ï¬ddlingBianca ToMake Way For EXpansion 0f Collier Street United Church Workmcn began tearing down Wildman House week ago to make way for the new Collier Street United Church church school accommodation and com lIzlnucd auditorium and recreation It is exactly 70 years sincethe rncr lot on which the fine old residence No 116 Collier Street atlnds was purchased by its build er Cross Proprietor of the old Kempcnteldt Tannery he was then rceve of Barrie The threestorey nineroom brick home typical the florid Victorian period in architecture was distinguished by terra cotta root and outer wall ornaments and the three long stained glass win dows that famed itsstatcly stain case It also had distinguished list of owners the second of whom was Dr McCarthy Bar rie physician of the last century and member of one of the towns most prominent families Before it came into the Wildv than family in 1929 the owner was Judge Vance The lnte Wildman of Newmarket and Bar rie father of the most recent owner xG Victor Wildman purIhas been demolished chased the home in Barrie on his Wreckers moved in lastweek retirement and the family resid ed there until August 1954 when the property was sold tothe church MrWildman still has the orig inal crown deed to the property dated Jan 1842 made out to John Somerset who paid the sum of 10 pounds for quarter acre 01 land He sold the land and premises to Mr Cross in 1888 for the sum of $1050 The original owner lcit his mark on the houscin the form of initials on the glass panels of rent doorWHC on one side and NC presumably the ini tials of his wife on the other His good taste gave the home great elegance down through the years Marble imported from Italy and china tile were features of the several huge mahogany fireplace mantela in therhomc and the antique bath marble niches and marble wash basins were the last word in elegance in their day New Building Work on the new structure will commence around the end of August attenthe old building It is ex pected to be completed in the the middle 1880s early part of 1951 Thewntract or are the local firmof Emery Engineering and Contracting Co Adi Harold Moore la archb cc it will be attached to the east side of the present church school which was added to the church in the early part ofthe century horizontal wing will contain classrooms kitchen and washroom facilities with space for future staircase with view to adding second fioorin coming years Seating Capacity 500 Running north andvsouth on the east end oftbis new wing will be combined auditorium and recreation hall with stage at the north end is seating capa elty will be around 500 with banquet capacity of 300 or more states the chairman of the church building committee San dy Coutu The floor of the auditorium will be laid out for badminton and basketball to give th audi torium double usefulness An other fcature will be balcony in side the entrance foyer provid ing extra seating space Funds for the new building pro ject were raised in church cam pdign over year ago The need for expansion of facilitieswaa ob vious The SundaySchnol and church parlor added to the prop erty 1905 accommodated only 100 scholars Todayp there are around 400 Sunday School pupils The new classrooms will also dou ble as meeting rooms or church parlors The exterior of thebuilding Will be red brick to correspond with the old church building erected over so years ago Original Owner Cross came to Barrie in In 1387 25 men were employed at his tan nery and he had branch estatr lishment on Dunlap Street He ran successfully for the reeve ship of the town in 1888 the year the house was built and re ceived an acclamation in 1387 Dr McCarthy born in Dublin Ireland came to Canada with his father Dalton McCarthy in 1847 He returned to Eng land for his early education which he completed bad in Canada the Barrie Grammar School and the University of Toronto gradu rating from the Toronto School of Medicine in 1865 He practiced for short time inBradford and in Walkerton be W11DMAN HOUSE No 116 fore coming to Barrie in 1889 He had his office as well as his residence on Collier Streetand was surgeon of the 35th Regi ment holding the rank at lieut enantcoloneL Average egg production per lay er during last December was 148 eggs compared with 139 eggs in nTolgoNsip modern onestorey building msrmcrrva trauma of the old norsewer thetcrracotta ornaments on the roof Citizenship Theme Centre Fios WI Summer Meeting The July meeting at Centre F103 Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Draper with 16 members and two visi tors present Roll call wasan swered by naming government official and his duties Mrs Crowc gave summary of last months Canadian Associa tion of Consumers bulletin Mrs Draper will give the summary this month The program convencr was the hostess Mrs Kenneth Guthrie Mrs Hutchinson commented on themotto Character is what you are when you think no one is llstcnlngfl gt MrsE Crowc citizenship con vencr introduced the speaker from Montreal MrLaPoint who gave most interesting talk on Citizenship He discussed the livingconditions of people in Was tagged What should do about BANK accounng Ittle cttiLpRENr If you have small child its nice thing to start axsavings account and add toit regularly Even very Vsmaiitamounts deposited regularly over along yperiod add up surprisingly Older children can learn to do their oyén banking Bank accounts can gt be in childrens names and you can specify whether or not their signatures are enoughor whether yours for your children is needed too The sensible handling of money cannot be taught too early in life and any TorontoDominion branch will welcome on account éDOMINmNBANK England Italy and France where he had visited As high achool teacher inthc north of Canada he has taught many children of new Canadians who have come here to make new life He had personally heard stories of their hardships and unhappiness beiore coming to Canada Mrs Crowe conducted can test won by Mrsl Lambie and Mrs Hutchinson was in charge at draw also won by Mrs Lam Refreshments were served by committee composed of Mrs Lamlt bie and Mrs Elliott Miss Gardener August Hostess Ebenezer WMS TheWomens Missionary So cietyof Ebenezer Church held its meeting on Wednesday evening Aug at the home of Miss Ai leen Gardener with an attendance 12 The presidentnpencd the meet ing with aï¬hymn followed by This organisational Dodge SSE success Ilrom the very beginningll Take the keys and see tor yourséltevvrhy this years Dodée Is the tastestselling car In Dodgerhistory Ilere are prayer Rollcall was answered with verse containing the word righteous Mrs Matt Kneeshlvl gave the treasurers report Mrs Joseph Hambly read letter from Miss Utting Prayer was led for the societys missionary by Mrs Wilfred Knecshaw The stewardship reading was given by Mrs Hambty MrsDouglas Knecshaw was in charge of the worship scrvicc the theme of which was Door of Understanding The scripture on by Mrs Emest Dales followed lily prayer by Mrs Douglas Knee nw An interesting papcr on Re ligion and Life was read by Mrs Douglas Kneeshaw She also read two chapters from the book Anna and the Indians The meeting closed with the singing of Hymn 372 The WA held short business meeting at which it was decided to paint the once in front of the church The meeting closed with prayer Lunch was served by the hos thm can lget iYEQhp ring request THE UK TO SAY YES gt on the cash now to consolidate bill or any what you need pay hm in convenient monme amount you can afloat Got prompt YES to your loan re qmt Phone ï¬ne for ltrip loan or come in today has $10 to Don OI 111mm Trill1 01 lot ws us NANCE C0 can at oMrnuwhldn ta noon you maleas Manchzndllooniuu onlLUAnmum mans Floor oral rvrumcs ay monumentmoat you ammo our IaalohMIJtItallmndqtena Wittlaws reading from Romans 12 was git was during the social hour isle acloem sou YOURE COVERED EITHER WAY WITH 8020 AUTO iNSURANGE Under this policy you pay only 20 of each $100 on the ï¬rat 8250 of each lea Above that amount State Farm pay every thing Call today for full iniormation pays to know your STATE FARM Agont ll lillENMthllEtl can 180 Eugenia St Barrie Phone PA 84038 tun um mavaauu hate few of the manyreasons Why moregfpeopie are switching to Dodge than tn nits Dodge gives you statesmen cytosine onlymew miejnnutomoï¬ve with the Forwardiookgt MANUFACTURED in partial av CHRVSLER consonmou or CANADA LIMiTED no wfs THE TIME rosesr DRIVE od pro es takdoï¬ and dash of Dodgehaa 15 outstandingsafety features as standard equipment on odel choose morefor Your Dodge gt wall showy howyoueanaflrdto own glamorous Dodge