TEE BARFl3 WE MOWAY AUGUST II 1958 llELP WANTED SALES REPRESENTATIVE Petroleum Employ mullI In ml or In Barfl Am Pm on company exoorieaca an met but not an usenuaL Reply sultan pmlolal experience tn an The name its anun uu WAITRESSES Top 3111111 Unllnmu lup complete up benoilts Yul lfla unploynlenfm bl puma Ememnce ant unwary pplliullnnl be accepted how or positions on In Scpunxbor APPLY MR MCARTHUR UNITED CIGAR STORES Lilliran EAST BARR 30 DUNLOP ST 102 UNITED CIGAR STORES REQUIRE Young Saleslady FOR RETAIL TOBACCO STORE Good hurling Ihhry with Achnduled increases Hospital beuelluuelc UNITED CIGAR STORE EARRIE lBZII SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER uired lor lnnll busy oitica Able tgqtslra charga during managers ab snnce Top salary will be plld to right girl who not alraid or Ian hours in volume or workollle by cnogen al Illnospileru and livedv week Succemul applicant will by trained inr iwo wee perm taking over position in early Saptember Apply slhllnz lliulllncallons expert cues and marlla status to Rex at The barrio Examlncr 14m POSITIONS WANTED nunmo Servl experienced in any type or worsfltaoae PA HANDYMAN unis 112$ ca nily ame weealas mm nonaP ems fin9i and ml In men poritioia Pb PA zNm YOHNA WOMAN when Mup lill pmlllnn In snarlbl mUIhUrIKSS hall hln INK boy Wflulfl bl welcome lira syn Bait In Ilraro bridge znut WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES PhonePA 06331 or PA 66187 Illa 51901 Mull In cblnnlll all ralsilntcing INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dlllllop St was Fenian Phone PA 60381 or PA 07204 Saw for Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS lN SCHAP IRON mm HID RAGE BATTERIES PEAlimllE LIVE POULTRY Ollr Inlet will cnlL plld Snack price Barrie stayner mettms mm MAX PUSHKOFF AND COIPANY Yard and Office 204 Turin St sinu METAL nuNO cumin wanted Phone dirt Conntown 39198 BENCH SAW wanted Must be in condltlon Phone PA M321 HIGHBM illnailed iuliy uphol atcrcd platorln rocker Must be oidtilner Box 70 Darrin Examin 39144 Drku deLIVDId Kood 391 WAmEss Wanted Unliorrn supplied Pull nonelita Apply Prysuna Gnu liarrle 148 PARTTIME lIlan required or salts work Good remuneration Write Box in Barrie P0 19132 WAIIREBE wanted experienced Uni farm sup tflood Pixï¬naApply oe Normlll II Luu 600 HOME at ullhhle Indy to take care or home while mother worka Remuneration coll 101 or 121 llacng Te noualtltREPEltrc nired by dnitn Sleep in rApply wit1 refuefrtiggl 6n lg evon igllgf on 18195 tomato Ex anted BOOKKBEPER nunL Extinct is Exunlnel 183 PROFESSIONAL lgure skating teach er required or Barrie Sunni club Appl to Mrs Lnndrevlu Ce tre Barrie WOMAN wanted hctwecn ages 35 to 40 to watch children and it and keep house Reicrences required Phone PA 1141515 91M CAPABLE WOlliAN lor Etheri house work lond nl children Finest lIvlnl accommodation in new name ncar Tn rnntn Phone Strand 25ril 19141 BALEs CLERK young an good op portunity in permnanI posilion with rnup insurance and ospitails lt uon an See Mr McCaw at Barri Tent Awning Co 19291 OPPDBTUNITY tor couple to live in ear round and work at Rnbindalo barrio Experience not necessary local to service couple as gentleman have other employment Apply in erson to Dewar Roblndcie 5i Inn St loatl OUPLE Pennnnent position or re able cook eneral and honseman ardenerban yrnao Summer home on ire Slmcoe near Barrie Winter home Brampton mceuent living quar tura children both girls state ex guidance and references Appi Bu Barrie Examiner 9gtB7 oursn ma Op nrtunit Eniny our owlinliusiness Ki good yestlhlllhed ltklni Route Worldwide action ally advertised products No money to invest Can hce man or woman on DIUJH part time basis in Burlla Write inonediateiy to Granger sso St Roch Street Montreal Quebec erosional business Opportunity for lerlalis minded mhlure man This organiza tlnn has an opening tor aorioua mind ad man with riaoero desire to enter rolosrioaal sales work The man Ielec ed will act as distributor roi gut products in Simone Muskoka and arry Sound counties Our business ir the adjustment ot physical ulrment loss or bearing and um conatlooa Hearing Aid is nationllly advertised gnu lnlemntlonnlly to our and its ma lxcd standards or in unautywiu at great assistance to you in selling the product sales and hotness boc ground ownershi at in apply durlillssemwrt it po un wrle to slitting and Meyers Acouatlcoo 61 Richmon or tiooa Toronto Oat Llth LIVESTOCK FOR SALE iloLSTEIN cow due to freshen Phone on 44191 CALVEE FDR VEALING Robcrt Combo Churchill Phone Lerroy ii 992 YOUNG Pins Apply Slewrt IIlnc Quarrie one mile south oi Pennclln mlle well 992 OOOD WORK llORsltil April ton Oallrugher Lot 19 Con moms Tome 941 YOuNo gtcuws one with eall Hert rordr Angon Mrs Joint Eagclllll nrtvo Wcr RR barrie 99293 IIOLSTBIN cow years due Aug iii Holstein liellel rising ycanl due Aug 11 Apply Keith Lees bd ar Phone barrio ours DB92 rlOLsrEnJ cow years old grade trash with heller call lilapic breed ing IB tested and vucclrillled Agin llm Rainey Cockatown phone r992 HOLSTEINB Fresh and Sprllllel VIC cinated rude and pnrebredsyonr pick at Also wel marked Pinto Oil years old Applyloseph oc rane and sons phone iirzi strand 9061115 Cili Tas PERSONAL IF CONSIDERING MARRIAGE con sult Mair1 Weliare Specialist by Inï¬ll Bulb Ind 1906 OVEX 6M cllents Hell and poor muflld I1 dy Scrn nioua ecrecy Slntmona Box 71 lcllen nst Olilcc Winni peg alt0m DR EDWIN WILSON Wilson Bulld Barrie Onturln hesldes cnnduc ill general Osteopathic Practicehal been cnllnl Ior fioot Disorders Includlnl Illa remavll Corn and Chlloulel Ior more lhm 20 years Phone PA 52293 iIlaitm LEARN BAIRIJRESSINO Enrol now in thla novemrncnt Re tered uhOOl where you are ihoroug Lv trained in oil branchas of Beauty Culture FOP articulara wrile or rhnne Derwin airdresaihgi School Maple Ave PA 04981 309104 BOATS MOTORS DELANEY BOAT LINES GSERVICE LTD FOOT OP BAYFllILD ST 911 1334617 la Grevatterilahog Runabout 50 hp BitchInn motor ulW anan motor 15 Ni lasing Boat with Mercury Mark in hp motor $150 10 Plylllnoll Chiller with 25 ll Alec tric starting Yohndon motor 5675 i953 Johnson 25 hp motor em 1954 Johnson electric 25 hp motor uso DELANEY BOAT LINES SERVICES LTD 438592 IllIIlES Poll Iian COLIIMNS Dï¬aflllne or Copy in Week daypfeoedlng Issue Anufls MARE TEmPllONhl T0 OFFICE Following c0 secutlve insertions PHONE PAH AM Illinimum lion word niinlnium duo CASH RATE WOrd minilllum 60c Pollowilig consecutive lnsertldns at gword minimum 401 musr BE PAID wnn ORDER aox NUMEEnsnr replies directed tothls onion Erasure Calvinist EVENTS LOCALS AUCTION SALE NOTICES Following condecutive insert 011 old mlnllnlun to It word mlnllluun $100 ions at wordvminlmuoo 1513 MEMORIAM CAT THANKSJN APPEECIATTON Ioa wardlnlnlnlnm $100 ENGAGEW NOTICES $10 pp USED CANVAS ia Mahogany Runabout as no Buch $750 lnow for Summer and Fall deuvery PT Pio BINDER FOR SALE FlLLIOPSOIL GRAVEL EXCAVATIZNG at GRADING DENNIS MORAN Pllone PArkway $2967 gt RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE is PLACE ITO BUY GOOD USED CLOTHING Mens hdlu at childrens Wear THE WARDROBE SERVICE TO SELL YOUR vstn curman POR You 2nd FloatM Dunlap St West Entrance hetweencilli Blown Ltd and Sparham lowouery lllln in all clothing that is Inlan sb clean and in good repair wo will try to sell llulnr gowns MOBILE HOME TRAILERS oi Barrie New Low Down PhymEllu Cilupnr Finance Rates include Hr comma or lull term at your con tract up In yelrn lnde lnvttAllor ear rurnlturo etc 1an Anne wlll ho lvnflhhlo or you Chapman Trailer Sales Canon Ave ilwy Po Anxua0nt RENO LOCAL MANAGER 7406105 BARN MANUlllz Apply Gnilnughcr RR Barrie or phone hazing SINK high back ta gooscnook and littingi Phone loi Elmvnla id ill Grady 749T lsu HILLMAN parts or roznir new battery starting motor ralghliral Garage 4IZ9J CUSTOM CAR RADIO or or54 POnlllc Recently checked over Phone PA E7045 19191 VAcUuliis Au types and models as new Less than hail price Phone PA 50185 74811 18c WINTER Multi iicr Onion Se pound Agply 11 Ihcderick or phone 04009 19102 PREaii HONEY liring your own cum tatnerr now Phone 55ml nwlnnell In evenings 21 HEAVY llMEEILKD BARN 30x50 AD ly Robert Grooves ml linrrio hone lam Moonstone 1in9 FORD Tirer Tubes and thoil maxi also Trailervflmld Starr Cull Ii on narrlc Road 79092 woons PnEEzElt 12 cu rt uprlghi model new only mnnllls like ncw SBSrlllCE Phone PA 111024 79l so so uscd Tur aauilns used runta Barrie Tent Awning Co as nayllcld st an FREEZER PIT Combination The amons all Canadian rnndn Woods Used months Sacriï¬ce Phone PA 112021 79111 GENUINE lWychzld litava carved solid oak Oormnn cupboard reccntly lmporicd lroni Europe 5200 Phone New Lowell 9151 79191 CRAIG HUNTER can give you Bervlce on Master Ieeds Frost Fence steel and Aluminum Rooilnl Baler and Binder Twinc Phone oars Stroud 70 100 Run Home Save up to oneholl on neautllul brnadlnom rugs Tum incur 2old nrpels wnusléellxs clolghlnl ocora vn PA uses 72217 RUTON Renor combination vacuum oleanerrlnnr polisher car pollsher mixer llquldlier cnllec grinder hair dryer Illd sprayer EIS monthly on Thanks For ireo demonstration wi hout obligation Boxrs7 Barrie Ex aminer ELECTRIC Hawaiian Guitar with case and am liner practically new you new no as accordion treble rwit chcs with case hall gr oe $150 Gultnr or the beginner wit case so new storm windows with glass six tanksa Rita 12 iï¬tii éiT be to Centre Alluldble alter 71 ï¬g RO0M tr BOARD BOOM AND lioAltD available ilentlelnen Phone PA 067 ROOM ANn BOARD available for lentlemnn Phone PA 135267 124329 TEACHER ulres roomeande board closer ward Public School rate to Miss Av Toronto MOBILE HOMES lflli23iï¬aï¬llulim2il fisl CHICKS HUNTEIts POULTRY FARM will be hatching Delllb production bred chlckraroundthe calendar Order or 1251 ttiurlg Martin p165 sslnenl was Let us help on aolve robielnn Cl Cilll troud our point untor 5i 210mm EARM EQUIPMENT WOODEN 50 William Coll llVespra Eloy Rurrie 15A 01870 31979192 BINDER cut no or takeo Mair llarrla nmmin W10 393933 McCormick ply Bill Hughes strotid 35 II ï¬ehra old trnud linne am ORAlNnlNDElt Pratt and Wood re Phln cheap ft Chnlles Ellrmers phone Moonstone isrls Hind calm Emmi Mccnimiclr tiring In all condition llch In re nhnnDMoonItone 10315 stilli same MACHINE Gear Whltn tirgh 39110111 GRAIN ADOBE iiz tozn liud One only lTEed WO Allingï¬vavlmenn tractor immediate deuvery gmunna 0111 Wllnm 0300 punt lulu rummb with shred dsr Alnv War no2 WWII yarn noon all nlhï¬mm PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR sALE 7H LACEY gt REAL mm 93 Baylicld at Pn PA 35293 MoMuTridAmelm SilurdlBlJLlm BEFORE YOUBUY TRY LACEY NO OBLIGATION PHONE IPA 85298 HOMES FARM womanch sum IE PROPERT 1H ST REAL ESTATE BROTiERS OPEN UNTIL 13111 cot Bit Dunk SuIPhona PN N901 EVENINOS CALL MR COREY PAIcMBO Baffle lb01 RID OUT REAL ESTATE Wm 19 CLAPPERTON STREET Phone Banla PA W11 Th Trend in iiarrie nuy 3°15ng Thrlmoh nidout Rnai imam Lid Pull Conï¬dence Hilde Rldulll Raul Eliot Ltd Cnnldll LIIqu llcnliora $11500 ROOMING HOUSE 5000 hnnllhl ncnlne Till welllnz loll St properly Wllh IE Ionnll pro Vlde mlnlmum insured Income 1100 weekly and good pllvlle living quarters Dr Owner Thll In ant business and can he bongh lor Tnulifatifï¬ouli me It exce on £31 Cilll Mr Worthington IL PA Modern Ranch Bungalow 515000 Mr lhl bcnullml builders home with lhreh hula btdroomlr shaved llvlllz Ionm ulllh modern ullon ICRnllng ililrdwood lloom Full ccluanun room Owncrwlll duornke maximum Suleim an ye lglllxned all Mr Woflhlnglnn ill PA 36411 ARM FOR SALE tlioooTor litres aid line Pins nld survey 31000 lnr loo acres on No 21 High why Equipped inr dairy iaonii rnr 150 acres an $10 with stock implements slum rnr so acres at Eimvaie excgll ont buildings siono or 50 acres in Waverley ala tr cl suitable ior tree pllntlrlg has storey room housu with garden and small bam contact Mr Elliott PA 05411 BIG BAY POINT $4800 Ecltr com leter iurnlshed Pool amigo inclludlllï¬ uiectric lrl 11nd preslnre system close to lake Terms Call ollvcr Conneii PA mil $1500 Down St Marys School lug moms suitable 101 mil In come Ennd lumhce llew stucco Im mediate rosesslnn éaii Duver Connell PA M4 COTTAGES GEORGIAN BAY sum rnr room insulated at wasaga Iieach 500 or 10 room llolnc with cellar and rurnacc Palm Beach $13500 or cottages in group Balm Bench good income szspnn lor Grill and Cabins at war on beach extra large income on in vestmeut 5100000 tar largo amusement cenlr at water trout Eatm Beach ssioo inr country home on Highway Noral in Wyebrldge district 23510 ior lovely country home in We aria Harbour district close to High way 12 in El ht or 111000 Islands ch Ellen hnule double hr garden enriced ha Div Elliot PA W1 acres liilld age tool house cart Contact Barrie $1000DOWNESSA ROAD $1500 FULL PRICE room house well located near iolr grounds two bathrooms immaculate condltlpn throughout immediate pose oaaion This property carries ror $67 monthly including taxe GENERAL STORE Well built building ol cement bincirnn as Highway doingyear around busi ness or meat groceries hardware dry goods roit drinks and Ice cream Re need to moon lnr ulck sale Phone PA mu Mac ride Anxious Owner Anxious This is late summer bargain its summer cottage ontho lake ten minutes from Bhlrle but youll enjoy the late rail and winter since it is an winterized Pull modern hathrnnm and kitchen plenty at hot water Three bedrooms tireplaoa in living room Every room complete turn lshed All rnr 86910 and 511 terms Call Mr Worthington at M41 LANDFOR SALE Ir 10L In All Alums 910qu xnr building gold for acres on Como lanlr guilt to lot for building DucRWOPlll 1590 in 11 acre with land in miles west at Rome umlls hm uioootor 40 horas with brick veneer Funnel hKun 24 Hire mg north rra on toot ilr Eluott 03411 0° Constilt RidOuT ON ALL mason Whetherauving or Selling RIDOUT CANAD LARG REALTORS iasz uuihi xï¬slllflglrgï¬z mill rroTifltll l3 Allandale on Highway 11 BLAKE am new Iflll loin Hill In Regime gt 3500 prio I11 silicon Po tom COUTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Sheet Blah CONSULT US ON lulu Down Payment Room Pl parrth or Proportio nNstinnal Rousing loam uncom Proportiea onenuit OBIsinus Opportuniti lmvufl Entitlement ror Rentals can PAIoAu day litin PHONES PA FillsDiem PA Im Accommodation Wanted ée WANTED To RENT all Of m1 Chlldien In at near Bar rig Phone PA 110192 IPIBBII schoolage dau wxflnollld like In renthouso lit bedrooms commcncln Sept 13 IE Barrie Summer 1L9 PULLY rURleulrn uncommodixllan tor Air Porca couple wit niallldchlldren lnr month of Se tem PISKL AlnllllOn ICAF Station Camo Borden llrlflSl SUMIIITJI colPAGE wanted in Orn llawlirstooo area or poriod Aug 22 Must be onnr near lakefront 1nd hive at least bedrooms Com laet Sundron Lender cochrnne Eddr honc PA 85917 119091 PROPERTY FOR RENT 5ROOM HOUSE lelel redecorated block lei71E schnyol all heat GillAu L11 lencedIn int moorto prico App JACKSON MOTORS LTD Barrie MB Dunlop 1H lrll Phona 32mm Suitable or out eonlrnl Phonh RARE in 1527092 IIOUSKKBBYIND ROOMS Phone PA Mail FURNISHED ROOM in new home Phone PA 17150 159291 Rooms AI FERNDALB Ap 1y no Maple Ave Butflu 1L6 Sell enn OoMs Se arate entrance lllled on PA N013 15909 RODMED Apartment Sulencu Phone PA 115701 44 IIOIJSBKBBPING BOOM lur $533on to Maple Ava isaitr nrtment sell contained ln ï¬oï¬oï¬nmafrhone PA Mm lstilin Rooms ll luniIlllPd Ibnllneï¬ ulu on medlhle possession llcnry lit0142 ROOMS unturnished close to agno Avallabia Aul 16 Phone arm 13914 lsEDltooM central iiiOM with iill con 159133 modern reit coxuined Ground floor nicely tnrnishcd Ccnunl location entlcmon prcicrred Phonu PA 03415 15929l 300 Apartment In apartment Ill round llool garage 80 PiingcngPAlMiM 165092 Groaned apartment nephr Etenogrunnce Available AUX Phone PA 33140 159192 LlViNO ROOM itchcn and Runningwater Cori is near Point Barrie R001 ortuicnl furnished lghone PA or 19 Cumberland st ROOM hot water heated sell con rn nt with orage tnined linger apart Apply 6B umberlnnd st room wlth FURNISHED Bedsitting ett use or rig and Bendix Call lgl PTmne PA 05mm 159192 FURNISHED Housekeepln room on ith hot on cold water Elem an 84232 entrhll Phone 159092 Olii ll contilned artnieot on lvlizrsley asnt Avahahle vlmlncdlnlel Phone PA 06212 alter pm lEsz AILABLE Aug l5Z bedroom mod fll heatcd ailnghent isrogï¬oï¬eteh one nces require Ht lédloom lg Ba 15009 rivate bath un 35132 74510 gJIIa 15 2111 NEW HOUSE 41arge rooms on Kem penleit Bay at town limits oil iurn 100 th Phone PA 14355 ace per 159 WELL BUILT House nil conveniences oil healed Available early so telnber 511 nt Apply Ev when lam9 NEW ROOM unfurnished upper du piex Bus stop at door Immediate 11 com bell Ave poslesllml pry 59291 BRICK BUNGALDW modern rooms on North Sgt Possession Ellddle Po st or moo one 159294 Rooms nnlurnlshed slnklhenléydlvlring olll hedging 1ng nssess on one ll 1532 ROOM Apartment Centrally Inca ted Abstalnara No obiection to one child ill cnIuor St or Igoons PA in not APARTMENT heated génlillllé Pflvnél Emil andk entrince Ornel on ery Onl PX laden 1591423 UPPER ROOM agarlrnent rivate entrance and heated orner coll er and clapperton sis Ayniinbie Sept Phone PA Mild 1592921 ROOM sell contained modern dup lex Vuillllnllsllcd heat and water Available an Rent $100 monthi Phone PA 751 ter ti prn 192 IDEALJ ROOM Apartment heuted private entrance bath inrolaberl unlurmhed Downtow Reasonable others Apply altar Wclungton Walt 153761 APARTMENT rooms and both clean central location unlurnishcd Adults only prn ROOM modem Endlel contained srtnlent with iaapieca bath and laundry rnolrl Rim ing ilnlnedia It $70 monthly all hehllnz lnclu Phone BA Moi 159097 NlcELY urnlshed apartment In mod em home Electric stove and rrig Very central Abatainen and adnlla Suit bullneu owls iza Daynala or ohanoPA to lEalva WARM roiia brie room hours ly United Missinna Line Sunnldals lllwlyvlllltulell anlec hath ï¬Â°no mhllegsln Trill iflfl ulzh clouvta Third blu agrvl 34861 between 159 hlel oil tires cupboards and unmmlsllcdo Pusanu ham PROPERTY WANTED Am Mk mm Ir Nathan AUTOMOBILES THE FINEST USED CAR VALUES ARE AT HAROLD HILL LIMITED I955 Chevrolet DELUXE COACH covers Ll nt blue woh and nine new niy 14000 miles I953 Plymouth CAMBRIDGE SEDAN Ali black Ali exceptionally good running car I953Chrysler WINDSOR SEDAN mullll 1953 HuCISOll Super Wasp Hydflmluc SEDAN Low mfleul drive I952 Dod REGENT SEE 1953 CHANBRDOK SEDAN 19 PLYMOUTH Cranbmolr Sedan lost PONTIAC 25 min redn very black Ind chroma llnllhr dun chl custom new tires I951 PLYMOUTH Cnnhrook Sadn Good anund car darlr trey 195 Custom radio almost new rel iiisl car Dark blue 951 Donoc pll car 4931 DODGE Sedl Hood lllnlillll ur Dlrk blue 1951 AUSTIN A40 Sedan 1950 PLYMOUTH Special club Coupe dark blue with new scat cavern an gnnd tlrel lmVAUSHN A40 Sedan 1950 PONTIAC Sedlll 25 lulu Ildlo 1ND CHRYSLER Windsor Deluxe club Coupe iinidmgiic drive custom ndln very clean ur throughout Luxury at low cost 1949 OLDSMDBILE Sedan ilniahea in dark grey um CHEVROLET 1940 FORD Sedan i941 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1941 CHEVROLET coach mo PLymauTH Sedan USED TRUCK VALUES Conn 353 MERCURY latch Exprul low mlluxe Rum like new 1952 PONTIAC Selln Denver 1851 CHEVROLET Illton Expresa 1951 GMC lptnn Panel Tmiclt 1550 GMC lton Brim with sink nclts 1950 DODGEJktnll Panel 1950 GMC 15tnn panel is ï¬ll MonPulls 1948 FARGO iton Expresl iwnononi stir and Good nelévlggbl Ifnltuaallnw Price WE NEED TRADEINS 0N NEW 1956 PLYMOUTHS AND CHRYSLERS CHDICE 0F MODELS AND IN STOCK GET FREE DEMONSTRATION AND COMPARE QUALITY it FAIRDEALIN TRADING DAYS AREHERE AGAIN And Remember We Trade for Anything HAROLD HILL or 9932253 PHONE PAS5355 Shownqu LWest Ban1s Custom nle uni nun Power steering fluldmlllc dflve custom ndln MW PLYMOUTH Concord Conch Good ruunlrlx amau economical car 1912 CHEVROLET sedan ht green CHEVROLEI coach lleialiic brown Very clea good running car 1051 PONTIAC sedan good running Regent Eednll orey mamaring goodlooking rcaptionsity MOW NC phone PA 85013 50004 CAMPING EQUIPMENT POE RENT Greats Dcamo Onts Cnnp atom DPortabl loo Du mBlE rm Awrmiu ca BunId Phone PA Mm ETW ll Writ out PHONI PA 5201 DAY 0R NlOEl INNISFIL ELECTRONICS VTV AND RADIDREPAIR Basil bouncy con 14 lam COLLECT IONS Nn collection Nocbarla credit Bureau at Bhrrll PIIOIII PAW St 1121 MUSKOKA wm DRHLERS COMPANY Wplh drlllod and COM GIL cud era 1110111111131 To box TREDARRIE MINER DAS HS Electric Motors in Ross st Barrie PHONE PA 85307 566 liniihed 1n Ilene blue with seat covers Ind tun vllon Gilson Auromalic OII Furnaces ALSO OlLsoN COAL awoon FURNACES BALFE SON Blylleld 81M Phonl PA 5300 HHS ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE For New ilotnr Nada Rawlnlllnl and napalm Sue HAROLD HART Danis Electric Motor New combinod restaurant and llvlnf quu tern oil on north or or lnlnrrnttton writeP1 Par Dania Ont 50 LEAVING Port Western Canada about Aux drivers license PIiotie PA unil EflDk 50 to ll Seymour Hutchinson 95 DUNLOP 51 MI5CEILANEous ANGUS RADIO TELEVISION IRADID It TV REPAIRS Ont BZHSDhy or ht I11193111 ALTERATIONS STOREF ONTS AND EXT NSIONS can that inure be raoartmenislm jsmlAIm ran 35 YEAH5 EXPERIMCI SCOTII £1 SON 0m Euunn Phnnl 0m 33 Hall EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR LEASE EARRIEAREA station with modern Service Located on Highway list milrte For mnh 10 Iloom lnr one oeron with m==l POULTRY WInlE PnlrlN nucns weight on me Phnno Ora lalii NBl rnn SALE Fisher Rllt Pull eta started to lay rrie FIBRE Juana 16 LOST AND FOUND LOST Dorrie on one wood ll Antierron RR loud On Dunln Hg Iievrcit Coil hone collect 5mm Elieer Wind ililllli AUTOMO LES Buying Or Selling wis linanoa late model can anti trucks Very reasonable man IV With complete inruranoa STEVENSON ALL TYP 0F INSURANCI PHO PA 8520l MST BARRIE isilztr ESSA MOTOR SALES WIDE SELECTION OF LATE Rabill U$ED cARs Maaonite and plywood panels 68 OwenSt Ph PA 82206 Dï¬tl SIGNS Gnlll lSZTBRADFORD ST 14 sho Cards Truck Lettering Specllltf HarknessHenderson il Mplcaater51rect PHONE PA 85023 H0102 FLOOR COVERING olinnleulns oPlaaiic Wall Tlia ateliala supplied and installd ma Estimates WOLFENDEN Ill to SI Pth PA 105 gt pron PM Burners Snnwggmmmsm ELECTROLUX CANADA LIMITED Parts DDllSllppliel Alan Reconditioned llachinu Reasonably priced BRANCH OmpE ai VPAPRA ET PHIBARRIE PA 83392 soitr 7PARKERS CHIMNEY SERVICE Chimneys ro airad rebuilt re cashed Pine inero installed ROOFING repaired installed POUNDAHDNE waterproorad re plliad smcconvu All wnrr guaranteed FREE ESTHVIATES CALL PA 85270 sPEOiAm ED TRIM WORK ThnlllliNu Rousns COMPLETE RECREAHONJEDOHB BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING Poncnw snINOlchl illitEDlAlE snow BRUCE CAMERON PhoneiPA ozsoszh alumna 11 Ton EXPEBIINCIDTHDWII Gnldan ins ull PA M150 56011 IDUMP TRUCK lor hire sand travel 01 Phone PA Hall Ind llENDEIWOR lr °w marina not Plillr Inllel north illNib smtlv FULLY GUARANTEED PHONE PA £195 25 ESSA ROAD DON YOUNG MANAGER LIEM cAsu lOlt good cars Llcna laid oil Phone PA 3911110 coNvEnunLE 47 Pontiac exceuent condition hydraulic top custom radio Phone PA 554135 N401 sn DDDGB Moor good mechanic1 condition Must sell Phone 151 after me 1950 AUSTIN A40 Sodan good condo tlon Will aell reasonable or trade ins lar mtractnr Phone PA 19 gnnd condition heBIel Gllhefl Phone or ivy 1391 1950 NASH Rambler ruinmailo lolly eaqu ed low mileage Owner trans lerro nVelimllr An reasonable oiler W11e Box 53 RC Crimp BOrden ilnzqt im CHEV Sedan with 111le Muster Lite NOTICETOCAR OWNERS OECAlts TOWED AND STORED AT RUSSEL STRANAGHAN MOTORS Pnrsuaat tn the provisions or Jim Mechanics Lien Act Rso 1550 chapter 221 Section in the ndgr signed will suit the lnilnwlng cars to recover repalra tnwlns anthOrIla clini ea alter this notion has up Onted Ila ree issuer or The Barrie Train 11955 consul door sedan 1555 license plates No 312311 Semiorxo gioJiuJommzts 11952 Humor door Eedln man mm in color ms lioenso No 211619 11935 PLYMOUTH sed dei P6 1955 license ï¬nalise 119 cuEV conch ms so no re ms PONTIAC license eslmi Ng All vehicles will be soldier In Purposes only lllISSliLSTIIIIIIIIIIIIII ll Prop illllice Supplies vI columnar Pads Rene ls Bullrnlnls PostBlntders Ledger Sheets Time Books SIiiplelE Waste Baskets Analysis Sligllé Business Macllllqs 09 DUNLOP sr wEEP Dorris Phonon 114w