Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1956, p. 1

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BARBIE TOWN COUNCIL paid tribute to many years of long and faithful service by three members of its staff on Monday night His Worship Mayor Eldon Greer on behalf of the Council presented wrist wntches suitably inscribed to Miss Jose phlnc Blair who had completed 25 years service Lou Caldwell who joined the staff in 1928 and Selvln Meredith who has been with the town for 30 years Pavero innisiil Residents satire Rodeo Winners By Ralph Smith and his wife Pat who live on 25 Sideroad of lnnis fil and who have their horses at the Woodland Ranchwere winv ncrs at the Bar ll Ranch Rodeo rheld at Dundas recently Mr Smith who entered every contest was successful in winning the Mol sons Trophy called the Crown hind feet Then while the rope on the feet is kept tout the other rider must bind the front feet of the calf with short rope This is called pegging the steer Riding Silver hell the horse owned by Mrs Pat Smitll her hus band took first in the flag race in this competitionJhc flags are placed in barrels in the centre of and Anchor which was donated the winner of tho bucking This feat called for staying on bucking horse for ten seconds one hand on the buck reign and the other waving He also received cash award totalling $80 for the for bronco contest in xthe air same contest gt Anothcrin which he placed sec and was the steer riding contest and he and another contestant were second in the milking alga wild cow lhe cow islropedandwhlle onits feet the second rider must dismountand milk at least half inch of milk into pop bottle This then must be taken to the judges stand and the winners are classed as two who get there first He was also in the twam roping contest in which rider ropes the bead of calf and another the Squadron Leader Charles Wattle To Staff College sounnnon cannon WATTKE ore co of Bar elinquishing his position as Off cer Commanding Pre Flight School RCAF Station Central Heis posted to RCAF Staff Coll ege at Toronto During World War Two Squads ron Leader Wattle served as navigator with 109 RAF Squadv ron Bomber Command forvhis firsttour of operation and with 428 Squadron Group RCAF forhisrsecond tour From 1944 untii1950 Squadron LesdeHWaitie worked in the In tellig nce Branch of the RCAF at Air Force Headquarters Twice Aduring this period he was sta tioned at CJS Washingtonas an Intelligence Officer for imatelyrthree an igators Course at Sam erside in 1050 hewastrsnsfprred to the st ft of No Scyoo Winnipe up separ ire woffi1 the ring The rider must ride past the flag and take it around post at the other end thenvre turn it tovthe same barrel and back to his starting place The one doing this the quickest is winner Silver Bell stock racer fell in the mud in the second heat of race She won the first heat Mrs Smlth who has hcenrid mg at Grandstand show for some years has trained her horse as trick actor Both Mr and Mrs Smith have having once been the owners of contract rodeo show which trav elled in the eastern States Rodeo in Simcoe County The success of the Dundas ro deo has prompted Mr Smith to hope that he can get support to enable them to have rodeo show in Simcoe County There were over 20000 paid admissions at the Dundas show even though it had rained considerably during the weekend The admission was one dollar except on Sunday when parking fee was charged for cars ThEevean took thrice days to run off and the entry fees mostly covered the prizes for these events Thefirst costsare the greatest as some buildings are needed and corals are required for animals Mr Smith feels sure that the Rodeo would go over well in this area He will be competing in the rodeo at Blair which will be held during the Labor Day week end This is the third year for therBlair contest and already en tries will require full three days to complete Mr smith feels that Barrie with its splendid highway system in the centre of the province would be an ideal setting for rodeo which could easily become draw ing card second only to the Cal gary Stampede He claims that there are many horsemen in the nearby areas who would be in the competitions if the prizes were made substantial Woodland Ranch ovmed by Jack Copeland where the Smiths keep theirhorses and where Mr Smith works part time as he is employed at the Barrie rubber plant as night maintenance man hasbeen training young riders for manyyears in the artof rid ing Weather Today Mostly Sunny Some cooler has freshened the foliage as of June nd yet the grain has matured well and flowers are lovely Tuesday was grand withfrcsh wind Today prom ises cooler but mostly sunny Temperatures were High Low had considerable rodeoexpcricncc ImThe heavy rain of Monday Open Air Service Anglican Deanery At Creemore Park The Anglican Parishes of West Simcoe held their first open air service and picnic at Creemore Park on Sunday Some 100 people from 19 churches attended The program opened with hymn singing led by Gordon King The organist was Bert Churchill of Barrie and the pianist Mrs Leslie Hills of Wasnga $esch The service was in charge of the Rev Harvey Marklc of Stayner assisted by the Rev Walter Dyer Rector of Creemoré Prayers were offered by Rev Downer of Du roon and the Lesson was read by he Rev Read at Trinity Anglican Church Barrie in his sermon ven Dann MA DDArchdeacon of Etobi coke and Rector of St Georges Parish Islington called on the people to practiceevangelismdn three fields of endeavour in public worship the home worldcommunitya basket picnic followed service and in welcoming people McCarroll of Barrie expressed the hope that the ser vice would become an annual of fair Kiwanis Hold Caucus Here Name1tde All presidents of clubs in Division No of OQM District Kiwanis international were pres ent for the Caucus in Barrie on Monday afternoon Many com mittec chairmen were also here for the meeting in Central United Church at which the Division LieutenantGovernor Edwin Shipp of Toronto presided William Forsythe of Owen Sound was nominated for LieutenA antGovernor of the Division for 1957to be ratified at the District Convention in Ottawa Sept 1719 The 50 delegates met with members of Barrie Kiwanis Club for dinner when the special speaker was Kenneth Loheed of Toronto VicePresidentielect of Kiwanis international whose topic was Enthusiasm For Ki wanis The Barrie Police Department road training early Thls sum mer road rules and riding skill were taught to young bicycle owners on the town playgrounds suits of the special program will be seen Tat the Bicycle Roadeo being held at Hillcrest School Events state at 130 oclock Prize Money Fifty dollars in prize money is being offered to roadeo oon testants Tests and skills the rid ers will be required to complete include lhandlebar clearance of wooden standardsh wheel clear onceriding between golf balls at set intcrvalHnd knowledge of road rules Balance will he test ed by riding up ansrrow ramp inspection ofeach contest bicycle for oadrw rthiness Will he madk first by had pulled his car off the pave through the guard rail and devil Bradfprd court yesterday morning on July 29 When pol The front tender and the license crashing through the guard rail sIMcois COUNTYS TRlWEEKLY NewssAPEe gtAuumIouuau nanu Irmhotoflhaluu um qutTireNo Wotind Guilty Careless ilVIlI Explanahbn MN ohce of Appeal The explanation that flat tire Mackenzie Seattle 50 lumber dealer tobacco farmer and form er rccve of Alliston was found guilty of careless driving and fined $150 with 55150 costs his drivingdiccnsc being suspended for two months at Bradford mag istrates court yesterday Notice of appeal was served The charge arose out of on ac cldent at Ailiston on June 22 in which Mary Anne leksbnnk was killed Initially Mr Bealtie was also charged with criminal negligence but this charge was withdrawn by the Crown at hearing of the case at Alliston magistrates court on July 20 in summing up the evidence presented by both the prosecution and defence Magistrate Foster commented that the accused was well acquainted with the com munity and that should have warned him to take care Fur ther evidence of witness indi cated that the accused was trav elilng at specdwhich His Wor shlp considered excessive for the occasion ment of Highway 400 threw it out of control and caused it to crash an embankment failed to con vince Magistrat Gordon Fostct in case of rcless driving at Appearing on the charge Regl insld Kcnwcll 27 Port Credit taxi driver was fined $20 and $1450 costs The charge arose out of an accident which occurred on Highway 400 in the early ice arrived at the scene the car was found upside down at the footof an embankment total wreck with both front tires flat plate lay about 25 feet away from the car The driver received some cuts and the passenger was detained in hospital with bro kcn collarbone Wheel tracks indicated that th vehicle had travelled some feet off the pavement before lwo Sect strip Examiner BARRIEONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15 1956 awniflfJflfiuifllm circulation Olin Oounoil Decide TOAnnexIargeirea Fer Barries Future At their regular meeting on Monday night Barrie Town city of London had bu quoted Council decided to increase the size of the town fourfold by seeking approval of theIOntarlo Municipal Board to the an nexation of over 8000 acres in the townships of Oru Vespra and innlsill Meetings are to be arranged with these town ships to explain the plan of annexation and seek their co operation The area proposed for annex ation followi closely the sugges tions originally nade by the Chamber of Commerce The main differences are that Little Lake Is now outside the area of annex ation and there hasbecn re knocking out six posts His Worship was of the opinion that the physical evidence did no bear out the explanation Four Concerts Yet By Citizens Band Barrie Citizens Band will pro vlde four more concerts in the current summer series Tomor row night at eight oclock the program will be at St Vinmnt Park and next Thursday Aug 23 at Queens Cbbidfli nersup in competitiouwith KnowledgeoikoadkulesBalance On Sunday Aug 28 the com bined Barrie and Oiillla Kiltle bands will play special concert at Queens Park 830 pm Final concert is Thursday Aug 80 at St Vincent Park 800 pm iisle Mantle It was just year ago that Lieutenant Spooner AECM came to Canada to be director of music for the Band of the Royal Canadian Dragoons The band had been authorized earlier in the year but when Lieut Spooncr reached Camp harden from Eng land he found only about dozen bandsmcn Nothing dauntedthe Kneller Hall graduate who had been 1eadlng the lstjhsttalion ihcfiathelsuccéeded was amply evidenced when the band just re turned from Niagara tour play ed their first concert in Barrie last Friday evening at Queens Park The attendance was fair Thosewho were not present miss ed musical treat Few ofthose attending left until the finish Now on overseas service with the RCAF Warrant Officer it Ron Parker has been trans ferred from Fighter Wing Mar viile France to 30 Air Materiel Base Langar At this base lo cated near Nottingham on the edge of Robin Hoods famous Sherwood Forest he will be the unit Fire Chief The Fire Fighting section at Langar have become quite famous in fire fighting circles Last year they won and this year wererun Flawless Intonation Lieut Spooner strives for per fection in performance and it was pleasure to listen to the Dra goons 45 strong with their flaw less intontion Brass and wood Mdnchcstsrx lteglmantnigaoaddnrfizef Berlin set out to form band Cole Porter Thoroughly Enioyed ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS BAND BARRIEtONGERT wind blend in this mpsicsl organ ization to airemarkablc degree even though share professional musicians The program itself was selected with view to entertainment ra ther than education in that most of the numbers were light aud tuneful rather than of the heavy type Not only that but there was comedy number and plenty of showma hipf ads in gash opened with march Royal Re view Then came the wellknown overture by Offenbach Orpheus in the Underworld The eightman brass section was featured in the next number by Halold Watters Badinage For Brasses Film Music Legend of the Glass Moun tain from the film of that name was followed by selection of songs and then Strauss Garland which com bined some of the best writings of Richard Johann and Johann Jr mim to bade manure adjustment of boundaries in in nisfil Township Reject Recommendation The Special Annexation Com mittee in their report to Council rejected the recommendation of the Planning Board to establish an area of control The cnmA mlttee had arrived at the conclult sionrthat no workable scheme for controlled area intended for future annexation was feasible at the present time Enlarging on this Reeve Wil lard Klnzic chairman of the special committee said that the as one place where such scheme was in operation 0n cnquirv London had intimated that such an idea was not melicaL The Department of Phinnlng and Development had been most reluctant to answer letters on the subject and it would appear that no such scheme was working sat isfactorily attbe present time Area Planning Board Reeve KlnLie continued It is our desire to have planning far beyond the boundaries we wish to annex and think it would still be desirous to set up anarca planning board further recommendation of the committee was that property should be annexed 150 feet be yond any road as boundary line This would obviate any difficul Turn to page tvyo please Captain Mervin Channon 49 of Bradford captain of minor waterways since 1047 told of boats cavorting on the Schomberg River at Bradford Police Court yesterday Captain Cbannon was giving evidence in case in which Gordon Stout of Toronto was boa on the river in manner dangerous to life and limb The charge was laid bnthexprlvate information of Captain Channon The captain stated thathe saw twp illfoot boats powered with 32 hp engines dolbgaterrlflc act on the river on theday in question was about 700 to 900 feet from the boats he said They were cutting very short turns and figure of eights Sometimes they were so close together that thought they must crash Navigabie water at the scene was 150 to 200 feet wide and the depth not more than lOfeet at the centre There were two oth er boats in the locality and peov ple were swimming off the Gov ernment dock It wasa clear csim day and the water was chapged with operating motor BOATS WERE CAVORfING SAYSISCHOMBERG CAPTAIN From my knowledge there are usually quite lot of peopleIand small craft in this area stated the captain This day in ques tion it Was comparativ 1y quiet joins Examined in reply to cross examination Captain Channon stated that be helda certificate of captaincy and that he had been operating his own boat line until 1953 He still hadra charter to do so Asked why be had taken action he replied am doing it for humanjenetitto prevent loss of He gavess the reason why he did not go out to the offending boats in aboat from bls livery the fact that he had only row boats He watched the scene through his sons binoculars prin cipally to get the registration numbers of the boats His son also saw what was going on with three more witnesses for the prosecution and the defence to bexheard the case was ad journed to Sept 25 The bearing of similar charge against Case driver of the second boat concerned was alsoadjourned to that date RAF and USAF teams andin Jan uary this year they received Certificate of Meritorious Conlt duct for prompt action in mud ing fire at an adjacent ltoa hangar Warrant officer Parker his wife and children Linda and Jim will live in Nottingham until 30 Air Materiel Bases mar ried quarters are ready for oc cupancy native of Lisle Warrant 0f ficer Parker is the son of Parker He has served overseas for the past 18 months and prior to this he was stationed at Gimll Manitoba believes in starting saietyonthe and tomorrow afternoon the re AndAgiiiiy oi Bicycle Riders to Br Tested alfPolice Roadeo Tomorrow No Age Gronps into two age groups Seniors will be 14 yearsof agorand un der and juniorst years ofage and under There willbe 12 in dlvldual prizes for first second and third prize winners in gboys and girls sections and each park will have theopportunity of en tering senior and junior teams of two boys and two girls in team events An additional prize to bathe boy and girl will be awarded for the ycle considered by the examiner be the best as far ascopdltion in respectto safety is concerned Tricycle Event Thera will be novelty tricy ole event open tochlldren seven and uncle They willherequircd to observe afety sign and corn plete modified obstacle course Each contestant in the roadeo Contestants are being divided memoor TEE gnuE

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