Clio maimmnimum SundanSept nwiugito theuir lvyPr¢sbytomn Chan1i anni will be held on Sundny Sept luv CQGr Muirs Burton Ayenue will the speaker at 11 mm and new lama Ferguson of st Andrews Harrienraoam riu rmaymm Mimosaad along with theirmothen held picnic in Angurlark no Weanin dayAug 22 Ajood attendance enjoyed very much by Ill on on Vocation Mr andJltrs Wilmer Wiison church is will ncrv hemmed tooth next two Sundays Mld hunth beheld on Sept it lhd Edanvtlo louver uryonSepLï¬vZ Reunion boys mended theDohum reunion at Springtutcr Park on Saturday Mr and Mrs Arthur Johnston Nashville And Mr and Mrs Doug lulltClure and family Bramp tqmvllilcd lrlends hero on Sun Mrs Ward Goodlellowstteoded Vllll OYBrien ot Colllngwood vin itcd with Mn ennett on Saint School and llr and Mn Russell Mn and lime given lay res Gown loronlo influx Position lthlhhugaï¬epm not Burl IIeEmhb number 1mm here allended the ONE in Toronto last week Mr and Mn Bert law and Carol vhllethr and Mn Glenn gtklnson at Schomherg on Sun Iy Congratulations to Minuet allow an nui herandii la exams She will attending Teacherl Training College next week New Silo Mel Culham has erecteda new llloto re lace the ohe blown downby windstorai in June mm Wimnmmgnfnn Rocket needing kiion immu mtiecumrmaénmwn opehylflohutwénotuudottho liner no 1190 My parlour in meld shellian such this aunofrisw inuNLOP raisin1y weapon In until moonlitimply dilli left on Saturday or Sordenl New Yorkwhere they will spend their vacation with Mrs Wilsons par eats Mrs Cleve Patton andtomily spent law days holiday with her sisterMrs Carlson at Tol lendll TIRES ARE insuiimcs igniust accidents such as this OMSon terms select WM Y9 rrom are Idea your own repayment to ï¬t yourlneomefllkouionguumonthsto remindiemoney0rpayaoonaifyoulikc mwoitryourbanisrépaldthelcuh rmmssptaswoomoeinohe dayBoxmgI with conï¬dence from RFC Canadas only company by 7ymipcrieuee ioiisnioio nurses m1 28mopflWoiraoiiandflooiphonoIll5559 VTIREV SERVICE 29 moiLeave RQVADVSSlIMICE ra 33922 Wiener Bout Jack Hirona entertained num her at his friends to Wiener roast on Friday night Sept At Gravenhurgt Jacqueline Banting is on hon untied m9 qhmmawin Tomn day with her aunt st Gravenhurst qua Miss Lola Blackburn 61 New Liskenrd spent few days with At Fun W911 rallied Hydranstalled Miss Margaret Jcnnctt almond Mrs Switscr Sally The church service conducted Wllliiin Coughlln has recently anngusln nttondedthe funeral by the Gldcons was woll attended had the hydro installed Tch srCfllflfllE of Mrs Swnzers auht Mrs John on Sunday jinn Miss mana Miss Margaret Jcnnettlclt thls Gowan at Graciaore recently Pratt oi Barrie rendered two mm we cahnï¬nes Whom mum lovely solos Next Sundaychurch ML and Mm Grant Swan and she will be teaching or the com sea canguevmd Danny sexvim he ag the 95an 91mg son 01 Balsvlslted recently with Inflryeill no museKN nLowoirr protect younguniIut the danger or Iiiaccident elm by blowoutwlth new tircs wmi DWLOP room There is piinmr mus designed in meat everndrlvlaiicoadltlon nosr VIBITTO EX The ciew or this criuo get quick glimpse or preparations or the CanadianNational Exhibition at Toronto which opened Friday Aug 24 1The Burns plane lsfrom 423 eather Fighter Soun dron Stuhert qua andwlll take part in the international air display at the CNS In ONT anusAnni IIMWEMMMinfl OI Iliaulnar Stun round floor phoncll90 coiuuowooo our pm Id endMrs WCoughlin Beach William and Brian remained tor Switzer spent few days last wéek with AllonSloltz inAllis ton gt Atthe Opéning Mr and Mrs LE McCaguc nd Mr and Mrs James Mc ague attended the opening ccr cmonles of the ONE lastFrldny afternoon HomewlthSon Mrs Peter Switzer Senior oi Creemore who is not invery good health is spending some thg atthe hgmeAig hcr sonJEi Switzer and inmllya Cottage Holiday Mrs George McCogue and Miss Janet McCogue are on holiday this week at cottage ot Brooks Bench Meet Missionary Mrs Allan Corrigan and Mrs Marvin Hand were guests last Friday afternoon at Mrs Garry Wilsons Thornton also some of the Simcoe Presbyterial officers and neighbors We had the Ieasure oEmeeting Miss Edith larke ll missionary home on fur laugh fromhAngIola The after noon wasnsperitxliliistening to Miss Clarke tell of interesting happenings and showing articles the foreign people had made The hostess served delicious lunch Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Mel Sage and fam ily airstayuer visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs llarold Gii christ and daughter Catherine eats alter weeks holiday in the Gilchrist home Weekend at Cottage Mr and Mrs George Jatiray and sons spent the weekend at their Coileen cottage at Brocks Mrs Jniiray George Jr holiday Lucky Winner Congratulations to Allan Stoltz son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Stoltz of Allistoa formerly of this com munityywhose letter was drawn Saturday night on theGene Au try CKVRTvshowu Allan and Mrs Stoltz will haveja free day éahtheGNEendAlionwillhavr aridefon Gene Autrys horse Chaniplon Mr and Mrs RayTaylor Paul and Joaaoilitchenervisited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Marion Hand and family Sunday visitors in Switzer home wereMir and Mrs Johnston Lytle Toronto Mr and Mrs nd MrsDiivid Pinkerton and James Cooke all of Centralia ntnrio near London Mrs Pink erton and son Don of Toronto ited last Friday withsMr and last week with Mr and Mrs King Bacli Home Mrs ubert AHearnl and Ruth returned home after spending week with her sisters in Hartford Connecticut Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Jack Orrett at Toronto and Eddie Eadglcy of Oshawnwerc recent visitors at Wilsons Exhibition Mr ond Mrs William Hankln Mr and Mrs Ken Connell were Mr and Mrs Macrnllis and fam ily of Covina California and Charles NehlonotToronto From Barrie Mrs Andy Miller and Mr and Mrs Williard MacDonald all oi Barrie spent Sunday with Mr 81nd Mrs Orville Miller and iam Sunday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers and Beverley visited with Mr and Mrs Ed Devlin and family In Tornnto$undayand Donna re luraed home after havlng spent weeks holldayjn the clt MINESING Achievement Doy Thergirls ot the Garden Club and their leaders amended Saturd Quite number ot pupils of the swimming classes wantto Orillia to try their exams From Detroit Mr and Mrs James Richardson Normanï¬nd Bill ondjilss rtor achievement day at Elinvale on Mrs William Whlpps and Miss OniAiigiistéthï¬othefacilitiesof Studebaeérrrackard Were easeditiéérsoenstfh of management andthe diversification of the Cutieswright Corporation With rehevved assurancefor the future With new yfinanCialond manufacturingresomcés with the greatest lineofqar of Detroit whohavehean holi VWilliam Mew have returned home Mrs Maw went back with thcmjor short holiday The library isnow open in the evenings the first and last Thurs dayoi the month from to oclock as well as each Thursday alternoon atithe usual hours Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors Mr and Mrs Victor Johnson of Windsor with Mr andME Richard Piowright At the recto Mrs Kings mother Mrs Finarnore and her sister Mrs radhury andbaby daughter Paris0nt visited Mrs Dickey of Stayner has been visiting her daughter Mrs HarryAdams 0u Hoxpi son Louie Swinton returned from the hospital and are spend Mr aiid Mrs Swinton at Stayne Meatms Visit nd Mrs Andrew Orchard Visited relative in Meatordo Sunday daying with their mother Mrs Mrs ClaiiéPriest and ihtnnt inga short time with her parenb gt isiuuspaké nuaioentCIasanLudqroriheaig now llnecflGVSIt gébnker models