3According to my safe driving teacher when woman learns ing an automobile mcthing she rcally learns lt sticks in her mind Not like mam lhis could have been subtle of comforting slow learner but its that sort of statement that gives lady the feeling that ahc can go out on the hway it cite the woman driver guess is the other woman Tennis player Alice Marble does It most effic Hehuy She claims that the lady autoists chief fault is she 1mm gines shes ladywhen shes not wheel and lick the business of propell tionmen apparently pick up the by helpless skill unconsciously about the age tude of sixteen and cant understand anybody aving all this difficulty all these earshe treat his stu dents as normal sensible people homer has uh gethcr unconcerned with tho cha or they create some women driv era are under the misconception that they are mysteriously privilt eged Why do women in traffic figuratively Vspeaking expect men to light their cigarettes open doors for them concede the right ofway with grand flourish when theyve left their own manner at hornekaaka Miss Marble Tralflcwlse man doesnt ace you as doll You have become one more car to cope with on our The man from the driving badly overburdened streets and school is always careful to avoid highways if you have collision the subject of the woman driver with him because youve behaved Although most of his we seem like an arrogant outvsized buuy to be women from his conversa dont expect himi to be molllfied ole me atti The drivingschool instructor aays that the hand extended up ward indicates right turn the tended outward it means left Thelonly pitson who can criti turn Miss Marble adds that the hand wagging frantically in all directions means only one thing woman driver The Station Festival people wont be the only Canadiansrat gt SAVORY SUGGESTION Backyard barbecues and out door meals are excellent ways to beat the heat Heres something that gm with supper on the lawn and summer menus just as bacon gees with eggs Thue hot bread slices generously spread with herbseasoncd buttc are such tasty way to make meals inter eating Theyre the pcrfcctae companiment forsummcr salads or casseroles at company and fam ily media Any kind of bread can be used but this menu suggestion is especially tasty when the slice of long slender crusty loaf of French bread are spread with soft butter seasoned with basil mar joram and thyme and then heat ed The slices spread with butter loaf enriched white bread allged Preheat oven to L501 very hot Cream butter Blend in basil marioram and thyme Let stand at room temperature at least half an hour Spread each side of bread aiics lightly with herb butter Put slices together to reform loaf Wrap loaf in foil Foilwrapped loaf may be stored in retrigerator if desireduntil serving tiine To serve heat foil wrapped loaf on barbecue or place in preheated oven for 15 minutes ruR CoATs mhfllnumflflimh loo oak with nanoutl weanuan Jiilflilhum$on voua Local iuaaln In BUILD ITW lI IAI amu um um no rat MAY AUGUST 17 l9 H003 TILE ALL ryrss wau m1 BATHROOM murmurs uncannooax noon SANDING rmsnns waxes ramrs SHELLAc vamsnns vrsrr our snownoom 1a MULoASrER smear FERGUSON REID noon sniwrcn Phone PA 82613 ll PAlNTS akc paint dol or go farther ou can depend upon thcnl foi the long colorful life the sturdy sistnnoo to wear and weathct hich mean true paint economy or enduring beauty and proteo iron use CIL PAINTS Choosl ram is tempting array of colon and make your home the beauty spot of the neighborhood BARBIE AGENTS DEAGLE HARDWARE 128 PENETANG sr ALLAN DALE HARDWARE 34 ESSA ROAD URRY BROS the Edinburgh Festival this year In fact there will be at least three Site Starts off by admmlflg that travellers from Barrie looking in been proved that women are an um tanghIannua mug and ctter more carefuldrivcrs but drama event in Scotland she thinks we should stop being women when were behind the Young daughter of Mr and Mrs one will be Miss Mary Ellen George Young RE who has Rudencss is so characteristic been most capable staff mem of the woman driver that even her at Radio StationCKBB and CKVRJIV before taking off for the Highlands where her heart has been for quite long time Her plans included working in radio and perhaps televisionin Britain and doing bit of travell ing Mary Ellen started in radio work here four years ago after brief stints at the Univer became too busy with her career she was active in the local Von ture Club ing her the best of luck hope long in the land of the heather The other festival visitors will who are holidaying abroad It will be interesting to hear their impressions of the Canadian play ers success at Edinburgh if they Oedipus clubattonded the ninth biennial convention of the American Coun cil of Venture Clubs in New York and Miss Myrna Synnott were delegates and Miss Marilyn Has iett was third representative Approximately two hundred clubs in Canada and the United States Were represented at the meeting which celebrated the fif teenthannivcrsary of the Ameri can Council of Venture Clubs VELKAY Maternity Dress Shop 100 Collier Barrie PA 33804 are then put back together to re form the loaf The loaf is than wrapped in aluminum foil The foflmppcd loaf may he pre pared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator if you prefer For outdoor meals the loaf can Three members of the Barrie orlty ofCanada Dry Limited of Mr and Mrs Robert MacDon ald of Parry Sound to Willis Wil fred Thompson son of Mr and Her many friends join in wish Mrs Georgi Thompson of Dal ston took place in St James that she wont decide to ay too Anglican Church It Crown Hill Rev John Riddel officiated at the ceremony and Miss Gladys heMr and Mrs Robert Clifton 5mm name my ding music and sang Perfect Love Given in marriage by her in ther the bride was wearing happen to catch Henry and ballerinalength gown of white lace made with low scalloped neckline and bracelet length sleeves Her flowers were red rosesand stcphanotis She was attended by Miss Flora this month Miss Alicc Sparrow MacDonald of Toronto who was wearing balleriuaelength gown ME AND WILLIS WILFRED THOMPSON Smilh Studio jï¬omooon Maogonacz WuplIaZi V41 sity and Lorne Greenes formerrs The marriage of Miss Elizabeth dlo training school Before she Carmichael MacDonald daughter in coral shade She carried bouquet of yellow mums Andrew Sebastian Burlack of Barrie was groomsman and the usher was Robert MacDonald Jr of Barrie At the reception in the base ment of the church the mother of the bride received the guests in navy blue ensemble wear ing pink accessories The grooms mother who assisted was in white and mauve nylon and was wear ing white accessories After wedding trip to Mon treaier and Mrs Thompson are making their home in Barrie at 72 Worslcy Street Outoftown guests at the wed ding were Mr and Mrs Graham of Markdale Mr and Mrs Miller of Parry Sound and Mr and Mrs Legacy of Brantford illiY Your Friendly IPA DrugStfo urinema DRUG STORE 56 Bayfield Next to Loblaws behcated over the barbecue or in 4501 even for l5 minutes Savory Bread Slices V4 lb butter at room tempera ture teaspoon basil teaspoon marjoram V4 teaspoon thyme your ro monnow newan 0N wear you no mean linld llutlibun SUN LIFE OF CANADA Life Plans and Annuities CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE shone 66451 ra aiooi Time is running out reach for the phone and get your order in now for next winters coal supply and be ready for winter phone no 32461 BARRIE VtSARJENT KLEENFLO CLEANSCREENED BUILDING FUEL OIL BARRIE COAL SUPPLIES dam 246i WEST5iig=ilu UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Manufactured By or Under Auth opposiiejhe mum Canada Dry noun Baffle Latest in Fashion Yours for Limited privacy and economy 36 SAYFIELD ST Lessons NWITH BR ALL cesarean lliul Pll 6642 PHONE Pli 845 cooPFIRS NEWRiiim 0R RCA VICTOR actuatorTHEantiwar THE The grace of fine contemporary styling modal zines plus thrilling performance and excel REGULAR The accent ison versatility with smart sleek styling that compliments 35790 Youll welcome the wonderfulcxtras any decorative scheme This exceptional DEEP IMAGE table model is tops in performance too We 32185 aca Vicroaj nu sounwm High style the smart look that blends vwith any roomsetting Peerless performance with all the convenient RCA features REGULAR RCHVVICTUB THE GREENWICH lTs NEW YOU Jusr SETTHE crook ruRNs ON YOUR FAVOURITE PROGRAMME AUTOMATICALLY You cantrmiss your fav uriteprogrnm nowl Sct th Combining the beauty compact mm dern designlwith the otter ways ad vaiicesThe Townsni 56 offers superb DEEP IMAGE performance in model hours beforeshowtime urns on picture andlsoun matically Canbe set to turn itself off too Jewen help yo regulate childrens vievving tirnel See the new 21inch Greenwich by RCA Victor the rlds most pendnbletol visionl if gt atip side event satinamen eet Tops Vi tylln andv