has no nd weeks with iflmlï¬u don Gifted to one am manna aroma AUGUST 11 me Married Joémitoï¬ hlincaing United Church was thing headdrusaea and carried Oranlevllle lpent lut weekwith Mr and lira Degeer smug In Comrim omiti Sunday School and church sen John limo In patient An vflieesrill if withdrawn at Eggn iï¬o Cflmogd hospiml or next two Sun la wee in while Rev Veais is away fection Sarina Sunday School on holidays Anniversary urvi Mn nd eea will be held on Sept Rev mufï¬nflgfï¬jï¬fï¬ï¬ Mr Glazier Wyevale will be the fiend in Pm sound on SUNDAY AUGUST IF 1W speaker Sunda Mrs rti an am remained II urnMIND there and will start her ourne Jimmy 31le Lona M11 is to her home at Cuber my Blown semiTale the selling Jnr the marriale of nougayaof pink and wbile cune aiiss Barhnranonelda Orchard lions daughter of Errand Mrs Andrew 11 Orchard of Kineaing to Ralph Samuel Johnston oi diarrle son of Mr and lira John Johnston of Orangeville Rev Veal officiated at 1hr ceremony Wedding music was playedhy Mrs Charles Grant of Mlnestng who also accompanied the mloist Lorry Durnford of Mineslng the singing of Wedding Prayer be fore the ceremony and Walk Hand in Handrdurlng the signing of the register Given in 1narriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of mnch laceIashinned on princessellbes with short sleeved bodice and bouffant skirt She wore matching mittens and headdress decorated with pearls and sequins held her long veil she carried cascade of red roses and fern with tiny rosebuds on the streamers ller attendants were Miss Dore olhy Downey of ltlinesing maid of honor and ltirs William Lord and liissShiriey Culhnm of Min csing bridesmaids Their gowns of foille taffeta werelo shades of pink yellow and blue and were made on princesse lines with Clayton Johnston of Orange ville was groomsman forbistro tber and the ushers were Donald Orchard of vMinesing brother of the hride and Herbert Justin of Barrie At the reception in the Sunday School room of the church the mother of the bride received the guests in rose chantiily lace wearing white accessories The grooms mother who assisted was in pink nylon net and was wear ingwhlte accessories The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Algonquin Turk North Bay and uthernorthern points the bride travelling in dress of powder blue nylon taf feta She wore white occcssorles and corsage of pink sweetheart roses Mr and Mrs Johnston will be making their home in Barrie 9utoftown guests at the wed ding were from0wen Sound To ironto Port Dover Meaford and orangeville wardrobe Wonder snuare iiecklines short sieves and bouifnnt skirts They were met Phelpslon Womah Oldest Member Of Higgs Family The ninth annual reunion of the lliggs family was held at Springwater Park Midburst Forty members were present for the picnic lunch The oldest member attending was Mrs Violet Cumming ot Phelpston The youngest was Bradley Jones son of Mr and lilrs Jones of Toronto llela tives from iiilllardton Toronto Stroud Kleinhurg Wyevale Elm vaie and Phelpston attended the reunion Otiicers elected forriext year are as follows Honorary president Joseph Riggs Barrie ipresident Hazel Dcline Hilliardton lat vicepr ident Marion Jones Toron secretarytreasure El Phelpstflu The 1957 reunion wdl be held on the Sunday nearest the lath of July AUGUST FUR SALE Drastic Reduction name an soon PROBLEMS to Barrfau Local Rxoloflvl Minter who makea and nits 1an only was Lemon ro cnooss room 4722 Sizes 24 Graceful sundress in longtorso effect citygoingfnshion when you button on the clever collar ettei Youll be welldressed for any occasion with smart comi bination like thisi As easy to sew as it is flattering to wean imammnmaemusnionxsrori Bible vacation Schools Being Held Next Week The Christian Business Mens committee of Barrie has announe ed that daily Blhle vocation schools will be held throughout the town nextweek from Aug 20 1o Au 24 Very successful last ye it is hoped that the school will be an annual event in the week following the close of playground activities The areas designated are Shear Park at 830 am Queens Park at pm nnd Oakley Parkrat pm Children of all ages are in vited to enjoy bright songs inter Iestini stories games and Yprizes Mr and Mrs Robert Portwa better known as Uncle Bob and Aunty Vi will be in charge and have planned gay time for all who attend The 03350 consid to have these capable leaders who have made special study of chil drens work They have had very busy summerhholding schools in Qwen Sound Niagara Ealis ISiirnia and othertownsand citie era the townespecially privileged Anal Studio YOUNG Woqué DRESS oF rnn EARLY eos Newf the time to start ï¬llies up those empty pam on your tally shelves for the late summer fruits are now flooding the marketdelicious golden peaches rich colored plums early apples andeltlll to cometh luccir lent purple grapes Here is delicious recipe Jam to charm and encouragl even the mint iaded appetite Peach Jun Yield ahont 11 medium gluon cups prepared fruit cup lemon juice Lups sugar bottle liquid fruit pectin into the bodice with black piping which addedtothe style one skirt is edged with the knife pleating lopped with hand or the black plped velvet om details on skirt in shining and velvet are rather difficult to describe The whole presents garment of good style in propor tion and artistlc arrangement The maker oltiie dress display ed orlglnality and Hull and love forthe beautiful in the making of garments gt holidaying at Rm laws Mr and Mrs Harry Gillan visi ted trlendaat Newton Robinson on Sunday Kr and Mn Clifford Graham Firrt prepare the trult Peel and pit about quarts fully ripe peaches Grind or chop very fine Measure cups info very large saucepan Add 11 cup lemon juice Then make thejam Add sugar tnfruit inpucepan and mix well Placenover high heat bring to fullrolllng boil and boil bard minute stirring constantly Re move Irorn heat and licence stir in liquid fruit pectin Skim oft foam with metal epoo Then stir and skim by turns for minutes to cool slightly to prevent iloat lng Irult Ladle quickly into glasses Cover Jam at once with it lnchhot paraffin MARY ROSS TEA CUP READER CARDS PALMS BAY ST GRILL lakefront It Corner of Bay soloknew fieaeb 33 Sch of Sale Driviilii Dilatationoi can Bate Competent Licensed Instructorio 371 Miss Cassie Robertsplata of thford now of Orillia RR has given to the museum adress worn by her mother Mlss Sarah Ann Neilly before her marriage to Luther Robert oi Coulaons Hill The dress material is beige twilled lustre trimmed with knifc pleating shlrrlns hand done piping and bandsof black velvet of varying widtha The pattern the princess but toned in theback is reinforced by velvet on each side shirred front on the bodice from shoulder to below the waistline has black velvet piped border gt The aleevea are long and lined with wlde velvet cuffs plpediwlth beige and beige knife pleating to finish The sleevcswere fitted llama Hardware 4o nailnan sr animus rnonnrh 843664 is INTERIOR FINISHES DECOITOI APPROVED COLORS inuniefnuiidng Supplies rumor 81 WEST on HWY 400 PIIsPA 359m Pattern 4722 Misses Sizes 12 14 16 1820 Size 18 dress takes yards 35inch fabric collarette takes 7s yard PUBLIC scHooL Alllext Books are supplied by fine Schools ArtBooks Erasers Exercise Books Pas New Algebra For Big SCHOOL1 supplies PLEASE xiisiliiniiasf its linemen Abrahiimh Lincoln Grass of Parnassus Learning Toiwrite Worldï¬istory For 0013 Modern PhySlasFor SecondaryBchools reassuramononcn Corner of Clogferton and this week Mrs Dolby returned to her home at DeahlarI Ohio last unmsneécnum nonunion seams Inthe no IlleJli lining wmflm weather pennitttng 730 Slilllllll REV Sponsored by the UNION SERVICES CENTRAL 0012mm sr CONGREGATIONS REV LEWIS MA 30 Minister in Charge WARREN LMaeLEAN Organist SUNDAY AUGUST 19 1950 Morning Service ll mm gt in CENTRAL UNITED onnncn EVERYONE WELCOME rmST BAPTIST cnunca and ST ANDREWS UNION seswces SUNDAY AUGUST 19 1055 11 am REVJOHN SLIMON pm EVENING SERVICE Each Sunday During August 5ERVICBS IN FIRSTVBAPTIST CHURCH Worsley treets Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist cons ro CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH Anglican 24 Collier St TRINITY XII AUGUST 19 300 mintHOLY COMMUNION 930 ampHoly Communion Sermon was at Sr Ill 3mm ii Anglican Presbyterian Ind unites Churches clAllandalem sAiNrcedaGes Anglican Church Allandala nectar Rev NewtonSui BA Organist Mrs SHAW Aron Cbolrleeder Mrs sinetii IainMORNING mum Preacher REV 510N110 nvanvonn Wm one Emil tssA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MINISTER REV MUIR MRnFRANK ouranR Organist SUNDAY AUGUST 191958 HURNING SERVICE UNIX 945 mincauch sonoor ll InnNursery at Kinderan 11 nrnfBASIC comenous 730 pomOutdoor Comm Service 10°F Home Groun UNION SERVICES WITH BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH EVERYONE WELCOME FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200Bayfleld St any BRIGHT SUNDAY AUGUST 1911953 limoSunday school 1100 730 Preichinl Prayer Meeting every wed oclock Gatewny To Latin BooleIII CoursMoyen Part 1955 ed DArtagan Good Health This pattern easy to use sim ple to saw is tested for fit Has complete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE anrs 35c in coins stamps cannot be acceptedfor this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Seï¬d order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Dept 80 Front St West Toronto Ont TRY AN momma wmvan Evnitimoov moon Broadcast CANON HANDLEY PERKINS 700 pmEVENSONG SERMON Fourthxear Graciela MR BILL COLES Blackies Handy Dictionary Un The Greenwood Tree 11 mm noun53 manna MaoBeth Grass01 Parnassus TRINITYu 230 MILSUNDAY SCHOOL LearnihgTo Write EASTANGLICAN MISSION 639 thPEN AIR Cook Street pmEvangellstlc meeting World History Pa Modern Geometry For High Schools 930 ammsnmgl sniqu THE REV ALLAN READ Chemistry For Secondary Schools ciiitiiiirriiiiomiiirciiuncn Ga ay To Latin Book IV of TheflGbrlsttan and Missionary Alliance CORNER EERCZY kpUNLOP STREET EAST llev Poul ilnlenime Pastor REGULAR SERVICE sting and Scrap Books are available atttlnls store1 1109 llnvMfllthlsi Sermon BABKIE TORONTO 25 DUMLOP ST Be he semuauun Storage meaning REASONABLE PRICED BATIEFAKYIION GUARANTEED The Salvation Army Citadel do Collier street Ideut Gordon Halvorsen BARRIE DISTRICTCOLLEGIATE INSTITU First Year Grade IX Blackies Handy Dictionary Lorna Doone Twelfth Night Poems chiefly Narratlv Classical Mythology in Song and story Part II Using Our Language The New Britain and Ihe Empire Africa Australia and New Ze land Great Britain and Ireland General Shopwork for boys only Good Health Large Loose Dividers com SUNDAY AUGUST 19 1958 warmVWelcome awaits The Salv tin Clearance Sale 115 VSenlorGelography for Secondary Schools ArtPad And Portfolio 25 Mathematical Sets 35 Fifth Year Grade XIII VBlaekles Handy Dictionary Second Year Grade IX The Mayor ofcasterbrldge Blackles Handy Dictiona Tale Two Cities She ï¬lms mm3 Iliiongerj Poems AWNING PRICES DRASTICALILY IREDIJCED This Summers unreasonable lPoems Chiefly Narrative ABook of Better Stories Thé Merchantoiyenice gt Shorter Poems Prose Senior Students Handbook or English Comp sltlon Please Note Change of Itme lgortla America ondjThe Modern Worl Algebra Senior Course New Analytic Geometry Plane Trigonometry and Statics Senibr Chemistry for Secondary Schoo Latin Composition Latin Poetry Select Latin Prose Selections Cours Moyen rmn LaPetite Puole DEau Mathematical frabies Living English Building The Intermediate Mathematics Book IV Geography for Today North and Sonth Amenice Good Health nvmro wnooonm EMMANUEL BAPTIST FORMERLY COLLIER ST BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP or EVANGEHCAL BAPTISTS REV timer MILLlldEYER Aaron Mill WEEK SERVE Mill 8pm weather has left us below our sales quota To clear inventory we are forced to sailKooLVENTS exclusively designed Aluminum Awnings AT THE LOWEST PRICES nvnn OFFERED Third Year Grade XI Blncktes Handy Dictionary Maria Chapdelhine Henrylv Part an sworn usrsmosr 11 aimmama PREACEING council