Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1956, p. 1

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friia LARGE RESIDENCE being moved from the corner of Bradford Streets for one block east to the corner of Victoria and Ellen Streets wa home of Brennan well known retired business man who sold it to an and Victoria the former oil company Barrie The cottage next north owned by Nellsonv Native of Glasgow Major Robert White NewOiiicjer iii Charge Salval Major Robert Bob white is the new officer lncharge of Bar rioSaivatlon Army Corps having been appointed to the office June 28 but being on other temporary duties in the meantime dldnot neome here until Sept Majorwhitc was born in Govan Glasgow Scotland in 1010 As young man he came to Canada and received secondary education at the Collegiate Institute St Marys Ontario After graduation from the Salvation Army Officers Training Centre in Toronto hls irpfintmonts included Toronto is ridge ManitoullnJslaud Co bait and Cochrane Among his experiences was pioneering in Sa vation Army work in the Northern Quebec mining centre of Val DOr and War service at Camp Borden Peterboro and Vernon BC He has served in Bermuda Ottawa Lindsay Sydney and New Glasgow Nova Scatla and his last appointment rheforo Sallie Montreal Major White was recently award egl the zayearlnng Service or der Medal and he has held the office of Corps Officer Field De artment He was married to the ormer Mary Turpett of Toronto in 1037 and they have four chill dren Georg Davi Lawrence Red CroSs Workroom Reopening Mrs Lowe convener for Barrie Red Cross workroom to day announced that the Red Cross rooms at Dunlop Street East will be open each Th ay commenc ep or ting and each Friday for quilt Theres considerable amount of work to be done and it is hop ed thatall helpers will turn out in force New volunteer workers will also be welcomed Sarnla Wdlflm Vfivm ion Army Here their father who plays most band instriiments Major White has serVed as sec retarytreasurer of Lindsay Min isterihl Association and president of New GlasgowiAssociatlo He has been an active member of various service clubs Ki wdnls with membership in Lind say Ottawa Peterboro Sarnla and Sydney and charter Kiwan ian of the new RoyalMount Club of Montreal He was Rotarian in New Glasgow He was mem ber of the Sarnia Chamber of Commerce while serving with the Salvation Army in that city As hobbyMajor White lists amateur photography and fold The Examiner he was sport fan mainly interested in football soc cer and hockey He will find full scope for service and recreation rie HISTORIC EVENT The St Leger Englands alit umn horse race classic started in 1775 four years before the first Derby at Epsom Downs GROCOUNClI ASKED TO Meet BARRIE COMMITTEE Discuss SUGGESTED ANNEXATION or the regular meeting of Oro Township council on Sept in the townhali all members were present With Reeve Lloyd Scott residing number of communi atibns came up for consideration from Department of Education Department of Planning and De velopment Stewart Eaten and McTurk Department of High ways Shell Oil Co Hydro Elec tilojPawerCommissidn Beiiy Emma Fred Hunter Ohtprio Municipal Board 13 Sineughan Mrs Alice Hobbs Dr Pass Enaw bylaw wasfpassed authorizing purchase of lands arts of iotg1tiand 16 Con for road bylaw was also pass to end the statutory bylaw prohibit dumping of refuse township pfoperty Gordon resentwlth regard of subdivision of connection with the plan of Sept 28 Barrie town their finance at on town hall at notified hy0roclerk Registc Rece ed from the ry fice was the copy of the registe party lot411 concesslomlt 12 for payment treasurer we as made up ance MianeivappointmentlnBak Crawford Bradens Bay LHelghts tobe held at the town hall on clerk wrote that committee would meet the council Wlth regard to the annexation plans on Sept 14 am if ed plan 1237 of Grant Mayorpr cc of transfer of part west half lot concession wasaccepted and ordered forwarded to the de The report of 110 Superin tendent Rass for work done in August was accepted and passed Mr Ross andthe instructed topre parea report and application for aobsidyon roadexpenditures to sheep killedby dogs was passed for payment as were number of agoiints outatghding ayu eunuchman manicWt Residents Seek Bus Service hesidents in the west end Barrio on Monday petitioned town council for bus service to alleviate the present hardship ex perienced by those without cars in that area and unable to afford the regular expense of taxi for downtown visits Speaking on behalf of de tatlon Fred Lawrence asked some consideration be given to this problem and suggested that the residents would apprcdlte service running along Dunlop St Owenswas also purchaser and pulled down Mr Owens their bought the former Brennan Angus and house and fappving it moved The company passengers carried daily during will use ti Bradford street for Service Station two lots at the corner on In ro Barrie Legion Request Transfer Otlax Privilege deputation from the Barrie branch of the Canadian Legion petitioned town council on Mon day to have the tax privilege ap plicabic to the Owen Strcet head quarters transferred to their new headquarters on Collier Street at the beginning of next year The matter is foieceive the consider ation of the finance committee of the council Since 1047 an annual tax ex emption has been granted to the LegionMemorial Hall Prior to this date the Town of Barrie had made an annual grant to the branch In support of their request the delegations spokesman Al Han Tia chainnan ofthe special pro perty committee pointed out that for the past 27 years the branch had assumed the leadership and mostuof the expenses on behalf of the town and district in the ant nual Remembrance Day obserw The Womens Auxiliary of the branch had mademany donations to charitable and other worth whilecauses anddhc branch had contributed 10471955 514002 to charitable appeals sports educa tion and citizenship and chil drens Christmas party This fig ure did not include Poppy Fund welfare work Members ofthe branch had giv en much of their time in leader ship in Various community activ ities particularly minor sport This year over 400 boys hadreg istered for the midget NHL hockey league Through its service bureau work the branch had handled thousands of requests through the years for pensions and treat ments which had benefited many veterans and families About 80 per cent of the pension and wel fare work is done for nonincin bers To Toronto Betty Patterson 10 who had been missing from her place of employment and home in Barrie since Friday was brought home from the Salvation Army Refuge in Toronto by her mother yester dfly The young girl left the house where she was employed early on Friday nightand did not re longing to the owner and got scar ed when she thought she had lost them The girl then ran downto the 3mother ofiher whereabouts TvvisShthuts Fe titre Soccer nights schediii games while blanked 00 users New Lowell Ni smg Girl Hitch Hikes turnShe states that she went out to bring in some horses be highway and walked into town She was later picked up by taxi driver who took her to the Salva tion Army in Torontowhere she stayed until her mother came to take her homeuSha cannot recall the companyto which the taxi be longed nor does she know the driver On the Mondayshe wrote home from Toronto informing her Two ahutouts featured last in the Georgian Bay soccer circuit Col lingwood Kaufniansbeat Camp Borden Uiiited 10 at Borden Midland Huroulas jweri West as far as Anne Street They suggested an hourly service be Barrie CNR Agent Cyrus Allison Honored by Staff tween 730 am and pm or at least token service to ass st houscwlfc to do her shopping The matter has been referred to the special traffic committee Under the schedule now in open ation there are only two routes operatedAllandale routes While revenue returns under the new schedule operated in the first week after the holiday this month shows crease over similar periods in uly the number of the some period over Allandalo route and the Johnson Street loop added to the east routa is disappointing Revenue returns for the first week after the holiday five days operation are July $31110 August $20475 September $37380 Record of passengers carried daily on Allandale route during the same period Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28 Thursday 31 Fri day 46 Saturday 25 Record of passengers picked up daily on Johnson Street area dur ing some period Tuesday 21 Wednesday 13 Thursday25 Fri day 16 Saturday 16 OLD GARAGE ABLAZE Barrie Fire Brigade was called to an old garage on fire behind the Post Office Collier Street yesterday afternoon Fire and damage was confined to the geo BEE OLD PosT or STII=UNDERN Barrie Council Monday nlght decided to seek further counsel of the Federal Member of Parlia ment for Simcoe North JuliauH Ferguson MC before replying to letter from the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation requesting firm offer for the Old Post Of fioo fromgiheritowm Assets Corporationpointeddut they had been approached by various parties on behalf of the town requesting the purchase of this property but no mutually sat isfactory figure had been sug gested Winter was now up proaching and they felt an early settlement should be reache or else it would be necessary to heat the building entailing extra expense to public funds It is understood that Mr Feb uson has submitted brief to ttawa outlining the future use of the complete property includ ing the CNR station and freight before proceeding with negotia tions Starting Winters Program Tonight St Andrews Boy Scout Troop will start the winter program on Wednesday Sept 12 at pm meeting in the church hall on Worsley Street Any boy who wishes to join should attend to night On Friday Sept 21 the Cub Pack will start meetings and it is hoped that as many as possible will be on hand be the sale of Christmas cards and this will mittee mittee McClymont Weather Today Cloudy Early Meétli59nny Temperutures had bee draining for aweek butye to Iywaa warmerlnd today startlngr cloudy promises Temperatures were High Low 45 41 substantial iu iigent sheds and he isawaiting repxiy floyLScoutGroup4 The fundraising project will be handled by committee under the group com Thay are do need of lead ers for both Cubs and Scouts and also members for the group com This is rthwhile work and anyone interes ed shouldcon tact Cubmaster Rev James Fer guson or Group Chairman Dave clearing and mostly sunny and the eest CYRUS ALLISON Barrie station staff of the Can adian National hallways gathered inhisoffico on Friday evening Sept to honor retiring agent Cyrus Allison who is known to host of friends as Cy Commencing railroading as telegraph operator at Waubaush ene in March 1910 and working long both the Lindsay and Al andale divisions as dispatching agent and operator Mr Allison has completed 48 years of rail roading For the last 15 years he has been agent at Barrie After dwelling briefly updn the high regard in which his fellow employees hold Mr Allison and expressing best wishes for future health and happiness in his rc irsment Cashier Karl Bell on ehalf of the staff presented Mr Allison with beautiful service dble leather travelling bag and Mrs Allison with lovely bouquet red roses ivisional relieving agent lrwln unsome is at present carrying oilthe duties of Barrie station cs PURCHASE economic Mr Ferguson has authority from the town to offer up to $15000 for the building if nec essary During the discussion Council agreed they would be prepared to consider offering up to $10000 This dcallhassflglotAtlod be closed 92 sodn fimanmg Halidle herwise they have other buyers Deputy Reeve Murray Mills also felt that immediate action we necessiirybecause The Govern meiit is not willing to hsngson much longer Reeve Willard Kinzie said Whenthey worry about selling dont think there isall that rush Alderman Williams point ed out that the deeds showed that while thebuilding belonged to the Federal authorities the pres perty still helonged to the Town of Barrie we are in strong position iciExa BARRiE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER l2 1956 22 Pages3 gt um 33 sarcoma Historic Grand Jury todays Bulwark 0f Canadian Law System At the opening of the FallAssizes of the County of Slmcoe free from domination of any kind at the Simcoe Court House Barrie on Monday His Lordship Mr Justice Kelly in addressing the Grand Jury said that their beginning was lost in antiquity Their function was to act as bulwark against false charges being laid against free citizens His Lordship pointed out that the judicial systemin Canada had historylof 150 years and grew directly from the judicial system of Great Britain which had been evolved gradually through the can turies The duties of the Grand Jury could be traced back to the days of the Frankpledge and fur ther back to more than 1000 years ago Office Of Judge The office of judge was created lot later and were dependent on the theory that the Sovereign was the aunt of justice The judges dispensed justice on behalf of the Sovereign Until 1700 judges held office at the Kings pleasure fact that hampered considerably the proper admin lstration of justice After that date judges were appointed for life and good con duct and could only be removed from office through representa tion to both houses of parliament We judges have fallen heir to that tradition said His Lord ship We acknowledge no mas ter resppcting our decisions Younger institution Referring to the duties of Petty Juries His Lordship said this was much younger institution The petty juror renders his decisions Barrie ManAppears To Answer SeriOus Criminal Charges Armand Joseph Marlon mar ried man of Barrie was arraigned before His Lordship Mr Justice Kelly at Simcoa County court hour flash Mascot committing rape gloat single woman of 20 There was also second charge of indecent assault and the defendant entered pig of not guilty on both counts was defended by Living ston Met at Local Hotel Evidence given by the prosecu tion showed that the accused and the woman met in the womens beverage room of local hotel on Saturday Aug 18 late intho evening They then went to an apartment belo lngto friend of Marion where they had more to drink The friend was not at the apartment at the time evi dence disclosedu Shortlyrafter midiiight the wolt man said she was leaving but was prevented from doing soby ac cused who said he would drive her home Instead of doing this the woman gave evidence to the effect that he drove her into the country where rape was allegedly ed1 Willii she hit him over thehead with beer bottle Icausing cut over one eye Eventually the woman veherh her mother after hedring what had happened and seeing the state she was in called the Bar rie police liledical Evidence She was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital where she was exam ined by Dr Reid who gave evidence of injuries she had siif There were multiple scrat gravel burn scratches on her thighs and blood was smeared over her body Her clothes were torn and she was dishevelled and distraught Later evidence of biologist Henry Funk from the Attorney Generals Department Toronto showed that an examinatlon of the torn clothing revealed both blood and stains Further evi dance was indicated Police investigation Alter discharge from hospital the woman was taken to OPP committed During struggle headquarters and the provincial ver her back similar to and haswonly his conscience to answer We all sit as judges and make judicial decisions commented His Lordship He added that he had outlined the historyof the judicial system so that the jurors might more clearly remember that we have legal heritage whichhas been won at great cos Your duties and mine were summed up in the mediaevallan guage the court clerk used as crler at the opening of this court Function of Grand Jury He explained to the Grand Jury that their function was to diligently enquire into all mat ters presented to them They had duty to make the enquiry and present their findings to th court They had to satisfy themselves that there was sufficient evidence to warrant person being placed on trialto decide whether that evidence established prison facie case They had to answer the question Is there sufficient evidence to demand an lexplanm tion from the person True Bill His Lordship then explained thelaw as it pertained to the two criminal cases whiclrwere to be brought before the Grand Jury and directed them to retire to consider their findings The Jury later returned true bill invtha cases of Regina vs Vivens crim inal negligence and Regina vs indecent as police too over the enquiry from the Barrie force search the next day found the spot where the offence wast alleged to have been committed and Jierepoiice collected torn remnants of the womans under clothing Tire marks were vis ible stated police and behind the point whereathese marks stopped the roadway appeared trampled down The accused was subsequently picked up by police at his address and brought to headquisrters where charges were laid The trial proceeds togay DANGEROUS STEP it requires only minimum of common sense to realize the danger of inflated inner tube for youngsters unable to swim Parents would be well advised forget about inner tubes and hav their children learn to swim Masford Express 7K

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