All CADET WARRANT OFF nrd Currie of Smiths Falls left and Thomas MacDonald Ottawa of the ICERS Rich To Barrie This Weekend Pick Of Canadas Air0atlets In Summercourseszflt Borden Thls summer youthful airmen wearing colored flashes in their capslare the source of no and on Saturdays in Barrie little curiosityin Camp Borden base are the cream of Canadas more than 400 Air Cadet Squadrons selected by the RCAF from nominations submitted by the respective cadet corps all across Canada for sevenweek summer training course lOnehundred cadets all warrant officers in their home squadrons are enrolled in the Senior Leaders Course and $00 in the Drill Instructors Leadership Emphasis The former group constitute what has becntcrmcd Junior StaffCollcgc with emph is on leadership and instructional tech niques while the latterconcen trate on perfection and drill al though both groups gmust rank high in drill proficiency Sports and physical fitness current af lfairs and character guidance are among the topics which come in for attention by the whole group during each weeks round of activ ity While work is the chief order of the day the course planning hasmore than compensated for this with the inclusion of many side trips and extracurricular ac tivi es The highlight to date has con camping expedition when entire group of 200 cadets spent four days under canvas on thelower tip of Beausoleil island 0n the weekends there have been trips by RCAF bus to Niagara Falls and Saturday shopping trips to Barrie The whole group hava travelled to Oakville to tour the Ford plant there while the drill instructors have taken in some night games at Toronto Maple Leaf Stadium swimming in Bardia Pool offers popular diversion US Civil Air Patrol On July 26 the training courses were vi ted by 25 members of the Air Patrol theAmeri unterpart of the Royal Cam adian Air Cadetorganization re sulting in pleasa fraternizotion and profitable exchange of ideas Charles McMartin of Barrie chairman of the area committee the Air Cadet League who has lanned social outings for some the cadets this year as he did ast year This coming Sunday and again week later 80 cadets will come to Barrie for round activity in hich they will be joined by roupof Barrie teenage girls As embllng at the McMartin home they will proceed to the Shanty Bayestate ot Mrs BHolden to and swim From there the arty moves to Midhurst Park for supper then back to the McMsrtin home for social bourbeforethe rctumSto Horde Gary Windove Altman 17 bothofOrillia each eceived suspended sentence of On Wednesday Mansl 1iiied$100sahtl$5 sis we months and was disqua rlvlpg for three yeprs Pl 16and mi masstrotes court chsrge of ourse Graduation Aug 16 The course culminates oh the graduation ceremnhy to which parents and guests of the cadets are invited it will feature full parade and inspection demonstra tionsof precision drill and presen tation of awards Before that time however much friendly rivalry will build up as the work proceeds Keenest com petition will centre around the qualifying for places on the pre cision drill squad which will com pete in the annual international compet faking place this year at the Minnedpolis State Fair in late August Graduation day will also see drill competition be tween squads representing Eastern and Western Canada Up to Aug each boy in the drill instructors course had wornpout two pairs of bootswithout complaint in pre paration for these events Represent All Provinces Every province in Canada is re presented in the courses by at leasttwo cadets this area being represented by no one closer than Dallas Kraus of Owen Sound and Wayne Baker of North Bay al though Paul Patterson who hails from Nova Scotia is nephew of Fred Pearson 10 McDonaldrStreet Barrie however has had more ihani ts share of representation in the much sought selections the local corps having sent Gerald Edge in 1953 Donald Martin in 1954 bothto Camp rden and last year Robert Elrick of Allis ton when thedrill instructors course was held in Abbotsford British Columbia All three of lï¬se participated in the inter national precision drill competi tion The special summer training plan originated only five years ago as single course for senior leaders the second course coming into existence asfla separate scheme three years later This is the first year the two courses gave operatedv atrthephe RCAF ase The courses which opened on July are under the command of SLW Lllynds of RCAF Station Camp Borden There is possibilitythat 10 of this years cadets will appear on tail Aug 15 Ron Keast Show on eas of Today The past week we oi for midsummer with 71 high and 47 low and 48 showed again early this morning Light rain fell on 31 in the evening Todayprontises sunny and warme iified Air Cadet summer trainingschool at Camp Borden board RCAF bus for sightseeing trip to Niagara Falls and in the after milifldla serv the customers Newmarket lawnmun In In Otlloo Donnnun mu CIVIc Holiday Neat Holiday Aug has been proclaimed Civic Holiday in Barrio No edition ol The Barrie Examiner will be pub lished Plant and offloe will be closed Ill day Regular triweekly mes will bero sound on Wednesday Ang Todays edition in No In in the 92nd year of publication The next holiday Monday will be Labor DI Sept and school starts next day For Civic Holiday there are various attractions in the dis trict Particular in Sports Briefs next page COGCh Terminal Open Ang Byrnc manager of Gray Coach Tcrmlnal Collier Street Barrie announced today that it was expected that the bus servi ces would be operating from the new terminal at the foot of Maple Avenue as from Friday Aug 31 Construction work on the ter minal has been delayed owing to the shortage of certain materials but it is hoped that the building will be ready for occupancy by the ve date when the move takes place the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion will take over the Collier Street building for their new headquarters Fiddlers At Shelburne Toke Elmvale Newmarket Dixons leaders in the regular league schedule final ly took their semifinal series by defeating Elmvale 43 at New market last night but they could magnum 16rwitlragalo wir Barb Watt Newmarket first baseman was the minute man for Dixons hitting threerun homer in the first and pulling off an un assisted double play in the third Jeanne Winters at third homered in the fifth for her teams other run and alsoyplayed smart game in the field Elmvale got off to flyingstnrt with two runs in the first helped by two Newmarket errors as the team appeared shaky beford their home fans The Comets threaten ed to tie the score in the eighth when Averillopened with sin gle working her way around on two infield outs to score But from there in pitcher Sarah Bars dcll was invincible GolfHeIps Rehabilitate Blind Persons Dr William axenham himself blinded in World War One told Barrie Rotarians of the impor nt part played by golf nrrehabi ta tiona He was speaking at the reg ular luncheon meeting atClub 79 yestcrday Emphasizing the great challenge faced by handicapped persons to regain independence and selfre spect Dr oxenhom recounte howhemameitheifirstiblin golfer in the world Today there are 40 blind golfers in Canada They have their own charter as sociation and play their own cham pionships While visiting en in Tun bridge Wells England Oxon hornuwas tempted to try his luck at golf and finished in par the first hole he ever played En couraged by this beginners luck he persevered witbthc llob ert Ripley who became smooth with his Believe It or Not ser ies iii press and radio to play is bibitioiiygolf inAinerica The first game was featured on acoastto coast broadcast whcb roused the interest of pther blind persons who the took up the game lcken Barbecue Monday The chicken barbecue organized bywthe Rotarlans has become popular featuge of Civic Holiday and this year they are planning to serve 1000 meals at St Vincent starting at5 Park next Mo the morning be busysetting up the ba they this as Simcoe CdUNTYS Televised NEWSeKPER atticExam Two SéctionsiM Pages inch BAlZRIE ObiTARlQ CANADA No Paper Edition Cl Band Giving The Chequered Flagvv Wilma unis BRINGS CLOSURE or arge Concert At ull lake Sunday Tbo Bnrrie District Collegiate Band will be giving its third big concert of the summer season on Sunday evening on thé barge It Gull Iiake Park in Gnvenburxt if will be third appearance the band the series of week ly summer concerts sponsored by the Gravcnhurst Music Society andChambcr of Commerce Eldon Lehman of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra who appear ed with the band in the 1058 Canadian Artists Series here this spring will be trumpet soloist Soprano soloist will be Miss Lilli Pctrleof Taronto and Huntsville who sang with the band at its first two concerLs this summer at Britannia Ledge and attbe recent summer prom concert in the arena The student musicians will en ioy picnic supper in the Mus koka town prior to the concert 10 GRAVE PIT FIRE Innisfi1 Fire Brigade bad run yesterday about pm when called by PC Carmen Doliery of the lnnislil police to fire which had started in the north west corner of the former township gravel pit in small undergrowth but did not spread too quickly toward Minets Point Road it was soon extinguished with the tank supply arm As JOAN FAIRFAX Old time fiddling fans are in for double treat at the Saturday Aug finals of the old time fldlt dling championship at Sholburne Not unlit will they have the cream ofNort American fiddlers put everything into the fight for the championship rtheyll also be hearing from the exciting young singing star of CBCTVs popular Denny VaughanShow Joan Fairfax This blonde miss with the rare combination of lovely voice looks and personality will be vocal starring on thebroadcast portion of the Aug proceedings at Shel bume CBC Dominion Radio Net work 930 to 10 EDT Mens Mciior Bowlers Loy Fall Plansv The Mens Major Eowling Léag ue haVLannounceLthatAeamrene tries are now being accepted for the 195657 season which will sin early in September secretary strabane Avenue Barrie Regis trationlorms are available from any of the executive and one sti pulation is thatithe entry fee of 10 must accompany the entry orm gt rspeciai registration meeting to bEVfOrWEIIdEd to the league will be held in the club room at Canadian General Electric on Aug 13 at 8111 This eting will be opento all men terested in bowling One of the important items for discussion will be the venuefor the leagiies activities thisyea this season Other small changes in rules and regulations arebelng deadline for team registrations has been set as Sept Entries Jack Silverthorn 81 now that Barrie will have more than nebowling alley suggestcdbytbe executive The test4 Warm Weather and sunshine was what wastmost needed by Simcoe County tobacco growers was £113 opinion of Vickery officer bacco substation after tour of the area yesterday in the even ing he was the principal speaker at fluecured tobacco growers twilight meeting held on the farm of Mackenzie Beattie Alliston Acknowledging the fact that some of the tobaccowasalready turning yellow matter of con cern to thegrowers he suggested that the probable causes were lack of nitrogen in the soil and the need for more buildup in the land The lack of nitrogen he felt might have been the aftermath of last summonwitths intense heat followed by sudden frost in September which baddestroyed quite portion of the cropTbis year growers might have decided to use lessJertilizet in tbehope of bringing the crop tognaturity filepends on Weather charge of theDelhiTo FRIDAY AUGUST 1955 lunec ¢WM can mum Audit ournu uolvamuu STAYNER SPEEDWAY Tbcshort history of the Stayner Speedway Canadas only big car track came to an end with tho filing of eight execution orders against the president Hugh Green at the sheriffs office To ronto early this week The announcement of the clos ure of the track came at the con clusion of meeting of 15 cred itors in Toronto attorneys of fice The creditors represented bills in excess of $40000 unpaid by the track it was reported that only about half the firmscrcd itors were represented at the meeting Unable to Pay At the last meeting at the track on July 21 gate receipts amount ed to about $8000 and the track was unable to pay the drivers prizes These were later paid the llSi Automobile Club sa tioning body of US car racing hiAndSunshine little earlier to avoid that of frost More Body In Tobacco Your tobacco today has more body than some we have in the Delhi area he said Maybe it is bitslato but we are all on the same level In replyto questions about the need for irrigation Mr Vickery was of the opinion that irrigation was not necessity yet in this area There had been consider able rainfall and irrigation should only be used to keep the crop going and not to grow it At IDelbi tobacco is wilting down and staying down undesir we have to lrrigateto keep it going Brown Spots 0n Leaf He noted that some leaves had brown spots but this wasnota disease but rather due to the moisture conditions He had seen some cases of tobacco mosaic and black rotdurlng his tour and there were signs that some crop and the club has tied suit for $8260 At this race meeting provincial authorities were present to collect for unpaid hospital tax outstand ing since the tracks first event on May 21 Five employees are pressing claims amounting to $7000for un paid back salaries Other Claims other claims include one for about $10000 from illest lliil construction company similar claim from Toronto engineering firm 300 from an Oshawa firm which constructed bleachers at the track and several smaller claims from various printing advertising and construction companies Launched in April The project was launched last April and scheme was outlined for the complete rebuilding of were suffering from potash de ficiency We know that the land in this area is deficient of potash First Twilight Meeting This was the first twilight CIVIc Ho Iday Postal Servnce Postmaster RKlgbt1ey advisesthat there will be no letter carrier delivery on Monday Aug Civic Holt day Rural route delivery will be normal Ono street letter collection will be made in the afternoon Wicket service is as follows Gencral delivery and stamp salesonly mm to 12 noon No money order or swings hank business will be conduct ed Lock boxlobby will be open from am to pm terdny the track at the old Edcnvale Air oort to make it suitable for big car racing in due course it was hoped to have accommodation for 60000 spectators and it was thought that by 1957 European cars might be competingagamst the Americans on this track Previously sports car races had been held on the track with great measure of success under the auspices of the British Empire Motor Club liugh Green president of Stayner Speedway was one of the founders of the Sports Motorcycle and Car Club Montreal in 1928 and has been prominent in inter national racing competition and promotion He was supported in this venture by Tony Holman president of lndianapolls Speeda way AAgaianian driver and promoter and Joe Quin Clarence ng1e and Al Bloemaker from indianapolis Flag Half Mast For Boat Victims The Colllngwood townhall flag is at half mast and will stay that way town officials say until the bay yields the lastthreo victinfs of boating accident Eight persons were lost when two sail boats disappeared dur ing storm July 22 The boats were later zfoundione uprigbt sails unfurled onthe bottom of thcdbayand five bodies recov ere DQUSE MOTORCYCLE Barrie Fire Brigade were caiied to motorcycle on the outside the Wellington Hotel at noon yes Tho engine fire was quickly put out and no major damage resulted meeting held by the growers and sponsored by the South Simcoe Branch of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture Some 45 growers from the area had the opportunity of examining dem onstration plot and comparing the growth of Seventypesvof t0lt bacon and seeing the effect of various applications of fertilizer The plot was commented on by Present provincial tobacco lieidmanl Folloï¬ng this the growers went to the packing barnon the form whereathey heard an ad dress byML Watson on the latest developments in kllnnnd ventilator construction followed by Mr Vickerys summary of the tobacco situation in the County Frank Stone asociate icultural representiitlve for Sou was the chairman of the meetings RESIDENILFIFTLYV YEARS Now AVCANADIAN cIfIzisN Simcoe