lil First step in the rebuilding lzllilllil7 III program of Coach Hap Emma ifor Barrie Flyers was the acquisition today of Gordlhomp 3son from Hamilton Tiger Cuba by trade Thompson Iisturdy defeneeman comea to Barrie in exchange for Bill Nevin Nevin Znevcr had played for Barrie Fiyers but was counted on this season Brother of BobNev in Marlboros he was with Lakeshore Flycrs in the Metro politan Junior circuit last year He is forward with promising future bill Emms figures hehas plenty of potentials up front and needs reargoards Hence the deal for Thompson Toronto native ivho came up all the way through the Mar oro chain including Wcston kes in Junior 13 Last season Marlboros who won the Memorial Cup for second Straight time were loaded 59 they loaned Thompson to Hamilton for the sgason Start Thanksgiving Day ltockcyagets under way locally on Thanksgiving Day which is Monday Oct when the Boston Bruins junior camp will start at Barrio Arena am In charge will be Harold Cotton chief scout for the Bruins and he will have between and 60 prospects on hand from various parts of the country Those selected will re main with the Flych or arm clubs such as Lakcshore and Newmarkei Hap Emms will be assisting than in appraising the talent General Manager Lynn Patrick of the Boston club is not cxpecb ed this ime since he is conval escing fr slight heart attack at present However as the Bruins will have completed their training program in BostonGur dcns byithot time Coach Milt Schmidt might be in Barrie for day or so There will be an int ersquad game on FridayI Oct 12 Popular Trainer Returns Trainer Buddy Leroux who was popular with players and fans alike instideason will Boston on Oct Barrie Flycrs training camp starts Monday Oct 15 and an exhibition game will he played arrivetst on Friday of um week Oct it On Tuesday Oct 16 the an nual intersquad benefit game for Barrie Collegiate Band is plan ned Flyors go to Toronto for the return exhibition with St Mikes and this game will be played eith er at Lakeshore Memorial Arena or Ted Reeve Arena Canadlens Open Season The big opening game of the regular 011A Junior schedule has Montreal Canadians as the opposition for Flycrs in Barrie Arena on Friday Oct 26 gala event Canadiens are playing their home games in Ottawa Audv ilorium this season They will play double interlocking sched ule with the seven OHA teams with points to count There is one new team in the Junior Pcierboro Canucks replacing Kitchener Their plays ers will be supplied by Montreal Canadiens as the official Ontario farm club The others are holdovers Tor onto Marlboros and St Michaels St Catharines Teepces Chicago Black Hawks Guelph Biltlnorcs New York Rangers Hamilton Tiger Cubs Detroit lied Wings and of course Barrie Flyers are tied up with Boston Bruins again One new coach will appear Gerry Brown replaces Mordcn Ducky Skinner at Hamilton Jack Stewart movcs over from Kitchener to leterboro Nine Veterans Start of last seasons Flyers who lost out to Marlboro in the league Edith Bowen Hare Memorial Trophy Ladles Softball malignant Wednesday night at Newmar ket Barrie Flyers eked out 10 win over Newmarket Dixons after 10 innings of hallto win back the district championship pitchers duel all the way with the Flyers Dot Miller and the Dixons Sarah Barradell hooking up in gruelling mound battle Naty run was scored the Newmarket had It We the better chan ces to break the goose egg prevA iously This was particularly true in the last of the fifth when Barb Watt walked the only free pass Miller issued and the next batter lifted lit to Parker in centre field but Dorian was caught off balance running in and Jillilt SCOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Car Bond All Classes Thornton mane Ivy 15 lr Barrie Flyers lire District made bad throw to second missing the force play thereby allowingtwo runners on How ever she saved the day on the very next play by sharing Cains line drive on the dead run to cut off Dixon rally Equally as brilliant was the play made by Hazel Wright in the 6th when with two out and here against St Michaels Cottage 11 GORD THOMPSON finals goalie Bob Senior defence man Bill Hope forwards George Ranicri toy Partridge Bob Beck ett andArnoldSmith are over age Those returning who will have to boat out host of eager new comers arc defenccmcn John Chaczewski Murray Dnvisnn Dick Cherry and Blake Bail forwards Jack Kane Gord Loveday Dan Patrick Arnold Norrcna Jim Josephson Billy Forhan and Tom my Black LOWEST DEBT Alberta had the lowest per provinces in March 1955 at $9345 They were well scattered and she deserved better fate lt was tense game all the way one in which the first false move by any player would mean the game That was exactly what happened in the top of the 10th Barb Jenkins grounded weakly to the pitcher for first out Then Ens Howeroft and Helen Foster hit back to back singles Iorna EFcEMu Siroud limit Barrielile heme tonight Strand Redmen have moved intothe finals of the South Sim coc Baseball League by virtue of their 42 win over Thornton in dians Wednesday at Strand The Rcdmen who barely made eighth and last playoff position in the lzteam loop have now staged two upsets by eliminating first dvy and then Thornton who fin ished higher in the standings Meanwhile Barrie Flyers lead the other series by beating Lisle Blue Sox here 50 Wednesday Fourth game is tonight at Lisle and fifth if necessary at Barrie falr grounds Saturday at 630 pm Finals start at Barrie or Lisle next Monday Lislegot just two hits in five innings by Gowan and Barker Barrie collected five off big Bob MacMullan two by Don Coulson singles by Ken Robertson lion Christie and JimJEdwards Four runs in the fourth and one in the fifth spelled game Neil Hurtu bisc pitched only to the first two Lisle batters walked both and then retired infavor of lrv Gro who finished Borden United Beat Barrie In District Senior Soccer game Thursday night at Queens Park Barrie suffered their fourth setback of the season at the bands of Borden United The Barrie team played one of the mostllst less games they have shown all season The club could simply do nothing right and were evid ently stillshowing the tiring eff ects of the Labor Day tournament although this in no way takes anything away from Bordens well earned and executed victory Borden played and worked like well oiled machine Baker Murray dplaye ml were Delgan Holt with their centre to Vandcm we off their games Ray Betta played with an injured right leg Frank Ladoceur returned to the lineup after sitting out two games due to injuries Borden were leading Zilwhen Bill Street scored on penalty kick against Borden for handling the ball There Was an occas ional flash of positional play on received in the previous game vxa igi hour time limit Roberre and Dlnty roman sarcasm 11m DON LORTIE newcomer to Barrie wrestling moves into action at the Arena next Tuesday nightwhen he tackles popular Frankie Hurt in two out ofthree fall bout one Lortle has reputation for slamabang wrestling and the handsome but arrogant Quebecer has run up long victory string The other feature event will be tag team match special hour time limit in whlch Frenehy Parkstackle Wild Bill savage and All Pasha the Terrible Turk Fans got real kick out of Savage TV star from Chicago who was makinghls first appearance here lestuesday when he defeated Lou Paplneau was the smoothest performance of theseason This one sdch play that Alec Parrviust missed scoring as he headed over the crossbarr Final score Bar rie Borden United Whlle Barrie got very poor game out of their system it is hoped the team will be out for Soccer Scalps when they meet Hollandia Saturday night at Queens Park Game time oclock region pity At Bradford Saturday The long delayed district sen ior softball semifinal series be tween Bradforddand Barrie Le gion is due to resume Saturdayat rpdtord Legton leads 20 ln ames but four subsequent at ntsnto conclude the third at gdford have been teither rained of darkened nu EVANGELIST HURT William Morrison Ra Toronto evangelist was injured early yes terday whenhis car went out of control on Highway 11 about five orth of Barrie and over turn Morrison was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital suffering from fractured ribs and mm COLWELI Sold Farm The Octave Dorions have sold their tobacco farms of Utopia and Colwell iothe Martin Bokeschs Senior of Langton They have moved to 14 con lnnlsfil hit Barrie The Martin Bokcschs Junior and the Aurel Dorions each had boy born within one day of each other BobbyFulford is working in to bacco in Langton while Dianne and Mary Lou Dorian are working at Andy Lakatojz We were ver Martln Bokeschs Senior 60 acre crop of tobacco getting led uikkYï¬ENJOY if sundae now VAT HAme MOTORS WHILE SELECTION lS AT ITS BEST Here are just few 01 our Goodwill Guaranteed Used Cars l953 POHIlilO COACH License ATHSG Light blue finish Ilr conditioninghelicr Immaculate condition 1953 191111111 101111 License ABM Light blue finish heaterInd new tires Spot less throughout 1953 IIHEVHOLET COACH License Ass588 Metallic grey finish air conditioning heater radio 1953 CHEVROLET COACH License A795 Metallic grey finish air conditioning heater New tires 1953 moon calico License ABS999 Beautiful tan and red Air conditioning beat er radio tiriEs like new 1953 DODGE SEOllH License 11319430 Two tone blue air conditioning heater radio sutomailc transmission i9591=191u111c COACHI License Mil455 Dark green finish air conditioning heater 1952 191111111 511111111 License 180933 Two tone blue air conditioning heater Spot less inside and out 1952 111Evn91rr saint twoon shecaughta dnveoffjhe bat of Watt that was sinking in for anextra base bit Miller pitched superb ball for the winners as she has done in many games this season She gave up only four hits over the stretch retiring the side in order in the first five innings Dean and MacDonald hit back to back singles in the 6th to break up the nohiiter One single ip the 8th and 9th to Preston and Cain were the only other bits she so linquished Barradell popular pitcher for Newmarket was equally as strong even though Barrie got seven hits Merge isvza wonderful opportunity to pick up numerous itergs of garage equipment all in Alcondition and pradtioallymew including 1951 Mercury Ton Truck cquippedelth powEr winch etc OWNER IS RETIRING FROM THE GARAGE aoerEss FORD ST glossTownjMotorsI Bldg McLean flied deep to left but the runners held This made two out with runners on first and second and the onus was placed squarely on Dorian Parker who up until this point hadnt had too much luck at bat She hit hot grounder to second which Helen Watt had difficulty in finding un til it was too late and in sailed chcroft with the winning run Let it be said that up until this point Watt had been one of Newmarkets stars sharing sev eral drives which looked like sure hits and it was rather unfortun ate that this miscue gave Barrie the margin of victory However one cant take anything away from the Flyerswho onlyhad the bare nine players for this all important one it gave the series and the championship tethem in Wghrgmcflmmaker four championships in seven years Every player gave her all Of course Dorothy Millcrwith her four hit shutout was standout and also collected one other teams hits Helen Foster was the big batter with three timely In the field you couldnt overlook the work of Hazel Wright in right nor of Dorian Parker in centre Between these two they had 10 patents Wright handling three andParker had seven For Newmarket although they lost the series they too played tremendous ball with special mentionflto Sara dell the Newmarket glrls were over to singles in five trips to the bat Barriospart and to Hap his first ladles soft ball championship Congratula tions Barrie Flyers iadles soft ballchampionscf 1956 Seek New Careers After the game and the big win theLFlyers with fans and friends gathered at Food Haven inn Bradford for little party for three yery popular members of the Barrie championahlpfteam who are leaving Barrie inset out on different careers They are Lorna and BethMcLean and Pat bowling Lorna is entering Toronto West ern Hospital in nursing career Beth is on the staff of Fort Will iam High School Pat is taking up the teaching profession in To rent orian ar er on team members presented leach with small gif nd wished them all good luck and success in their chosen professions pionsand are tremendous losers as well as winners This is the first team ylnthe ladies division that has ever been sponsored byIHap Emma and all the team members are particular ly proudand pleased to ha shakesiheshandssofsthesnewmham been able to bring back to Barrie outs and bruises gt EHEEH FEES FOB BALANCE OF SEASON $125 Week Days 5150 Sat Sun 55 after ALLANDALE GOLF COURSE Big Bay Point Road 1111111 on PRO SHOP RENTALS suréurs SNACK BAR rm Barrows Roan CON at CHOSS ROAD 20 Phone shroud62131 TOURNAMENTS mvrrco from the sell License listens Air conditioning Ecstcr good tires on 1111 111151 TIME 11171111111111 1111111111 M91911 courier uuurn 15 011mm 11 11111 12111911111 GUARANTEE 911 usrn outs 15111011111 EOAllllilTlIEONNEW c1115 Covering motor rearend steering transmission brakes MA out ALONE 15s2199en Eoc TOP FALL GRAIN YIELDS iiiest wheat yielding to BUSBELSperacraremoved666 gtLBSJITBOGEN 266 Lasrnosrnosous so LBS roc At rate of as manure peraere only 24 LBSINITBOGEN LBS PROS HOEOU Ind 32 LBS POTASSIUMwlll be unable the first year and then only under ideal mnnI conditions manure applied directly and plowed DIS where you want at least bus fall wheatper acre make nutrient deficiencies byapplying at least 200 lb fertilizer eve when using manure coo Fertilizer is The near simuzss as ThéAnaiysisXOU NEED clutchand including labor and parts There are no strings attached All mechanical running gear covered by this fabulous offer and backedby Uuniversal Auto Bond ers Limited Good anywhere inCanada nomileage restrictions 11Ew mitts 11111111E11 115111191135 We Use the Low Cost fussecaec SHEFBMMKET