Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1956, p. 6

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om Danni mm infant 3mm HELP WANTED GIRLS urn um Inn DemII cal2D cosmcs in your own locality More or rectory PHONE PA 84148 Interview lioiins EXPERIENCED CLERKTYPIST required hy puhlic mountDD ornee Applicant muat he ehlo to rerun in Coonlown or errnu trenrperteuon ror appointment phone coontown or mi tter pan lIIIAXN EXPERIENCED APPLIANCE SPECIALTY SALESMAN Mart heve own car Apply EATON CO LTD 114 DUNLOP ST BARBIE llottl GROCERYCLERKS YOUNG MEN Ind Immzdlllely or permanent lull lino position Good aalarier pllu compeny enenLL Bpeb ienee in retail Emory or produce an eaeet out not euentlal LI thould ply in own hand lllllfrm Win up Iflicuinn to nunllllClaonl up Elmo Ind other personal dill lo Box Barrie Examiner lostr CLERK TYPIST ried enerel olllco duliee Im Sfbl with Iome OIHCB experience Emir III cu one 2513 In eown handwrlllnl Ill rilelion experience it any niprit lulu etc ilea comalerlon Barrie Public llllll lm CAREER OPPORTUNITY rearlve young men Exceiient dovanggment heeed on ability Peal tione aller rtehllity end recurin as well ee all employee henellta ite qulremenun to ill yen oi nlI hiah rehool matriculation heukioh or hueineee experience deslnhle lnuat en oy contact work and he ehle to dr ve ur vieit or write INDUSTRTAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED 2POST OFFICE SQUARE BARRIE IIoivloft Interesting PosiIiOn onthctiri liblic no port time in Icelvlawullgr roieaeionel mnritetinl research oruenutlon Public opin ion polls tact lindilln only No deli lnz or rollcitinz Preicr housewives women with experience In meeting puhllc chosen Iprlicunlj will he won paid or carry out Interview war In the Town Barrie WRITE BOX IMMEDIATELY Elvin luminary ol educlllonll Ind em ioyment hnck round Good work wlif lead to art er easienrllentgams MEN WANTED FOR RETAILING Canadian retell inn with atores tron coert to chart has Immediate openinfia 4o young men prelernbly 22 to to train ior store ldane err Duylne and other executive porilone HELP wnnrroi POSTAL CLERKS $2310 $3360 Post Office Departmenq CAMP BORDEN Ontario and DUtam tom It PM Nationel Employmt Office Dohlll 0mm and tile civil Service commieion St Clair Avenue 1111 mom Ilod PRINTING 313qu Appliance Operaiarlsv $II0 an hourz Department of Public Pflnllnx and Sudan CAMP 30mm Hilario Detail Ind Ippllclllon form ll PM CHIC Nllinnll Employment OHM Ind ll HID CivilSeivica Comlnlmon More Sullunbu ll 156 la when Servlce Cammllliovl 15 8h Clair Avenue Earl mnom Vii105 EXPERIENCED Lubrication and Oil Change Man lormodem gar Goon Worklnl cond llonl APPLY Jim Chalmers FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bndlord 5L lhrrla IIMIOS BINDERY GIRLS 70c an hour Department ol Public Prinllnu and Stationery CAMP BORDEN Ontario Doith end appucollon terms at Port alncesNationel Em onnleht 0mm and tile civil Servce comnurelon Apply helore September at 1956 to the civll service Commlerlen 25 St Clair Avenue mt TORONTO IW5 CLERK REQUIRED FOR PARTS DEPARTMENT at Dan cuield Motors Ltd Employee enema horpiteilralion ood oppcrlunlly tor yonnz more to earn or or anyone dueliiied in Aulalt motive Perth stockroom Work APPLY WILLIAM MERRICK DANGERFI ELD PARTS DEPARTMENT 65 Collier st Phone PA 32487 llOsIo7108 FACTORY HELR EXPERIENCED TOOLMAKER EXPERIENCED MILLWRIGHT EXPERIENCED MECHANICS Applications also being accepted for FEMALE MACHINE OPERATORS AND ASSEMBLERS Apply ANNE JOHN STREILIS ANADYLLT CLOSURE LTD iiosloi HELrwANTeo PRACTICAL GIRL Wood anally Inna II II in mm eelery Would he PlflJl rice not accoun Mara ACCOUNTANT WANTED outed and cote ent are married and neutrino counlan TRADEIN PRICE are or is and tor ollr llead nine eeeoun department in liuotmile eaten Preterence win be given to In appli ceni who deare to exam reopen elhle position with prorpeele lor rut ure Good not available APPLY Anglo Culldhn hauler Compn Ltd Iiunuvule terio IlMIN ummN Cieln roam Dun needed by bakery or mule In Blrfll DLflllcl Belief in exnu ill El Sick benaflll etc Apia Io P0 ox herno ruling pa calm ea lo 11 mflhi nlllfle experience II In etc lIMI YOUNG GIRL or women then heip or modern llama In Thornhul Own room and TV Linen lulle ma time milky Fulnl Lake Sim one in eummer aluet he loud ol chil dren cumin eou ecl Avenue 5456 Toronto lIWIH MAN DB WOMAN Welluiebllrned Inn heme alnhltiour nun or woman No In Ilmlu ponunlly IDmIk 3i°°°o° vad lIlI ia Granrer £55 St lioch Sgeet Hole treel Oueheo lloilnlmsltrllosIlo eepehio hoohkeeoer ledy wirhlnir lpermanent poaltlon only col cupwind filerfiicfis ulbnednlnv urene an or en he thnllon wimpn£ um elertioe ery wllh re Ier nonwoqu depend lna on ehilly oil 32 Barrie lint amlner 1105106 llauslzwwhs it youheve hotn ect ive in club and church work or have good education and pleeel eonelll end It you moon or time lime or roll lime icy en perhaps you could dually Tor local nulznmcnl with highl reputehie national orfidnixullon eo leader in il neld bullied position No im elling involved currenteed Income Apply to Lcitch so llloor nut Toronto lloi EXPERIENCED POSITIONS WANTED DAY CARE tor children Cl codrlngton School to Phone PA 15300 IiMIIK WOMAN wul mind child In South girlie mother worka Apply £31 lI wru alvlt de core to chll home Prelcrahy hen virymeéi lrally locolcd Phone PA ll atud HIGH SCHOOL BOYS IO Ind 15 Emily require Work Wekendl or nncr achooi Phone IPA flew zlMlns Lars am acouei ted lm our nflldygah framing zurdenlélfa Wynd PA 34339 Jay 1091502 DLocK Brick stonework contracts wanted anywhere in Ontario Star Construction co I10 Jamicron Ave Toronto Phone Lennox mm zlouos EXPERIENCED PAINTKR or nanny Warn went interior nud exterior worn all peperiila aurian blondinz Ind nlondlnl npecialty orItznlenteed at very reasonable rater Free est imatee Pleare enll PA D7251 2991 WANTED HIGHEST PRICESPAID SCRAP METALS OBAIIERIES Phone PA s6331 or PA 66481 We llso Sell bum In led channel and Ileinlorcirlz INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL nuniop st West Pemdeic Phone PEI 86331 or PA 81204 Him 01 Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAPIRONIVIEIAIBFUEB RIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATEERS LIVE POULTRY Our truck will cell it ert price paid Special prices pal delivered Phone Bnrfla er PA were its on AUTOMOBILES HEHBT NOW BEING ALLOwED FORWARD LOOK DODCECARS and TRUCKS Crusader Coupes Sedans Regent Sedans Regent 8Sedans Mayfair Sedans 41 Hardiops 12 Ion Trucks FRENCH 75 BradfarCI St Barrie Save Real Money On Demornsiraiorsl 1956 Dodge RegenT V8 Sedan fully equipped with lllrn signals air conditioned bent er wheel covers 1956 Dodge Crusader Sedan Signals filter wheel covers air conditioning healer twolono opallone I956 DOCIge Mayfair Speciai Club Coupe equippedlum Signals nirconditionlng lien ter radiowliite wail tires buckup lights IMOTORS zrey with cullom radio AUTOMOB LES BUY NEW CAR KHAROLD HILL LIMITED jollers EXTRA Special AllowanCes ON GOOD USED CARS Newfi956 Plymouihs with the Forwlrd Look WHILE Till show him Savoy Plaitl Sedansv in sixes and v8s Club Sedans in sixes and eighis ALSO Chryslers HERE ARE GOOD USecI Cars I953 Plymauth CAMBRIDGE SEDAN Ail bleclr excptlonrlly good running oer I953 Chrylser WINDSOR SEDAN land runnlnl Kood ehern loaklllz car Just mliniah ad in SurI While Ind Medium Blue White wall ilree I953 Chevrolet DELUXE SEDAN Dnrk trey round clean good runlunz car Cue tern real and sent callus I952 Dod REGENT SDI loss PLYMOUTH crenhnok Sedan ilnirhed in 24mm blue with reet covera and run vieor 51 IDYMOUTII Cnhbrook Sedan Good Ioulld cor dark grey ins PLYlllourli Concord coach Goad running amen economical I95I PONTIAC Sedan 100d IIlnnlnx An our Dark blue 1951 DODGE neeent Sedan 11th i951 CHEVROLET Deluxe coach pow ergude and cuetom radio Sharp zood Iunning car 1551 CHRYSLER WlndJar club Coupe Dark metallic zrcen Almost new tires 51 CHRYSLER Windror Sedan lurk 1mm whitewniltirel Ah exception ally clean rho looklnx oer One owner Low mleeee oiier 195 PONTIAC under door In AUTOMciIlLSs Buying or Selling Cannon Ill uwdcl all mean Vr Mahl WIin concom IIIInlet STEVENSON mmumwmcl PHONE PA 8520 DUN If EAST nun DIm CAR BODIEsc FENDERS worm0 mlY NUDE Pummpflklnflmifli FRANCOZ METAL CORPORATION LTDJ 0mm ONTARIO IlmoIM NASH Rambler door ndin NILLMAN door radio ucnev door Aladdin cl HUDSON they radio hi nusrm door cl CIIEVISMAn Delivery so AUSTIN door DODGE VAU MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE l1 GOWAN sr PDDNS Fun349st Phnnl PA lSIosu Llul lid OIL liiIIII Dad runnlnl order Apply Owen Illfl PonD lgloo plchu with Iioc nth in excellent eon ltlon Phone curll islotrds its FORD green radio in ood con ditlon All new tires IIP Phone PA omi llolim 1MB PLYMOum SMID in excellent condition rlznel Iixhu was or heat 21 Shannon st Isloclod ml clllzv Truck rum demo altar ran hood car Phone PA used In ANnuA in One owner client condition pplfi Peel BL hithme Snub dey etwecn 69 pm 13ios 1156 DODGE Mlylnlr 5000 mills tone door eooeidrr do Mm VIIbond homo trailer Prlnicit Churchill nuhwey No ll uinuod mt OLDemonth cream and on lost Monarch hiller iweel wu rell very reeionehle Both In excellent condition Phone were Lorne lo lslosl den FOR SALE USED APPLIANCES EATONS nmlclnlAIolls onir my ohy Meet only Leone Nam GE is Hotpoint to Diner well known make $3495 TD 393 IlANGElIIL PRICED FROM 393541435 PIANO onlyGood qud Plano 4900 EATON CO LTD lli DUNLOP Sitcom PHONE PA on Ericed 13533 7lo5 wum anous Automatic Werner good condition 10 Phone IN Imp harden moles Duo Instill 0I Burner automatic hiowor Applv 53Smetchewan lalvd Camp no en louod urinal PIANO in good ondltion ilecently tuned Renonhhiy priced Phonp PA um 740 am liAMMxnlanL ce mo Good as newr acreeoa Apply Arpleznte phone Sriz ivy lodioa PIECE WI ut dlnlnl nil huflel chine outline chain Phone PA 8698 7105 REFRIGERATOR V3211 Dali dition sacrifice for quick ll Camp herded 1m FILING CABINETS drnwe olive roan letter also Phone trend urn and con Phone on 315 eech 71084 dlnLoanhulty educ Hommmmum Lellgllhtu and pest work experience Put re lOSpecll Include lnn nl nluy nl $5600 Exteoelve expansion pro up that provides excellent oypo unity or repid pramouonrhiucd upon individual pcriormance iimplo ee hencrltr include prollr then log flanklion Pension Dian Em Iircovnte Slimmer and winter minimum Qualiticetlonr Organizational ability At lent hlzh hcliaoi educnllnn wminzneae to accept translere Reply nullnfl axe mlrllll ntltul edu cation previous work experience Box Elrfle Exnnllner IIMIOI OIL COMPANY REQUIRE concern lplonil prela gt driving heavy vehicle MEN WANTED day or nI ht work lull or part time= Phone loam WAITRESS wnnlcd nights to 12 Apply nouhle lnliil 177 larodlord SI IIOSII MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Onlce 204 Turin St slou EXPERIENCED GIRL wanted to look alter children to Phone PA emu 1104105 llleAlu ThREiEnyhntAeduUnl£am numglfi en lo herrle PP laoti WOMAN on Girl or bindery wor I21 11man Plant The Harrie Prizes oiiler 1105 fll MALE AND Fem12ilelp re uired rue nut and pnerme tor arrie Pair Apply Bax it Home Emmi in 2110440 SINGLE on Married men to work on dairy farm sopere house for men rled nun Gum wlzell Apply 30 at Elmo Exelninar Llos PLUMBEIISstehlnEItteis and Sheet Metnti is fiqulred Rtefly Bempigg men meo ox harrle axenliner PplyIIMlnd WOMAN to do in haulellee lnl Ail eonvenicn Oood v13 Ll ernl lime Dll Allp¥J MH Son Glen cairnPhone cw Loweu Mao SINGLE MANJOI Il Good ilvl ood wornV eondiudTr Yeuly eief ployroent 21 highway more to vilillo eorre eerie Cooknnwn aiIulos EXPERIENCED ileno ra her hook recper for atolldy ontllnt with new Apl lei er etatior queuncetionr or 35 hereinmam lner 1105101 Gunmen Hand man roandso gnarl wall poid Km tor ummer onto wlhtnrempioyment Must have ire ortetion art or Box 30 unit Examiner curtain sitarlime ior locel outineee omen eee eio ioyenbendlufixlggg in nu the All peel Ii To all Drufir cf Ilka 8M Ill€ WAItDllolln and Bookcase wented Phone PA 35787 81044 Sum mo wenled in good coldiv tlon Phone PA Mails 31105106 SMALL Beverage cooler Ipploxlnh 11 75 Dottie duplicity Plum PA 3105 SEED AND FEED TETRA TBTKUB min or me Ilueecil lididhuret Phone PA min lt lomadoc WANmn4 tone Inbred clover or AirIre ldey in holes Manly Rallies phone Org 4023 101 105 NEW TEIRA PETKUS BYE or III ery henvy yielder Can be own later themwiieet Phone Ehnvlll in Perry Mcarat 101044 GENRES anbllll and Darwin Golden Clllfl In Hm Rd earth liedend Common el mil treated with new old enrolled and nexeolorohenzine to control epreed nwgrr aunt Ex only cleeoed eet hrrverted eiore eprout In period Ind government noted 10 lamination Dont Ilka dance on ungrnded IIIBuy the but Ind lowland conett Ivy Ontario ivy Seed Mulrphone 2er illlimo =2 DOGS PET STOCK GREAT DANE PUP onthe old rd Lennox ilowe ilowte Roblmn gleam Cooke own lam soiucloi lcll Do mm to Mung no Iroln Two Phone Plan erticle haven Min Ilnom tvavcnlnlly all laugh Lil ihave or eel Ulla Chanel marro EDYMII Full EVIIIKOIL 09 aclol $3qu one er in DC 3a ID bro Slroflib Illnan Wnfimgf Few Of Many Selecred Used Cars 1954 Dodge Regent Has radio tillll signniS new seat covers Exceptionally well cared for car I953 Dodge Mallf gin Owner car with re i0 and air conditioning heater Caronnlion tie 1953 Dodge Crusader Lowmiieage car in mint two tone mOth Sedan clinieiled two tone maroon andsterling grey 1953 PI Overdrive CASH TRADE TERMS 0n new and used icon and trucks DEMONSTRATIONS tARRANGED FINANCE AVAILABLE Open Mon Fri tO pm Saturday pm Yéyn iPeperrdablei Dealer HAROLDHILL 1950 Alian A40 Sedan 1943 AUSTIN fruit Scdln loin Mhhcuxr Club Coupe Dark blue ion OHMOlerlleetuno per m9 DODGE Coach USED TRUCK VALUES ills MEDch mile55 man all Slow I952 Pominc Sedan Deuvery ml cnzvnom lgton mm 1951 cut lstoo Penel 1960 GMC reeke loan Donal lfilan Pnnei who and fiction Panel 1849 am Mon Phnei 1944 DODGE llpton stake extra good tires aood eervieeehlo unit at allow price Non Explain will take LIMITED Chrysler Plynmllthx Dnrlo 172182BRADPORD ST PIIONEPABSBSS omen AND snowman is bunlop vw rl 143100 MEDIUM rile Quaker oil burner In and candlllnn fillllun all link Ind included Price flo Phone PA Li 71054 B5 nncl Heel finite modfl end Urry Blyl eld Phone PA RUBBER STAMPS MADEWORDEB WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE OFFICE DESKS lDoahle ermuva desk iStenorrephere Duh iSineie bacilli Deek tun INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANGI conroturloNumm Pool Olflu Squm PHONE PA um 11erfl AILACEJOBUY GOOD USED CLOTHINQ itent lelen Childrenr weer THE WARDROBE SHIVICB TO 8m YOUR US CLOTHING FOR YOU xod noonoi Dunlap st Went Damian Mlen CI Brown Lil and Sputum unlit itlelhé ihnomfi we will try to nil it tor you MOBILE HOME TRAILERS oi Barrie oNew Low Down Piment IChelDdr finance netm Include In eunuc or hell term your cp tncl uy 10 your Tilda lo trailer ear romanrte Plrun more will he evellahie or you Chapman Trailer Sales Collon Ave Hwy WrAnflu Gill nmo LouIL human 1loelod DUMP TRUCK FOR HIRE Suld and Grlvbl For $81 PHONEPA 34351 FILL TOP SOIL GRAVEL EXCAVATING or GRADING DENNIS MORAN Phone PArkway 82907 113 ORDER TODAYI BUPEELIOII TEXAOO OILS STOVE FURNACE Meter Innk Truck Delivery with Ticket Printer SIMCOE PETROLEUMI IDSDN mcE Proprie on uni PHONE PA 82563 Jlm Bruce Drich Salelrguli OIL HOME HEATERS built tor todaye automatic luv SIZFS Amncilvr FINISHB mm to 55000 Emu BIIJI mm £18 arm SAVE vi To HARRIS AGENT 121 new BALFE SON MIu i2 nAYFlIILD SI Dr rmcrha reiohrlcatcd 1iMioo Phone PA Ma GREEN PLBATED SKIRT Dori want Phone PA 02734 17m MODERN dlnln room Suite and condlllon CI 62 Henry 51 715 WASHING MACHINE Vikina wia pumpr elmort new Phone 131A nlkeeted liennel bend rklrt welrt new Phone PA was Its NOhGS llerrirerntor in lion Price 50 April odd condl Owen St 7on5 god condi in sole311 STOVE Runnable er Anew heroa tron all uhonl ENAMEL BANGEHELD linnJ Prion 310 Phone Plus WEBKI9 Pine weeke week old Chellnut hone lsofi switeer crown illu lhnne 1105106 LADYS Lpiece Black Watch leId edit tailored suit also lack crepe roar nine 18 Like new Phone PA com 7105 ECTBOLUX BOWEN EIlunll Ind er IIlllerenfi types All with com lete ttecnoientr Going very cheepf hone PA earls 7104 LARGE Colemmrhellnr with an and doom used hooded Cort $180 Odin for hellprice Phonevslroild Dru liter gt 11M105 NEW AND IIIBD planar All nnnll Kenned mile north at uric on kwm mile Out on llDc Phone Ie IRII 707qu WINCHESTER model 70 or trade colt action rcpee the rule elmort new 00 ii In Phone PA 54661 50 GA IRON Roof Belllki lmm condition in pine timber dog in hect ll iron hetten doon Horry Mom Non Ii PULL ifll£ wonehylnfiiyo Jen er no on Klmhopn pcu bDfld kitllleo tetile and chain nono isms ener 702111 1i 105 glam lt Glrllaaltir swrlnwblrdm50 cycle Cost on Sectnice $245 Went dr lo Detchet Ild Downhvi1qwiNOlno um re 125 er Llochué med mah llYIEWBITEBS ollloe mechioeepart ahleeeddlne machines cash luster 881 Ind xenico Gonna Emmi sSlilltBh celiilllalmltea rsoActauvo 14m REFRIGERATOR $4 Propane SIDV sni neda dlnciudllll plilowe so Chine cal era and Kit table ch in Linoieum Clyiltonier int In Glen En Ron 14 STUDIO LOUNGE Ill studiomhx and chllr $50 lnreequmet bed metal lreme Client drewere nerve or ilzNepler 12in ascend FUDNACB 12 in condition need only ycm wflhfi burner heady to enemhie or harm ooel Aleo month old black Collle end Tenlei pup to am to good home Phones cumin noxxD more roan comma read never med llned aio roeichiox tinned and Shroud red and lawn plaid ldreoemheatenoindrawefir nth uroer me on com tlon rnohe PA cocoa one item labIN cc zfiegen lcblunaxlbhgizl on on wardro Ranch Provincial bedroom lulu llk nut bedroom wile Duncn excellent cog all Dining Elms 30 short Loo Ennal am nvo Manic Slvo up to noonit on i°u ce on ltd It dillSte ill shatlol Phone Ir I42tl re 303 Ind 3006 weight lomet re eating rides in on wet re eellllllmortege firm so ellian Swln anot cu olils SHoiaUNB haunt stavena model 71 Wignrgtelvelrlllgll 71 3c Ailtti with oh ii 44 or 523 an ln oi Auadglgal 31 IDII on

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