12 mam Wmmna 1254 you gamiiézi unites weddingofwlde interest tookrplace in St Pauls United Church at mind on Saturday August 4th 1958 when Miss Jane Ann Woodrowdaughter of Mrjtmd Mrs Alex Wood row of onnu was married to Cecil AnonFarr son of Mr and Mrs Bang of Hawkgatone Rev Davies officiated at the ceremonygn Given in marriagegby her father the bride was weering strapless gown of white nylon tulle over slipper satin made with red lngote of cbantillyJace The bod ice was complimented by high square neckline appquued with lace roses and seed pearls The longsleevcd rcdingote revealed theblllowing skirt of nylon tulle with its delicate appliques of lace ller shouldorlength veil of tulle appliqued with lace rosebuda was caught to pillbox of cbantilly lace bver slipper satin andishe was carrying cascade of white poms and gladiolus tips With pink roses Ber attendants were her cousin Miss Frances Woodrow as maid of honor and Miss Doreen Hawke bridesmaid and MissLinda Ann Brother cousin of the bride as innlor bridcsmaid Their identical gowns of whitedotted pink French nylon ovor rose taffeta were made with sleeveless hodiccs and wide coliars gathered at the shouldeis and they were wearing matching icture hats and mittens Their lowers were cascades of white gladiolus tips poms roses and pink sweet peas GordonWoodrow cousin of the groom was groomsman and the ushers were George Locke and Paul Woodrow brother of the bride At the reception at the Stephen Leacock Hotel the mother of the bride received the guests in blue lace wearing pink accessories and BrideElect THE ENGAGEMENT is an nounced of Miss Marilyn Beatrice Armstrong daughter of Mr and Mrs Francis Armstrong of Barrie to James Allan Bauldry son of Mr and Mrs Henry Bauldry of Barrie The marriage will take place on Monday Sep tember 1956 at twothirty clock in the afternoon in Collier Street United Church group were in charge of the wor lesson Philippians verses to of reading by Mrs Todd and corsage of pinlr roses Tho grooms mother who assisted was 11 me beige lace over printed taffeta 1nd waswearing brown accessor ies and corsagc of white rosu The bride and groom left on wedding trip south the bride wearing sheath dress of pink crystal charm with an allover lace imprint under navy pigtail inen duster coat Hcr accessor ics were white and she was wcar ing corsagc of pink sweetheart roses on their return Mr and Mrs Ban wili be making their home in 0rillia Ontoltown guests at thc wcd ling were from Darval Quebec Barrie Timmins Toronto Edgar Ind Hawkcston Mrs Norman King is Hostess To Churchill Groups The Womens Missionary Soci ety of Churchill United Church held its monthly meeting at thc home of Mrs Norman King with the president Mrs SinclairI in the chair Mercy was the word used by 18 members In re sponsc to roll call Special prayer for Miss Edith Clark was led by Mrs McCluskic The president announced the Sunday morning scrvicc under the auspices ofthc WMS with Fred Cook Bradford as spcakcr The society decided to accept the responsibility of catering for the Presbytery luncheon to be held in the church in the fall Dventyllour friendship calls had been made and two hospital calls were reported Thrcc books had been read The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs Sturgeon Mrs Baldwin read paper on temperance Mrs Gordon Todd and her ship program The scripture 13 was read by Mrs Kell with prayer by Mrs Todd Your Own Cross Is Best was the title geadl by Mrs special pleasure was duet by Misses Sylvia and Edith Keil of Gilford The fourth and cdncluding chapter ofthe study book Com ing Our Way was reviewed by Mrs Arthur Watson The theme was the local immigrant and the Church Churchill United Womans As sociation also held its meeting at the home of Mrs King The president Mrs Ronald Allan pre sided The meeting opened with ilULFH°5ï¬$c RCArgaanastmarAnd Brider Return Soon From European Tour mm Royal Canadian Air Force headquarter 111 Meta France comemews nl Sergeant John Pogue of Barrie andhla bride the former Jean Samscl daughter of Mrs Eioil Samsei RR Barrie Married this spring just before John flew to Europe with the RCAFaTralning Command Band they are visiting her relatives in MISS LORNA JUNE SMART whose engagemcnt to Richard Harris Steele only son of ii and Mrs ll Steele of Barri been announced by her parents Mr and Mrs ll Smart of Braeebridge The marriage will take place in Bracebridge Bap tist Church onMonday August 27 1956 Centre Véspra Wl Members Enioy Visit To Museum Centre Vcspra Womcns Insti uto members made visit to the museum feature of their August meeting The regular meeting followed on the lawn at the home of Mrs II Smith Guun St The members answered roll call with an item of interest seen at the museum Mrs Orvillo Dohson presided at the business meeting which was followed by pleasant social half hour Thc Septcmbcr meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Orville Dobson The program theme is Agriculture and Canadian lndus tries It is hoped that there will burn speaker King of Heaven and prayer by the president The lesson thoughts The Loving Kindness of The Lord was read by Mrs Gordon Moir The president thanked the pro gram committee for its success lul birthday tea in the question of repairing or replacing the church doors the matter was considered from var ious angles and it was agreed that the president and her committee should get all necessary advice and information from professional sources andgtact with the Board of Steivards litpreparat for the piling and sale committees were =set up to handle the bake table the an ron table and the tea tables The date is to be set at the Septem ber meeting The meeting concluded with the Hebrew benediction As usual the two societies join ed for refreshments served by Mrs King and the July hostesses CANADIAN HEADQUARTERS Canada House on Londons Tragt falgar Square was opened by King George in 1925 with keys made from Northern Ontario gold slllt Cowper 5le Hymn l7 Praise My SoulTlIe ver and nickel Celebrating our 109 jerm of Banking Service FOR YOU annoy of our branches Theres specially printed memento of our 100 years of banking service waiting for at ibeTorontozDominion Bank So drop in con and pick up your free copy know yolillï¬nd it interesting and will want to havea personal copyas permanent souvenir The first from foijoronlo to Montreal Read about this memora le ï¬rs and other authentic Incidents in Selections from CanadiaizXesterdays daring visit to the House of Commons gt who rode across the Rockies on the cowoatcher of train those of the interesting and inform Read about fu about the Prime Ministers wife ve Louis Riels som ativa stories in the gift book we ha for You at your local branchprhc Taro toDominion Bank whom Glasgow Scotland this month before returning to Canada Engaged for some time the couple were planning to marry later this summerafter John clarinctist with the band return ed from his overseas tour Things happened differently and quickly Mrs Pogue had bcen attending Toronto Teachers College Be ause she passed her course with ut having to write supplemen tary examinations she finished school on May 18 Since John wasnt due to leave for Eur on until the end of the month ey decided to marry before he went After hectic rush but withiali the traditional trimmings they were married in Burton Avenue United Church on lilav 25 Part of The Plan included Jeans sailing to England and meeting her new husband in Lon don after he flew over with the hand To make connections she had to sall from Montreal aboard the Empress of France on the day following their wedding As prearranged Sgt and Mrs Pague met ih London and few days later when the band flew over to the contincnt air force officials lot Jean accompany her husbandand 54 other bandamcn Although Jean attended some of the concerts sho didnt want to become bandstand wife and would often go shopping br sight seeIng on her own One afternoon in Paris when the band had an engagement Mrs Pogue decided to visit thcfamous Tuileries Gardens near their ho tel She was sunning herself on park bench when French girl about her own age joined her it seemed the Mademoiselle was language student concentrating on English and Spanish When she found that Jean Was Canadian and teacher into the bargain he began tryIng out her Englis hfsk ing Mrs Pogue to correct er This resulted in fourvhour eslt son in Englishgrammar and he French girl considered Jean such good teacher she wanted to turnffgr anotho lesson llnfo ately the band moved on before another lesson could be arranged Midway through the bands tour the musiciana had few days leave when Jean and John rented car and toured part of Germany around the ECAFa No Fighter Wing at BadenSocllingen which was to be the next stop on the itinerary Naturally the Pogues look perpetual teasing from the bands men but at concertln Luxemv bourg the young couple were in troduced to an audiencc of sev eral thousand people as the bride and groom Jcan explained it had achieddown XviII letter we when betvccn numbers girl appeared onstage and pre sented beautiful bouquet of flowers to Flight Lieutenant Clif lord Hunt the bandrnaster He called John from his place and asked an to come up on the stage telling the audience that we were on our honeymoon They clapped and cheered as be passed the how quet to me Mrs Pogue also got taste of air force life for on at least one unit where the band was billeted she was given permission to stay In the airwomena quarters You know she laughed it werent married 11 really like thia life The way the airwomen helpedeach other and their can araderie greatly impressed the Barrie bride She was also more than grateful forthe opportunity to catch up on washing and iron ing an impossibility while staying in hotels John and Joan will Canada on tho return to Empressol Bri tain in time for Sgt Fugue to rejoin the Training Command Band at Downsvicw The young bandsman is the son of Mr and Mrs Pogue Sunnldale ltoad TEA Stewardess is MISS CANADA Chaperon Misc Gemga Trimming Air Linea stewardess was celech ofï¬cial chaperon tnrtiaa Cabada Montreals Dorothea MomauM George Avebornn of nearly 200 transAtlantic crossings accompanied the pretty redheaded beauty queen to England where Mia samethroam Organization illorcau was given ALL snacklnusr GO SEE TllElAMAZINGLQW LOW PRICES AT ritualrloilr llress 1310 LONE7 Mono Facuoncsscs worms nnrns senders ORIGINALLY 2995 ANDrllP nil9° Now more as LOWAS CATALINA SWIM SUITS SIZES 32 10 44 Pomona UP 10 1555 Now rauousnniiinuiiuiisi at AND 60 GAUGE NOW SELLING AT 98 PE lNGERIE FOR can own onmsarmo yoonsnnr PllllE HoosccoATs siiiiIGmanur 1995 e935 woon Momma CLArrEaTON sr Arnw sirars room ITAMBLYNS mm HARDWARE anogarrLIANcss wILL INSTALL THIS 1956 KELVINATOVR HEAvY nunr ELECTRIC RANGE31 FIJI104o Down 25911 week REGULAR 24995 HOLIDAY SPECIAL ModolERGZB only Big allowance for any kind of tradeIn stove We will wlroyonr house at cost and put it on the same contract No cash needed wIIYrIIYéIII WEEK ratios 1956 ELECilllt arralusaaronpr run so nuns Ypur ice box is full down payment REGULAR 23195 HOLIDAY SPECIAL ModelSlABZonlv YearlGuarnnte Now isrnnrnnn ron EBARGAINJIELEV ALLANDALE nAanwAREs dotï¬moneyback performance guar ntee he completely satisfied IL IIIII HAIIDWARE ANb APPLIAN¢ES lairssanoanj you must