MANSFIELD Dr Leonard amigo oi Runtsville spent last week bol idaying with Mansfield friends Herb Cauthers Coilinlwond visited at the home at Mr and Mrs Matt Cauthers and other rollt alive here last week Move To Birervlew Fania Neighbors and triends of Mrs Carioll and family gathered at tea kettle and radio the hall Friday evening Aug torextend goodwlshes as they leave this community tor their newfarm near Riverview Dur lag the evening they were pre sented with trilight lamp an automatic hot plate an electric The family aromoving in week or so ParentsV Congratulated Congratulations to Mr and Mrs James Cauthers on thaar rival of little son at Ailiston on Wednesday Sept and to Mr and Mrs Donald Matthews to whom son was born at Alliston on Thursday Aug 30 ln Sunnybrook Hospital Alt Seymour was taken ill on Thulsday evening and is now patient at Sunnybrook Hospital iv At Presbyterian Camp Linda Armstrong and Ruth Wake spent an enjoyable week at Gian Mohr Presbyterian Camp Beaverton Basement Excavation Excavation is being made for the basement ol the new home or Mrs Andcrson and Ed warpl in the village Toronto Guests Mr and Mrs Bert Murphy had as their guests over the weekend Din and Mrs Mullet at Toronto The acquaintance was made when their daughter Margaret and her husband James Schuler when married last year went to live inan apartment in the Mullet home In China Years Dr and Mrs Mullet served 37 years in China under the former Methodist and later the United Church he as dentist and his wife as teacher of English as founders of Christian college The last two years they spent under Communist rule Dr MulA let spent one year in concentrde tibn camp They returned to Canada four years ago Mrs Mullet was speaker at WMS meeting at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday evening She told of life under communism as compaied om weird dared lite in Cinada The ladies ot Allirton Presbyterian and Mansï¬eld United Chmh wm also invited and many of them were present to share in most interesting evening Mrs Ann strong played several selections on the Hammond organ very ac tree the Scripture and Mrs Ander son led in prayer An derson Mrs John Anderson Mrs Delmar Bates and MrsRussell Murphy sang quartet Mrs Burgess on behalf ot those pres ent thanked Mrs Mullet for her interesting address Mrs Galiaugher closed with prayer anda delicious lunch was served by the ladies of the church in the church parlor Train Teachera College Miss Margaret Gatlaugher now at TeachersiCollele in Tomato visited Manslieid friends over the weekend EVERETT The Late Mrs Thistle Mrs Robert Thistle passed away at the home of herdaugh tcr Mrs Russell Anderson of Ev erett and we extenddeepest sym pathy to her sons and daughters Motor Trip West Mr and Mrs Thompson of Toronto accompanied by Mr and Mrs James Peacock of Everett leit Saturday morning or motor trip to the West Legion Auxiliary Dance Dont forget the dance put on by the Legion Womens Auxiliary on Friday Sept 14 Music by the Pine River Ramblers Mr and Mrs Topping and iam ily at Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Pearson Mr and Mrs Wilkinson returned home utter spending couple weeks in the West Belinda SWanwickv and Bracie of London spent the weekend at the home of Norval Robbins Youngster Struck By Truck Last Thursday evening little Georgie Varney was struck by truck while hewas riding his Alliston hospital with slight con cussion and cuts on the face Waitcr Brown Sudbury spent theweekend at his home here Tobacco Harvesters Hustle Tohacco growers in this area areputtlng on extra force to beat Jack Frost Stan Bailey reports will be finished picking this week ceptably whilethe people gatb Mrs James Hawkinsread bicycle and had to be taken tor Ma were playing at walking on the ceiling like afliesz STEELES CORNERS Miss Aileen Gardener spent lastThuraday with her aunt Mrs Grice in Aurora Russeli and Howard Gardener spent tlie day at lheCNE Motor Trip North Mr and Mrs Jackie Rumble Mae and Jackie and Mr and Mrs Fisher enjoyed motor trip north on Sunday and went as tar as Lost ChanneL Toronto Visit Mrs Robert Brownqisited last Friday with her mother Mrs Wii liam Vernon Tomato and at tended the ONE Sunday visitors from Toronto with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were William Hunter Mrs Sam Fletcher Barry and Terry Rev Dr Mark Formerly of Elmvolo Passes at Lindsay Rev Dr William Mark tormer minister of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hanover and at Elmvaie tor several years passed away Wednesday Aug 29 at the home of his daughter Mrs Gordon Pickard Lindsay He was 88 The late Dr Mark was mem ber at the Masonic Order and ot the Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges and was Past Grand Ontario IOOF Master otthe Grand Lodge of Surviving are his widow the Stewardship reading and Mrs EBENEZEE vWameaa Missionary Society Ebenezer WMSrnet Sept with it members answering roll call with verse containing the word Strength Mrs Gordan Kneeshaw opened withHymn i5 tollowed by The Lordslrayer in unison Minutes were read and adopted and two books read dur ing the past month by members Mrs Joseph llamny gave the Matt Kneeshaw gave the prayer or the missionary Miss Utting Mrs Lloyd Kaceahnw and Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw were in charge at program Misa Isabel Knee shaw read an article No Settles Here Mrs Kneeshaw read the Scripture and gave the ex planation ol the five questions in the Missionary Monthly Mrs Gordon lCnecshaw also gavefa Scripture reading The members enjoyed and ppreciated thcrtime and work Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw put into the last chapters0t the study book Anna and The Ind tans There will be no service at Ebenezer Church Sunday Sept 16 Anniversary services will be held Sept 23 at 11 am and 730 pm with the Rev Erenn of Barrie Central United Church in thepuipit October meeting will be held at Mrs Lloyd Kneeshaws Roll call verse containing the word Vine Mrs John Kneeshaw will he in charge oi program The ladies are asked to meet Sept 12 at too pm to get the church in readiness for the anniversary Mrslt Kneeshaw closed with Hymn Idand benediction former Jennie Mellae and two daughters Miss Agnes Mark and Jean Mrs Gordon Piokard Its Funli Its Foscinatingi Youll Want to Play the PRODUCT PICTURE GAME Over $41000 in PRIZES Road about it on Inside measurements Page 22 wTsijï¬siNiAsguiseouk gm crannies choose cm the pertect gift or wire mother méetheart Make your selection have small deposit holds it toryou THE RICHMOND av aamLooiu Our finest chest console styling Tennessee cedar lined $250 Moth Insurance Guarantee Hand rubbed tinish careful prowax ed for greater convenience and addedprotectionlteinforcedA interlocking construction tor added strength Time prool de sign and craltarnan akili quarter century of Heirloom cc dar chest tradition and leadership 22 high 34 long 17 wide inside measurements WALNUT ll gt BY LANE SEAFOAM Manocsnr OAK aesuurui nan nanooanv Ten nessee cedar lined litt out tray onlid In side measurements 40 long 14 wide 14 51750 av VicrosiAVILtE Attractive cedar lined chests In 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