Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1956, p. 5

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gcIHJEMWMA mean not Pitorsitiv fORRENT PROPERTY soil SALE PROPERTY Fox SALE PROPERTY salt SALE PROPERTY FOR 5A1 NTED QUIBICL neuter medium nu not rume or rm 525322 51501 new CLIFF McGOEYT°JGH °°° ROGERS ATTENDANT EXPERIENCED we I70 51 71 or Im or AL Situated on subdlvlsnn or rtenee orderred out not user MGrrtogi nl xood older PuogPAniéa 1513317 Ya on men on too it Dun ét REAL ESTATE OFFICE 11 21 wintry mmstgfip CLERKTYPIST ¢3£rfin32m Eizai mom 351115 we mm mm nrlwnnxu omenurn port SE1 3Pi1emflitrnneg Am NRA RESALE 3mg 1121mm aux Applicont 1mm be Able to reside in um 1nd urvieo maul Mu manlfll condition Ind owner HAROLD HICKS nxPEluENCED more plooo re er no1 yum alumna mom PHONE PARKWAY isell 5911 mmifl In entiol service in liel nut in IDIIIDIE Phone 0110 PA 1510140 Am nouns CALL PA pom um coon BARGAIN VLA PROPERTY Dmnel NEW USED CAR SALESMAN 3m mom bun gt Medal town lxhd his lawn nu We have or sale at 11 4111123 SALESMEN MESTMAE mm roe Onlna iignvenlelrfifi tau loinefhmeoled mffimmfmmm ONHA on mania We on gar1 lnmé 131131 avg sl°$ SHANTY BAY on an unmatmnmr non Lr audio to three dulelsh gt litrm entranced men whop on EATON CO LTD 15333 QumThtzrsfigégfiFXn Auxmm nnturnixhed nu cnn Bell lnnllon Listed tum wlll no LOTS FOR SALE will 1° work 51 comb aid will be received up to no until tuned Mine lamI bull me ha 69 IW 114 DUNLOP ST Manny Sept 17 mo l1 ouoor er nut built on 11 45° 5W9 dam on Dueloral Ind codtoxin APPLY Box It Furl Examiner le noon For iurthr rtleuiurn ndults 55 Phone om room dotrhea nqum plun lull gt Help 9031 arrie Examiner Lid mm BARRIE comm the District Po er Dept plum plenty undotrees nod uni neu 1y require ny pubur mountuh olme on motor ionmines run nuller ud Pelletu so itioflo an CAR LOT PA 100 mhhhd hung on REALTOR mm mg FIVEPOINTS lion to 1ook nrr uxed urn some coomownor Imnu trnnoporixtion gm gag1305335 mu munmu We Ind on to sell exl experience would helix Por ppointnient phone CW 7aot11 M50 ganged that tag ovf ma 3m NEA BEAM BUYING OR SELLING for rum mm Pails Pipelm Pumice Includln II In nonu opp Bowling 0M1 Pn N52 hull ood lumm union to roll Aimm APPLIANCE SPECIALTY 733 Lrnf15€rn°° ooonuor°E Vuull 651 2573 23 WI allciqukk friendly Ind unds nnd Poreu no le or qum PIEnut tell conlllned goo niornniu AVeouo on unlined room oportment on he 7402101 ed Adnlu only Non molten Avon See Brown INC DC PA 5485 15102 00 MAN FOR SALE pxopsxn Pox RENT an grneommon€$empm selection of PHONE 2587929 gaffopen Enioénlhfifi Tori PA 68387 ANYTIME nice um red like locniionn our alumna ma 53 mm L01 hent wt to themmul Mnin floor 1310140 1th Ibo Iollcll lhflu Iot prompt nd DAY 03 EVENING bl PhD PA 9104 fluent Moe Homes In Barrie $1311 experience necessrry Ago no Hm Nm OUR NEW ADDRESS PHONE PA 66696 51nd Ind Gravel For solo mm mm Homes That Are HENRY 102 DUNLOP ST WEST Wm 11 sirium ror mum 12131 Priced Right on use mood noor wltn puking charles R0 ers ELRICK new no on to wml°j You Will Receive GORDON WW Pm APAPtiMBNP dowmuln llvln room om tAflenfiOn 1510 Arie modern kitchen bedroom 1111 FILL TOP SOIL room pnvnte hath reprote ml ooxement lieted Phone PA Mona We Employ No High gt AND SECRETARY GRAVEL BUSINESS Ammo one Solesmen mm mom EXCAVATiNaerRADINg TamSrfin£1iicézfinefienli cm mm 15 Owen st Phone PA ilsosa gt gramposingEmittonémfgnrgggb DENNIS MORAN he aghh dmLn Be on i133 355 om your nonnnr pronoun supine pm mm REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Limanu Ion Five day work Agplkallflnl Iner 1510240 llllel Older Hamel elczllnnl tom CLAPPEETON Sm eonndrntlol Apply liox Barrie Phone PArkway 82907 $EE ditto tom rooms fireplaces oil BROKER mm Im ALL CENTRALLY LOCATED 33LE¥Knfifi°merftrm 331 tnEehtrgitnaxwcnfige 51333 102 DUNLOP ST WEST PM Bm fi11c°io1 Icillilrtwi 2332320 PEEK who 1100 RUBBER STAMPS 955C°5rlv°5371353°71 31110 3213 HWY2 CHARLIEi READ DUPLEX well mumt widens1 PM 1H 31 P115212 °£é°£noo MW MADETOORDER gfget CK umng lcoiivenlenJI fxkh mm PmmeflL Sum their knowledge or comiruction cnn flfim 95 $510253 hfitflm Kenton $5000 DOWN PAYMENT Alan new decanted 11 um extro moneynselllng WMEDATE DCCUPWCYu menu ClichJitIl 13 tor couple iLith mm IUl Central JaeDn urre rooming honlo on nod render uni tmt Solidbrtek house 11 one child Phone tum evenlnul MET ntonhly eed silooa Down COED COSMETICS WEAYMOUTHS $313312 Wfifinnllzefiml lsmm CODRNGTON nmm in mom plul room DICK lndlw now DOWN in your town lncultY mm or ineiory WW 95 LARGE tnrnhnrd heated housekeo RM gwgffhfi 3155 my in WNW 11 111 liiz room reprote entnnre indnut Minn pHONE FA 34148 BOOK STORE ilkflnlglfmslzgwléflléyll5ng modem mock mm pm om sum nothrooln Hvlnl room kitchen dtn omd Ilr MLMIUM llnkh rec inrvuthout not nir cont mmee PHONE PA 81351 Va ccninl nunlop st in men Phm PA Modem Va mom 811$ MI reoiion room rpneldun Vin room Fur penonol interview 71111 allow noonlo omoe fifubgnggf Kirk Phone qtlgzfigg $5323 éjf$ fjwffii wttn open iiroploe Ind dlnlngrnm mplmméfmflmupifi 751 510 on OFFICE Ellwmm uptolrx Thl house L1 in Arl eondl RPM med hedmm Prim to take ehnrgo 15101 The successful nppllcont will he 1m in conscientious young mm with ca D1 5m 31511 Malrlculauon equivoiont and or Sale Conlnct Wllulm Monitrldo PA slim Bounce on llfi morn 1N ALLANDALB nicely inrnishnd an In 01 nxenmucnp l¥€°lillf°1llini$°iif housemle mm enema on Io mm REAL ESTATE ONE 01 VESPRAS BEST do mmdlm tummy lemme enlnnce Middleaxe NRA RESALE ALLANDALE Two STOREY Thu no 611 15 cultivated remindu on non mm or wnmnn remred 00nov men room homeon Burton Ave 19 colu 57 mm bulb Well bum turn Ind other Mens Lndioi or ChlltlrLlil Wonr sroltl nt c1 porion street lultv PM PA 557 51014 mgmrmggllw 1m mum In exeelient condition new urn2e PHONE PA build nu hove hydro ren mm RD 03E nine ior smnll sore or cod nixed unlined room in huement punched nrick uu nudwood Marlon at THE Mllce Two bgood dhnw windowr fggufilg ljmffréeulgugelfindd 33 13f3m°hmdhfmf°flfil gunuroohm Illlute imh lolt hmoo oi $8000 llrn illale inculfinde rt i1 111 Oct urn me cote to no In Da 10 mu po ure up vow Gsiwgnmfigk 35 mm iilfitlaat Elise so lumen 11 111P Very to imam liiiwiznrttv holds 913 2nd Ptoor5d Dunlo Welt cumher Ind st mow yells od llvlnl room LUBRICATION Enmmn bemoan cm awn 17 CLAPPERTDN STnEm EST93 $13000 $6000 DOWN ALWDALE no 51 Mm ond kitchen Garu fitEm 21111 mm MJim PA DEPARTMENT mu Emma Jewell mm pA 733 LARGE uniumlxhed roolm hexted Lnr me me home very onntnl v3 modern atimtive 31111111111 oxlt modem convmlflm EAST END BARGAIN Drill in nil clothlng that 50 gfiifi 32$ lam Illlméhwniub net delco ted uvin roomux algai contiltlnn infldo end out In Tony Arrland ercoue oern eve snno ue onenon Employee mm Mm 5flfl Avtlnhte now Apply 52 innunlt nyy5e 1t nd you will mm mom and Inn yinch New Codfingmn School tonnes Appléieiwliiclg figfiuélgGAN we will try to roll it or youhm mm COTTAGE Phone FA Phonn PA 15275 151o21oi buy it Eng everythlrlzm1abltxe Inhdnnte Balloon BWGAww mm Embatmfilromuggmwunl RJN To you wou pron to own or nu nr DANGERFIELD mm 15 if brim 122 1111 us 333 Iins 1°ng for tflrlofioéni meitené5mfc 112 13 mg no 039133 T0135 $100 053 PPY gflfifis in 1nd repnr1mm nlow LN 11 room kitchen nnd NEAlt 1m BAY mu room nnd tlon 111 1111an room dining room 01 MOTORS MM none PA omo mg 1th mm mm bedroom piece both Pull one tuttiI lun porch yera In In inl And kitchen um basement o5 Collier st PA azm supmxon moo HAHN mom and huh Weuinuton st Eon Phone PA 31m 31mi Ialuflgfgmolfiwfigngéu 33 Efifir $33111 him mu nd hmh¥d 12 $15 31 DRIVE IN THEATRE PM 715 £4573 oneume yor rppolntnient to import fin1n Nflmnhomoedl 1er 30001 Dna mornHo 5147 ly your old gm 3113 dimetion lnnirru APARTMENT rooms nd both 1° II II war ROOM in new house close to bus Ind INNISFILIWP $200000 rap mm wood floor throughout DeVLBSS CANADA sroan FURNACE PM 61 55 mum 73535311 WW 1ii°h1Pruittiii gmmmmtlli mat gm1 on area on Cle tummy HEDRDOM ceqflmfig 50111 113 1435 $331 11311 Hima nt in neutlml pine 51 WE HAVE 0mm ied on my lorro kitchen 11 3000 Conmt wunn lirelinoo MEcvslihMxlckLt cPilgteerww phone 645 film 151112 with Hudllvtlnz rguin dinint rnom HENRY max MICHIE Ezio $1301 36 on ml rooms om nr IMCOE PETROLEUM £2¥li°l °°1°l Room 110055521 15 mum on aood REALTORS maimed $10000 EnemaL DimS CcoU ing lam1e idot walerheumfl newly do WY WY gtI H500 down nymont 111 Pnnurb EDSON WICE Proprietor Punmsilsn housekee in room Cen mw by letter living on VACANT STORE PROPERTY an edge town hn three bedroom Vacancy wotms PalmthirhnEPml nvil Are You Thmkml tailMllth dwtmw PA FURNISHED Ron Wm kWWledlEX Closing nte Sept it Selling Your Home GM In room included in rioenfr to no ley st Phone PA 21 15102103 mm mm smm PHONETHIS OFFICE Efln31énlre Lfi°solfu°i if filfifify Willy fen lt or man ntire property VBSPKA VIEW Inmenls 1oil cod PA llztts PA some le mm In 500 curries 1mon ht hou or RE TE or 37 monthly on on interest in llccatinilng work No 39 Lapin lhnslflutb iifisljglomlxaes fiflmmsmfignempeiryooEdlgsflfcggg 137 Wylgn 73 if gmifif filfl ESTA down or mm EX fl Wmmnxln experience necemm hnchelornpn1ments urn ht service Is tree nd la close ato on 98 Ba field St Ph PA 85298 in 1100 to 43 on tllvohony MOBILE HOME fn°n23¥uéfilf°o¥rli°f gags1513133 ggtflmgg grimfie as your telephone FARMS FOR SALE NEWTON s71 131mm ho it iintion me on cne 1L1 onday Hg nnd enzsnlnt working conditions Sign lnlrlItoE 051155 SSCe $1 NHA HOMES Suturduyz 11 11 p111 95 ACRES gsgggm bunznlow piece bath unlit noonl upstoirs npnrtment ilohle PM on lreor SIX To CHOOSE FROM 51x mile ram Barri close to Him in on honrds toedro Apply Personnel Section Po Box 230 Ith PA H9 an no PA 171 alter pm or only on are or euli Mr PDPP PA 11550 mm Emma 154101402 uct MrnAlnnnihsterunz Pruit Co lBungnIowli APARTMENT HOUS way Ewe en banal1n wn Page 11 Down oyrnent it Phone PA 85151 lswt storey nnli 1111 nhnm cJv lam 19 4800 curries or 351 Plant New Low Down Pnyment LIGHT Hnuiekeeplng rooms lipn Split Levels AND PM axes Ind interest included 11 loo lClieuper Finnnco lute Include in Shem 00 my $1600 to $3000 DOWN OFEIICE FOR SALE 1° mm All WfiM firmsVH ED Em mm hmxs Ten miles iroln Burde 19loo with Wlnkwmh PA H4 mc ROOMS mmlshed private entrance mm mm mmem gt terms Loyollonln Ponted hum YOUNG MEN uirod innnedlntely tor and mu can mm em bum Mum PM PA PRACTICAL NURSE expelfenced BUSINESS PROPERI 3552333 ggmxm modern cunvenloneei ARE YOU LOOIGNG FOR lell rmnnont milinto ositinn Good WHO nvullnltle Phone PA 33425 2102403 Eighth plus edrnpnny eneiitn Exper rParking Ipnce will Ill1111210 DUNLOF SIREEI He 9m° mm 3150335 AN INCOME HOME nice with woihronm ruituhie lor roe or produeu on tor you Rooms Med WOMAN desires general homework t25ooo1ioit cuh Till very vnlu 00 9900 21231 not ossintlniy woter sepnrxlemmtnnne 31 19 niesdny Wednesdoy Thundléxnal unto business property 11 priced riilnt mm mum film Wm 11 do 5rat1m brick liouledpfi5g condition Wlnl IIIIK IIKHIX Ire Chapman Trailer Sales we 15112 fig JPPY 133111011 Phone In mm mumMI loeoteo 1n lull comgrchl district oiécednék i°rlrilr $5532 rmiflfrnlmm 11°uir12u¥n13ml flung 5° AVE 90 iwu FURNISHED rooms to rent DOWNTOWN BLOCK ggppgantmh Sfmdeztggu haw 10 pm gfinghemglvigmiah rivallid Mm middle will 10 ll ht tomato3100110 cmh very deiirohle iy loclled tn the south ind West Egrslonicfimtilitso 51X and um mo LOCAL 753305 ¥53°¢ MM Ph°fouosé housdkcemlig or Iotfit otter one Iocnlnn well worth the money More 599 mm Town CDIIICI 50° nmmu Apply Bolt 17 name detoils oi the mm A1 PA 19 CALL us ABOUT It PA mil mm Examiner Top en 11 $190 suo WEEKLY Nice huge oedolttine 3102 nulidtn lots Em EE fifnflEEGriam vnz runism APply us 111111131503 nronwiierZCICfinsflgfi no on unneicéiini summeun 35400 FULL PRICE AME WELD own my 55 3+1 mgrdygnnrmwntlnm gl1n1ldgé we 121 good m1ilznslnexo Plenty oi room zgxgghVfiElcaungtst unoorno produclnz homel duplex fifiogggglWRgrgfgggl cowufm Allen ex 11 on it 2350 mm gflrflgfiiiofingg My 131121011 W2 kownldwnF 13321 11 11951 £153 PA 335 zloilos ERIme Contact 11 ormap 55 5mm 531 72 mm mealto possession Contact lumen Cnnonnt PA ooiii ma week gfimfpgfiollflllggnfingith 45 11 PA 34731 15402 YOUNG WOMAN Wm mm chud showing good return New building 1° nnno nnd ncreno ren but water helm with all com 5° PM WMPA 129 E£°iiré€ofilmélfliV15 li°yil 9421 fragmentc mt gunsno uCuREAGE low down mun moggmufi SE 3211 no on re on acres or exce en Mlh noun P1 wAlmgss warned EM SM 51 between 17 p111 99402 66561 151011 103 500 price called on mum P4 1341511 01 1111 home or Atolllinen you mud em and med EXPERIENCED PAanln or Il This and Ill cleared and 111 177 rd 21 x1 51 nooms rni bed itt nny ERMS 5119 mum Gml Prggzcioa 551 P111053 115A 3527101 1wtt 00 and kiteallen SASuILs only 124 mm mm and 9mm Wnrk $12500 awn hmh on 1mm 75 gt hk and 165 on St Vlnrml PA All paperlnEl nlnine hiondinz nnd One at the best in town at this rice wny frontule Cull Al Pore PA 115m WArmizsx Wanted Unltorm supplied cook smva Prlncess Pat eood con lsmu flew 1323115 Tk 3551 infusepaging °¥o1clmofiin C511 Mr wonntniflan PA gm gull oeneiiis Apply Prysonolartlii dit1on Phone aim Letroy 710140 ROOM HOUSE bedrooms Woo In rams Thm Down hid hm DUNDO ALD ST eol Estate mmoy ONTARIO limit PI sign Beach Reflwmble Pnon Was an 5° PA 251 mm F1111 basement with 011111 gig gggrogfigehgga 13me fill5t 10101 aunmow well unnamed Wxfloo lPIECE Bed Chesterfield Suite good Beach 43m niter 15101 fiwnm mm woMAN wanted for hnusewnrk nu cundlllon Best otter Phone PA 927 mm mofi fl my5 chum mm Thu IWd buy and one tn school in Iweek an to 71172 FURNISHED room hented urn stores pain omce nllw unonl punto p353 EPA 113331 am merit selt contained central 11th ANTED law 59° BY banmmff Bard Ownemrlurerred in gt W3 gmv ROOM BUNGALOW Immflegzlgu wme 011 1o°b Joinfighmlémmmtofml fiwig cosggllllexsuegengx 31713111 up Remmnble PM PAlflmu Im on henuttiul treed lot Entllr oil PA lnkwnnh PA Hfllliahlr er 1402103 EOORIA urtnlent nil henti hea halting mo bedronml dlnlnl room or mm when no no 2151 renown will HIGHEST mm mm mcnemna bath at CENTRAL LOCATION $1500 DOWN PAYMENT nQgAufiMAN wanted modem dam In b1 Phone PA decorum mm Se phone tootled guru Thu home is priced 311500 full price ior tive room burr farm snparnte living quarters for $3319 7102 PA 84252 15102 $8 13 l° mm mm fiiefififhwfifz tlhnligeemiliedroigliu married mnn llox lo Barrie Exnme DWLEX eflulll rerun ntorlm Ind scrum Mn room kitchen utility room one lne 1111113 uPitlalir PIANO Nordheimer $50 or BEDSITTIN Roam cookln Privll or SCRAP MET Commemlxl Ire Coil Ai Rode PA BOOKKEE 1m nnted emote Ex 3e we PM PA $511113 igleestgl1ne alwarnklnkeg fiflrfié 3too€o° igueherysrfivovynu 5351111 Hm $3 ENIISPllcme 069831 figgufi 01 Eerienced preterrod not essential PA C7075 451015 BATTERIES proteins 12 homo and you will wont BAWLD ST MW bf cgt RM Colson nt PA Will ood stnrlin salary Bolt 43 Barrie PIECE walnut dll lto bun Examiner 138 onlnn enhinet tapileminfi onnis ROOM Cottage winterized oilufde Phone PA 6331 or PA 87 STURDY 25mm BRICK mm mm mm J1 Wenlio sell ipri homo nl would make on ideol roomln or RIDOU 15 yfifigssfi expediencyh F1311 19m PP PA 980 31Einonufi°°rnnofi°d3fl Wm 932ftzfl thmfléoiiwmwmfise P10 $73 Dnly $4000 lotil dorgmsliiyzlgént lotf Em an PACK EATER Co emu ll 81 101 VI mom ll IGW II Burst to Mr inok st Clair Lfifievlew Inagauan tnnk Apply 1t P113311 °° by PM mung gm comfort on low 11 kee Aero Mrv Bar 1101le phone 11rd cookstown 741111112 LARGE Rooms and hath on one HEM at 515300 TERMS elem to Barrie 011v gonna and Hum oenirn Uniurnlshed 75 NHA RESALE Homes Priced From mu WOMAN for general housework wth unusual1on2 Comblnnllon Record or month neate AvonPie Oct DO You Wanf requiremunu nous 1or lrlnovéledeeaots clouléliig HAN rag Player manorny enhlnet excellent P7410 1510mm the pun no or this three mom ROOMS p331 Month muffins S° PA okra moment rm 911 humor St West Femlo 5322 °¥uu°n1oi€1éin ANDOTHER BUILDINGS aAmmmssell rmn in Grailen Efégeiieéiipiifiréflmfififiofiiflfi Eaérméfé ofiim 133132 9mm 563 01 37294 Know 93 MP1 all mu In on en mno one on gamindsggrinnfiggfisg fisgififix uum Phone PA 93 BEDROOM lurnlshed Business men Hm D0 WWW hm figNfllggE hammigmmnnfmu If gilllccx wintme 1in wteuNhndm sunm Barrie Examiner 1101102 BICYCLEB used sis and Urry prererred2 nloekx iron downt wn hnusghznii £11211 well we cnhn tell PARTS 011 PArtltlE AND nlsiliict good 5113 Poor £3 aslngimlf llgontmgulivgg or Ems Bicycle nnd porting nods so Phone PA am 151 103 013 13L gifts wrln DOWN PAYMmlis STARTING wt cnmlder nny reuonnhlo nizor DICTAPHONE Operator for interest myuem st Phone PA mil Barrie etal Salvage NR As LOW As looo AND MONTHLY 055 Contct Normn Shelxwell or PA 11 position in our sales mice Re 71310111 UNEURNISHED 17091115 on farm 10 mm PAYMENTS cli LOWEBTKAN OFllllydufllmdlnd pninted ml will 55511532212313 51 on PhaougmPPm 1w Elm mnmmmm 2113 will awn us more on or menu on 110131nt r33c£Finin m0 cmuz mu no roe3£o¥° $2200 mm mm Looms Room BA perienoo in the building tnds gt Game FEMALE Mal gm Giay Conch Termlnl 4931 Sun has Digfuzzlgptgkiflvgfi RIDES RAGE TTERJES he to We you we PA 1152121 nrdwood Lhrouz au dum Irrlel newett Pu nnslneu omoe Ty menu All PA m1 between 17 pm 153mm FEATEERS con and win we you well med It 01 huttn ell1 loyee benefits pp in own hlnd calms 1v Consol 17 unizen on kin on no 1111 ed storm window nd ureelu lno on stntlng age marital status nnd olonde excel wor condltl 0M comiort bly in re LIVE RY ed in oohtroet prion exp to it Box 92 aminer cabinet like now 511111 Phone PA lined holne tor aentlemnn Central ml yvmu 50 mm mm 197 39157 711 nreoktust optionrl Pho waffllsphec V11 wk and ed mucx niilvalt ondAServlce mans niCYcLEs good mlidlfinnf git11 Phone Burrle Cole Inner usepent Vlllk ureh stare Prlee mo mist nt Good opportunity it wiu large uloyoie 1r11 nnuii nio c1eFUflN15HBD hedntttind room with PA 529 WW owrourhtiron nulnlonyoiCm wmIm MaeBrlda Mill in learn Group lnsunnee and boy medlum 522d bicyitIe on llnflne Illa double main urn ed gt Pails MAXPUSHKOFF 3e3°37° LA EY DOWNPAYMENTS °°5Rd° coMmNA 0N noon Fr and hull and to ironies 11201511112111 NURSES re uireo tor doom 11 door nntf Swlnu 53 mom unturnioned heItEd it AND 60mm You WANT 10 £1er AND YOUR ALL Rm ESTA Yolk County HOSPIIL ewmrkfl All rhl good condition Phone PA cnnlllned Iplrtmenlp lloilnd flan HOME 15 RIGHT WE ggiiogfiergrififl afiehcga1ggive6rfiéars oiler sno 11on gxulgzliqlceo 0cti Adult 011 12111211111le gqgvrlmn St Cm final Eh 13 13103 Iggy D1 are Lot II 70 Mb Mr Woflhrnflon allePA 19 1AGOOD BUY 101 011119 oarml driveny dam kwIvéhlhwny excellent nryrchedu1e Apply to1gtirootoro mMou WASHER deluxe you 115 etntll Wm mom PAYMENTS 11024 1d AFARTMENT It led 111111 5233 nhafifimfimmfifiw 3953 oltmtélxalli °3n5ri¥l39r Ms5135 PM 15 mm PHONE FAB5298 $55 00 $61 65 WE it Ivn wt in Pits21ml at 8230 gt ef er uylli or Gm New up 539915110 51 punk Pm lsmm BTMAH mus wanted 21m mm FM ermo ent oritton imurnce 11m FA ERVICE NS EST ce lied 11 rri APARTMENT 11 co ed A1 Smmh Pine Spruce or Bulouni FOR sum nus mm up Am 15 mm Im Mai it fgllgpmtugn and°1i€ Igdueflzfivdl flgcepbulh 1111 11 you hlvu 100 or more contct CQWM ment Plot Eleclrlc 117 Ella HM Wit1319 inflowRM CLIFFB BROWN mm HENRY ELRICK roulrov was mo 37 nornu It 11 urxhraocllggsnrgu Wml excellent mm on 11pm firn mine 11 out MALle gtBOATSV MOTORS opporttnltylor ndvnncemont in new Phillis PA 1M6 arm lingo AR gt in vfnp Orclcflclluwoli 5dy av 3m snug 01139 hour eok 141121 ll CLIFF ed eelr with as Irdunes Compioteiy pod PITLLBI lynch gt limo inlaid lutomntle con ro ny noon at XBrnd noon tor ml mmorJnhmulon Andrew phone Cuohlomi om um ffi ll1 Dunlap PEan Bun1e Pliglfinf° P11 200 DEKALB FULIABTB tor ule Pnone 51de

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