Annual Carnival Succen The carnival held on Wadus day and Thursday night had very good attendance There were gunes of chancefor all ages and dancing in the community hall Therewere four $500 hills given away to holders of lucky tickets as follows Jim Resale Ban rie ll Meson Port Credit Richards Pittsburgh and Grant Ansdell Oro Station Laying Yonge Street Drain The Ontario department of big ways workmen are laying 86 atorm sewer on the east side of Yonge Street onobloek south of the lnterseotion to the ditch south of Frankcoms Sales and Service property wfhe top soil is being trucked to Bishop Park for level ling purposes Baptismairswvice 1AtSt luhpp United Church Dr Reynolds conducted the morning service The following infants were baptized Kenneth William son of Mr andMrsWllv item Fawn William Johnsonof Dr and Mrs Windreme Peter John son of Mr and Mrs John Tinney David William sonot Mr and Mrs Hamid Barnes Frances Eleanor daughter of Mr and Mrs Herold Barnes Lana Marie daughter of Mr and Mrs Stanley Turner Tuming the Sod After the worship service the congregation was led by the choir to theoutside ground for the cere mony of turning the sod where the new church building will be erect ed Birth of Daughter Knight Mr and Mrs Lloyd Knight are happy to announce the birth of daughter Charlotte Mary Jean born July i958 at AA the Soldiers Memorial liospital Orillia Recent Visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Wesley Jordon were Miss Shirley Jordan Toronto Mr and Mrs James Jordan Jamie and David of Little Current John Lunnie of Pennsylvania Visiting Son Mr and Mrs Fred Morrissey and sons spent it couple of days at Welland and visited with their son Pat Mr and Mrs Harry Spring of Gait are holidaying with relatives here Mr and Mrs Moulden Rick ey and Julia of Toronto spentthe weekend withMrond Mrs Herb Ritchie Wanted FOR GOOD BARRIE PROPERTY $1920 BUYS $2400 2nd Mortger REPAYan $4000 MONTHLY til2 INTEREST DUEIN3YEARS EXCELLENT PURgflAleR REAL ESTATE LTD CALL wonrnrnaron PA arm cetihe M11 fhoinmri has returned havingapeniafew days with Mr ando Mrs lg Miuencundies Week litlt Relative Mr mammal Taylon family Toronto are spending the week herewith relatives Lemme and Harold Hayes of Chicago renewed lriendshipl in Elmvaiol and district At Quirklme Mm Hamid Townes is ending the week with her hot and at Quirk Lake Visiting Shier Misses Luella Stone and Lois Draper are on holidays with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Clarence McCullough Oshawa Mrs James Morrison afï¬dmon tan is visiting withher sister and hrotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Manning Mr and libs Gilbert Beardsall andh babyNorth Bay arevvisiting Mrs Verne Beardsall Mr and Mrs Smith Cameron and Brian returned to Port Col home after visiting with Mr and Mrs Fred Gregg Mr and Mrs Leslie Todd of Woodstock are on holidays here Mr and Mrs Popple and chil dren Toronto and Mrs Kenneth Anderson Toronto were guests of Mr aners George McGinnis Attended Funeral Service Anumber of friends and ma tivcs attended the funeral service on Saturday at Bradford for the late Ray Sexton SHANTY BAY Weather Breaks Camp group of Girl Guides were camping on the lakeshore belong ing to Robert Martin but unfor tunately the recent heavy rains torced them to break camp The 15 girls were very disappointed as were their leaders but the wee therman seemed to have picked camping time for all the wet wea ther The staff was composed of Mrs Frank Carter commandant Mrs Bruce Grey assistant Mrs Ma guire and Mrs Parker coouarA termasters Mrs Brennan and Mrs Cunningham camp nurses and Mrs Martin swimming instruct ress Gone To Toronto Miss Sheila More has gone to Toronto where she will continue to take care of the Grimm chiid ren until September Recent Guests Guests with the Murisoqjamily ohtJuiy 24 wine Charles Morison and children tot Burks Falls and on duly25 Mr and rs Bak of Gravenhurst and Mrs Butler of Toronto Entertained Friends Mrs Prlssick entertained sev eral friends and neighbors on the evening of July 24 at brush dem onstration The group enjoyed social gettogether at the conclu sion Guild Meeting The Guild met on July 23 at the home of Mrs Brown to com plete their season with full re port from the recent Garden Tea which was very successful Thanks to all the kind friends who gave their support to make it 50 Holiday In Buffalo Mrs Hubbert spent few days holiday in Buffalo NY tra velling with Mr Tapperand returning on do At BasrLahe Camp Joel Anderson and Bishu Plot rowski are attending the farm boys camp atlBass Lake for week Montreal Visit Mark Anderson left July 28in spend some time with his grand motlier in Montreal SwimmingtClasses End Swimming classes concluded on July 27 with water safety film being shown in the hall before the practicalsession After the les sons the whole group assembled on the rectory lawn where the fish minnow and hegMLrS hath ges were presented 55 children passed tests in the elementary section since July The advanced swimmers who had been recommended for the Red Cross tests at Orlliiaon July at were announced Mr Campbell spoke briefly thanking all who had contributed to the program and urging the children to continue practising what they had learned vote of thanks was tendered Mr Florence Campbell of Guthrie on behalï¬ ot the parents The season idespite theweather was decided succesaand our INIJUSTgiTRIP smart5 unmetas om asznmisflui gives prompt cull loans for any yo later in convenient we cactiNe Fay ï¬n At MIG the farmers parents Mr and Mr and Mrs itoba guns to the fairat Boissevain seems to enjoy it ed buggy The cow has beenltralnedto work between Mr no Mir Norman iobdflnd Buddy ol Grind Rapids Man with cow pulling his plddashinnv the shafts and CP more WYEBRIDGE Few Days vim Mr and Mrs Aberdeen Blair and children Virginiatoyvn spent few days with Mr andMrs hope is for even ment nest years om cant Miss Rosemary Ralkes leaveson Aug for the Girl Guide Pilot Camp atDoe Lake where she will spend two weeks Short Visit Mr Mrs Shelliday of Toronto spent few days with HarryMartin recently Celebrate Birthday VI feeriends gathered at the home of George Simpson on Sat urday evening July 28 to celei hrate the hrithday of Rev Richards former rector ofSt Thomas Angllcon Church Shanty Bay The Richards family is spending few days of vacation in Shanty Bay wonderful time was had by all and the guests were pleased to ave this oppor tunity to chat an renew old aclt quaintancd with the Richards Diane Richards was unfortunately merit since she has summer job I193 Hun greater fulfill Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs William Morison son Mon day July 80 were Mr and Mrs Brownlee Paris Ontario Mr and Mrs Herb Murphy and Will iam Stokes of Alliston visited at the Murisondlome on Sunï¬y July 29 Lynda and Wayne Mur phy wereyvery pleasedto have this opportunity of entertaining their grandparentsfrom Allistnn Again In Hospital Weare all very sorry to hear that Harry Winters is once again in Royal Victoria Hospital liar rie We hope heis feeling much hettenby now monnow Sparrows on Wear you no ï¬g TODAY Hmoldlliilhliun sim ureor cameos Life Plans and Annuities 24 omensrow sr William Charles and and Mrs Ken Hounsome italpn BIWIX visited with hist words cousins at Vusey duringthe week Ball Ga On Tuesday evening the junior ball team played gameat the treatedto hotdogs supplied by Clarence Leonard Ti MRohert sonmnd sum Withers and serve ed=byth gt Recentiy Mariled Congratulations to dohn Fagan and Carol Leonard whowere mar ried on Saturday July 28 in the Church of the Good Shepherd by Rev Fralick The reception The Guild catered Motor Trip gt on Thursday Mr and Mrs An gus Rawnmotored toEmsdcle and Sequin Fails returning via Parry Sound Rod Rawn spent the day with grandparents Mr and flown in Barr Robins is visiting Kay Lambiein Midland this weclt Family lenic The Henry Reynolds family held picnic at Little Lake Recent Visitors Air nd Car andMtg slim Amriuofflorey vie itedwith Mr and Mrs recently and Mrs William Eakiey ted Mr and Mrs Ed Stacey at Streets vilie on Thursday Mrs Hounsome Miss Norm motored to Gait on the weekend to visit with Mr and MrsBill Hounsome and tom sunspot DECISIONS in advadce of need helpedmany oatt in on request Without bong tion iloyd Steckls Funeral Come today ie park After the game they were for about 100 guests washeid in the corrirnunity hail Mr and MrsArmour Re olds Hounsome and Gordon Sallows nmwnaamaer In ldapent few brother Welter From Toronto on holiday withllru hum Grlu of Toronto called op relatives andfrieads At BaasLake Camp Kennethvlronch Graham Drink ill Royce and Roger meieron are attending camp It Bass Lake Recent Visitor Mrs Clayton Bartley of Toronto in visiting withMr and MrsWili tam Coriett and VMr and Mrs William wood Conducted Funeral Service Rev Johnna Frallek conducted the funeral service in St John AngiiEan Church for the late Less tor Wood onMonday The com munity sympathizes ily injthgir lose nd Mrs Charles Wai ton of Tor nto Mr and Mrs Wal ter Bumstead of Midland Mrs Nelson Edwards and Laurence of Vasey Sunset Lodge Visit Mr and Mrs Eldon Reynolds and family andAnne French visi ted WtiliamBrittain at Sunset Lodge Athprleymon Thursdpyl In Arizona Mrs Ed Latanville is on couple of months visit to Tucson Arizona Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs ll Lacey and Peirl of BolsoverBcach visited the for Ames on Monday Home From that Wallace Wood la home from rnersmotherMru Lacey at Fred lakefshoreschb all there last week other points with thefsm days while st Waterman more Im new mam mu access 1956 To no reiatlvei simian and im Cullen and nonsm eouple at week th Nevmukct on Sunday land Lake Mr Ind Mn 0m ton andamiiy ot Lively Mrs Bertnm and family Toronto mad nuen it Midhurrt er French and flatly vialtedltrmand Mrs Warren French at Guelph ofllflaV1flt Dennis Brown spent maple of vanilla Orillia visiting withrol olives hero Mr and Mrs Rants and Clarence Kaais Toronto Mr 14nd and twins were Sunday visi tors with Rania Sr Mn Van Act and children Toro tovielt Mn Kenry Kania ctr motprmp with an agri cui your Minimum Madam Detroit and other pia as of interest Recent Visitors 11th visitors with Mr and Multimeter Rlchardson includ ed the iatterflparcnts Mr and MrsJLawson Sudbury Mr ad m$ioo WEEK AND MORE Becomes wholtualerln your area Make huge repeat profits distributing products made by Du Punt Echo Walt Disney Toys etc full or parttimeWe turh oyer Iiuerative established retail store accounts to selected person with car and $995 Forfull details write TRlPAI SALES llDv 41 Elm Toronto Oat 0n Motor Trip Richardson and Ross are erfloylng motor trip to letar borough Ottawa Sudbury and lnft ODiTrip Eorhart Carson eft on tri to thorWest early Sunday Visiting mam Mr and Mrs Irving Carson vlsl Science Shrinks Piles NewWay Without Surgery habitsling some 11am Both on speed flagnine haw ingeb ituy nmrmnaï¬iï¬id Ind to relieve pain Thousands have been relievedlrwithout tenortin surgery Wm°féimi° ailm evmg all on MKQtoolt ptï¬oe Most main of ailresults you the glut Meters made ton ntetunantslika Plleo have ceased to be probleml The mat is onewhealing cub ltanco BioDynodieeovety famous scientiï¬c instith Newfyoopan getthie new hallo eubetaacei tn lntmmt form on 135 it at drug errands guaranteed or money refit BRISTOW PLUMBINGHEATING scoot 8401mm 51 Win View PA 8377O wmmrr we W5 mu 2SAILEvoif Buildlng Materials= ms DWELLING AT QF COLLIER POYNTZ STS OEicctrie Fixtures Radiators Drink noon Shedthing Joists dStuds SetLanndry Tubs liurnhlng Fixtures Slate Roofing Shingles TerraCotteltoofOrnoments Thrco nonunion Fireplace me move Man télsIaee9ezv9fl gt Window Sash and Frames litlobe hio Delivery EMrlzr shoinrcniNé of CONTRACTING C0=L1D hiem them really this sunloving on the open road ur aievrolet dealer is proud to 11 kids or cargosturdy vinyl interiors givr gt srxlish sem whatever lite chore Functional fashionable and tunIovmgIChcvroiel station wagon is the perfect answer to many fomilyl needs Yours Come investigate in all liasz turn when you appllt the sluanlnpllhemlet canvï¬llllol Can Chevys newmp speedime styling is at its elegant hes in ic Chevrolet livelian out most luxun us smoothesailk ioy EVEN your equip your car with he costs tomato sports cari And but means ï¬rm stw ng suvenessof controlSlip the Co eues motortable ts nudge the Ihmttle