111 all MONDAY SEPT 10 1950 8ng of reamlam School lieopened Tottenham Public School re opened Sept with staff of four achers Mrs Emlgh rlnci resisting Mrs Face rs Potter and Mrs Keith Williamson There were 104 pupils registered Observing the faces of the chil dren listening to comments such Is this am in Grade now they are not only happy to be back but proud of what they have accomplished Saturday Evening Morton McKinley and daughters Shirley and Patricia of Orange ville and Miss Mary Case of To rontospeot Saturday evening at Mrs Pattersons Home on Leave Hugh Sinclair of the RCN is home on months vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs Hugh Sinclair ltecent Visitors Mrs John Walker of Paris Ont is visiting this week with Mr and Mrs Oliver Pettit and renewing old acquaintance with her many friends Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs James Tough were Bill Tough and party of friends from Chat ham and Joan Tough nurse in triï¬nlï¬g atSt Josephs Hospi tal Toronto Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson and two children of Button and Miss Dorothy Ann Wilson of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson Mr and Mrs George Wice spent Sunday inioronto at Mr and Mrs Jack ches Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs John Mightoo Mr and Mrs Murray Wary and little daughter Louise of Toronto were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Patterson Mr and Mrs Walter Hurlbert spent Sunday last with Watson Downer and sister Egbert Hamid Fry of London and Miss Brunning of Alliston were recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs William Elliot Holiday Guests Mr and Mrs William Halney and Mr and Mrs Jerry Geovan and children of Toronto were holis day guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr were 40 years married on Saturday Sept 1958 Although they spent the day quietly they received from friendsga beautiful basket of red and white glad lolus fern and red asters as well as cards of congratulations Mr and Mrs Barnett have family of four sons and one daughter all of whom are mar ried Visited Brother Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer visited the farmers brother Ralph Palmer who is patient in Sunnybrouk Hospital Toronto Froni Kitchener Chris PalmerofKitchener rid Sandra Chapmen of Clinbery spent couple of days last week with their grandparents Mrand Mrs Palmer Two Days in Toronto Mr and Mrs James Tough spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this Week with friends in Toronto AttthNE Mrs Patterson Misses Aims and Eideen Aiken of Alliston attended the Exhibition on Thurs day last Anniversary Service Rcv Cooke rector of ChristsAngliean Church Totten ham will preach the anniversary sconce on Sept 16 at pm Many will be planning to be at this service as Rev Mr Cooke will soon be leaving for his new charge at Roches Point There will be special music by the Beeton choir Chicken Barbecue Keep Tuesday evening Sept 18 open for the chicken barbecue supper at Tottenharn United Church WI Meeting The Womens institute will meet Monday evening Sept 10 at 815 at Mrs Charles Morrows Coigan lilrs Reynolds of Beeton will be the speaker Birth of Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Pat Suddock of Willowdale on the birth of son Mrs Suddock is the former Mary Walsh of Toitenham From Victoria Mrs Blair of Victoria BC arrived Tuesday morning to visit her daughter Pat and family Mr and Mrs John Claridgez HOLLY Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Ivan Bates and Sharon Toronto visited Friday at his sisters Mr and Mrs Bentley and family Mr and Mrs Gordon Powley of Niagara Falls were visitors Thursday with Mrs Nelson Ronald Colium left for Sadit Ste Marie where he has been transferred to the bank From Montreal Mr and Mrs of Montreal were weekend visit ors with their daughter Mr and Mrs Brown and Connie Mr and Mrs McNabb and family of Stoney Creek were weekend visitors with her sister Mr and Mrs Rodgers Toronto Visit Mr and Mrs Weaie and Mr PERFECT GIFT roa wcnnmss ANNIVERSARIES PRESENTATIONS Donald Archer is really Iniune with the times High ï¬delity sound erpert Donald Archer says Reichcld Lovely dear fits you like glove or shall we and Mrs Anderson spent few days in Toronto recently Holiday With Parents Mrs Salter of Pennsylvania is on holiday with her parents Mr and Mrs Weaie School Reopened School reopened on Tuesday for the term with Mrs Finlayson of Barrie principal and Mrs Barnard of Thornton in charge of the primary room Both rooms are filled to capacity Mr and Mrs Downing and family visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Poole at Newton Robinson CALL TIIE EXAMINER FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS fhereshow makes moI sun antenna Sympathij Community The of the communitygoea to Mr and In Fred Ford And family In their recent bereavement Mr Fords mother died suddenly in Mealord on Tuesday From Toronto Prank Baldwinof Toronto has been renewing acquaintances in this community while on holidays Wt Visitors Recent vialtorawith Mr Palmer were Mr and Mrs Stewart Palm er and family and Mr and Mrs Gordon Strath of Flor Mrs Bob Langman Mr and Mrs Gordon Clark and Gail of Barrie Mission Band The August meeting of the mission band was held at the home of Brian and Janette Mc Gauicy Scripture lesson was read by Margaret McEaehern Joan Woods told the children very interesting story The White Pig Prayerwas given by Mrs Jack Morgan After very inter esting meeting lunch was served to the children September Bride ToBc Honored On Thursday evening miscel laneous shower was held in the Township Hall for June Culham September hridetobe The hall was suitably decorated for the occasion After short program June and Roderick MacDonald were called to the platform and pre sented with many useful and beautiful gifts June and Roderick thanked the any are you two listening people in few well chosen words All sang For They Are Jolly Good Fellows After lunch few hours of dancing was enloyed by all WMS Meeting Tho WMS met the home of Mrs Ed Buieon Friday evening In the absence of the president the vice president Mrs Mei Sage conducted the meeting The con venors for the meeting were Mrs Jack and Mrs Culham Meeting opened with prayer and hymn Glad Tidings Prayer was given by Mireldl dawnH of Ebenezer Church Sunnidalc The Glad Tidings Remarks were in the form of contest from the Glad Tiding This was very inter esting indeed very well prepared topic mq¢4wtyurvï¬vr7tr wrymï¬pwvy anus7 Mrs John Cramp and daughta Isabelle of Mealofll were Vinit ing Mrs Cramps aiator Mrs Weaver tor few day this week Sunday Vialtora Mrs Lawrence Rye of Edmon ton Alta Mr and Mrs Far Al mond and Mr and Mrs Boy Shield of Méaford visited with Mrand Mn Weaver on Sunday Attending Wedding Mrs Lack Florence Luck Mr and Mrs Lou Reilly Senior Isabelle and Sam attend from the Study Book was given by Mrs Elwood Giffcn Mrs Jack taught the group new hymn Meeting closed with prayer Sunday Preacher Rev Sinclair of Dnndalk occu pied the pulpit on Sunday while Rev Jack conducted anniversary services Mr and Mrs 1m Reilly Jud lor are enjoying three day boat trip on the lakes on To Vancouver Mr and Mrs Im Neilly Senlt ior are leaving on Monday Sept 10 on two weeks trip to Van couver Deserted Beachc Summer is over The beaches are all deserted and everyone will settle down to the old routine No Service There will be no service in our church on September 18 orSept ember Budget needhelp HPCcdobelpyoutodayvdIhpmctldafl On Sunday September ml the WMS will hold their annual thankotfering service when Miss Drununond returned mission ary who has served in lndia over 40 years Will be the speaker hearty welcome is given to all to come and hearMiss Dnlmrnond The anniversary speaker for October is the Rev Shep herd of Toronto former pastor Going Back To Toronto Miss Jean Bates is able to re turn to Toronto alterconvalcse ing at her home here 1000000 CANADIAN HOMES advho shout family money problem or aoashloanuptoslooo0nodayservloe Up to 14 months to repay Whether you need money advice or cash loan you anulwaya welcome at HFCCanatiaaX first and foremost consumer finance company ousrfloto Fluentr II MP WOI Mil 00f phone 35529 IAIRII om CullMI ummï¬hmmwflmml We Street mend floor phon 90 comuowooo om as mm sytupry TV Show gt SEAIGH F0 AllVEllllllEl Adinmpocked hoIHIour Ime lilo adventurer Io Ill onhm lamiiy enroll your new MORE ROOMS AND MORE ROOM MORE SPACE TO HANG CLOTHES MORE SPACE FOR CHILDRENS TOYS MOREKITCHEN CUPBOARD SPACE ATTIGS BASEMENTS so much valuable space going to waste convert them into playroomsworkrooms bedrooms do it in your spare time with Sylvaplyl Free folder shows how quickly the 4x Sylvaply panels cover lot of area go up with minimum of effort are easy to erect by any home owner And when your project is done youll be surprised at he curl of added valueaouhavesgivenyourljiomeir= SHELVES 82 CUPBOARDS every room can use them any amateur can make them Free plan is abc easy to follow all youneed are simple woodworking tools and Sylvaply And what pleasureto use this handsome plywood Saws easily can be ï¬nished or painted in dozens of ways Think of the uses you have for cabinets and shelving like this MODERN KITCHEN CABINETS orobrand newkitchen the Sylvaply kitchen cabinet booklet answers your kitchen storage and remodelling problems Now you can have cup boards for canned goods shelves for appliances cabinets for pots and pans room for everything Its booklet that will save you many dollars and its absolutely free Be sure to get your copy at your lumberdealers DININGLIVING ROOM BIVIDER creates two rooms where there was one creates extra storage space as well And how simple to make Basic tools and Peter Whittalls easyto follow instructions are all you need Plus of course Sylvaply from your lumber dealer He has this free plan for you Be sure to see it read itstart this unit right away WORK BENCH WITH CABINETS the doityourself ers basic need Has storage space for everything tools nails screws and bestof all is sturdy strong easy to make So well designed yquliwant to when andmake ii recreation room feature Free Sylvaply plan shows you precisely how to go about makingthia essential unit proudlypresent this rvanityio your MORE STORAGE SPACE FOR EVERYTHING SYLVA PLY plymod i225322 ssnace easvto have dealers Then do it yourself or have if done Syvaply plywood oil791 way yousave WIWII WALL To WALB VANITY just what your bedroom needs Even has foldaway makeup table is easier to make than you think vanity like this answers your wheretm storeit problem from undies to bed linens Even the drawer designso often the bugabooof doityourselfers has been simpliï¬ed see your lumber dealer for the free plan and lie LIVING ROOM ENTRY BIVIDER boon for the home without an entrance hall Gives your living room new dimen sion gives you storage space for books records glassware on one side has closet on the hall side and uses only 12 strip of floor space Be sure to see your lumber dealer for free plan this home improvement project is beauty BEDROOM STORAGE WALL solves clothing storage problems from suits to socks Designed for easy Wilding with 8Sylvapiy panels can be built to any size in any bedroom Has his and hers section costs about onethird the retail price to make Average skill with ordinary woodworking tools and the freevplan can create this unit for any family Start on it this weekend Dope for day 11m chenneL BUNK BEDsyustwhat youngsters want llale builtIn storage cabinet for toys clothes bed linens Stronghandsome will serve from the early years til way in their teens Needs no springs is assembled with ordinarybutt joint construction Actually if you can handle hammer and saw youï¬almake this longlifeka bed in your spare time FLoon cameras for dining room den evériivlierou need counter height storage space Beauty of building it With Sylvaply is the simplicity of construction and the freeplan tells precisely what to do PeterWhittail Canadas Mr DQlte yourself preparedibe plan so youkilowils easy tonakei MANY OTHER ERIE PLANO are ovoflabla at your lumbar dealers Come in and take your pick they will help mm yovr home odd valuable itorugo space you usable on your an meshes suns noon wannaoa urns nun runs CABINET nrxlatt SIDRAEE wart srcnnuitisromt wilt cuties sromrywlu Onolder 11 hs ds lt partof 211393335133Ernodaï¬oiadgsigggggfl Canadas biggest home problem SyiviplyiTpplies theperfe answer For this hands mepl isleasyiouse aravailabie the lowest and highest notes of the musical scale with start ling reahsm ThiSmodern development has meant great progressinthe recordingï¬el AS 31mymafl Mr Archer alsobeneï¬tsb nn ycon mm atriumber dealera everywhere Actually its Canadas busiest homemaking material used in thousanda of ways from root sheathing and aubflooring to cupboards and cabinets And wherever it is in uaelit adds strengthandbeauty adds long life utility find value Yes Sylvaply is the engineered miracle in wood mfor homemakers farmers contractors industry progress in another ï¬eld life insurance Policies ans omouumlr Museum r80ki luvhbérdcolerofrmooaattoeooat Mus sun rv cruise carom claim Isuum rumr mu SltlRAGE roar loumooa sromt it gumzavcvahnv hpsciaurv viewcoca Now In nddillonjo In or Sylvo plywood your III do or has burnow decor ullpan Ilny pm as Today you can obtain life insurance policies that provide not onlybasm protection but ready funds for emergencies also pohmcsfor education for safeguarding your home or protecting your business and for ensuring yourretires more ï¬e rib and more adaptable to the needs of individual SYL VAP vawocdD families insurance campanier in meeting the Mausoleum union WINNIFEG lONDDIt WINDSDI Il0l0lfl0 OllAlill rimsmrr wiuvenmllmuexniu nunwnugmm MW 9mm vnucquvzu CAtGAItY couomou moms ouEBEq