can ave no in lulu on mounav non 14 huh Iainun Clint IIbJo the un Ir use our man aoum at now and mm one III III surm coon arm on non no new in am tul ratin runn ranI ax if ii aim an of out sue tanah lay not can no It voo In an cunn Vckss PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 runny ml eo county and use News Huounu ioo Euiictln Loo mum Loo magnum om contdl uo Holland oo wan 100 News Headline no eoorts calendar rut Pandl uo Monaco and ano aocuaizaoa of mu no Natcut coo Blahulou Tu futon conen in analInn hank ainaua Show is of the Town 1000 Nan um Boom loo of am Town to mention uponn am apart lam Nona amt scam 120 mm on and weathel aaruaoav AM us mm on News Read Ilnoa and main no union clock Show III no ram In all 88 our nun Prelude mou anaauaeauu SgSSSSSn luer Nan ennui 44o Weatun mooen um and 538358 88 no one scum part no nuionu WeIthr JMNan loonooru Round on unw us annru scum no snow uuunm Review 000 now oInm of to was 000 No in Wea ru mt Panda on no JIM on For an Ma llW llln March Past lawnoav ua 00 nuuuim oo glaucoma nm WAVERIEY BridatoBe Honored Mrs Elba Brown Mrs Herman Trew Misses Zeima Drinkill Aud rey Elliott attended the shower at Mrs Clifford Browns at Wil lowdale in honor of Miss Marilyn Brown Iunua in 00 run II soon New Io4o ramur um Church idJiJ Nawa Recent Vlsltors Mrs William Archer is visiting with Mr and Mrs Wood and other friends Gail Adams of Wyevaie spent week with Mr and Mrs William Adams Mr and Mrs Alan Parks of To rontn visited with Mrs Clarke French on Thursday Mr and Mrs Don Edwards of idland spent the weekend with and Mrs Herb Hornshy Guild Piescnglon The members of Guild of St Johns Anglican Church and friends gathered at Mrs Elba Browns on Thursday evening and presented Mrs Farney with gift before leaving for Grand Rapids Michigan iJ Hoskin has purchased Mrs Farneys home Visits Husband Mrs Clarke French spenta cou ie of days with her husband at horold Holiday Visit angles French spent holidays Russell French at Wyevale Decoration Service Mr and Mrs John Miller visit with Mrs Nelson Edwards aaey on Sunday and attended the decoration service TThe annual decoration service wllLhe eid inWaverley United Church on Sunday Aug 19 at oiclocky with no service in the morning Derry Day number from here attended DerryDay celebration in Orlllia on Saturday Cooksvilie Visit Mr snd Mrs Owen French vis ited with Mr and Mrs Ed French in gt00 sville From Dundas MLBildMiS Eldon Wilson and girls of Dundas spent few days with Mr andIMrs Morris Darby and Mrs Jack Misko and family of Toronto were visitors at th Ags Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Howard Cowie of Both Binder and Bflera its High Quality and satisfactory Performance and Low cosr een Ailproved by Slin coe County Farmers and vacd this year by use of 000 bales from Coop and or Dealers in the county gt Your cooperation in use of lCoop Corhoi twine assures year to year twine savings antlhltiafaction Phone ra cosai uo amt mam no game Party to Mai Headline Nan naminm Illrllu Neua Retain ahllrhh In them rv Dane ffrnu no man On Nrl Hold unu Ind wrathrr us alone We Remember 0oo Melodicll Your arnaocnt auuoav Ilia ina hfooda In Maria 15 snort anauiini in no church cannon iuo mun count am im Ifuale an autumn no lm Bacall 100 anon Ermamu 210 out no nun Hoor no mu arson mo mount 05 Bond Concert on An man now it now Conductor 000 no Put Week in Your community Ion none Director cunn of too court Mono no mo an out Along the 100 ChItKh lint Iruudout Sunday 3411 unten in la 1100 mooon moo um um um eoort low and wanna use sun on to mono Hour on flood Hoard Jamboree woman us etn on wan una alarm News anon um Nova Ind annm moo Han and unort Izos sun on an Bertonu wuthar um own sound on New snow nonneu Review New nonun rn Tennessee amt eno Hidmorning vamuu loco nun loos unmrmaaen clinic I030 Tndlul run use on use ulna crwny eno ulr 33583 328 In stun ramme Berllu 58 Brantlord spent the weekend at Reg Drinkills Mr and Mrs Jack Bannister and Johnny of Willowdale and Mr and Mrs Gordon Brown of Toronto called on relatives and old friends last week MANSFIELD Church Services Church service was held at the following months holiday The United Church will have service next Sunday after their holiday Rev and Mrs Fornataro and family have been at Hamilton and Atwood most of the four weeks Mulmur Pioneers on Sunday afternoon Aug the Mulmur Filth Line Pioneers Association held its 20th annual Sunday service at Mulmur Cem etery Rev Burgess MA was the speaker Music was pro vided by local quartet and Harry Sawyers was chairman The bulidihg was well filled and the weather was perfect Many old friends came to renew acquaint ance and to honor loved ones laid to rest Assisting in the service was Rev Mr Giggey of Rosemont and Rev Mr Fernataro Gravenhurstgt Guest Mrs Macartney of Gravenliurst formerly of Mansfield is the guest of Mr and Mrstlarence Cook enjoying sweek visiting old friends Families on Motor Tripa Several families have been away on motor trips throughout Ontario during the past week few of them are theRutledges Sawyers Petherlcks William Bates Alvin Greera and Gordon Walkers Derry Day at Orillia Members and friends of the REF 974 went to Orillia on Slit urday to celebrate Derry Day and report very heavy traffic on the way Afew spent the re main or of the weekend in the north Vineland Visit Mrs Carl Mayer spent last week with friends near Vineland rwhileiMr Mayersiaunt visited the Meyers here Mr and Mrs Sam Flues were in Toronto last weekwith Mr and Mrs Lawrence Armstrong Tobacco Picking Mr Maesstarted picking to bacco this week Mr and Mrs Dalton Ferris Brampton spent two weeks holi day with Mansfield friends re GOOD NAVIGATORS Pacific goldenplovers nest in Alaska tndwinter in NewZea land making the trip by way of Hawaiinnd tiny islands in the Pacific FIRST PARK The Canadian Government set aside 10 square miles around the sulphur springs at Bantf Alta in 185 for canadas first national pm Presbyterian Church on Sunday not poi limiters Entertain Barrie ladies Rekistration closed yesterday for the Show County ladiea golf tournament being held at Colh innood on Wednesday Thursday and Friday Aug 23 24 and 15 Eight local golfers will he go ing to Gallium The entries are Mrs Harry Young Mrs John Ough Mrs JG Currie Mrs Smith Min Yuette Muir Mrs Joy Armstrong Mn nay Livingston and Mrs i1Boya Mra Betty Robinson captain of the ladies section at the host club will be defending her coun ty title won last year It Oriilia when she met Mrs Roy Smith of Barrie in the finals There will be three days of medal play this year opening with qualifying round Wednes day 01 Tuesday ladies from the BarrieCountry Club travelled to Big Bay Point on return invita tion of the ladics section of the home most of the prizes Mrs John Boys and Mrs Bob Hod gea ending their whole and nine holc rounds with the low not scores with two other Barrie golf ers Mrs Frank Boyce and Mrs Fred Norris coming in as runners up Big Bay Point golfer Mrs Mary Graham had third low net in the ninehola play Mrs Ray Smith had the low gross score Following the afternoons play the visitors were entertained at the cottages of their hostesses where some of the golfers enjoyed swim and at the Fuller summer residence by Mrs Phyllis Fuller and Mrs Beity Moysey president of the ladies section at the point supperlparty followed at the club house Among the golfers from Barrie who made the trip were Mrs Currie Mrs Thompson Mrs Corby Mrs HN Smith Mrs John Ough Mrs Harry Young Mrs Ernie Bell Mrs Walls Mrs Fred An derton Mrs Empke Mrs Ab Jansen and Mrs Charles Kear sey ltx Legion Dump DeViIbiss 85 To End Schedule Forfour innings Devllbiss sen ior softballers looked to be match for Legion at Queens Park on Wednesday night even more as they wentone run up in the third Butthen as if to say the nonsense had gone far enough the Legion power exploded in the fifth for six runs Even Damc Fortune was in Legion uniform as it turned out and they took the decision The first DeVilbiss run came as result of free pass to Ernie Petrimoulx when plate umv pire Bud Knapp called interfer ence on Legion catcher George Ranelri Bert Poppfollowed with his first of two singles and Pet rimoulx scored when Kettle erred at first on Scotts hingle The Legion splurge in the fifth started innocently with walk to Bernie McCann Rawn fanned for the second out andno trouble threateningf Actually the storm warnings should have been on full display Danny McDonald scored McCann with triple to leftof centre Kroeplin hit tantalizing grounder ad which George MacDonald made move as it passed the pitching box then decided to leave it for Scott at Scott hobbled it long enough to let Danny McDonald score and Kroeplin make it to first it was tough break the first of several for DeViihiss but it also showed the Legion team ready tosnatch every opportunity Possibly the play upset Mac Donald as the next three men nicked him for extra bases Bob Thurlows was triple that bound ed right over first base Kettle followedwith liner justjs far to the left for home ru At first it looked as if Popp woul haul itdo but Kettle mo enough English on it to curve it justout of reach George Ran eiri woundIup the rally with an oth placing it just right of centre tosee that no portion of the field was be lected Each team ad ed tworuns in the sixth and DeVilbiss struck for one more in the seventh They threatened again in the eighth but Legion got out of thcbolc through genuine lucky break brow to third thatwauld ored one run audset up another struck post of the boundary fence and rebounded perfectly to trap the two DeVii bios runners Devilhiss actualiy outhlt Le gion Bil with Popp and Gord Perry the only spraymen with two They had no extra basc blows Kettle wlth his homer and is single was the only Legion pliycr with more than one hit Bow LADIES TOWN LFAWE Ailinteredte ddy Bowlerspl use attendftheï¬en ill on in The General resort golf club The visitors took second who was hardly set and think lli go for the doctor dont like the look of my bushland Ill go with you hate the eight of mine MIDHURST Nurse Honored On Wednesday evening very large crowd assembled in Mid hurst Hallto honor Ruth Smith prior to her wedding on Saturday in Midhurst United Church The evening was enjoyed by dancing to Art Boyds Orchestra Prior to lunch Ruth and Peter were called forward and baskets of gifts were carried in Mrs Aubrey Miller read an address which voiced the good wishes of everyone to go with Ruth to her new home in Brandon Manitoba They both replied quite flttlngly Mrs Dingle and Doris Mason as sisted in opening the gifts Church News Rev John Veals Is on holiday There willbc no service in the United Church Aug 19 and 28 On Aug 19 our congregation is invited by Minesing Church to attend the Young Couples Club church service at1015 Rev Gray of Strcud will he the speaker We are asked to attend Anten Mills Church on Aug 23 Watch for hour of service in Anten Mills news Seeing Friends Mr and Mrs Donald Jory and Ronald called on Mldhurst friends Wheat Harvest The tarmcrs have commenced the wheat harvest Week With Mother Mrs Wilman Port Credit spent last weekwith her mother Mrs Allan Bonncy Vacation Service St Pauls Anglican Church have special vacation service on Sunday Aug 18 at ll oclock instead of their regular 930 ser vice The parents of the vaca tion school children arecordially invited to attend On Sunday Aug 28 St Pauls regular church service 930 There will be no service in the United Church FEED SEHVIEE Farmers Attention NEW ran rulers Wheat Fertilizer Phone or come in and talk over requirements Special price for cash de iivered to farm Custom Grinding Mixing noiiing Molasses Mixing Free delivery on mixed feeds Buy Where your dollar ann mm fAnne St Barrie Phone PA 84264 mum and scones ï¬STROUDH Phone Strand 52 Collect in Barrie on em ra 221 only to tannin The Misses Joan and Margaret Landon of Malton spent few days with their auntshjhe Milan Drum and Lottie Johnston and other relatives before going on to Lake Roman forrthelr holidays Mn Ted Robinson and Shirley of Stratford have returned home after spending few days with Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnston Mrs Moore ofShanty Rayir visiting her niece Miss Mym Reid William Reid of Toronto is also visiting his sister Mrs John Edward has returned home after spending three weeks in Toronto we Bake sale The United Church WA held successful bake sale and bazaar on thelawn of M11 William Scotts home on Saturday after noon The weather was ideal and the delicious home cooking was sold out at in early hour Leaving for England Mr and Mrs Ken McCrae and Miss Wanda Gracie of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Gerry Croft over the weekend Mr and Mrs Croft leave for England Aug 18 to visit Mrs Ada Croft who is ill in hospital She is slightly improved They will be away six weeks Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnston were Mr and Mrs James Johnston of Mel fortvSask Mr and Mrs Walker Heard of Jarratt and Mr and Mrs Eldon Beard of Orlliia Visitors from Detnilt Mr and Mn Phil Adamson and daughters of Detroitraro visiting her mother Mrs David Storey and Margaret Sorry to hear that Mrs Storey is not as wellas her many friends would like to see her Mr and Mrs Jordon Richard son of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cecil Richard son Home from Nova Scotia Zeb Jermey Hutchinson and Jackson have returned home after pleasant trip to Nova Scotia Mr and Mrs Roadway and their daughters moved to Allan dalc on Saturday where Mr Roadway is working They will be greatly missed in the commun ity Wekend visitors with Mr and Mrs McArthur were Mr and Mrs Lane of Oakville Mr and Mrs Slessor and Glen and Mr and MrsuHugh Hutchinson and family of Barrie At Algonquin Park John Bambury Mcrvyn Cup page and James OBrien have been spending few days at Al gonquin Park lt Attended Shower Quite humbcr from the vil lageattended the shower forMr and Mrs Gordon Bartholomew LUBRICATiON to CHANGE 70 TUNEUP WASH AND POLISH weLtzrlcx UP YOUR caa deliver it tool rooms seams 342 anvrca ELLVSERVICE sranoN HWY 11 cnown HILL on Tomlieolo In Vera Potter whose addluu iagiveuuRCACSchnoLCamp Borden was recent winner in the 16th Product Picturuoom test Mn Potter got her card from the Loblaw market on Bar tieldStreet Barrie and received for her priteta SwingAWay Can Opener Model 617 by Millie neeMarlon Roe Friday evening in Guthrie Hail Trip to us Mrs Roy Grayand herdaugh ler Barbara spent few days recently at Niagara Falls and in lhc United States Mr andMrs LorneSutton of Tomato spent few days last week with Mr and Mn Fred Davis Bruce Cuppage and Bert thster have returned home from motor trip to Algonquin Park and Que bec Last Summer Service On Sunday Aug 19 the last morning service of the Summer will be held in St Aldans Angli can Church Last Sunday Mrs Nancy Erisbin was soloist She sang My Task very sweetly Mr and Mrs Shirley Vannatto of Port Hope visited Mr and Mrs Leslie Jermey to extend their sympathy and enquire for Mrs Bruce Jermey whovis still in Toronto hospital She is slight ly improved George Anderson and hls daughter Laura of Regina Sask are visiting his mother Mrs Anderson and other relatives 60 WATT mans BULBS for 27¢ roasrrc nrsn PANS 79c PAINT normal sar 139 Limited anionic everyho SELECTEB LIST IilrSiiiIlliliSï¬irom our manycounters SAVE on household fixtures Workshopneeds and many other items coorrnns scout TAPES White Face 39¢ nenoans ELECTRIC can won Lid 1387 COMBINATION waFFLEIRoN AND SANDWICH GRILL 123 55 Goldwater Nip turgejon Bay Enthusiasm mounted in local softball circles when Goldwater handed Sturgeon Bay 124 he log on their own diamond August 14 Recently Sturgeon Bay in second plaeo ahead of Goldwater defeated jWarmlnater previously unbeaten Elsie Archerpitchcd the Goldwater win The Warmlnster Peuetane game was not played Aug 14 no Penetang cotiid uotficid full team At present market price of about $150 per bushel lb wheat should not go low er and about equals in price truck lots of gocdxweneru feed grain if some can be held off the market for awhile and there is not too heavy market rush wheat prim should hold firm Hamid weather makes for tough wheat so lets hope for good weather Coop are buyers of wheat and we would like to help you in marketing it £0701 Barrie monu 665er rams soccer 11 use Zalumnae rumour An Australian scientist 1in meteorduxt streamllhlough which the earth pence regularly may influence heavy rainfall on some dates antics reassess anneasoumnno Appointment TeL ra szin Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoids so rna mo Sumn mom minsou ticJun Toronto Out dmo mom hoahoglubataooo with tho utnuiab ability in Illaink hemorrhoidI and to relieve pain Thousands havo boo aeiiiavodwithout resort in ourgory use after case while Ll licving pain actual reductiong Isa wok Moat nmuin of allremit won thorough sufferers made astonishing statement like hove ceased to be pmhleml The secret is now healing lub ltaaee BioD discavery of alumna scion do institute Now you can get this new healing rubvtaou in suppository or ointment form called Preparation 11 Auk for vit at all drug stores Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded sun In HARDWARE WHERE THE VALUE Your 0ne Stop Store WISE ECONOMIZE swaumivo 59c noon BOX 98 98 STEP Quantity Outdoor Window lb PACKAGES Thermometers oomuno 39° cums saunas METAL LUNCH 499 ELECTRIC SANDWICH GRILL dyinthis picnic equipment PLASTIC warm 15 129 FLASHLIGHTS Complete with Batteries 65¢ COLEMAN CAMP MOVES 1895 895 AoicupiELschIc Bencomrons v487 26 198 Lennon tampons HANDSAW 2ft dunnomoi 289 ElillTliillliiI gcnulkmo nunr 179 onion room