Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1956, p. 5

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COFFEE3AR it ECONCESSQY lion hm moneys5m It HgfiWAitEéArPuANCES imiggiEEE CANiPiNG EQUIPMENT WILL INSTALL THIS lorenhce esuo ed bushel la the on building which will be own In lb cm 0m public Ltlsq in he on yearly om neati to commence not latarthan MN October use All turrutur noo gt at amt run AWNING no plied erupt lvplllnm Tenden In 5L on in be In writing end ruledle 57495 HEAVY DUTY dltl Auxurl 25 1956 For mflhcr IIe we Irml luPtv °752¥53722 ELECTRIC RANGE Barrie Ontario or phone PA ems to WANDRADIDBIPALB no so it mm we For 10 Down ii week MAJOR LUClENL PAQUETTE USAF lower leit and Camp Borden undo McMartin Barrie Chairman or COLLECTIONS Captain SnmuelR Bovino us Civil Air Patrol lower right the Area Committee or the Air Cadet League Back row Household 93 were in charge 0L the group or 25 boys or the Civil Air left to right FLRuddy SL Jacques 31 Hynds rite omitsigned nu received wfixfiufn Patrol who visited the Royal Canadian Air Cadet School Officer Commanding the Air Cadet School BL Pattee instmclions lmm or Barri Camp Borden on July 26 Others shown are front row DFC Training Command Air Cadet Liaisbn Officer and MR5 MARGARET PM PA H751 magim GC West CD Commanding Otiicer RCAF Station FLJenklns who conducted the tour DILBON 103 Sophia St West MUSKOKA WELL Dimums Tun nannlr EXAMINER wan soar AUG 19561 whose father brought them to Mia Gable and she sent Borne COMPANY them to TheExaminer office The ia soil hy Public Auction on wan drum Ind and BACTERIAL Wth twospecimwinm argon ye SATURDAY AUG MM Bacierialvwm of alfalfa iscnr lawand one be mm buds an ATI slianr quuinlm 10 sex ll edmost commonly the ducal the on and the other has THE IOLLOWING THE BARRIE mum med smiveued seeds amen pro fawn one awer and one bud back to PM mu mum Hiking duced by diseased plants and the back machine iloiplnie Kitchen CIDlrlel any CIDCk lioyll electric wa gt hm si Ladder China Cabinet and wflli on in poory ceane ingpdesk cotton Wicker ilvinfl 30 Mr and Mm Charles was seed samples These Canada Dept OMLLIA BUS OPERATIOX Rec fitIéhufificfifavilii glin Cabinet Clapperipn st attended the Wil gutAnglmigtuziedregsgitvsn lama first mm of agenda MARKET PRICES tl tsa iii22 Winn WIND mm at Queens terini wiltinfested areas may play awkiuggiflylmcelnfifiwflfi 311 WEDNESDAY AUG Wm mm egms on importantmole in spreading 9in RCA Victor In Iyn Valley showed net loss to 1068 CA or new Nahum Well the 10 R08 Bun liliss AgnesEdmonstone has re the disease into new areas or new me own 545532 for munThe 3668 table chestnutid choir to tn turned to her homé in ammo fields town pays we or each me the POULTRY table IiganCilmmcglllozk iiirill 54 PHONE PA 85307 alter weeks holidaywlih Miss buses travel and eollecta ali iares mm w°5 Cltrlri Rm Isnbeila lilcCuiiig Dunlap Street Council iolt revenue would rise A5 quote by Firs prenflve iicush gt lsillllrdlirenegvlPk bedroom Iuflh west considerably when studehls start flan 0mm bl elagtgfiill51Essicfirlfifflflggplé 55in Gllson AUiomaTiC Mrs Lee liirs Donald CAMPBELLAt tho noynl Viciortn 5mg mebufics 1d 9309 H95 V750 SDWS $700 cm 1m turnsidelemelil fiwgfiwxzrnfihglfouln taxed wile mettreu Dodgson zinLlJtlis Makluson hfifgflfifil Robe Gimme EGGS urge amplele dud dresser modern Mile of Kahshe Lake are visiting Mr oraley st hurts ran JomTyLANNmG 30M newwihmnaiati Urnaces and Mrs mm stoma citfillintufhi°ii iist authormo at an lc medium to chair End luole dishes chinaware Also011501 Street East to phond Mn Common cumseth Beeton and Totteuhnm Small 31 tfwfliniiétqfiiiaerfkodI GOAL WOOD Minions ML and Wm Man and uggggfflwfielflgm do my expect to establish mint plan 37 mi°Tm°315m°3°mm BALFEGSON Wit daughter Em and Mr hiinenwhi5irt$ $Qméiéittié$1232° emit REGULAR 24995 ta mention and Mrs Eric Kitchener and their Anzur dammitr Geraldine Deli Efifiminfi reserve an hour LI mm mm PM PA 5003 son Nigel oi Toronto have re mfhfigflg an mm no 331mm 10 mass ea ea HOLIDAY SPECIAL an turned to Barrie after vacation Bltal onrrie on us 1956 In Reeve Arthur Evans alarmed Nothing to be removed uniu rei mag Lake Halibmtom tiulfiiy liiiits clerk lorry Count ELECTRIC MOTOR Miss Jan MacDonald dmghm wmmml the bridge of the canal to Holland sud iin WM Grade Ammmm SERVIGE at Mr and Mrs MacDon 2htmfhn K3913 Yolanda Mush by 1183 pump house Grade Big allowance for any kind of tradelll stave We will wire will be replaced with Ontari pay no Now Mom Ne old Bloke Street leit last Sator ananls 0551 Lil IIIa1 Rfifl and ad your house at cost and put it on the same contract No cash AUCTION SALE mm mp mm any hm New York when wsfitaty Nut ergong wmm 1521 tin 139 genggorlthefigugafisn at lbs needed of Reg Acc Vocc Cf She will spend the ex two figpkfils mnflgigfinrtflt 15 Bradfords share would be main Special its at the Smetziers Baton Cuflle HAROLD HART wee row and Rexdaie Ontario lemme only Gm An Grade Hoist Elem um lwtrllag School Ithaen College daughter Lori Anne Grade BI Camp °° Pf Yin BRADFORD CENTENNIAL The dmmtfd his nieclved 53 Owen Ph PA 85220518 Deputy Reeve Munfly mus Eyegllfnongmzlrlgollode ck Join Centennial oi Bradfords ineor Grade instrui on rt aton ils ciopperiun St name mum Wm be he in1957 to lbs ELMER STONG 12 the Woféafioflsflfil Kgiftfiwgtflflgflhviemrh nosl Council decided to ask serviile Pbli Auction at ing to attend foolmilly ChnCcession celebrations in Capreolwhere he 51 $3943 1232 31 glufinflgg 9111 OrlaniflttionsFielé was mayor in 1930 Tonight along hlshnsdsoolmiiii Gutord drum is lelflec 1115 West GWIIIimbury Masonite and plywood panels Gold Wm othercamdim Nflmnal Rn whim rem mm mm my pannt mcc lng to Men lllrhwy as Leo sho chrds annners Aug in the town hall one ntliu West or andtord hay Xeltgrllnsv Hedlv be 95 fififtnfifi°vnmg 1035 v3 Trunk Letterin Speciity oys inner Bancéflufq mm Ham wwsuw GAME WINNER 51Cnfig 3233 $1123 Bradiordcouneil that he expects ModelikfiZSanw 0N SATURDAYAUG 11 Mary Smith 23 Market 1n uo arknessHenderson moana the hay Victoria THE MD 11 Mulcuter Street MAJOR CUSTOMER gflfighatfififfiogcfig twig Street Collmgwood was one of nearsream accniznirizo AND an name the winners inihe Mhinw Pr0lt VACCNATE msmm PHONE PA 643023 The mam °59mermr Cm ltlclilAHxPlSRExt the nnynimlwgtorln duct Picture Game the week LBrEnda May RB A91 54M adlan lax In the period from Huronl Barrio on Auu 1min He cmd ohmth Leblaws il d2 thhieon Horton Pontinc years August 10 December 135 was the Effie 53 Bfirfiflflwgmz Huroatario Street gellingwood entitled her to pair of red lrerh luly ii Netherlands where nearly two Lynda Louise May mile wiring Kenevoiyn Pasch years million bushels no been ship MealtimeAt me no al Victo in grandstand cth for the Calr it rrie on lse Kathleen Teul Hortoz 11 years ped is Mm Mora Mcnfldq adlan Exposmon due July 24 Armalronu Floor Coveflna Eugenio st Barrie son Gloria nag Apple Patch aam Ruhhor end OCONNORAt tn VI gt mu um oyo ctorill POWER FAILURE MONDAY doe $15 152 Mavis years due Unoleums ume maymgl=bggmg3génm The power failure which hit Al film an Apple and mud orlnstic Wall The 1950 st Barrie ran David Barrie for half an hour on Mon Ta enrs due Aug 25 Material Supplied Ind Instill unrufflthe Raynl vtctnm Hos 93y enmg was due We $100 ltewardt is olfered by 13 10qu Lounlm virexol yam Free Estimate NOTICE um pumnnl ta norrte an Aug load to WWIi 01 the 44900 V0 815 orruer employer or any in am Lunch Hm mum Round monitors Elsa iteiu til reel st former at the Brock Street sub hm whim leadm years lull grow App ggfiiggfigikgeggnfilfia figflfiagfi MWLEfijM mm mm or station The cause at thehreak mama and éonvlmouof Liixttti not Toronto st Phone PA Minis Fredrick Price and that or his wile film n1 1956 in age may have been llghlnlflgv the person concerned lathe =7 599 to and Mrs Frank Snwler graml Seuprlnslhy Pnthiindrr ifng fifcgnmfizanffi $333 shrkhtehownn Blvd Comp Bordon He Shot 551M 53 accident in which Doreen son MeGinais was injured on l2 Knthleon Pontiac ruthlinder Avmomzm will mg mgfmgfi STSVARTAQ mml mm DABLIA ODDITIES yean due Sept éfiufibmfmaflf ounfi mm of Hospital Harrie on Aug 1955 Regarding this years dnhliu 5713 Mid ylgfggcessgphflgfm Am SERVICE Am SALES the nth day or September 1955 at in ggfénnflngigmgghegldfmjgg crop with ireak growths as their mm mm 03 PW L4 Humbert mm wooLsuvAt tho ltoynl vtetorln tianed recently in Toronto daiiy new PM Headquners nhreotlfirziiutd til 195s seis liltirto Linoe Re Echo yean solidi and human Mpml hm 55 V0 Oddities were Sent In by PA 841 bred Jon is Dunlap street em Tahiti 91 wmm ith Ann Moiiat 13 oiLeiroy lflHumherlon Judy years bred 59 °° wriaaLartAt th rt Jan NA Solicitors lorth Appuchnt Hospital Barrie En n2 $313 2iariog lcxal Emu years bred WW en 24 Pam and supplier cm rs or he er 55 gt ms Alto Reconditioned Machines Nongoy Lynxii hum HERDInlet Emmi DISPHSEE April l7 gt newaw With the ni°yiivfiflistfiii momma msrmm WHY PAY WEEK F0 ICE 23 ngywhfin Xfiple north VA BRANCH OFFICE VESPRA 51 stiountfldomdobéiit Jcmrifitn owned by AlbertleterS KR Oakvillek 23v otorto stie Texnl yearn hrea PH EARRIE Min3392 nggfigfilrgfimfhgn final Laggfl ELMVALE DISPERSAL June 5eatt to Mr an MrsK it 22 rontihe Sovereign llarto Lassie 1mm 130 owned by Mme Fish Oakvme i1 Conihined with 25 Springlng 2yrolds iron 1955 iiilltlliEllilTllll When you gall have this Hartnl Daisy Mae years bred jigiéihriotte Texal Bonnie 5y PDEPARTMENEIITEGHYESZG 59 nismnl 15 Hm Clyde Hm Pmne ronhAVlLLnsllaw 0n snuraty SELLING 0N g5 yem open 230 by Kenevelyrl Paihlinder ulyfa 1958 at the home at the rides parents by Rev Nowell FRIDAY AUGUST 1956 oommenein at pan yezuZJngleige Pathfinder May years ngfiylnue atfidimgfigggt unduly mm mm Wm nnd Mn Arthlt saw Coo wilexol Twin ValleyJlnrtag morph repaired tarttied mm Am Wm WK HAYS SALES ARENA OAKVILIE 0116 ears open house lisrn chicken houses and These are two loll establlslle her at uior bloodlines and unmarrwin anlerfimt rfiméflgflgJQWWrtkr rdrivesueu mndymflkfluwl ibflncedfhmrlgfiighgjefl invhomsfiérds 23 hrs open HOLIDAY SPECIA with litigateflhdy orchard anu Sou chfuligme 13 limit Aiifirfi¥ihftu°° 22 In addition some exceptionally good grades will add to the total Model siAB oniy Your ice box is full down payment unmet unnc he mo Pomc FREE ESTIMATES 321 °°° caraatiounsnar as common more ears syztiexulp Lonelm Rag Apple Tender close 1200 noon lantern EMMA no standard Tint Thursday August 23 Vmm Huiflm fish mo Llfloc routine yehrs lose affixm Dania nfluggflehfisflgfi OAKHAYS FARMS LIMITED sale Mums ELSE mm Em ya 54 lniormotion and tendervlpnna obtain wileo£ the lots wuliaoi Dnnlal vnu Two Year Guarantee eiyn Mrs Pottersonl ape hblu Rom Perri in her at yenlxidear muthfll THE TENDERS SECRETARY gt P532 SPECIALIZED mm riairntseedmit shinin that °°° TRIM WORK PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS no 2°EL¥rimifi 37 Royal Eelaiitiers more TORONTO Ind sister at Mnry Patterson sort remoaenv nmnmo nousss comm NOW is Tim TIME TO BUY onto lntértnent Dederonto Came Texal Llfloe ReEcho ley REGRETqu noons Highest or any tender heteunrily 19W ullne Browview Poseh yenr gt ounmo shanty Buy Find BUILTIN CUPBOARDS Jenny up mm 1958 Norman fitmi item in mm new 19 MODELS as LOW AS 5149 95 mggifirongvlew Texi onion is REMODELLING odor Mmgftr gelavd husband or 4Stronzvlew mqu Hartog not Info finnfifpfi N0 PAYMENTS mnanLn or SEPTEMBER sole months mono Scar mu nfiiiimfvw mmlwxh Saturday Aufult ii Auctionsaléol John gum end oiinPét LARGE DWELLING AT wgmm Silver Joek 11 yeen household elects rot Mrs Marlrat aw runawiek no Lin CORNER OF COLLIER PovNTz 515 BUILDER rlu Snla at lei sharp No re tn 5i Thames church shanty Buy His Holstein cow ii yearn due July Phone pA 66382 Yum cannot Auction 55599 ment llolttein Cow ygnrlduom oIm SATURDAY Au ll Auctioit sale or Elflflflc flu 25 mar Stonl Lot in Con Wen to domain cow yom bred gawiimhu Bmoflwgfig Fm mm mm Tam CW mt at EXTENSIO rld ii hunk hdhim mm visuals emu St the shot3n 3313i 2Lmmiiy anJmiLrefifiydfiiédeteh mi C°° 0mm man lawman Tran and Son theflurlejair Earnl David mum DEVIL muAmAlhm No res we no hey re oinl out meow mm Wounded hm BA GAIN ELEVI ION memhs Poncllm ERINGLIN ride 11 52 Strongview Marlhnriea Ru an IMMEDIATE ramvmzu snout ahy aetty rfi¥2lamlgrf mm Dibhon nt 103 Sophia Street Wert nor on Sie¢luey runem Home Ba GRADE Romain mm serve or house in iiold mo ealh MendEh later Registered Hofirtteln cattle dairy Home 00 finlpmont and more lurnlture tor Flooring not in her and aadiather Robert Bl mi gfmelfl Cow yum STORE FRONTS AND thin dinnerww on who patina my Aux mii Plumbing Futures Nelnclw cn thighoua he turned into iiegntereg Aynhlre herd tot Olive endiiohert and prondron huline Term ca melnory erry can fiznfifllfigr fliiitit 5353 mam lin Auctioneer Catalogue may he auraad Ind fetaen who til Fumble Mill WSCOJVI GSON ir mm ttzn5itltx 592mg EllawEhAig iir deor ldi bound in in the our he ported aw iron Shllimkri 33 93 53 °° ozdtt flotsamled out two ridn MSCELLANEGUS oer nb his twin wire and 11156 FUth ginlnl Returning me nuc hinbABand ill ilsilI 515m Ion axrlilmitcro newer oudea Mocoopln lovinl memory at deer lotuslira um Hm rl it ill Mlcc tom gt um um van rpm yqu whine lie in their glint airpornt new

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