Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1956, p. 18

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of nadir ldonotnmembermochahem the lesson out du except that the lesson plans on which spent sot muchftunc acre throw over board as so much jetsam With out themI lound that could stecrttry and regtdate my speed according tothe needs and the ability of the pupil found aspne honored principal so aptly expressed it later that the teach er must keep at least four jump ahead of the pupils Recess in any school isa time for exuberant feelings to over flow for good orvevil had not this knack of seals wheeldldlnviteurtnuidequ required no second lnvi At the unheardofvrate of cm bit of 15 miles an hour weswept over the road The fence poets it Pdifihfwtfi an ne po moren enemy to wow down tbehill and innotlmcatailthemiieeatlng macldneiltopped in rent of the Bank at Montreal No one sees cd thalleaat hit impressed by our Arrival but quite ioyously on foot we retraced our route through tbehcat and theth to keep social engagement look afflght but that ride everything small tearful girl Linn NW came running into the ubotil hm rm 1° mm in room Pleasettucber Tommy and Billie areout there fighting thrills in pr awesomeness my taught me tlte science of educs tlon and school minagcment Fmihmur yer have mum could name the great educators my the memo 1mm SocnmI we pm teaching and in our way of life hld mde mom an but for pleasure and contentment cverycbapter written by Smith mu new mud and Baglcy and Langdon mm could trace the stitnull the nerve endloyto the brain but did not knowhow to stop fight By some mental process news olmy approach was transmitted to the pupils encircling the tray With one accord the children opened the ring and fora moms out saw what scmed an ever StfjhoelggTejacherfRemembers FirsiDaystOn The inn largaret Miller win was member of thejeach Job brown loaves of bread two or maimweiiwmhltwto th delli he liming practl my osen pro is at cous nioma res 3me whichlwnaau Al an early age had leaned yet not can taste that trust dmrw uu to read and spell cat rat hat spread generously With dairy but all Mum If from page one of the Part First ter mm of Com ownu header authorised or use in the mu public subunit of Ontario and um um me since then had held tenaciousty followingarticle LIPpm to the drum abbeing school In in Tomah mm teacher In June 1911 the seven In mealu Normal Schools of the marina em 9me or opened their doors god the year which were spent hereills °P°m my fleufid um in HIM teachers emerged to find positions she my mammal we in the schools was one of that throng hit uncertain mgififififluoflgefl and bewildered began teaching Guthrie United Church Oro was decanted with white and pink gladioli for the marriagc of Min Miriam Hesse daughter oi Mr and Mrs Newton Eesse to DonaldWesley Thompson son of Mr and Mrs Walter Thompson on Saturdsy Sept 1956 hi Warr pastor of the officiated at thc cere the bride wore gown ot ltaiian lace over net and mauvetinted bridal satin She carrled white Bible with white orchid and cascade ofstepbanotis Miss Phyllis Beasley of Brace bridge was bridesmaid She wore pink lace over pink taffeta and carried bouquet of pink roses and white pom pon rnums many asststed=by Rev Hugh nice cough nd rem Shannmv form P3510 °f netts were flower girls They Newmfle were dressed in blue taffeta trim EWedldlng éanéc waysnpiayegl bf Eledk withfwhitlt landing carried rs owar amp tlrc as ets in on itc om organist She also accompanied ponmunigp u¥rzyhmg gngénfgoalzre 5010 MH Clarkhwm A15 in 31le Pm we zagcmcnt of their eldest daugh Sang Wedding Prayer and five bays Dam Camian when the schools opened in Sep lar time as shuffled their feet to clear away amen cm some ascetic term he mw the snow chiv was in flow Give mamas byhefaher Sindenm wendln MEN Boynton of Toronto the inomfl nu DIM 31mm 13 been er If the flame wasgreat thur dressed in cream trousers mm my pineon snub Thathirat day September Granddaughter Of INN Rh the teacher rode to church Sun and blue blazers They along on 1955 It 30 oclock 45 Years ego is memorable day Former Resident Ethool Th 1er In day school concerts social ev wtth the flower girls are mem Churchill united ch in my lifenot because it ush rate or $525 year until Christ an Ind own in he muy bug bers of the nursery class in Guth Married at Regina The marriage of Miss Norma mas and if were successful it rie Sunday School of which the By 51 Louise Johnston daughter ot Mr Country roads in winter were kept passable the hard way Alta storm farmer bitched his horse to the twobobbed alclgh and pettorth to break track over such roads the country teacher went to school Seldom did she have to break path Either the man of the house where the boarded gave her ride or the pupils considerate walked ahead in single rile an REAL ACCOMPUSIHIBNT The establishment of continu ing advisory committee by the Atlantic premiers to recommend action was real accomplishment The conference was hopeful one first because something con crete was done and sccond be cause it didnt break up on an mfldmbel 319351 shaefinhlé arose early that first morning to iglchcs The average salary inflsgwlgmbflf Idd°nnegm 15 sp ge mus in rest wi ow are Cene for similar positions at that time neck By 10w neck mean that the Valenclennes lace fitted snugly around the base of the bride was teacher Orval Dobson was groomsman or his cousin The ushers were William Sinclair and wllliam was $500 per annum son The trustees had obtained white lmported lacc ovcr dull andngs Claifencc Walterlohn stoo of ReginaSakatehcwsnand Jack Berry Martin son of Mr andllfrs bcrt Bryson Martin of Oakvilicidattitoba was sol emnlzcd at First Baptist Church Regina The bride is grand daughter of the late Mrs Annie Johnston wellknoWn Barrie cesi dent who residcdon Tiffin St Rev Alex Barber per formed the ceremony The bride was given in marriage by her fathers Hcr gown was of sati and featured long torso bodice and she carried bouquet of white and tawny gold roses Her attendants dressed alike in yellow and carrying white shasta daisies with yellow centres were Mrs ClarkRegina and Miss Kathleen Finth of Toronto Garry Germain of Winnipeg was groomsman and the ushers were Hugh Makepeace and Miles Pepper of Winnipeg The organ ist was Mrs Merle Parsons and Sam Livingstone was soloist After honeymoon in the Brit Ish lsles and Europe Mr and Mrs Martin will reside in Winni F935 SWEATERS BtOUSES OUTFITS Madc for each other and made for Back to School these are the separates youll love at ed in Guthrie At the reception which follow gt Community Hall the mother of the bride received the guests in Dior chrome crepc dress with corsage of pink muntsTite grooms mother was in navy crepe with corsagc of yellow mums For the wedding trip the bride chose it dress of blue crystal sheer with navy accessories Among the guests were two great aunts of the bride Mrs WilliamMcArthur oi Oro Station and Mrs FredFsstoll of Grecn River and two great uncles Rob ert Sinclair and Bcssc now residing at Cohourg Other guests were irony Cleve land Buffalo Oshawa and To ronto as well as Barrie and dis trict RISING COSTS it must not be forgotten that the municipality is the very basis and cornerstone of govern ment in this country in the services it renders the municipal government comes closcr to the daily lives of citizens than any other Trenton CourierAdvocate were all fashioned strapless hcadbad wasT inseam scene of pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon Sept 1956 when Miss Ethel Annc Todd laughter of Mr and Mrs Sher man Todd Churchill was united marriage with John Mellis Jack Campbell son of Mr and Mrs Robert Camphell Churchill Rev Sanders performed the ceremony at three oclock Given in marriage by her father the bride wore floorlength strapless gown of white embroid cred lace over satin fashioned with flared skirt trimmed with nylon not caught with seed pearls The longsleevcdlacc fitted Jacket was made with peter pan collar and trimmed with sequins and seed pearls Her fingertip veil was caught in tiara trimmed with seed pearls and sequins The white stcphanolis The brides attendants were her sister Miss Marjorie Todd as maid of honor Miss Shirley FrasA er and Miss Margaret Campbell sister of the groom as brides maids The attendants dresses in ballerina lacc over taffeta with matching jackets and mittens an matching feather aid of honor length net pom pon 15w ile the brides maids were dressed in aqua and their bouquets were rot pink mums Miss Winnifrcd Neilly played the wedding music and accompan ied the soloist Lachlan Jack who sang The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and Because during the signing of the register The grooms attendant was his cousin lanCrichton and theush ers were Frank Todd brother of the bride and Malcolm Campbell cousin of the groom Following the ceremony re ception was held in Glllord Com munity Hall Assisting the bridal party in receiving the guests were the brides mother in roacwood crepe dress and jacket with navy accessories and the grooms mother in Dior bluearneil with blue and white accessories first sight and wear again and again SKI RTS hmenes flanhels kitten wooisgrsuedines worsted all panel lines for Tempo torso ittStraightslieathtofullygoc ed range Sizes to 20 1098 SWEATERS All famous name brands From Guestsfrom distance were 6001 BUSINESS The tourist outfitting bus iness is good business for any locality drawing asit does on is bor andlocallyproduced supplies When the conversation turns to fishing brag brother brag gt RouynfNoranda Press FARMERS PRAYER Way the golden of the prairies run fast dry and heavy and may every hardwork ing producer receive good re turn for his work He cant he paid for hisycar of worry but he may havelessof that to do in the future bridal bouquet was pink roses and arricd cream Cam542M57on iUes Gllford United Church was the bridge Tomato accessories Her white gardenias in Churchill from vMontebelio Quehcc Brace London Brook lin Cooksvillc and Willowdale For the wedding trip toeastern points the bride donncd navy wool suit small picture but navy shoes white velvet hat andwhlle corsage was and pink carn ations On their return the bride and groom will make their home Soo Pretty Cool scoopedneck pinafore be comes partypretty dress by adding the separate collarl Sbell love this versatile new style you will too its sewveryessyl Patternflltifl Childrens Sizes included Pattern einA broidery transfer directions Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to The Barrie Examiner HouseholdArts Dept 80 Front St West Toronto Ont PATTERN NUMBER Two FREE patterns printe craft book stunning designs for yourself for your home just for you our readersi fascinating handworkl Send 25 cents for your copy ofthis won in our ALICE snooxs Needle Dozens of other designs to order all easy suitable boarding place for me The rate of board was $250 week Todaywhen count the priv ileges Included in that word board am amazed at the gen erosity of mine hosts Board in cluded mcsls room laundry transportation to and from school in inclement weather and cor tainsocial functions to introduce the teacher Kindness and hospi tality were the keynotes The room allotted to the tea cher was usually the best The soft gather mattress fluffcd up costly on wintry nights but if notremoved for the summer had way of rapping the energy on sultry June nights The rag car pet lent quiet air to the room where color was confinedto the pink roses on the wallpaper The down mattresses and the rag car pets have served their purposes and are seen no more Food was alwaysrplentiful and good The farmers wife was ex pert in turning out great golden neck it was quite new fash ion at the time and many stylish persons were still wearing high collars held up under the cars by featherbonc or by stitf sup ports two or three inches high My broadbrimmed largecrowned straw hat was adornedwith mass of flowers carried parcsol for protection from the midday sud Ihad certain mis givings abouta collarlcss dress but otherwise felt correctly attired Although set forth only few minutes after elght several pup ils either waited for or ovcrtook me anxious for the first glimpse of the new teacher There were many wouldbc bellringcrs that morning when the watch secured to my belt by fob pointed to nine oclock manyhands would willingly have pulled the rope To me that bell was the call to duty During 40 years have heard variety of school bells and gongs both rural changing tangle of arms and legs The struggle quickly subsided and for the first time in my pro lesion realized the meaning of what moderna in another field of endeavor call remote control in deference to my presence the combatants stood up though they still glared defiance at each other Perhaps the experts would not have agreed with my procedure in handling the case but the trial had happy endingpand peace was restored without loss of honor to either At last the day was over carried home the books necessary to reparc myself for the next days essons That night was invited to tea at farm house three miles from the home in which boarded Accompanied by another girl started the pleasant walk along the dusty road speculating what we would do it car came along and offered us ride After while we looked back and urban all have the same in and over the brow of hill came horscless carriage The car hnccrtsin auto for the premiere will meet againltin Halifax and discuss progress qufou NS Advocate gt MRS PAUL McKELVEY ARCT Teachers lupil of Dr Ernesto Vine Royal Conservatory of iromiitu lsacceptlag pnpnsfor slag ing or theoretical subjects it intcrcstcd PHONE ALLISTON 283r12 10R wnm BOX 63 ALlISTON random Pea r5011 Print plainly NAME ADDRESS 9untor sf is the Five Points Noxtrhe Bonk of Nov Scotio To at last permanent location newlargerIpremiisesi wmmmfl comm Friday Saturday mime IsntIs ate cars so cratersrs rue pprNING orABttANoNsw store For Grandmcre Lady Parkhurst gt Chatelaine Exact dyed to match ff fffffxyffffffffffff colors avocado CDfilflflWEr OPEN Fl TILL 91mm In isif322 SUS Shoes ForwomenleenagersChiidifen lorilonten gt STEP ourncwest and best dress shoe LA mmlflhnd SUSAN casunns Lucky Shoe Shapperu our Register has been seb so that at certain in you WE gt gt foals during Grand Qpenlng Days will ringup gt ELAN sliding AGE 5FREESALE The shiesyierk wontknow 1ivyoux gt wontkndw untilvyotl gotta parinltllhEfdlfllle register For Boys ringsup Barnett out Savant sessions orient tie be Lboypsboes that you have ever seen in itsprlce group lo Children AV dE ofeourse all grades final tnp bottom Kip1ing Sack Citizen derful bookrlght away CBiiipietélyNewseléction For Fall BLOUSES Our jersey delightsfTmatched for perfectionl lligh turtle necks mandarin icollais pie cuts rib cords jolt tones for évery taste Falls deafblack bltiered strunggreen P°°°59Wfbfl3 mountains mim New fitted silhouette with ascot ollar bat can beworn up down 3v Of Valpaca Edwardian lue Faierady taupe Pilstitslion brown green orgrey sizes to our pew collectionof Fall and Winter coats regardless of the value of 100 IVESTARTAN sinich selfbelt soft cashmere finish Black Witch

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