERTY roll SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE PadrriirvroisAir RI DOUTr REAL ESTATE Llimzn ll CLAPPERXON 5mm Paola Barrio PA ll The Trend In Barrie any hell Through Eldon Tim Emi ud Pubuc Conndenee Made Rldaut noel antlo Ltd Canadas Largest Minn CHANCE TO SPECIALIZE an acre larm with buudints to nice and market over 1000 Is an ally with least pauible arm all unutmilly moanaim keep on lcrlu ior alrnmcnt call lawn and gardens only $40000 Curr BRCDVVPI ROOM BUNGAIDW 500 lull price On ulnau REALTOR radii ST BARR miles south or llama sunled on one am well hampod grotmd glen or nonrs shrubs Ind hem ashc Heavy wi Telephone local or reilrcd eoup Terms or nosed Per rurtbsr particulars can in in Peeheiy PANflZ $8500 FULL PRICE Two homes on one acre lot situated at the edge or tuna Owner presently lives In one or the live room houses that contain kitchen builcln cup hoards not and col water under resrure livin room bedrooms piece bath econd ome currently drawing 50 er month rent rltorrlï¬y FOR SALE New Area SUBDIVISION At Painswick BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 15 200 Lots APPLY DENIS SEEAILD LTD PAmsvvlcx Phono mood on ESTATE CORNER LOCATION room About 700 down mofluln at 37 New clapboard Bough with lam mull cenrisl Just one year oi aimid on nice corner in no town bedroom llvlur kitchen with plenty c3 basenun to Anisn Six room hflrl hung11w piece bath and dlnlnl ALGONA BEACH cut section combine on modern recreation real buy at L700 with balance on one Ixtrl at bedroom PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY PORSALE STOUTI ROGERS REAL ESTATE OFFICE STERLING TRUSTS BLDG ENE POINTS BUYING OR SELLING We oiler quick friendly and conï¬d ential cervire In Real Dine In Barrio District Wehave or sale at all times THE um EXAMINER FRIDAY smut ll lass1 PROPERTY FOR RENT PROPERTY FOR RENT EXCELLENT OFFICE oh PROFESSXONAL CENTRES In be dcvelo Lion in in lull applicant rieue contact WILL MICK PArkiIIu Iflll quAaE VIII cm Phon PA mu 15 Tummy mails Phone PA 275 on Halo street loca ANDmmMalion Dildo Iateree1ad partlu Barrio loloumoc is Aduiul uoDuN bested clean apartment room private bath stove entrance Aquila ileumï¬le town others Cali PA um alter an 15le 00 all heated lplnnail Adqu only Non nnoatn non drinken 055 per month Hydro Available lininch 210 Davlleid 5L Phone PA isidslu loan Bungalow winteriird com pletely mrnlabed or onlurnlahrd la caud can Innisril Hillel out in 11 52 wiy Slingloved 06100 cuAN unlurniahed room art lncnt Sui igne con la abst without children Also P2 nicei Inf Ichrd bedrooms Phone PA 65 and pan 1511mm carer Connetl PA GOOD INCOME PROPERTY mman house will brick on entlal street I1 rooms large Tenant mvide $5500 year me 7500 pmil price 55000 down NEA 5bedroom Dunlalm 3m nieclltm Illier homo Apartmentl Ind laconic Puritan down with alraclive terms on ai ance Por iurtber lnlarmation con lact hlr Parker PA mu RUG BRICK BUNGALOW 35000 down hill price $14000 gives an immediate possession situated pleasant residential area For inc accizion contact Mr Robertson PA 82678 or 8Z306 HOURS CALL PAGm RFALTOR PROPERTlm rARlss husmlssm nENTAu lHKE ilvin room Dante Giulia room spaeoaa alichan good air bathroom And our mom for iiltufl washroom oil mailer htdroom TDI home to sold ll Mufth plumb it Denial31 loan and trim to be mad Il hlumemhruod lcpu tank and well On main hwly will block rain the beach ll dawn 50mm Full price arilnrnl lamina rumsllxn maul Phone PA ma Prion PA urns 1510040 Central iailisrioii Itera MALL winteris home modem suit no 11 Emily reï¬nished or Iliilurniflr ed Reasonable Phone mws wanna neeea or write our 135 wrongs luch 1515101 Bil031 mull oll hunted bed room lute en Inge hell and sun room that and cold which AMIIlium Aflllll onI Available Oct 91 Climber And ll lg APARTMZNI on Blake st Unnam hhed 400 huh Deplnlh 0n nahte newly decorated hardwood but water healed vacant Quict cow pic 07 monthly Phone PA 07m Commercial Iota and prope Buuflinlmigu ansrrie Let wn noon Corr run Phone PA Call us tor coufleoiu emnal attenuon In my no at Wm double cabin furnished Problem Phone PA 00133 1040 Houmurmu ROOMS Central lo cation Phone PA Duli isIm Pmlem Room pl Worn 10 stxranno IX wlwrlos Dmrrmyo room and ltltcheneile 1540 Very cemni Phone PA Moll lslnh Ewen mum an hum ham room one block tom Port iegmrldï¬hosgmgr éoiflféfngmdw cillee Separate enimnee and pain not water and Ii ht supplied All mm mm Irma 1mm kitchen Inciillies lililhie or hurt at pound on PhondJA 31m ment Contact William MIcEflue soul OENERAL STORE SOUTH OE BARBIE Caitlin vermnllem basinn orphan lly real home exirl nod million Pm m0 III pinup Ic Ill Iin at mm Terma CorlinCl Oliver ntil PA mil 200 ACRES 0R0 TOWNSHIP Really 15m rtocic film New bani 75 cemem rile rieel lidbilng cod oul buildings Large modern snn house acres hardwood hush Priced stoma Good terms cll Oliver copneu PA soul LOOKING FOR NEW BUNOALowz hlve lovely little broom billin low in the Northeast end or town Am only lilting 310100 ilydown ayment origin payments are less lhan rent or Ill particulars con tact Russell Carson nt PA 06411 BAYFIELD INCOME HARE AN FEE GOOD INCOME 1o roan1 norey brick corner lot so x400 ltrivs rooms on each floor coal leter sell tonuined up stairs ren or allow month owner lives down Thil one in msculate inside and out pleasure to snow Ailing 315500 with re sonooie down paymenb NEARING commit New room brick bungalow with buntIn brick garage ultra modern in every dctau many many extras in newer section All town with view the Day See this one ltili price 5009 about hair cub required REAL ESTATE TUTIIRECOMMERCIAL 00 Dsyricld so Pb PA 85298 Pom room lrsino homo lovely tread lat MondayFriday pm 100 154 It on hla2e51reet Three Saturday am pm Exch We Specialize in Homes in Barrie mg and DlSlrlCl NOW AT It will payyou lo NEWOFFICE See us before you or Propellie Manalrmem BUSINESS LOCATIONS in 5mm GARAGE at REPAIR BUSINESS iii Barrie ideal conimarcizi 5111 310000 plus inventory Maire execu cnt aitc tor modern urvico stalled BEAUTY SALON Mlin ï¬uur rile mil time union partlimc Living gullten or two y2000 wilh ion lcrm lease GENERAL sTil PosT nrrlcz Attached living qulrtcrs Idesi or coupic $10000 37000 cash wlu hoo dlhlwo tnchause rem INOOME PROPERTY Par peculnilon or ruhfllvisioll cuNnLrA 10 acres with highway lrohiaxc PAINSWICK 2i acres with highway mature HIGHWAY 400 DUNLOP Si Over Dypassuig zicrdl overlooking high way CUNDLES udioining lots on high way idcai or service slation or bush ness site For lurthcr PA acasl DAYOR WING REALTOR Charles Rogers DUNLOP EAST 47 ST EARRIE PArkway 844869 litills LACEYV ness girl Phone PA M869 alter ln F105 IsIo 100 until Iwa arimenta 100 Cod riagton street pcn lorlnapectlon any time Modera two bedroom and bachelor lplnmenu Large bright rooms modern hot water heating col ored ill balm hardwood marina and lllii time isnlrur urvlcc See Sn erinlendent loi codrinnnn sc rea Phone PA Nili alter pm or co tact air Alcorn sterling Trust Co phone PA on 1591 DAhnIE Ibloitt PURNIEIIBDJI Five Points one PA win Real Estate Broker mm mm Owen Street Barri 218 Hayï¬eld SI Phonq PA CONSULT US ON buy or sell GARAGE 17 20 It suitable lor llorale Apply no Tilfln St 151le minqu ironi $1 000 DOWN ROOM STOREY AND HALF lingo Inr echicken ntn KM KN on on 27 ilhwly Slucco Corlilruclt lion year Old 900 FULL PRICE 900 DOWN OITAGE rooms large lot car eello loluios Room turnth apartment Au cons room set contained arlamnt up stain rooms dawn clinile Qome FRAME mcrciai possibilitiesnear new super inlormauan oc 500 Ibr this well located ll room llome with dead incamc Pcalurcs good bedroom new hot water with Oil healing unit lust 32500 down Cali Mr Worthingmn at PA 60411 ONE OWNER SPECIAL bun alow custom built roi 1101 udmums nmpic cup attachch garaglc inn gooineigt 10 ow Own by Ramiro almrent Cali oilvcr council PA mil WEST END OF TOWN 00 picioul room brick coratcd and vcry cican villi an extra room on main Iluor ldcully Iocutcd ior second both This imqu durluxed would carry ltscil For paricuidm contact Nannull shciswcil at PA WI $7800 BLAKE ST VINCENT Large building lot approved lur mu meat house Excillenr mention 1w Price inciudcs building permit and plans ror building apartmcnt ll wil Cali Mr Worthington oi PA Can You Pay $50 Per Month have new home Just outside Town Liqu or $0900 91500 down Thom are Ilrze bedroom iivinll room kitchen hath lilid utility room Nicely decanted on inside and Dill Contact Ilium Carson lit PA 661 $2500 DOWN PAYMENT om house on large lot wcll lurid pcd Three bedrooms large living room hardwood Iloors ihruughuul Iuii prenllre rystcm apiece hnth ruli buoment and large garage mlmy Lx tras 0500 contac Wiiiillm lilac hrlde Hill SOUTH OF BARRIE Mésldsw DOVN OR nrsr OFFER large rooms and in cxccilcnt con dition plus barn and garugc situatud on large lot and on main road For particulars canlact Norman Shula weii at PA Mini 0R0 STATION IIouso hu rooms hydro school and store new rail Necds some work everything re 1o linlsh it Onod buy$2000 down Contact William Mac ride PA mil BUILDING LOTS 150 205 on new highway Exccllent land sidewalk close to school church sta school bus $100 iiiioke an Contact William Maclzrldc PA tasteluiiy in Consult Ridoul ON ALL REAL ESTATE RIIDCDLJT Whether Buying or Selling TDRS CANADAS LARGEST REALIFNS ROGERS PEEL STREET roupbcdroamcd mod ern rug brick home or the larger at In unusually low rice spotlesst hc 6yeacold ouse runm th timgince Dining com Iciely nio crn Kitchen in addition to our spacious bedrooms hrxe drï¬ basement and re ante sundry oom Price is $1400 with hoodxunruï¬g oncrcd Cooperative List LOUNT STREET very attractive and ortnhie alscdraom mg hrlch oil home with lovely Ergllnda Hos rge bright rooms nlc iy decora te hrcughout Location Is high and very dry and not too iar ironi down town shopping and schools Very rea sonably priced at $12000 with quick Allan and my NHA reslo crane BoyssrllElr smaller ZBedroom bungalow la convenient West Did lo csuon Com late with good garage ull linemen rumsco heatln lau dry tubs nice lawns rmo trea Ihaded lot and very low taxed Ideal loycr priced homo ror retired people ItrJun $7000 APARTMENT HOUSE Centsd cio te all Downtown stores and omc lLl brlclt older style but in porn replirwlih oillired hat whterhen gtln Piveapartmenrs with10ml inun srsge Ind parking Iocilities provl exceptionally good rate rental income against purchase price erratum May he seen by villi meat Milan and win our all hr widen choice rian Wu haven ve good homes conic proper us build ion in many all pmarnnzu 1m land In with Inducing ybur hurl1e +13 author town DAY $5200 DOWN Take lovely storey and hail Brick Home nail human with toilet and lots or cupboard space Main lioor Livin In dining room vc modern Ilich buliHn china cobnct and lots or cupboards UP stairs bedrooms and both Hard wood throughout Olilf livc years old with unblemilhed nicriur The overslxe garage and aluminum storms and lcrrrenl plus largo landscaped lot make ths oner null OF THE MONTH Sce itYou wiu buy it $13500 FULL PRICE ROOM BUNGALOW aluminum awnings psvcd drivuws garage hot air all hca mg tiicd hol room plcce Full imminent with lullmlrz rnys years old Promo srphai construction LocoTERMS COOK ST NEW BRICK DUNOALOW Livinl room kitchen with dineiie bedrooms piccetiie bath iorced ilir with all heating 52150 down takes it Alice as rcnl 55 month his taxes PHONE THIS OFFICE MOIIE DETAIIs BRICK HOME CENTRAL LOCATION This home has hcdraomr living room dining room and kitchen all hell liioxo good duplex or Ior renting rooms PRICED AT $0000 WITH $1500 DPWN FRAMESTOREY GHALF Bedrooms iivin room kitchen tiled bathroom Is GOOD HOME PitiCED RIGHT THREE PLEX Brick with soucontaincd apartmdnls as com Apartments ironm Apart men your old Rents an $250 monthly shows about is Thu picx is complete In every tau bathrooms kitchens Sc arslc entrance IF YOU ARE L00 INC FOR INVESTMENT PROPERTY SEE THIS ONE Phonc ii amco anytime DO YOU LIKE QUIET STREET LOT WITH LOTS OF TREES AND GOOD GARDEN Thcn see this room bungalow 011 best modern hath and kitchen drive wnK srage ITS DUI rolt so lEO JWTERMS PHONE THIS OFFICE ASK FOR MORE DETAILS or Inspection or ro err or Contact Mr Diverging air Par 15 alr Ictziicly a1 PA 84442 We may not be the biggest hut wlo arc the very best ml inspection wilhout obligation con MCGOEY TOUGH l0 Essa Anad opp howling oreen PHONE PA NW SE iiils ONE AnrlQuncing Barries Newest And Most Modern SubDivision ARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED Close To ScltOOls Churches Parks and Dovvnlown LOCATED WELLINGTON St Between Barely And Kim Strecls Roadsand services now undcr cans structlan Act now for intc illll occupancy Price range $11200 512000 Several dliiemat styles or homes 1o choose from BLOXOM CONSTRUCTION ABOUT THE FOLLOW ING HOMES $2 000 DOWN ROOM DithK BUNGALOW FULL PRICE $10500 $2800 DOWN NEW ROOM Ellch BUNGALOW $5000 DOWN BRICK SPLIT LEVEL COO DOWN Dr Clé STOREY AND HALF $1900 DOWN NEw nlucx BUNGALOW $2 500 DOWN ROOM NEW DRIER BUNGALOW DO Your Want TO Sell pail This Office For Free Appraisal No Obligation CO LTD iclostrr HENRY ilmtR ANCHE REALTORS 15 Owen so Phone PA 85533 Compuriitively new home Stone lad Siding large railing modern and lot excellent location Five housnnd down payment Posseslioli to lull Five Mill half rooms very modern Erich newly decorated 2i NHA mortgage luiiy iandscdpe near school and stores Two Thousand down lmmcdiato possession We have good variety or live room brick home nearln completion built by Barriall best bu ldcrs Down pay ments irom 01000 $1500 down Pour room buhgdiow garage near School INVESTMENT BUSINESS PROP ERTY Shanty vndy Aron Duplex Dii heated tour rooms and live ramll each with bath Rental income $136 monthly exciuaive nl garage Over i7 netrillcom Good 100 acre arm close to highway with good seven room house large barn with large hog an attached is Al condition new lo and doublo rrrago nii new hydro 2000 SANFORD si DUPLEX Pivo rooms and three piece th on first our six rooms Ind on econd floor large lot double arnge This is 11 and income gropert 91500 down any terms on $7 NAPIER ST Attractive our main Frame bungalow with attached garafo all heating large uvin room Isml all kitchen iwo Ir Manama picntyoi clot es coset apnea Dry buehlent suitable Idl rucr atlon room well landluperi lot see this and far value LstilLLOTEII LOTsii We li V6 in from 800 II all sizes any nations to choose in be at arslatnnce toyon In PAIR DEAL is Assurl AT ALE TIME 1th BROWN REALTOR MEMBER EAhltlE REAL ESTATE BOARD JPhOne PAS2678 82306 L32THIGHIsmm 11A in VAPTER nounsPram OLIPTB OWN armors We We 00 19100 roo bunn liu air loo DOWNTOWN LOCATION lovely your old brick 115 storey room home two bathrooms recroav tion room laundry room and warm shop all heating brick attached gsr are located on an excellent lurid seeped lot about city block Looiaws storc Owner or this ban Iul and well coilstmcled home ha bcen iransiccred and can be Olin wilh down payment ol only me with the balance On one martian contact Al Iiose PA c5190 ST MARYS CHURCH AREA Owner Translcrred llere is one or the better oldcr homcs In excellent condition throughout storey brick tour isrgcboorpoms and bath on upper iioor living and dining room pins large modern kitchen and bulb on main floor lull basement Iorced air all heating in sd itlonto the two bathrooms there Is also toilet in the basement change This home is idcai or the larger orally or would duplex very easily at mod eraic cost For iurthcr particular on this outstanding home call Al hose PA aim EASTEND Iv storcy mom brick home ieatur ing large kitchen two bathrooms hardwood loom throughout all hour lug full basement storms and screens Gargeiand lar lot as 160 Adke ing ricc only $1500 Cliii Al Hose PA 200 to NHA RESALE Three bedroom brick bungalow with largo living room and large laltchcn tiicd loilrepicce bathroom iinlrhcrl rccrcatlon room all larced air heat ing large lot Asking price all 00 Call Al nose PA was No so sry requirements on this one Immediate Possession NHA RESALE 510000 all price tor this three bed room brick bungslow located on large lot In the st Vincent street area This home is less than one year old and must be sold Down payment urnlmdÂ¥200ll Cull Al Rose PA Irma No salary requirements on tnls one Immcuilitc possession BAYFLELD ST AREA €10500 Iuil prior or this room rick home with hot wotcr oil heat ing In an excellent location Large landscaped lot with new garug Pull harcmenl with bck entrance P05529 sion Irrimscd CENTRAL LOCATION $10500 Iuii askin price or this six room brick bungn ow with central loc cntlun oii heating in Int garage 11 commercial area dcui orhums ith buslncss location can Ai Rose PA 05200 ST MARYS CHURCH AREA Three hcdroom bungalow with imme dlat possession now yacunt Owner transferred an attractive home about six years old and the uk ing rice Is only $400 he sure au see his one Call Al Rosa PA an appalnimerli PENETANG STREET Modern lour room home located Only lew doors from stores and on large landscaped lot with garage large modern kitchen luLl basement laun tubs and the king ice is on Largo corn lot 70 eel Full RusePA 55200 price 92350 Czlii Al CENTRAL LOCATION Three bedroom brick home with an extra large modern kitchen and an extra large living room with brick open lirepioce ceramic tile our piece hath kitchen exhaust an Inn divided basement Orzedvnlr oll heating loca tcd In treed urea Down payment can ss000Cau Al Rose PA 05200 QUEENS PARK AREA Large nix room brick bungalow with above nverflfl iizu hddrnnml wIiil double £112 ciothrx closets extra inrle killcihenhslidin dotord lurlil hlhlemerln as or 11 cu as Al Rule PA 35298 We have an excellent selection armcw NIIA homes or sale complete equipped For mu Inlonnnuan ca PA $529011 Rang INNISFII TOWNSHIP CLOSE TD BARR Pull price $9700 six rooms train 135 landscaped Fit es on ma sr cc con lion Clili Lu Pope Dona Bradford 50 Brick 1161119 lovely large rooms and Kath Utuity room attached gardge Large yen ith iiifis°¥ hill cc Les Pops PA 05290 an BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LACEYS NO OBLIGATION PHONE PA 815298 FARM momma ILOMMEHCIAL sum loll 2b Tldalifll DEN 05000 La on BohrInk ï¬lliï¬hfl 150 21 hooirquli priiu nerd out tloflh NI With This 150 room piece sin low lilarlcct location Owncr yer soil terms We havc scvcrai bulidin wilh ail scrvlccs Priced lrom $1150 Act last while they in STOUTT Priced at only BUILDING DOTS Var on GORDON LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS UPI1N UNTIL Wm 102 Duniop st est BARRIE ONTARIO PHONE PA 85901 15105 SLESSCDR REAL ESTATE ii CpLLIEIt STREET PHONE PA 05000 LAKESHORE HOME Near both separate and Split level homo oriovcy brick Very beauiilul large kitchcn living room bcdrooms and piece bath meniapnrtment nonriy iiniciicd will have living room kitchen bedrooms and piece bath separate enlrnn Full pricu Evenings col la Lycar oidhun Barrie Terrace In one 01 beautiful Through vary own priypteibrthln lollin In lake NEW DUPLEX CENTRAL LOCATION 13700 terms 31 NEAR CODRLNGTON and kitchen withside entrance all through Dunlap Si building with garage hath upstairs down Oil Nice enna DD 757 PA 09537 We home at stucco conï¬rm Main floor has store tion On kitchen living room and fine all hedehlltinfl room age attached Good income or tamin hohl arranged Call Dan Conneii PA 07702 SCHOOL BEDROOM BUNGALOW 311900 2500 dawn takes this beautitul yel brick home hiuri tian Large living room diningrooin Large bri ht basement Yiannlng yum Od when building cost was 1251 Take advn lilch or this mortgage at less than rcnt 50537 evenings Mo em Just ill big SIVIn DUPLEX $11700 West arch and heating quiet Total anxious 00 with lots lawn Ilium DARRIE beich slow on he mull this dillrlct lrle hernia an pic lure window 1hr iuxilrioiu iiv DE room Innkl out Over the bedrooms and kitchen Modern in the In detail See it and juilz ior yourseii Filii ternil arranged coll Dim Connuii PA 07702 Two largo IuII basement Erica slum DD 74 Evenings ubllc schools Base air Dan conneii PAR7702 beanl condiruce here One Carr es for much Cali Percy lFurd PA Good brick rooms and ooms and built income residential street Evenings call Ford 110w Down Payment housing Plans Eschange or Properties atlonai iIoualng Lorna Olncome Properties flenllll Bullies Opportunitie Properly Milligenial For Rental call PA 01435 day burrs weii dgpointcd cxcculivo type it storey omc Ilnishcd in rtone large living room acrou end 01 the house lull nixed di og room well equipped kitchen dcn on ground three bedroom with ample closets our lace bathon second floor Deep aocment divided Air conditioning unit Lot 00 200 Beautlluiiy landscaped and close to school and transportation Call Mr MarniIi lloor Two lots with 57 Ironlrgo Sirabnne Avenue three bedroom bu flow with shopcd living and din ng area South crn view irom picture window over lucid garden area plantl bolt deep moment with special wndows Fillier recreation room Irsmed with lireplnce Many extras call Mr Marsha mmo Attractive Lodge with 150 iskoshare with I250 so It or din Ing nrca Kitchen 20x10 living room 35x15 bedroom In main lodge plus livehathruomr Heated with otnlr oikliud turnnce BbIthoiiuwitii nice in unrien over lug Motgilni yvith two brth uniLI ulpmcht included lhIl is proï¬t ahe business can be operated year around ED 749 six dilrcrcnl styles or NHA homes to choose rrom comgielcly serviced low down paymcnts alsncc on monthly payments 1e than rent Inqulrlcs inc vlied Cllli Mr iiiursillill other line homes available both in and out or town PHONES Dulce PA M40Evenlng PA um 16105 PLANTS FLOWERS AFRICAN VlOLETSi CHOICE SELECTION OP VARIETer AND COLORS also HARDY Chlysahihémtims vcnicncca ALIIIIII Phone PA 61938 ROOM suitable or one or two ROOMS Iurnlshcd oil healed Adulu APAHTMENTon Maple Avenue ply IL RnbaflIonr Prion PA Moi IsIoiins Room Apaflmen hot 1rii Pultleiizn heated bedroom alter ALLANDALE Available Gawan st MODERN roamed utmeat contained all hot watcr PA 34938 Immediately BEDROOM nicely luriiilhed Cenln isiwlo isIosinc lone tleinen or con la unfliilln st I5loilnd rillIo entrance ono PA 04526 1540440 water bath hydroon dhealed Phone Ivy 15100 and kitchensitting room Phone PA M000 iii10540 unlurnllhed rounu Mia3i satin Phï¬g 1L1 05108 iocaiioli leatlelnon prelorred Phone Miplcr strcct Specialultremodern PA 34411 ROOM Cf BOARD aEéISBDARDERS wantedl Phone PA 1210ii00 ROOM AND DoAliD In lady Phona PA 02011 TIElg Rooms healed tarnished Vcry new oard is desired Phohe PA on 1210 Domluz BEDROOM or one or two enticmen in now uict 915 alter 31 Room AND liOAltD It wanlcd Abstainen East grill 3313 venirnt Phone PA 07505 izlos ROOM AND rioARu lor ti to share Sepame beds mm downtown Phono PA Ellioï¬mum 12405100 FURNISHED hooal with garage included tlemen brrgllekrlrflctii alga in make st or one PA Izlulfld ROOM AND yen BOARD Ior chiidren to Paull corners pl hm mlica sou rie or write RR Barrie izoiosnfolh ritual unmrniahcd apartment Ap ply Erancis St or phone PA 100 isiuios conveniences Waugh siolloh Bilalnua men bloclu rrarn downtown 15ile mind ll od or en In em miilLlouth ni Ivy Phone aril Ivy isioiilld altar BEDROOM House worm reasonable Deach um BEDROOM unlinked Prilurted Phone PA 0440 pm Phone canveniencuu HOUSES and mind son village Laney Phone 33 write Box 20 Leiroy ply erroy lslwlo Room downriuirii on arm on Bill concession lied road hull lbiMJoB ing room hone PA 05750 all To yuan st iii Phone strou i0ris LARGE tarnished houseke onballi list oilheated 15105106 PunNIsllED Room central sulialil torI or girls Reasonable Phon PA 04902 uner 530 pm ROOM unlurnlabed coltgo winter ized hot and cold water imide com venlenccs Phone PA 05571 iii105405 CENTRALLY located room lows duplex tarnished heated Oct April 9100 Plum PA 37732 1510 ROOM HOUSE unlurnlsucd imme diate possession Adults only 124 Henry Shelter pm in quiet home and logs Adults only hone PA 1510 nowiy decorated bedrddnl In class resid MODERN house all heatin until district one PA M000 iii104405 FURNISHED oil heated bed ttin room with rangette use or trig an Bendix central Phone PA 001 IbIniIns MODERN room winterized cottage piece bath $05 Available Ocl 02450 be i5105i00 Phone Kay Anderson PA are Room heated artment avaliab to skniili UNPURNTEHEII roomed apartment gleam surround 04510 PROPERTY SALE filtersMaliZZOAIvOIrv LAND 121124 Acres Location roximatei south at ihffcooksiowh In Emllilhle abutting Highway 400 on the east ii Tenders close 1200 noon Easiern ï¬nial5d Time Thursday September 15 0410 Inionnallon and tender corms ohtaln sblo Iron THE TENDERS SE ROOM 1412 EAsTC BELIOQER PARLIAMENT BblLDINCs TORDNTO highest or an tend comm cr not necessarily DEPARTMENT OI HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 102105 SHERIFFS SALE or LANDS unan Ave both About ALLANDALE $3300 OnCilillheiiDrid st Just Close to school Eho ing Maia rlaar has large kitchen iillinfl hedrooind utiuty room and more rooms up rs Porch on heating oops pa cancel bus on bathroom lien and arms Call PA 07702 evenings CALL Us ABOUT BulIdiIIE loll ummer cottages try Cram and acreage NHA home with low doivn payment lncoms producing homes dupieres colder homes in hot PhonePA 05m anytime IRJSLESSCR Reql Estate lfl 165 MCGOEY TOUGH EDIL ESTATE ntlsmasppltoms Competent lieal not service Exclusive and conlldenllai iiatlon Private nndANilA iloanci Specialty selung private Top selection ho dings hurlneu groperilu sold ion contld 11 ng ontial OFFIC VNlcOOEYBc service or arms and service you Emmi oNEPAh i4 all brick which ll 0100va bedrooms Upstairs has kitchen Verygood gur 10 years old Terms years old Low Dan town and equiv mm In leianTAleEs TOUGH lo brighten up your Fill Harden BEZZANT GRmOUSES St harrie hum 21lnnloz105P HARDIY MUMS Peonies Delphlniuln Phlox and Other perennials lAfrican Vlolets BEZZANT GREENIIODEES Im VATE READINGS By Avaiiabin or part ii lliu nn bnflgtplnfl income human mmlt cATALbDliE nooks Joke tricks remain tunes wlgs as Navel run an hm Pupilmeat at It iii all Elusitjmlilllied silent by Sept lb Close urcr Winkdown 050 our 110R store Maple Ave MOM Plat hot water dml Adults 70 pm PA can unfurnished oaths automatic oil Iurnacci seen at 40 Kempeateit Drive or PA 07200 APARTMENT unlurnlahed tuined ariece bath but water hea ouan cupboards hit adum rhons PA 283 r15i inBDImOivl furnished house Wilson Shanty Day IAI rival enlrlnce $3357 between APARTMENT Diminished ialned rooms on heste Central Available Oct 1pm phone PA 000 and SELF NTAINBD Apartment in rnom ecu bath at eic Av bis and PA 5385 and octave AMIliners 1116 Sir 0M8 living room decorated PA lbIotIoh sELP CONTAINED uniumisiled apart merit hall block from new Lollian Phone PA 05152 or argiy 00 5105 henï¬ed ciectrlc Absininers 24 R955 st Phone 151044 DOOM Duplex House with so arste by be none 15 04105 con oeisos com piete bathroom hutllld coid Water fireplace Oil belted RED 375 1510210 APARTMENT ronrnl ahd bath cane Sliitlbid or Durinesl woman or coupie Phone PA lslgsm Tor particu ith1044 131104105 eu contained Adults Available now Phone Its104105 kitchen unturn 5a brats entrance 15 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Writ or Execution Issued out or The County caurt or the County or York In suit wherein The Blank oI Nova Ecotls is the Pin ours and Donald Walker Patricia walker and Mrs Beatrice Walker are the Derendanis Ibavo seized and taken in execution and will alter or sale by public suction at my cities In The Court House in the Town or hon1e in the County or sun one on Wednesday the 10th day or september 1050 at 1200Oclock noon all the right tit interest and equity of red in tloa Lhe abovenamedne tendon rs rice Walker in and to the rollowln Lands and tensrents Lots i2 54 and so according to Pisa and Wang Beach In the County ol snncoe DATED at the Town or Barrie la the County of SWINE Chi llih day June AD 1956 DRURY sperm County or slmcne 071 TENDERS jLSUBTENDERS CHURCH BUILDINGS Block Laying sad Drink Laying lrridav temher 14 Electrie or Rnaiinl Phanhin vlnrl PaintingTenders be reocved notlsier than Frill September 21 CONTACT 11w HART Ll dual note darted to tiliarlgat 1613 hi 119 ceaied sayi NEWCENTRAL UNITED Tender to be received not later than Dentin lo