mnnsnliY mm snmm rwo TOP suits INAIIPIcrlIna You MusrrssEI blfflflloslnl DBSOrIIa WILLIAM osaomu HOLDEN KERR OUS snrlniDAY 230 Adult Entertainment Plus Carton SHO and Fox Movietonfe WING MONDAY TUESDAY EVENING snows AT 650 AND pm while the City Sleeps IhIIInnmsIinnai IllMINHiURGI SIIInIIsIIumII an Blended Pruldent oi inrlet tion oilland Other 011100 eleeted were kadep Rev Gordon Wattles 018mm ted Church secretary new crt Burgess oi Barrie Bill Crumb Wins Pinécrest FeaiuréIf m1 Cromh thevlclor In three car due1tothe linish lint tor his first leaturewln this sea son at Pinecrest Speedway Jack Burhldge andGlcn Schurr Crumb competition as the changed three muss it stands it looks as tomu Schurr will and up track ch ion for 1956 Bill Nuacnt could have caught him had trouble aadlaued to race Last Saturday was excltlnl 53 stock can turned up turace and pileups were the order all evenln5I Bmles Jack Cook had hi5 troubles too His car was goin like jet plane but he tangled in the leature and smash This Saturday tlie driv en last chance to make valuable points as there will be no points AT 650 AND pm News awn 1w WWAannwa iBIIg Golf Day Next Sunday CouchlchIlngHGoil and Country Club has arranged or 20 top amateur goiter to compete in Orlilia on Gait lJay Sept 18 The ladies will tee all at 930 an andmen at pm Among the stars will be such notables as Mary Gay Ann Sharpe Roma Neundort Hay Helleur iris Godson Sheila Roll Ins Shirley Woodley and 13 yearold Gail Howie The men will be represented by Moe Norman Gary Cowan Eric Hanson Ernie Bentley Bruce Cascator Gordie Bell Bill Herb ert and Wally Crowter This is the llrst time an event of this nature has taken placa in this part oi the provlnce and should attract considerable inters est Ltrom gallon and duffers alike fee at $1 ls beingcharged ior admittance to the course and clubhouse proceeds to delray ex pcnaes and improvement of the course in l857 PU for championship night and the tension grows more each race meet There will he 10 or more cars In Wrecken Race as an add ed attraction also the regular nine stock car events CALL THE EXAMINER FDR IYOUE PRINTING INEEDS lllfllllS MlltlllllVIIIEEIII PRIDIlfllill BIRRIMURI Sill IDRllSlIIMIS CRIIBmlDA lUPIiID two layers Therewere 53gtentries in this ADUII NIIHIAINMENI clpss MrsDuckworthzs cake was covered with pale green icing decorated to reproa sent dolls boullant dress and dolls head made up the top She won other prizes at FIVE HOURS SPENTDECORATING this childsparty cake gave Mrs DDuckworth Barrie RR second prize of $25 at the CNE Her little daughter Goyle seems puzzled about the whole thing Mrs Duck Kempenfeh 33 Worth placedher entryin Class 810 Special this years Canadian National Exhibition linking competition childsI pnrty cake or cakes cookies pickles and salad dress SaIlIng Assn Encl decoratbd It had to be baked incirculnr lng pannnt more than ninednches and only AcIIinIgs for I956 kempeumz Sailing AN Wm an lstion concluded activities or Cluh 79 1956 Saturday afternoon Sept with race at 230 followed by nEorsNING FRIDAY the annual meeting and presen SEPTEMBER l4 tation of trophies at the summer residence of Mr and Mrs Back éllglry Ioe McNeillle and Orchestra Ralph Mrs Lester left on Thursday Ralph iling committeeDavld EVERY I4 Mr and Mrs Elleynolds ot mm Six boats started in the race which was sailed In southeast fggï¬rhTï¬at Evilgï¬gywigfrg Jr Cun aspant Sunday with Mr and Mrs iteg Bertram FRENCH iNnbENeEI FrencthpeakingCanadlans form Wind allilmtliriately 15 mph Ives hereI Mrs Manninngent 30 per cent at Canadastotal IND SATURDAY Faverb other Added Treats Mun Entertlalnment STIIIITS NEXT WEBIIESIIIIY Se tember 19th 230pm Four Days To Saturday rws CAnrooN Ann rmas PEAK AREN ANb Fox news THUR rm SAT Newl weds Nee Help wlth their INSURANCE and should consult an lNSUR ANCE SPECIALIST to he sure they are FULLY COV ERED We are Ialwaya pleased to study over the needs of young couples and adyiaeJham about thenight kinda of Insurance at the lowest comparablecost We will be glad to help YOU too Call today IIIIsman msunucr see us mu Insurance at an ms 95 Dunlap3L PAIPSMI ThélMemhers ol the l00F Welcome old and new lrlends hack to Oddfellows lrempIe SllTSEPT 15 Modern ondold Timeporielng to 12 Music by Ilom Pattendens Orchestra Spot Prizes AuipIcIes or 1061 hert wiil be pleased to hear he was able to lcave PenetangGen eral Hospital but is still contined to bed IAv speedy recovery ls wished tor hi Mrs NRowat apentThurs day with Mr and Mrs Howard Hewsoanollingwoodt From Feterborough Mr and Mrs Grant Pyburn of Peterhorough spent Sunday with Rallies One of the other boats fouled and the sixth did not lin with Mr and Mrs Howard ammer Woods Tony Cassells and Cam Fgent law days in Toronto visit lsh the course Weekend Visit Mrs Howard Irwinof Mr and Mrs Allofficers were reelected for Mr nnd Beardsall 185 nIsIIioIIloIg wtoIIIInmoIlores II 017 00 inflemlyi Most ek lid with gt BlakeneyWooda Mammothnull Mzglrwlrlzsnparenfsjllgrfgnd Mrs Vlï¬mnfl Pm George Dickinso Roy Arnold otToronto visited wétIIL his 9154 Mrs anon King Trophy awarded for highest points for theseason to Hamilton Cassells Slil coIIfIIIIIIous SliTlIllllllY 230 pm Frank Rolph came in first follow ed in succession hy Blakeney Toronto Vlslt Mn and Mrs Gordon Spring Wednesday in Toronion Out of Hospital population and 80 per cent of them live in bec The many friends OLGrant Vllll YOIIIINIIW ltumi70 oI with 22 points Kempenielt Challenge Cup awarded for second highest points Blakeney Woods and Cain Raikes tied 20 points each Shanty hay echallengrcuprto winner of Civic Holiday race Mrs Nancy Bigelow Ski pers Trophy awarded to winner of change hoat race Frank Rolph Eby Trophy awarded for great est improvement attendance and sportsmanship Hamilton Cassells Junior Skippers Trophy to winner of junior race held at time of regatta sailed by skippers 16 years and under Ted Bigelow rIIIIII lill TWOIACTION rAcKaorEArunas ScoHIBrod aInd RItaIGqI Iin M0 AWKI 2nd IIiI ANNE or THE INDIE with EAN PETERS LOUIS JORDAN AND DEBIRA PIAGEIJT Mllll TIIES WEI lWIl FEATURES CASHON DELIVERY Shelley Winters and Peggy Cummings 2nd Action Hit BOBBY WARE IS MISSING noxr IIIIIIIIIIIIII rIIIIIoIIs PtllYIiIIS TIIEIITIIES wni rIITIIIITIIzs 225m av nmvsns zillions MALCQMSONS HWins Conservatory INSURANCEAGENcr Silver Medal 4i DUNLOP ST EAST Barrie PH Ms3735 IPianosclIolarship IOOIHLESS MAMMALSI Many types ot whales never 25 which last have teeth some having ridges of bone to crush their food 15v ansran DATE Theiatest date on which Easter can fall isIAprIl joccurred in 1943 caAIeHuasr Harvest Service Harvest service in SLJOIIIIIS MI 39 N515 pulu Church Sunday Sept 16 at 1145 M155 MiriamMelina Allison am Rev ll Mason of To has been notified that she has Grade Piano 1956 This medal Mr he £3313 Buffalo is ï¬ve 1° fllghgé landing In eprovmceo 195657 Series Ill Lectures WWW Mr mm Namn has as ODDFELLows TEMPLE gt an rs ume wm Iss ann orrner pup Mrs Emery and Field Caxton ot Jessie RBryson received her laOuoF 830 pJn spent day at theEx last week ARCT degree with honors last gt vve no SlllllTS =TllllllSllllY Betty Castonhome after her sum New Eggaglgwomdm gt SEPTEMBER 13 800 pm mer trip to the continent and planted mom than MIMI red meIBmwh mes pine and Norwegian spruce seed THE Through SP Iingsthisapring Miss Lois Baldwm rs home at ter spending 10 days on trip through the States goingas tar south Florida Congratulations to our base all Thurs Ian PIEIRRE CASGRAIN team pin the John 195657 ronto former rector will take W0 the Silver MRI 0f 1L Elleiiugm weaken Frederick Harris scholarshi at Back Home Eelij gkrmNcESS CATHERINE cAnAnJA mwnlmeLflBOFMRIEI ï¬leservice oya Conservatory ot Music In II II II II KINSMEN BINGO iii Mk szstu henpplled commie tuition cure Behind tné IIrun Curtain IWeo SepIt Wed Oct 104nm GEN so smoans on nso Sonielellections on Canadian Delence Problems wens Nov 2iANDnew EIfrnomrsou Bm HI Win 3ms Excanï¬mcv FRANCIS moosra Wed Feb vIfï¬ance Has IneIr IIIrohlenasI MY BACK stooge Conic on cnmenron Historignlll Ivegsity oIIIIIIoronto smidrnemmius uncrnnnns gt bateszolBe Ahntuï¬céa AGENCY PA84427