P11111111 11132114 sTDE 311111113 EXAMINER FRIDAY AilGuSrJll 11156 FOR SALE FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE Plean lumen1 ms or 11111 on pug 11 If 11 mum EWNT EMmm FILLGWEEOIL R1 LACEY HENRY EXCAVATING GRADING 1515111 Lam1111 in harm mm son you CAR Lor 95mm MORAN 1153 ï¬tslflnsifln£flao¥°°3k 11 ctAPPmlon snow 98 Buylteld at P11 PA 35295 WANTED Kurt Ibo mm and alert Phone PArkway 829702 23 owumd humy Mondayï¬lo un 9111 111 rs urdly un 1111 Wm PM1 mm °° 1111111513 REALTORS HIGHESI PHONE PA 66696 1m osted trom Euro 111111 1111 11 Sell Through moou gt mm WWW RUBBER STAMPS =5 11 mvmw sauna moon 1111 11111 111 11111 1111111 Mm mm 15 OWEN ST BARRIE MFROPOUTAN mm cum human can on you uwlcr gone locï¬lm only uaoout lhm mluute PHONE PA 531 BBQth MADETOORDER 211123115f13 angstrtï¬tsl BRADFORD STREET 111 T113 £3315 nmfhï¬fll 1111 SCRAP mm SHANTY BAY Five mm brick 1211 am $51 312 m°°° 31 11 1111 mm armmass 11euonahle down payment An cxcellr room two tosthrooms1hreo 500 Avlaucuon for the union or Cute Run MAGIC SW UP to 011ml 111 name 11111111 111 Ad condltlou ano altchen located on Wtfll 51 Modern duplex Phone PA 66331 PA 684 We also all Ipel beams er at Part1 cur 11g Club or ma STORE buuflllll hmoloom rugs nara ms 111 well located nnly blocks lanoua ed 1111 11111111 11111 haa rooms down 111111 nve morn m6 00 Your 01d urth wean1n tin 11 no min 11 11111 1h ouunndnx home Call A1 and bath upataln vacant posresslon chnneh In lulu kwlliï¬ï¬‚ï¬w 71111 510 deco VB IIIGet 7P1 ggrlrlactmla shï¬rczgu at PA 55111 11o1e PA am or an appolounent 311500 Em mm Polymng mu Low Priced INDUSTRIAL IRON 31 31 113h°3s115l1 PLACE To BUY 11 TON 11mm eomhlnauon vacuum RANCH BUNGALQW NBA Resale 111111 rea an tour rooms neeoa lloor Ilsh 11111 315100 rm DP COLE scoretarydreasurer GOOD USED CLOTHING 1111111111120 10122 Indgg Iner Cum Ur bdrm 1J1P111111 nrmulrlznnnra mum Ind prnyer My monthly home on H1 hllnd Ave Colflllnlnz ulna hulmanl Qaunl ETATE SALE sixmom hflï¬k 1111111 BAllnlE CURLlNG CLUE LTD mm no mmumoï¬ 111 ha quu ea or modern 1111111 In Allondale new ruruaca ano loot Dunlap 51 West Peronl DUNLOP ST BAREIIE mm 31 out 1111111111111 1111 61 unne 111 was 111 1111111111 recmnllnn mom well muan PA mlut he 1111 to class at THE WARDROBE amlner 1911 cholce o1 decorullng Landcoped 5519 NHA Resale lor otter any term Phone PA 80331 or PA 7204 Quiet rosldentlul Alreel near 1cnool 151111 down1nyarnom modern home $4911 SERVICE TO SELL THOR Aulornaglo unlt conslstlng 11 cull John wormsaxon at H4 No nary monuments mem Shula St lmmedlle posrualan tot11a ehar 111 the 1111111 111111 1m room rlch homtvllth 111 11 11135111 SECRETARY 1111l°ll 11111112111 Ziï¬ Eiincflï¬fiï¬i 31 1111 No 11 mzhwny North on um mm mm 6m Barrie Metal Salvage tlon newl deeoulea 111c ot $1000 r11 tlhlh1 elnlh FIn Cumulllm PY 5m Entrance hotwaen c1111 Brown Ltd 53 gum £21233fl5 °° 9° WW 01 heated lmmealsto pouq 57 110 hlghwn trontage plua 11 ed recrehlhm room on he1tlnglaa11 Dmï¬ï¬‚s nnd SParhnm Jewelkrl lllgh 11nd Ave Earth PA 55331 mam house totaler 11 mummy 11 lune Down paymnt 1111111 APPLY PERSONNEL DFFILE Brlo 1n ull clothlng that ls season TDODl acres wllh trontngs oxpcnnceulnn oily 11000 Call A1 Rosa PA wme 01191110 centrally lotled SCRAPIRONMEIAIBFURS nrlclr three 1e 1111111111 apartment mm ms an dun ml 111 good repatr mo Contact Mr Shalnyell at PA mm RIDES RAGE BA rooulred tor 5111111 uusy omce Ahle Loggnzmzo Wm yang 11 1111111111 EXPERIENCE ln new and soul name Brentwood no on uh cm mm mm mundllluned plunos electrlc church °° FEATHERS 20001Illl flee II II Top my mu organs your Inmlee Prices you ROOMING HOUSE °° Attracllve 1111111 hams our rooms at on In exrellent mm Km who nu or to cant heat Inyw em Terms to 11111 1st ma In 10 In men modern Auanuale Priced to cell LIVE POULTRY lt our budget Phons Pronk Kennedy I1 nd my cum to cm Real nlca hams closa 1o dnnnlnwn Ey 21315 333523112 33ng SUPERWTENDENT NURSE MOBILE HOME helprton 11 mlles north at nprrle on slGwldalm2mzuagggl121113 glumnnl huru wllerppump Ethane F1 mom very well bum grï¬tï¬galnltjgg Jul ï¬guEH week succcsrml pllcant 1111 GREENACRES 0MB FORJHE AGED lllchwuy 17 111111 1111 511111 and Very Rllonlhll price and centrally muted on WellllInon $11099 down WI hundlu and the bll tr1l11e1l tor 1wo wee hclnre uklolt Ntzqunlthr oNTAluo 141 111 uuyneld only 15111111 down 1111a one once 1112335 per month C111 111111 Pour mml ulta modem on Na 11 5I am poomon 111 early Saplemoer 141m Thla home located llu17t two econ ago 111111 PA 933 Bordon Tho Earrle Examlner llml r111 111 name whlle mother works able chalrr 11d 111111 A11 111 creollent chmullm Very mn 3510 Wind In home new dawn null110w rooms and hath 11 her to moon ram posaculon 111 on ot low taxu P111 pnlP $1550 Terms Helora buylnl or telllnz consult am 11 Ill CIH aflhn PA 35 Apply statlng quollllcatlon aspen WET ccllrmkkï¬ Bvd with 115Pth111111ognuft13A 121 only about our mnas lrom caalp wlll hand Total pflcl once and murltal status to on noon 038 lor rellshlc oy to lots mm INVESTMENT HOME Central Locatlon Natlonal nourlns homes good hum Remunerlmn ul ul mm NQV LOW Dawn Payment Ilh ï¬lm 1100 Alan Whllnul Ind AND COMFA F9 Chnlper Pulanca hates mm 111 mm mm own an lawn sectlun 11111 111111 olenllal 111 busemcnl lumace 111111 decorated month $1990 down Payment less than Yard and Ofï¬ce 204 mu 55 suranco Ior 1u11 term o1 your com Germany Aug phone some 11 to 31111 per 11cc lvlng nor 11112111 npllr lnr 11 pan 1nd ren Fm gggï¬fï¬gg mmflgcg gum trust up to yum 5035 pm mu Pu 111 or uwner 111111 throu hout Forcnd air 11 Trade In roller cor lumlhln etc s1 Apt N11 wellnum PM Can PA Arranged Cull Los Pope PA 21711 may ELRICKY CH man mm Flinn will wghlwho HINI ELECTRIC awnun Gulur wlthcm Brudlord St Phone PA um LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Elmerlencep 311 January prllgnllom BOOKKEEPBB wanted male 211 Ind magnum practlcally no Me Sensun Burgnn 1311111 Older typo 11111111I ood loca 1141 0171 now 1111 1111 ucoonllan tro my 19011 tlon large rooms an 1111 plus WEANSD Plan Phons 0pm 53135113111 for mums Signrlggmgegï¬ï¬ go 413 Chapman Traller Sales ches wlth 11111111 Joe 1151 Gullnr my 1111 an 1111 511111111 Shnnly utl111y room attached cor1e largo H9 1111 1ha he lunar wltK na l1 llarclwooo 11 NEW Restricted Are Exumlner Couon Ave Hwy 90 Anna ont storm wln ows wlth zlnlx28xfly 5531 1113211125°1311y5 311111135 33 gï¬mheutlnz P1111 rlï¬ï¬‚slzlpzo Eï¬tl 1101511le cow due to lreaglï¬o APPLY MR MCARTHUR PxornssloNAl nguro akaung teoch limo LOCAL MANAeolgxmï¬ sausage fans $5111 ï¬t191 IIn lrltcnen 111d bathroom Yell In M5 Pane PA 2801 SUBDIVISION PM °° UNITED ClgAR STORES qmd 51312 CC 11 Comm 111111111111 ulters my 11 2°131311°13 1119 111131 Hillelest School District IIOLSTEIN cow yPIls 11m rash pmm 112 331 undm 141241 ORDER TODAYI 1412 Prlcu Ilnchmos all lumlturc 1n mgooa ml atorey home 11 rooms 111111 11111 amswc and vacclnuted Phone 113131 91 gt com on Clll John Woflhlhfl ll be Ill IEHI 11 fl 211 DUNLOP sT EAST 111111an agonum wantao between ago 15 to 111111 decorated Largs 135311253 131 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Im 5° AW Top 1tarlln 111 Unltorms lllp len vhnne evantnga alter PA nlletla Cnmglfle lX11111 beneï¬ts year 1415 131 ANTIRUB wlnut Bookcun 11 cup PA M4 Mlnulng 11 112111011 TEXACO Im11 MM Wlnut slash rd An WN Close to school and 11111111111111 12 75 11 200 Lots th 11111 keYuRogufhggï¬fencu relqllflnd mm mm walnut chest or druworr square sloon DO lull pflCIA Le P0 PA 55195 Phone 59575 141131 oolt claw 1111 toble ogany 30° USE Apply 37 5M FURBBRBD 1101 serviceable llasson hatlors table mlhouny whatnou Grove st Lem couPLE Perlnulent po ltlon 01 re muho1nny eornor table Anuqu =°gn 5n fï¬ge 125 in room and hath storey 1111111 DENIS SHEAR Lm me um 1° PH isl gt III Arnold me Rm WWW lee sevenl 1111 11 n1 111 my corner lot hot alr mrnaco 110011 PAleWICK to win the lenernl cleman and gym um $11512 mutt STOVE FURNACE mum mg ml Loren an ï¬g Dggpu7s lull prlce call Lu Pope PA 115591 can wunx 11015125 APP c111 mcm Mm Brxmn yi1crellent lllvlng quur Meter T1111 Truck Detlvery gfmgmémfhlng 111111a lolvelly p1 well at PA 111 Earrle snow lbw lotto 111 augheuhmlgot 19 Con SL531 an children Mlh fllrll Sula eX WInI Ticket Prlnlfl sell Indm Ekfl Iï¬ï¬‚lh Bll Si la JOAN GARRICK rlonce and alumnus Appl nor cry mum 11 llerelord Bulll SCHOOL Ff Enmmh SIMCOE pErROLEuM gum Boa1515 and caurt on be rd District lar lot clone to chunhel 111111 REGISTERS Jacobean mlk thrary an sloreo Only 0011 szsuoppw 111m feeledited ply Barns lew MAN wanted to recelvé 11d tattoo EnsoN W1CE Proprletor table LarseJrop leal table 1n maplo 1000 C111 Les Pope an 1152911 Parms Cook 11KJ Earrle 9111 15 Owen St PA 114111 my mum 0mm no ugllnut bedroom colts lfllglflettushï¬ 31 ago l5nlwomllnrlngaloov 111 GOOD cows qum one my on romo nmo 11r1 walhu eau 11 on an f° 19 ww WP rwgrgwmxvnwf muggyg pHONE pA 82563 11 men 11111135115 1111 11 111 no $1111 BEFORE YOU BUY 1111 111 111 111111111 ow ng quoltea oi1v 5y mutton Mm mu 1m drum mam 111 drama 111 well dacorotad throughout wlth REASONABLE PRICES manure plle 5mlth Parm 25 suleroulf Motlculous Appearanca pa fume mflmnmu no com um mu Dd Snmm onk hall seat and humor lutehan Hilly room at back wonderlnl scam Ann 99 Pleaalug Perronallty to Toronto lloger 5110 Mr 111 14391111 suite sovoral clocks lovely seleotlon fin 5011 Mr Elliott 11 PA 66411 nrrle MAPLE AVENUE 11015 BIN cow years due Aux Oaggmgï¬lggggoglfle hmxflg Km C°°m°wn 95 131 2333515h23h11551151 331333 unideucth rumca hunted 111 Homeln heller 11111111 yean due 111 or 1111111 11 11 seven Rooms on Acre suluhle lar roomers or hoarooro Aug 13 Apply Keith been Ed 01111335111ngcaepï¬lmogdyemhï¬ï¬ï¬‚ GOOD USED Essa Rand phorrllccl PAS lumlrl r7191 mung km gag oognlfogsggawn 31611171121 Pull Phnne Bird 251 H1 tkln It MICE an 15 ram gt CAREER all Ilivertmde Maguwï¬o 111135 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES YOUNG cow good mllklng Holstelh lake Th1 11 11 mlnvelt Can Ice man or woman home w1111ne1ao£m11 5109 mum STRE Ilw WW mkflv in In Birm of EATONS ment Sltust on 111111 11 11 on Eggfllv Jim 13433311 amok d5 mllk o1 bread 111m hum 110 mm wrltu lmmeo 11er to Granger 5511 mum NOW 05 Naked mm blue attachments Phunn 101 God countr rand Contact Mr IMIUOII CIT Schulz dl DI If in 990 51 Roch Strut Montreal oaeheo berrlcsisgpadnl 111111 by crate 111111 51 PK 11 Emu 5d Gm 1191951191 PA 112 Ferd 21 mm mm bï¬moial 11 Pn 1151 m1 gummy BMI mo em on an 11 goo 11111 lloLsTEm res an 11 nxel via antinnvzdn 1111 111 Used Refrlgeralors Garage and Restaurant room Price IS $I1000 WI 486 Clflled grades and ure mdl our $99901 PA NHA resale term1 plck of 75 A1111 wel marked nto Mann stability and nullity 3495 One 01 ll bl Id W1 sennllnnnllnyï¬e ytgrghui In POSIIIONS WANTED 5995 FARMS FOR RENT In Slmcogrccsung Carissa harm51s BOYS Kahuna new 513 years 11111 user1 huna ml HOMES Anus 1111111111111 111 11111111 End 5° 111111 school molrleulatlou hantlnz or Me 7111111 chums wanted Nome 19115 mi 95 Simi 945 tlon Good 11 bum mum an mm PM cammwn Hm mu equP oCOMMEECIAL sum laundry tubs 1131a 1iménu1coumw1fa menl lo W0 with 20 3m 513 9111 moi 0111111 A1 1111 to hes You can or this huolnels out PROPERTIES 11 1111111 expo shes lny 1ype worle Phone PA 115m as lng ac gm grogts 11111 years Canto Mr 1111 hm WW FARM EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE 29141 2995 FOR RENT 111111111111 tors11111 1111 of 11 CDRPDRATIONLIMITEï¬ DAY CARE tor chlldren 1n rename Thor 1995 PM lenl mind 11 Consult Rldouf Bl various 11m 111 oeutrsl 1111 1151 lDloN CUfllNG BOX neorly new All Nnflh Ln C011 sun El Immunflln 11m llama Penced 111 yard Phone Angus are made lcAsE Tractor goo con on POST OFFICE SQUARE 11mm 29119 am LL rm ESTA We have many mora 11111111 11111 1va CASE Tractor or 3495 house horn Bnplment shed Also 2195 MasseyHarris Tractor tor sale we Wh lncome prope ln every Prlce 1cocx511u11 toot hlndar AR 175 2111213111191ch all Burner lce 53 71 et er or In PM man gages posltlon 111 Borne fehono APP PHONE PA mm 17oNEwHo1LAND Baler PA 11 2171 JOHN lmENNAN 1111 N6 Angiï¬ ANYTIME 1wlscoNslN cyllnder nlr cooled Mama P31151111 will loole alter children any Heayy PM 335 15333 ESTATE NATlomu DEFENCE 551 PXnï¬gï¬ WM mmuzggssi Elecmc Ranges REAL Day or Evenlng FARM SUPPLIES AND CAMP BORDEN1 ONTARIQ HANDYMAN deslres any klnd o1 work GE Table Top 9995 AUTOMOBILES CANADAS LARGEST CWPERTON smnm mm Charles SERVICE up llEALTost Requlres ggï¬ggngggpewgg mg Sawing121 Top 1132 Dunlop street Part CHARLES 0111mm on on £95 11 urka ow Slenog raphers ifl$tï¬fné13 11 112 33 WBLiPmg °r Seg MCGOEY TOUGH 111111 1131331 ï¬iï¬tm 5°53 CASE AND mm It alumlet Box 10Bmln Eur11133 wflungmm hum gmï¬ï¬mfhrffmsï¬fme Smfn REAL PsTATE 11 Busmnss BROKERS falldnxslndgws lelng room 11111111 111111 Estate Board NEW HOLLAND apartment she 95 wlth Calumet 1111111111 mm mm 15 FARM MACHINERY DEALEFi 01111 tea rl rooms All rooms are at good me TYPISTS 11111 Possumggnsl STEVENSON HOMES very mnny EXCIIS llere GI with 175 BURTON AVE yï¬uNfl PA 231 sum $20 mm up wlth 11 ex artence1n nunlnx PlugIn Rangelres Au TYPE 0P31Nsu1tAch °°° d°° 450 wm motor 290111 Suburban lein 33Sgggg We PHONE PA 85201 nun 11 1111151 11 51 91 Style 00 We 11 Wm 333 locatton near hotn schoolI yel Con 11 vespra one Barrle 95 DUNLOF 81 EAST EAlqu you to henuutul new clthnrd bun Cm 11 11 utl Recl Estate Broker 1711711 594191 Ap llcatlon lorna obtalnuhle at Na 111w 1111111 cons ruc on on um Empluymma Sum and PM R00 BOARD 131121 11 ow bedmums largo llvlng oulces should he fled unmedlately 11 111 an and room These rooms have choloe grads 1M cm 511 13 ad dlnln area cdlonms Ind pleca 11 ee and 11an31 1311 cut power takeolr 11111 with ROOM AND noun or young hual 995 each hurdwo throughout extrn largo 1111 11111 5mm ammumn neu glrl 1n nlce home close to down ment artmenx near se Harri cummlng phone ESSA =2F111111191511111 iy11Â¥1ed wï¬ï¬m cannon CONULT us ON P91 91 25 St Clair sz Em 3w Apply 73 mm klzTIgl BUDGET TERMS ML £33133 lzhlsb 31 1115111111 withpsep pawn payment 1111111 TmtlzsluNG MACHINE Mount Por Toronto 195° Wuh mien down Payment mm mama producer est 2111 oxceuant coudltlon Geor 141 BOAEDElliS WANTED Sultth for 11 TH EATON co um Recently Bum Bungalow 5117011 Terms OFSchsnga or Propetual sloGludrey Thornton 191111 penooa or ream conuon 1glalnggï¬nyvanfolynléornmrupggg £113 113111 room on 11111 111 11111111151 1111 suns WIDE SELECTION OF gfgnlgd11ngaegggoï¬rgmtmgoghgg Camp Borden Highway 55911 Iggy2733 my Vng VBInhL PP 1151311 rArhwny $5533 77 LATEMD£1ELUSED CARS Laerkgnlcéleeryf Igmhenhlms tilde inï¬rm Eï¬wugemgaggflmggm flaw or phonrllloonstuue lsrl allPW an er 131131 is Bra PARTTIME 1111111 requlred lor sales Accommodation wanted FULLY GUARANTEED wood noorlnlz throughout mil JWM my 111s CORN BINDER hloCormlclc Doerlng wont Goad remuneratlou erte Box manna PANEL noon use 5450 11111111111 basement has automatlc oll 213an mem °PP° 225 Home R1 14an Phone PA 14327 7111 In salr oonolluoo Charles Ellsmere PHONE PA t2955 llred Ac heatlng unlt P1111 prlcs Propeny Management Phone Moonstune 19r15 3991 ï¬t wsmsn Tou House OWN 15 Tm 1° 33 2yzoimï¬iiï¬ 11111121111111 MACHINE GsorzeJthe SALESMAN bedrooms Ch In 01 BE mm mnve DEE gt wa ï¬Jï¬IormmflLEAB MW lrthilFetterfltlfan avenge 111ng TEThone PA £3162 111191 screen Pm or 72111172 Eullt 111owners ecltleatlonr rut room on garage an every 1111 wltn hl raln elevator 1175 A11 Do 135 ls 11 111 1r brick bungalow tho wul stand the em convenleace Prlee lnoludeo alu ACRPs room 2star home pom magnum mus HWY 11 ar Enm er DON YOUNG MANAGER Anlvnr oPPlCEn lchoolhza dau DINETTE sums as lece ught ooh WAulutss wanted exporlenced Unl tars would use to rent house wth 111 good couoltlon hona PA 52995 most rlglo 11151111111111 T111 heautltul screen vanetlnn wlth hdro ressure system 1111h p91 Hm home 111 bullt on picturesqueluih wlfll 3111233 11171131 at 11111 nrloe only room ncluoeap barn heuhouso on form aup fled Good wages Apply at least bedroomé commenolng Sept $353552 132 33032110 191 59309 Terms bow down anwent MWY 27 VLA 1311133511111 LIVZIAEVWE Gemgel LWhltlg ea vs om rm pm PA miml 16 mm SINK hlgll hockt1 goosonock 11nd xxznï¬fehgégï¬mcan home with $5006p down payment Bulldlng Lots $800 $13 ï¬g maï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ flu hell halltgrd Phona Brad oro CAPABLE woltlAN lorKenenl house 331512 fmalslephoase mï¬ï¬ne Si PM 151 mvm xildggï¬ Busmeyss Sites 911Â¥2154 cum hfl we shined when SH work loud or chlldreuFtnest 1111111 partly turhlrhed 11mm 111 1111151 he 51 En on door with radlo Beauty salon downtown locotloh muggy deffrï¬h mvggnggfgï¬ 11111111 END LOADER tor Ford aeeommodstlon 111 new home near To re1 ectaole lace or 1I earold 111 111 DAsls Plano Accordlau wlth case ouslness warronts two 11 srotors 1111 sm Pro ert Perguson Tractor 1n good cundlua ga 11 411 rcury Sedan acan re close to lgh and puhllc schools ronto Phone Slroud 25m lolw Iw tel 1113111m mBInle Examinï¬r g1a 125fl rghone camp Borden 1413111431911 49 MW glfgdncï¬frmninlladnnans $11011 tall prlos Brink mm mewmlmly 411 DPPORluNIlY ol oouple 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Plume money molrlue aldellnao 1ncludeol to 95 Acres bum° GRAIN AUGEBB 12 toas new sud 55 110111 CA11 mas yellow and HUDSON room dwell 1111 storage bulldlng 313 enceg glny 11 $15300 W111 G111 1111111111 my 11100 ï¬e 33511° 05 319331 HILLMAN storagesqlsaï¬omlh1 ego any133 mm PHONES CASE TRACTOR 1951 model un Good as new LES Dun half 7Pl199i 17 GDWAN ST PHONE PA 8483 Pupnent In 610 70 hluhway glxlz7gu13FI00d 51 Sflphll huh nl Alums MAY BE TmEPIlONED To OFFICE PHONE PA 112411 mm H69 south 11 Aurora Phone PA oer grstn thrower on rubber year clrollowms mecuuve New 35 RWV mun 509 marl HONEY larluc 11315191 r2truunnon EA E1591 11 Bowman Ave avoul 19 Em Iiond uPPEowuxw Green bush Navy room bevelled hï¬fllrclé G00 L0H nurtured and to plume 52124 170 MB Phone PA H8 Remntlonu nuarly naw zraln throw Followlng consecutlve lnsertlona21 word minimum on MODERN Vle dinku mom sulto CALLUSABOUT To REAL ESTATE IBulldlng lots able to apartments Garage Excellent aH gt gt 4404501121 also Inner dH Glidjéaga CONVERTIBLE I1 Pontlnc gallant shredder Ebenso Feeder Itlln em coMING EVENTS LOCALS 41 awmll plnlmum $100 Gummy cm 3nd Mam BRAND NEW bedroom plus mutharln and ouour own 111111 on calol alter 1111 1311111 on lnrgo lo Complate whll bnth Ahm wm 19 3mm all JIMW clan 11 seeder 3110114 FA 74 Price 111$2300 wlth terms Sh mm mm am an huh other llne homes svallablaboth 111 used One only used we Aulschalmara 133 Acres 1111111 PA nusmanta PA Mm 111 1111111 Deale Plow on rubber ro hrlolt house hank ham rlvcr 1110111111 rusonahle 11xw block P11111111 PA 11115 1391 gm Am poundm comtmcuon wlth modeln from wash 41 11 word mtnimumBOc Wm Whoa mm PHONE PA 33442 mm mm mm ma 1111111 0111 Wu nu 11111 new 111111111 11111111 Anderson mues rout talnerr now on home wlth Iurnue 1111111 horn 30x2 1111135111111 MACHINE 2135 lu a1 and low feeder Reasonable ply musP PAmwlm mm 11313 13153131 Pkltéreztoli M73183 F0 °°° um APaflmemu for rent oath hasementheovy wrlnl convene 11m Lelroy £3111 mm mm gurdon 111m Thompnon 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