1113 EXAMINER WEDNEAY AUG 15 1955 Town Manager Can Save Barrie Council have been giving some consideration to tneappointmentof Tom Manager iiiom local taxpayers we have heard little comment on the subject oer tainlyno letleu have come in for publica tion But there are some people herenwe understand who oppose the idea noting our already high tax rate and they consider on additional salary to be unnecessary at this time Down in Prince Edward island the iown of Summerside hasbeen considering the same thing Bupporting the plan The JournalPioneer states While there may be criticisms to the Council Manager plan in principle we do not know ofany valid objections to it as practical procedure If he is competent he can save the amount of his salary many times over provided the councillors leave him alone We presume that in reaching their decl slon the members of Council have given careful thought to this latter point Several years ago New Brunswick town appointed manager and he remained only few months because of constant interference from some of the councillors If our coun cillors have not carefully thought this point over they should do so before considering another appointment There must be no petty interference from the councillors if town manager is to be effective For instance if department heads take their criticisms of his decisions to committee chairmen and these chairmen interfere then the manager becomes unable eifectiveiy to carry out his duties Or if he discharges someone who is airiend of one the councillors and that councillor inter feres he is not giving the manager chance to do his lob It should be definitely under stood thatonce man is flppolnted and takes over the yob the personal considera tions that often interfere with the proper functlonlng of departments must cease This is one of the great values of the CouncilManager plan an increase in efficiency License Plegs rewlï¬oaimgn MM ix The federal government plans to put into effect licensing symmj for operators of small boats Because of the tremendous increase in pleasure boating slncethe war Ottawa has been underpressure from many organiza tions to provide control on heating similar to that which has controlled the motoring public for many years Now action is going to be taken so that every Canadian powerboat operator will have to carry drivers license and al most certainly paSS test to get it This decision to control boat operators was not unexpected At the 1955 annual conference of the Canadian Power Squad tons an educational body whichhas as its aim the teaching of rules for safety on the water nmendment of the canada Shipping Act along this line was forecast by Capt Johnson assistant chief of nautical servicesx The main targetof the newkegulations he made clear is the host of outboardAboata that have crowded onto the waterwaysin recent years Now there is nothing wrong with out boards properly used There likely lshothv mg else that has odd as much tothe pleasure Canadians gist from the outdoors But ah outboard motor in the wrong hands becomes thalweapon Foundation adyanced this argument precautions iorlo years Notion thing the same system of control over boatmen is going to be applied acrosscon lhe thoughtful boatman bas nothing to worry about But the person whohas no regard for the safety of himself or othérs will be brought under control of the RCMP The result is bound to be greater security for the public generally Editorial Notes As each day of August passes inconspic uoust by possibulty of fall election he comes more remote Muskoka magistrate recentiyr stated that the federal departmentof justice has given ruling that the0ntario Provincidl Police or even privateciticen may lay court charge against anyone alleged to have violated the Minor Waters Navigation Regulations mode under the Canada Ship ping Act Previously it had been thought that only the RCMP could lay sucha charge contemporary points out that govern ment spending is no less inflationary than spending by any sector of the economy Every weekend there is mass exodus from Toronto and it would appear from the traffic on Highway 400 that most motorists head northward The North Bay Nugget says the need for extension of the four lane highway north from Crown Hill is glar ineg apparent But apparently the de partment is considering another highway through Slmcoe County to Muskoka rather than widen No ll OPINION or OiHERS About Diesel Trains Str Thomas TimesJournal The general view shared byibe ibousands of people residing along or nesrrsllwsys tracks in St Thomas and at various ointamn divisions between the two borders was It the introduction of diesel motive power would materially lessen noise dirt and vibration As time has passed and more and more diesel engines have been put into servi99 with the steam engine gradually dying out opinions have bad to be revised There may not be the soot and clnderslrom the dieseisbut there are oil iulliesauda sort of precipitation thnt seeps thrnugb closed windows evensstommw nibmmkWJiamby farvmore vibration outmodedcumin carried under All units nearthe ground The at seis also traveifuster andhaul longer trains which as they gain momentum more quickly than the old steam iocos create more noise and rattle for all their worth Noiseless engines and equipment that they haul are possibly years away Purchasing Power Woodstock sentinelReview The man who received salary of $5000 year 15 years ago today has to make twice as mucli to enioythe comforts of life be once had Harvey Perry director of tbe CanadianTax during panel discussion at the joint convention oi the General Accountsnts Association of On and the Certlv iied General Accountants Association of Ontario in Toronto the other day Mr Perry said that mauearuing $5000 be forethe Second World War mustgross $10480 to have the same purchasing power sitar taxes that heiurmerlyhad at the lower salary If man earned $0000 in 1930 it would be necessary for him to make $23430 today to live in tbe same condition and enjoy all the luxurie The $1000 of 1830 has purchasing power today of only $543he said Where exemptions before the war meant that 500000 out of labor force of 4500000 paid in when uuun WendyMesh Whï¬wusomzumnmammw Collegiate Again Proves Hit Gravenvhurisi Barge Gnvenbum thinner Barrie has the band and Gnv enbuflt has the facilities lb gether they make an Burma ical attraciion for summer evening That war the reaction of some union with Greece iaan old atoryanll its recent revival has received additional strength as result of immm who heard the internationally mooted Barrie Collesiaie Band on this weekr Marie on the Barge concert at the Gull Lake waterfront We have done lot of work over the years in developibl our band conducig commented after the program With these conccriajou people are doing something cqulilyns important it is really marvel our where his band performs EICh rear lir Pubs Chase prozrwi comprised largely of melodious selections familiar to the public rare No rtrangerto the Barge Tbla proved dcc tied adnn becauseit blended well with vacation atmosphere The 10 lots for the most partrslain the same policy bigbliflm numbers from popular Sta shows Trumpeter Eldon Lehman of Toronto lived up to his reputatiop as one of Canadas most promif Ingineirumcaiallttl Equally be accomplished were vocaiistslei lie Gillespie and Lillian Petrie The Barrie band was in fine form and made this one of the allvroungV bcrt Barge pro m5 Mayor anda Miller inlr Nil Mr Fisher and his band change in the policy oltbo Communist forty which lbandaned in demand ¢or self mt and Mn to support union with Greece instead Tbisliuulon laten elt in the question did not case matterI and in reply to parliamentary question on January 21 150 the British colonial Office muslin no cbanloin the sovereignty of It and Ill contempla Eitaminer leaiure Article By LEWIS MILLIGAN What do the people of Cyprus expect to gain by awlthdrnwal of the British from that island and their union with Greece That is question to which have yet to find sensible an gt swer After studying the long history of Cyprus and particular ly the recent history and present political social and economic con ditlons of Greece it seems to me that the Greek Cypriots bave everything to lose by what they call independence and union in the first place Greece itself has no real independence or na tional unity 1925 THE PROBLEM OF CYPRUS 71914 thatcyprus was formally annexed by Britain and it did not become crown colony till Thepresent agitation for id InAApril of tiresome year Tun key subslined memorandum to United atlons demanding that if lirltain abandoned Cyp rut it should be returned to Tur keyjibe Greek Cyprioisibem selves may wellask what they would have to gain if Britain abandoned them to the fibrer and an eventualoccupatinn by Communist Russia Youll ilnd lhethinu you becdi for cflmnille selectioni ill you are dolor homecam youll want to take ad vantage of these vain ousnommmr olmmuqruemqum nn bl Matrid 5mm ibeond floor phone 1390 Edge need help llFC can help you today with pretrial advice about family money problems or scathioanupto stow Onedayaervioe Up to 24 month to repay Whether you need money advice or cash loan you are always eroonie at HFCOmadas Ithst and foremost consumer finance semen amalgam and OleI CAM NGWOOD ONT lflBBES Vlrenetang St FliiETliliMS 50 Essa ltd SNELGBOVES 151 Bradford St have the Cypriots togain by the Before the Second World War political upheaval and after that war the Greeks were engaged in civil war while the British were trying to reestablish government and redeem the country from ia miue and bankruptcy Even when the anal States assumed tbat job unu dcr the Truman Doctrine guerrilla war condoned in the mountains for three in 11 ill General Van Fleet took over military coan Ind brought the civil war to an end The rebels who were communists fled over the frontiers into Albania and Bulgarlawbere they hi1 been eacoungetiiaad smell Soviet hassle Since then the United States has poured millions of dollars and goods into Greece and the coun try is still virtually under Amer ican occupation To that extent than the island oi Cyprus so what desertion of their island by the British if they had been united they would have looked in vain to the mainland for protection They should be grateful that they were and still are fortified British colony none of which suff ered invasion in the two world wars Greeceitself owes its na tional independence to the Brit ish strongholds of Cyprus Malta and Gibraltar which are the guardians of the freedom of the Mediterranean As for the Greek claim to dyer1 itis without founda tlon Historically the island has Lnever been possession of any Greek Slate except for eight centuries when it was part of the Bynntl Empire come lax today 2500000 out of labor force of 6500000 are paying taxes he declared Dividends wm onceuscd to pay income taxes but now corporations are using up net earnings foryexpansion he said Most people are wor as hard they can but if cant seem reasonable that 30 or 40 per cent of he revenue goes to the government its discouraging and disheartening be said nyone whodmsbeéndoa hathing3mmirewi50mmEmumn4ximm£0 knows the danger theywan create for swimmers particularly children whenop erated at high speed in restricted waters Hundreds of complaints reach thetrans port department annually about careless boatmen The majorityfof skippers who run their boats with regard for thecom fort andsafety of others is brongh into disrepute Toronto Harbor commission has had licensing system complete with written and Ci ihink about Willie Ottawa to add to thetaxpayers burden even with salary increases in few instances more than the increasEd earn logs are paid into iaxes When the purchasing power of Si000 is cut nearly in half it also means that the cost of living has gone up considerably The greatly overburdened mlyermigbt well When is this cond going end is it possible that duriller increases tcthe tax bill may be added sndtbat at some not too distant date the purchasing power of $1000 may be further re duced Death and taxesjmust be met says an old adag But isnt it about timeuabalt was called Fublished Atihe wiuonemldar¢ib was among mum paper Monday Wednesdoy Friday one Square Barrie Ontario Can Lilan 21 Boys vicer alerm oi rice Paid Ase so aromas Eduard 211956 can countries The Byspnti period was followed by two centuries under the Lnsig mnearly under tbe Venetian 14891571 Iii from 14878 the island was under inrkishrule Cyprus was madamde mini rahacclaimimrandadministrar lion while part of the Oltomun Empire under the AngloTums Convention of 1818 By this Convention Britsin undertook to v7 defend rkey against Russian aggression careful examina tion had been made of all possible bases for defensive action and it Wasdecided that Cyprus was the best not only for the defence of Turkey but also of British comm munications ill India through the Suez Canal which Russia was menacing at that time It was not until the deeiaratianï¬f war between Britaindnd Turkey lNSECTqDES nwreojiqLLERs Greece was in constant state of Greece is no more independent to Greece in the last world war which covered allMedchrran Berrdln MASON Liquid gt Merï¬Odon llliï¬ 21° 37f Crystals cmo 29 29° Protect Your Prclerves With smAwox 15 TJARS 3163 one line JAR RINGS 35 JAR RINGS Crown Illll medium Bed 881er LM SHOES Mnaiarrl Seed 01 Celery Seed on Whom said 02 Dill inmerio wt or outiin MeArs mm from Ténderioh wv PoRK Lom ROAsr lifes 57° PORK GHQPs 63 SWIFFB PREMIUM COOKED Vsourtsss HAMS Winfred 85° awnrs ram VPLAIIER PACK Haiti 49° Beer 11er 7mg 29 swms nearr use or menses In de ammonium gt VYAINEGKAR tnéienvy Em YHRVK Brand Choice PEACHES 1213 BIRDS EYE FRO Rleb bi Vitamin so ou um HRMGE JIIIGE ior 30c GBEEIICBEIIS lil oz 27c Km orbr1 Powder rsrsmra $5729 Fumes1n Mirenhmmav sjorr DRINKS 13 29 Gafbefls strained rooos 199 McCormicks sheath CINNAMO ma we Tumbler Contlulu EA BAGS unmnamiy nraea While in or an MUSTARD 19° Snn 5mm 16 far Juicy sickercomm Best Buys cnowu Puss Boots score recur4 increases til 47 Seed in Whole Cloch Whole Pickling Spice on 12° sass PRODUCE SWEET lmcé CALIFORNIA ouursm Barlett pugs 63 Sunkist Oranges 952 do he moron 0am nu PBTMOES reAsAos BEANS Srto roots Delicious 12 pkg POTATO bonus ior an mu sncxs oz pko 33c nuy mu 37° otn 69 lied wane and ffluiT GDGKTML nean While cam FAHGY PEAS Club des Bulinnainu snnmurs 24 29 on ï¬ns 31 EEcxsvsmésmou in can srsncn pkgs as vanilla Choc Dessert Fling pkgs 3i 41 32 Summer callous Prices Eiiective Thurs lri Sal mg 16 1713 for Serving Sumonor salads DeluXeSililll sn SALAD serif 111 Slile Eowil salad Writ 655131 Bowl saladSpoonr with $5 purchaseall for with patch eall for liaise an illnus Bid To umm serving irglmcflru set Durable Colourful Polythene PLASTIG SET 15 oz in lied or milieuis Again dunno PACK Pony BAG csaslvsi peanuts Jom canonss imsoo shaman cvsroiymns cs ADAS rm corrsr asn wmrrnrznn 1b 17 Auurimaars BLEND 09 canch Elsi8 BLEND 11 as more Cooked sALAonRESSINo 39 am nuns sweet Mixed PICKLES 33 swollen Julian Weizma sunny mm Hum sinners 1h pkg 32c SUM EHEESE lb pint 356 PhN bi no costs oz 5i sou yew 11 lb pk rooms chasm VALUES Wilb anom Bleach IAIIT XYDOL New Container Deteriieni an in